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300b triode yarn

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We test your order before shipment for world class performance and the best tone possible! Later developments in diode tube technology led to the refinement of the electron emitter: instead of using the filament directly as the emissive element, another metal strip called the cathode could be heated by the filament.

This refinement was necessary in order to avoid some undesired effects of an incandescent filament as an electron emitter. First, a filament experiences a voltage drop along its length, as current overcomes the resistance of the filament material and dissipates heat energy.

This meant that the voltage potential between different points along the length of the filament wire and other elements in the tube would not be constant. The cathode was a thin metal cylinder fitting snugly over the twisted wire of the filament. The cathode cylinder would be heated by the filament wire enough to freely emit electrons, without the undesirable side effects of actually carrying the heating current as the filament wire had to.

The tube symbol for a triode with an indirectly-heated cathode looks like this: Since the filament is necessary for all but a few types of vacuum tubes, it is often omitted in the symbol for simplicity, or it may be included in the drawing but with no power connections drawn to it: A simple triode circuit is shown to illustrate its basic operation as an amplifier: The low-voltage AC signal connected between the grid and cathode alternately suppresses, then enhances the electron flow between cathode and plate.

This causes a change in voltage on the output of the circuit between plate and cathode. That is, triode current does not necessarily respond in a direct, proportional manner to the voltages applied. In this particular amplifier circuit, the nonlinearities are compounded, as plate voltage with respect to cathode changes along with the grid voltage also with respect to cathode as plate current is throttled by the tube.

In other words, the quirkiness of the triode tube and the dynamics of this particular circuit will distort the wave shape. If we really wanted to get complex about how we stated this, we could say that the tube introduces harmonics by failing to exactly reproduce the input waveform. Another problem with triode behavior is that of stray capacitance. Remember that any time we have two conductive surfaces separated by an insulating medium, a capacitor will be formed. Any voltage between those two conductive surfaces will generate an electric field within that insulating region, potentially storing energy and introducing reactance into a circuit.

Such is the case with the triode, most problematically between the grid and the plate. It is as if there were tiny capacitors connected between the pairs of elements in the tube: Now, this stray capacitance is quite small, and the reactive impedances usually high. Usually, that is, unless radio frequencies are being dealt with.

Another refinement in tube technology was necessary to overcome the limitations of the triode. What is the fundamental criterion for stability? Charles R. Analog Laboratory using National Institute of Standards registered gear.

Partial listing — more to come….. NOTE: Because of the depth of the inventory, this is a partial stock list. Please call for current pricing and availability. Call Andy But don't expect good results from your equipment! Free Tube Upgrade Phone Consultations! Speak directly with the expert.

Celebrating 34 years of technical knowledge, experience, expertise, and tubes you can trust. Call me. Andy However, they also earn the nickname 'flea-watt amplifiers' because their total power output is anywhere from two to eight watts. To get the magic from an SET amp, you have to mate it with a very high-efficiency speaker, at least around 95 dB or higher--and the speaker can't have any nasty low-impedance curves in its design.

Readers were requesting that I review several types of SET amplifiers using different triode tubes to see how well this breed of amplifier would team up with the Double Impact speaker, which has a It seemed like a perfect pairing of an ancient technology with a brand new one. Historically, only two types of speaker designs paired well with SET amplifiers. The first was the high-efficiency horn-loaded speaker, which could sound quite exciting because of its speed and macrodynamics.

However, I find that horn-loaded speakers have two serious downfalls. No matter what type of amplifier you use, after a short period of time, these speakers can sound quite edgy and produce listening fatigue.

Also, they produce a 'horn coloration,' like the music is coming out of a megaphone. The other speaker design that's often teamed with an SET amp is the single-driver speaker that's close to dB efficient, has no crossover, and has very easy impedance curves. These single-driver designs produce a beautiful midrange; however, they are sometimes rolled off in the high frequencies and really can't produce very low bass frequencies in modest listening environments.

When it comes to more traditional speaker designs, there really hasn't been a highly efficient, full-range 20 Hz to 30 kHz , multi-driver four-way design that would work properly with an SET amplifier in the history of high-end audio, which makes the use of SET amplifiers very limited and compromised. That is, until the Tekton Double Impact arrived on the scene. But let's back up for a moment. Just what is an SET amplifier?

This is technically referred to as a crossover distortion, which ironically doesn't have anything to do with actual speaker crossovers. The perceived high sonic quality is mainly attributed to the simplicity and minimalist approach of the circuits involved, as well as the triode vacuum tubes that are typically used. One SET aficionado describes it as 'a Zen simplicity to reproduce the complexity of music.

