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Ampzilla history x factor

Over 10 years of research and development have led to the finest Tripath implementation out there. Sometimes the simple solution is the best: The Mini-1 is an amazing single input stereo HI-FI audio amplifier, designed to sound honest and pure. We've spent many years perfecting the circuitry, improving the bass response and lowering the overall distortion by using only the finest components. There is something very valve-like about the Tripath sound. Some say it's a true giant killer.


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Inputoutput And Imaging Technologies II

Log in Registration. This month Dana Craig re-evaluates and extends the tabulation, this time for different headroom reference powers. Craig also offers additional insight into evaluating the dB-purchasing power of our audiophile dollars through a supplementary analysis.

The BAS has now ranked, in one form or another, preamplifiers and power amplifiers. Can tuners or loudspeakers be so listed? As for tuners, we're going to try in the near future. And to further help bring order from chaos, member John Gombos' publication describes a filing system for audiophile articles.

It requires some effort, but using it, Gombos can locate, with the flick of a few index cards, references to all the information he has read on any listed subject. The next time you are gathering data on Ampzilla versus the Dyna , you will wish you were so well organized. Then getting to the type of article we audiophiles crave with mindless passion, Michael Riggs offers a delightful review of the KMAL tonearm, along with a parade of cueing devices that makes us wish simply for steadier fingers.

Dues include a one-year subscription to the BAS Speaker. Note that almost the full amount of dues is allocated to production of the Speaker. The local activities of the BAS are strictly self-supporting. The BAS Speaker For Sale When you send in want ads, please indicate whether we should include your address as well as your telephone number.

Prices do not include shipping and are negotiable. Thompson, Warren Ave. Ken, , evenings or weekends. Charles Philips, North Carolina. Bob Graham, , or P. Box 7. Robert Hiatt, Oregon after 5 p. Dana Craig, , evenings. Rene Jaeger, days or P. Dollars for your dead beast; price will vary with condition. Dicker with Joel Cohen, days or P. This disc offers splendid treble detail with a minimum of harshness, wide dynamic range, reasonably low background hiss, and good reverberation.

The disc has received rave reviews for its aesthetic musical value, but thus far only passing mention of its sonic qualities. I can offer little further to the musical criticisms, but I do note that Kleiber offers a reading not so sophisticatedly fast as Toscanini nor as slow as the schmaltzy Stokowski rendering. Spurred by an article in The Absolute Sound , Vol. A portion of the reply is as follows: "To the best of our knowledge the JC-1 does not oscillate at low audio frequencies under any circumstances.

The battery voltage cutoff point we use is 1. Below that point the JC-1 distortion will begin to increase noticeably. One word about battery type; we recommend that alkaline batteries.

Some less consistent batteries have been known, because of their rapid deterioration, to compromise the sound of the JC-1 more quickly than the alkaline type. Congress that would require manufacturers to install RF rejection devices in their products.

This would seem to be the only means of coming close to eliminating interference for those who cannot themselves delve, with bypass capacitors and soldering iron in hand, into their faulty equipment.

Although some measures short of such an operation can be effective in reducing RFI bypass the leads of your speakers, at both the amplifier and at the loudspeaker, with 0.

It must be noted that if you are experiencing RFI, it is quite possibly caused by a Citizens Band operator and not a Ham, especially if the trouble has recently arisen. Every 2 to 3 months or so, more CB licenses are given out than there are Hams altogether in the country, and these operators tend to be less skilled in removing RFI than the much more technically trained Hams.

A new packet of information is now available from the ARRL on the problem, and some of it is of interest to the audiophile. The most useful portion of the packet is a listing of about 50 manufacturers and distributors giving the type of service that they provide a customer with an RFI problem. He must, however, be rather certain that the problem is with the unit in question and not with one of the above mentioned sources of RF pickup i.

A sample from these pages is given below: Kenwood Electronics, Inc. It is suggested that prior authorization for the return be obtained Corrective action is provided at no cost to the customer.

