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Kt170 tube app

LOG IN. A pair of these badboys can put out watts. Price isn't too shocking, comparing it to the KT PL owners, Buy them and report back. Edit Delete. My amps use KT's


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Black Ice Audio

LOG IN. A pair of these badboys can put out watts. Price isn't too shocking, comparing it to the KT PL owners, Buy them and report back. Edit Delete. My amps use KT's Problem is they are so wide that I doubt I can fit them in the space allotted to the tubes on my amps I've tried the KT's and like them. Interested to hear some reviews on these.

Anyone know the dimensions of the vs ? Perhaps the KT turned up a notch in all areas? I'm super happy with my Ayon KT amp. But it's tantalizing to think about trying this new Doesn't look much more expensive than the ! Interesting, but would any current amps be able to work properly with a KT?

I wonder how many people stick with KT88 or or EL34 for the sound over these higher power variants. I haven't confirmed yet, but I'm thinking the upper level line of Prima Luna will accommodate these new bottles, as they do for the KT Same thing happened with the s when they first came out and over time Tingsol fix them right up.

Our recommendation definitely stay with the s. So, maybe eventually they'll relent. I'm going to wait until early adopters report their experience. I'm highly interested in the 's for my PL Evo Please give us some feedback as soon as these are purchased.

Call them to get an answer. Any updates? I have a pair of newer Quicksilver V4 monos designed for the KT and need data sheets on these to see if I can use them. Before you order a set, just be ware the KT bottles are physically too big to fit in any PL amps, and many others. The amp will need to have especially wide socket spacing to allow the s to fit. A call to PL to confirm is in order. I did contact PL a month ago asking about the s. Response from PL was no dice. Good job, johnss.

I have a Jolida A tube amplifier. The KT is a physically larger tube, not much room between tubes. They remind of me of a B tube. As to the sound, there is more of everything there, except noise. I find myself not using as much volume as I used to, there is deeper and more natural bass, a wider soundstage and a little cleaner in the highs.

I have had them for about 4 months and no problems with the tubes. I am happy with them. Prior to buying them, I would contact the manufacture of the amp to see if the amp can handle the tubes. I hope this helps some of you. I've had them for about hours now in a primaluna evo power amp. Not much increase in power PL is a little to gentle on them, I think they might like to be driven a bit harder but a discernable increae in control of the speakers dhalquest dq's are behaving very nicely.

Best way to describe them is as a GL kt on steroids. Not the ones that make you grow hair, the ones that make you all sexy and stuff. Or something. Just not hairy. It's very linear and tight with wonderful bass - very SS like in that regard but you won't mistake it for SS - at least not on my system but dayum, is it frigging nice.

Very nicely extended highs and a surprisingly pleasing midrange to boot. I really like it. According to johnss, he contacted PL and told they wont fit. This has my buy now finger twitching. They hit the xformers on any PL that uses 8 output tubes. They are : EDIT: total cost for the 's from viva tubes was 20 bucks less than 's from upscale.

Sure, it isn't much but thats 2 good grams of legal weed here. Tubes contacting the Xformer case seems like a concern. That's from the Facebook PL group, think someone measured and verified with upscale but it wasn't me. I have no way of actually verifying if it's true or not but it would be a major concern. All I can say for certain is that they work extremely well in an evo power amp. I have less than five hours on a quad of them. More lower mids, bass, live music feel.

Speakers are not efficient ones. Cuss words of joy. To me the lower volumes is where the fuller sound comes out. Loud is loud. But she stayed for a while asking to hear some of her favourites. I will contact them directly to get confirmation on what stickmon42 indicated.

Full stop Its just a mater of raising the rear tubes up about 2 -3 inches. The side to side dimensions are just fine. Its the front to back dimensions where you have glass on glass touching. I crammed them at first to try them out against the 's and the sound was everything I liked about the 's but more so. Better extension on both ends, better midrange. I have a small mid bass bump in my setup at the moment and these helped alleviate it somewhat.

The rear KT's are raised 3" higher than the front ones and it gives plenty of room for heat dissipation, and they are well away from the front tubes, so no glass on glass. I'm selling them at half price and will include 2 spares I used in my headphone amp. I have many dresser drawers full of tubes I am not using and need to clean house. Interesting arrangement for the KT to fit, Brad.

Must look quite dramatic with 2 amps in your setup. Bet it sounds great. Log in to respond. Prema luna Prolog 5 replacement power Audio Research LS Jadis JP80MC. Post removed Aug 28,

ECC83 Vacuum Tubes

Michael Holzinger Jadis I70 Tube Integrated Amplifier is the new reference in the field of stereo integrated amplifiers from the high-end hi-fi manufacturer Jadis. Especially in the field of preamplifiers and power amplifiers, but also in the segment of integrated stereo amplifiers, they can refer to a very considerable product range, so if they start to create a new reference here, it will certainly attract the attention of many hi-fi enthusiasts. The Jadis I70 is a compact amplifier that combines a compact design with high performance, even though this is relative in this class.