Less is more. The most popular SET amplifiers use three types of triode tubes: the 45, which produces around two watts per channel; the 2A3, which produces around five watts; and the b, which produces around eight watts. In , an American engineer, Lee De Forest, invented the prototype triode tube. Even though the 45 and 2A3 were manufactured back in the s and '40s, many NOS new old stock tubes are around because so many were produced for all types of devices, including radios.

The b tube, meanwhile, was invented and manufactured by Western Electric for its movie theater amplifiers in the s and '40s. The original tubes are now very rare and can cost thousands of dollars for a matched pair. Luckily, there are current b tubes being manufactured that are quite good and relatively inexpensive. One of the SET amplifiers I auditioned for this piece is built by Sophia Electric, which is famous for its different b tubes. In my tube collection, I have both the Royal Princess and Mesh Plate b tubes, which are wonderful in their musical performance.

If triode tubes are set up correctly regarding plate voltage and biasing they can have a long life up to 10, hours. To choose which SET amps to pair with the Tekton speakers, I researched the various companies that design and build SET amplifiers and narrowed it down to three manufacturers that stood out from the rest.

Two of these companies I already have experienced with: Canary Audio and Sophia Electric, both of which are American-based. The third manufacturer was a new one for me: Triode Lab, from Ontario, Canada. Each amplifier is self-biasing, so you just plug in the tubes carefully and are ready to start listening. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes for these SET amplifiers to fully warm up to sound their best.

As I mentioned, the Double Impact speaker has an efficiency of Here's some salient information about volume levels: a speaker that is dB efficient will produce dB volume levels on peaks with four watts; with eight watts, it will produce dB levels on peaks.

It's a single-chassis stereo amplifier that uses 2A3 power tubes and is tube rectified 5R4 tube , and the driver tubes are a pair of 6SN7s. This amplifier ships with very good NOS tubes and has the classic 'battleship' look, with the tubes spread across the top plate and the transformers located behind them. The 2A3 tube is, without a doubt, the most intimate and colorful of the three SET amplifiers in my survey, with the most liquidity and 'meat on the bones' imaging.

If you mainly listen to and love acoustic jazz, classical music quartets, and opera, you would want to listen to the 2A3-MK2 all day long. The price includes a pair of 6SN7 driver tubes and the 5U4G rectifier tube; however, you must provide your own pair of b tubes. I used Sophia Electric's wonderful-sounding Mesh Plate in my auditioning process.

My demo pair came in black and was quite handsome in its appearance. Of the three SET amplifiers I evaluated, the M mono blocks had the greatest purity of tonality and timbres--that silky, grainless ease of an SET design--but added powerful macrodynamics, pressurizing my listening room in a way that you'd think could only be done by a watt amplifier.

This did not come at the expense of musicality or a natural presentation. When the recording venue had a very large space and was big on macrodynamics, the Ms gave me the total experience in a powerful way. The M mono blocks can do justice to any type of music. My demo pair was clad in a black matte color with very impressive gold-colored Sophia Electric badges on the front.

Sophia Electric has just come out with a new b tube called the Classic, as well as a special rectifier tube called the Aqua B that was built to drive the Classic b tubes to their maximum potential. With these tubes in place, the mono blocks delivered a great midrange filled with lifelike colors and timbres of the different instruments, 3D imaging with air around each individual player, a sweet extended treble, and very accurate bass extension.

My experience of this pair of b-based mono blocks was that it was somewhat musically in the middle between the warmth and intimacy of the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier and the ball-busting power of the Canary Audio M b mono blocks. All three of these SET amplifiers produced gorgeously dense tonality and timbres with all instruments and voices, as well as stunning realism and immediacy with vocals.

Additionally, all the amplifiers had sweet and airy treble, with decays that were crystal clear, and they rendered all images with 3D density and solidarity. Lastly, each amp gave the impression that anything between you and the music was stripped away, creating a sense of purity that allowed the music to effortlessly float into the room. Which one is right for the proud owner of a new pair of highly efficient speakers?

It's hard to pick because each option has so much to love. Perhaps price drives the decision. Either way, I don't see a way to lose. The SET amplifier is certainly not the best choice for every audiophile, in that some will want that 'there's no replacement for displacement' style of high-output amp.

But it's exciting to see how today's super-efficient speakers potentially could introduce a whole new audience to the enticing sounds of the Single Ended Triode. They are truly magical to listen to. Mar 11Mr. Spielberg, Respectfully, I think you are wrong in trying to keep Netflix and other streaming services out of consideration Public relations Feb 25How to Avoid Seven Common Home Theater Mistakes So, you're looking to finally set up a great home theater system in your home and have a pretty good Luxury Publishing Group Inc.

Other types such as duo triodes and tubes in which A triode is teamed with a diode, a triode with different characteristics, a tetrode, or a pentode, are listed in other tables.

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