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Framus amps and amps

Discussion in ' Amp-a-ridifiers ' started by Strato67 , Apr 17, Log in or Sign up. Squier-Talk Forum. Vintage Framus Amps?


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Is the Framus Cobra still relevant in 2020?

Any issues with Framus amps?

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New posts. Search forums. Log in. Change style. Contact us. Close Menu. Click Here. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Any issues with Framus amps? Thread starter starvingartist Start date Jul 12, Messages There seem to be some old internet rumblings related to build quality. Any truth to that? Would you be wary buying a used one in good condition? Messages 13, I bought a Ruby Riot from C Verheyen. Been going great for years.

Bentayuk Senior Member. Messages 4, I've had 2 Cobra's over the years. Great amps, with a big learning curve on dialing them in. Never had any issues in quality. Would love to play a Dragon. Wow, cool amp story. How do you like it? You must log in or register to reply here. Trending Topics. Guitars in General. Your go-to guitar…. Started by jlectka Wednesday at PM Replies: DS-1 - was it always like this??? Started by metrokosmiko Today at PM Replies: Top Bottom.


A pro-level gigging combo with great cleans and varied rock tones. Like its predecessor, this German-made all-valve 2x12 owes a significant debt to that paragon of British amp design, the Vox AC The combination of a quartet of EL84s in a Class A configuration with Celestion speakers, a tremolo circuit and chicken head knobs paints a very 'vintage British' picture. While these are more than superficial similarities, Framus is actually offering a contemporary update of the AC30 vibe, aiming to add players of the classic and harder rock persuasion to the blues and '60s-oriented guitarists whose attention would already be piqued. The channels are footswitchable, but due to a sole instrument input, not 'jumpable' as they are on the Blackstar, for example. Both effects can be controlled via a footswitch, but this isn't included in the price. The mix-and-match speakers - a Celestion Vintage 30 and a G Greenback - are a nod to the venerated Matchless DC, the first combo to mix Celestions.

Im starting to think im the only person who has this amp the CS (or ruby top)??? im just curious as i dont know anyone who has.

Framus dragon manual

Framus - known all over the world - Guitars at bmusic. This was the slogan th at the German musical instrument factory made popular through its advertising campaign in. Rolling Stones helped to make Framus a world renown trade mark. After its demise in the l at e s Framus virtu all y. In just over a decade since the re-l au nch of the brand it has grown to a position of strength. Un com promising Boutique amplific at ion without the boutique price tag. Hand crafted in Germany the se amps unify the. From the wildly successful.

Framus Amps Consumer Price List & Guide Book August 2008

framus amps and amps

By deadagain , August 26, in Amps. Remember that sound your girlfriend was making when you walked in and I had just sunk to my balls in her gaping ass, it's kinda like that. My honest opinion - The amp sounds great. Really great. Great high gain metal tone s.

Framus is a German string instrument manufacturing company, that existed from until going bankrupt in

Vintage Framus Amps?

Available in Polyester or Synthetic Leather. Manufacture and shipping within business days. The cover will be made for you in the selected material and color after purchase. Check your model before purchase, the item is excluded from return. All Viktory amplifiers covers have cut-outs for access to handles, made for transportation of the equipment, except where there are special notes that cut-out is not presented.

Framus Ruby Riot II review

Discussion in ' Member Classifieds ' started by diesect , Dec 19, Log in or Sign up. Marshall Amp Forum. Here is a friendly bump for my man Pauly. And Merry Xmas man!!

Get the guaranteed lowest prices on Framus Combo Guitar Amplifiers instruments at Musician's Friend.

Framus Ruby Riot 2 + Analogman KOT pedal

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Does a Cobra have a bias switch on it to change from 6l6 to el34? If not, your not going to able to do it without an amp tech.

After its demise in the late s Framus virtually disappeared. In just over a decade since the re-launch of the brand it has grown to a position of strength in the market. Uncompromising Boutique amplification without the boutique price tag. Hand crafted in Germany these amps unify the finest components and are handwired by amp builders who have truly mastered their craft. From the wildly successful classic, the Ruby Riot, to the 3 Channel Cobra, Framus offers a range of amplifiers of superior quality already favoured by some of the worlds greatest players.

Table of contents. Best Overall - Fender Acoustasonic But despite it's low power, amps in this price range rarely sound as good as the Blackstar Fly3 Acoustic Guitar Amplifier. You'd think that clean tones are pretty easy to pull off, but that isn't always the case - especially when Another watt route you can go, this time at the higher end of our dollar budget would be the Vox Pathfinder Combo amp.

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