KT Tung-Sol Power Tubes, available in singles, matched pairs & quads. A sexy looking tube that performs well. Evatco has these in stock ready to ship.

New Matched Octet Tung-Sol KT170 Amplifier Power Tubes

With a massive plate dissipation of 70 watts, the Tung-Sol KT is the most powerful octal beam tetrode ever produced. A pair of KTs can allow an amplifier with a power output approaching watts to be built. The Tung-Sol KT glass envelope is a special egg shaped balloon that was developed to improve thermal dissipation and maintain a superior vacuum for the best sound. The fact that the glass envelope has no flat sides means the Tung-Sol KT has no problems with microphonics. Due to its rugged construction and conservative ratings, it is the most reliable current production EL84 type available for use in Vox AC type amplifiers. In addition, its linearity and tone characteristic make it the ideal replacement for EL84 hi-fi amplifiers, such as those built by Fisher, Scott, and Harmon-Kardon. If you care about tone, re-tube with Tung-Sol. Tung-Sol tubes are quite simply the absolute best. We design and manufacture our tubes, engineered for demanding high fidelity, reliability and overall warmth. Be sure to insist on genuine Tung-Sol vacuum tubes the next time you retube -- you'll be getting the absolute best possible tubes for any demanding application.

TUNG-SOL KT170 Vacuum Tube Replace KT150 KT120 KT88 6550 Factory Test And Match

kt170 tube app

Don't have a profile? Line Drying and Heating Chambers with Forced Convection are ideal for research and quality assurance applications. Line Drying and Heating Chambers feature advanced timing functions, controllable fan, and easy to controll temperature and convection conditions. Line Drying and Heating Chamber with Forced Convection is ideal for situations where fast drying and sterilization is required.

This seller has not set a shipping cost for Russian Federation. Please contact them to ask about shipping.

Tung-Sol KT 150

The wonderful folks at Tung-Sol have done it again, and are introducing a brand new tube to the world! With the success of the KT and KT they dialed things up yet again with the KT which has a plate dissipation of a whopping 85 watts! A pair of these badboys can put out watts. With specially designed cathodes and a unique glass design to dissipate heat these are designed for the best sound and reliability. These tubes are now favored by many manufacturers including the famous Prima Luna and are so good that they come stock in several of their amplifiers.

BINDER KT170-230V (9020-0289) Series KT 170 Refrigerated Incubator

The 6SN7 tube is a dual-triode preamp tube with medium gain. It was a commonly used tube from the early 's into the late 's. After that time it was replaced by "modern" tubes such as 12AU7 and 6CG7 designs that were physically smaller and less prone to noise and microphonics due to vibration. By the late '90's the 6SN7 tube made a resurgence in high end hifi audio largely because of its rich, warm, "classic" tube sound. It is still fairly popular today and found in headphone amplifiers, preamplifiers and input stages of some power tube amplifiers. We have a large selection available including currently produced tubes by Tung-Sol , Electro Harmonix , Northern Electric , and Shuguang. As well, we always try to have interesting NOS tubes available. This is our current selection of 6SN7 audio tubes.

Cayin Soul I is designed on basis of Tungsol KT Power Tube. HiBy Music has updated the embedded HiByMusic App in N6ii, you can now access Tidal.

kt150 tube

I have had a keen interest in high end audio for over 40 years. I have owned many high quality solid state product but I never have owned a vacuum tube product until recently. The improvement was good but I wanted more.

New Factory Matched Pair Tung-Sol KT170 Vacuum Tubes

RELATED VIDEO: @AUDIO21 @Jadis I-70 met KT170 buizen

Tubes tend to scale well. Look at how large some of the transmitting tubes are. The tl is a good example where you can get lots of clean power in SE and it also has data for running in AB1. Who really manufactures Tung Sol now? It could just be a bad design. I would look at transmitting tubes with similar dissipation rating as a comparison.

Served with love!

Kt150 tube

Just-insert the tube of your selection. The auto-bias circuit allows effortless operation for the user as no adjustments are needed to get both long tube life and superior audio performance. It also features user-selectable audio modes of triode and ultra-liner operation. The KWM uses a toroidal type power-supply transformer, and the chassis is made with heavy gauge aircraft grade aluminum. The amplifier incorporates a large, easy-to-read LCD display in addition to both left and right power output meters.

6SN7 Tubes

We design and manufacture our tubes for high fidelity, reliability and warmth. Our tubes have always been known for their reliability and great tone due to our strong committment to quality engineering and manufacturing. For a tube to be labeled with our brand, it must endure and pass the toughest testing in the industry. Electro-Harmonix vacuum tubes are the leading choice for many legendary amplifier manufacturers and if you want great sounding tubes at an affordable price, then EHX tubes should be on the top of your list.

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