We will do any modification possible to eliminate the RFI. Note also that, with the bill hanging over their heads, many manufacturers will be bending over backwards to be helpful. They would rather be able to show Congress that they are solving all of the complaints for free, and that no law is required, than fall into another FTC-type ruling.

House of Representatives, Washington, D. Otherwise, if you do have an RFI problem, write to the manufacturer. Chances are steadily improving — Harry Zwicker Massachusetts that he will be helpful.

Recently the voice coil of a year-old TA midrange driver opened. Alas, it was lost in transit. EV scoured its shelves and promptly sent me another of this long deleted speaker. A year-old EV crossover network has also failed. The company has promised to repair it for no more than a nominal fee, if not for free. This kind of service on units so long out of warranty is, I think, remarkable. Even more so is the first letter I received regarding the TA: EV regretted having to charge anything for the rebuilding job, but they stated that the recent surge of superpowered amplifiers has forced a change of repair policy.

Wolf Texas Cable Capacitance To supplement the cable capacitance data recently published in the Speaker , I would like to contribute the following. Each cable of the pair measures 61 pF, or about By contrast, the inch Switchcraft jumper cable no.

The average capacitance per foot of the Switchcraft cable is thus almost three times as large, at From a quality standpoint, the Calrad product seems pretty good, although I would prefer more robust phono plugs. I am sure that most people are familiar with Switchcraft, which is always very good mechanically and electrically. A normally off device, it must be biased into linear operation. Delivery: on the shelf.

They do not represent any particular individual's hearing at any age, although many individuals probably have sensitivity curves fairly close to the average. Of those whose hearing is notably different from the average, there are probably some whose curves would be more nearly linear in comparing different sound levels [the correct definition of linear—Ed.

Assume that two such individuals have equivalent discrimination based on experience as performing musicians, as spectators attending live concerts, and in listening to a variety of source material and equipment.

Which will hear the most differences due solely to changes in playback levels , and which the least? Does this mean that the self-appointed golden ears among us, who hear differences that elude others, may actually have poorer [unusually phon-nonlinear—Ed. And conversely, do those who claim to hear few differences among good equipment have better than average hearing?

This will indeed be the case if we believe that many apparent differences are caused simply by changes in A-B playback level.

The tin ears will claim to be golden, and the true golden ones will be considered by others to be tin. Hopefully reviewers will be careful to avoid these playback level effects, and their judgments will reflect accurately the actual differences in equipment or source material, or their ability to discriminate, but many an A-B comparison has gone astray when such care was not taken. Now suppose that the same source material is used for two tests, one by the "tin"- and one by the "golden"-eared audiophile.

Suppose that the same listening room is used and that both testers sit at the same location and thus are subject to the same effects from reflections, reverberations, and standing waves. If, from differences in personal preference, the two parties use different volume control settings, this can be a source of differences in their hearing characteristics. Both listeners may believe they hear objective differences which actually are totally subjective.

And even if the same playback level is used, but if that level is not exactly appropriate i. Whose opinion are those of us with "average" hearing to believe? Should all audiophiles have a good set of audiometer tests, and should the reviewers be persuaded to have similar tests and publish the results?

Meanwhile, work on your discrimination. When going to live performances, take your sound level or survey meter along with a copy of the score and make notes.

The recording you play of the same music may be of a different group in a different hall and from a different acoustic perspective, but you may be able to more closely approximately a suitable playback level after taking this effort. Better still, do some live recording, and do it in the same room used for playback. Sprague New Jersey 5 Stereo Woodworking Depending upon how you feel about woodworking, one of the greater or lesser pleasures of owning stereo equipment is finishing wood component cabinets.

Traditionally, I have always oiled and then waxed my cabinets to achieve a smooth surface and rich color—but sometimes it takes forever to get enough wax on to do the job.

I have recently discovered a wood preparation that speeds up the job tremendously. It is called "Watco Danish Oil Finish," and curiously enough the can label claims that it is ideal for "stereo cabinets. The Watco oil pours from the can as a thin oil, which is applied directly to the wood. After an hour it thickens to the consistency of heavy motor oil, at which time one wipes off the excess. It simultaneously stains slightly , oils, and fills the wood.

Let it dry overnight and you're set to wax. The number of wax coats required is reduced to well below the threshold of pain. One cautionary note: like any liquid applied to wood, Watco oil will cause it to swell.

Normally the swelling will disappear when the oil dries, but not always—so apply it sparingly near joints or where the wood or veneer surface is broken, such as along the rear edge of most cabinets. One such Fane tweeter was used in the Bowers and Wilkins model P2 monitor loudspeaker produced in the 's. It suffered somewhat from limited high-frequency power-handling capacity.

A Subjective Review of the Parasound A21 and A52+ Amplifiers

This amp is shipped with your choice of hand-selected and tested premium quality EL34 or KT66 output tubes from Russia. In addition it will come with N. Voltage regulation tubes, OA3 and hand selected N. Russian 6N1P-EV input tubes. This factory tube compliment is ideal for your evaluation and even though you can "roll" different tubes through it, you certainly won't feel like you need to! You will be able to select which tubes you want from within the shopping cart. In the range of human hearing it is accurate to within 0.

But to my ears, Carver had merely managed to reduce the damping factor of his amp; and products go down in history as classics or are forgotten.

the bas speaker - Boston Audio Society

Submit your questions to Richard Vandersteen, and learn from The Man himself everything you always wanted to know about Vandersteen products! Richard will review the questions, pick those with the widest interest and post the questions and answers below. Please include your first name in your question so that you can find it on the page. Qs and As may be sorted by topic in the drop down selector. Questions and especially service issues that require immediate assistance or do not get answered here should be directed to your Vandersteen dealer or to technical support at Vandersteen Audio at Also please note that Richard and only Richard answers these questions. When he is traveling this feature will not be tended until he returns. Richard, I've seen a lot of discussion about coupling vs decoupling, a lot of people suggest decoupling speakers especially on wood suspended floors like I have also carpeted with cement board. Would it be advisable to use a flexible puck or something under or instead of cones with my 5 A's in that instance? In Richards ears I trust.

Archive through February 07, 2016

ampzilla history x factor

I was so impressed by the amplifier that I made the decision to write what was called Part I of this three-part review. The Pass Labs XA To be honest though, only four of them ever made me think they might be as good as my beloved Wavac ECB. Of the three transistor amps, the First Watt SIT-1 sounded the most like the Wavac ECB and I would be the first to admit that if I were buying them new I could not justify spending three times as much for amps that sounded so much alike.

Log in Registration. This month Dana Craig re-evaluates and extends the tabulation, this time for different headroom reference powers.

Ask Richard

Jan Vigne. Steve B. Bill D. They sound great. Can anyone give me some history of the company and the sspeaker line?

Great Speakers of Yesterday

Through a tube amp :- Best to all Johann. While the Monitor Jr speakers are not even close to today's high end standards, I am still using them in a low end system that my three year old son uses to play CDs. Dutchtr wrote:. Here is my list:. KLH electrostatic model 9? I remember as being head-and-shoulders above eveything else of its time in the things that matter most to me.

Summit X. • Magnepan Super MMG System The loudspeaker's appearance is also a factor The Absolute Sound's Illustrated History of High-End Audio.


This page was last updated on 19 July Construction of a 20W class-A amplifier. General design. Jean Hiraga.

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Forum Rules. There is no "imaging" with a single sub, because by definition, that's mono. Welcome to the AudioShark Forums. What's New? Page 4 of 4 First 1 2 3 4 Jump to page: Results to of Thread Tools Show Printable Version. November 27, , PM

Between the the gradual export of the manufacturing duties to Martubeni aka Benytone , who also made quite a lot for Carver btw , SAE came up with big powerhouses that looked like what the new decade could be : flashy bright, black and red. The 01 amplifiers boast high current capability through beefy power supplies and an increased number of output transistors , balanced circuit design through multiplication of amp circuits : one for the positive phase, one for the negative phase and " natural damping " which avoids dealing with the NFB loop to remain independent from level and frequency. Also in the A is 14gauge output board wiring, a big toroidal transformer, 24 output transistors per channel!

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