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Leben rs 28cx preamplifier

To avoid compromising on sound quality ,one of the solutions we adapted to totally protect the sensitive CR type equalizer from negative effects was to develop a separate power supply unit. Of course, the phono equalizer is only one of the strengths of the RS28C. Leben further selected the best quality tubes out of these and constructed a powerful SRPP type amplification which can supply power amplifiers with a maximum 80V of clean output signal. In considering the fact that output voltage of a standard preamplifier is more or less 40V, the RS28C can output about two times as much voltage, which will drive power amplifiers with very low input sensitivity.


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Cheaptubeaudio has had a long history of advocating reasonably priced but excellent tube gears, particularly Singled-Ended Triodes. This Blog however covers a lot more than SET, and is not exclusively tube-related. Cheaptubeaudio prioritizes coverage of unusual and rare gears, particularly vintage ones, on which little info can be found on the internet.

Post a Comment. Nanou , May 19, I have been looking at BWs for a while Following among others your impressions on them. Doctorjohn , May 20, Even after the pinnacle of Kondo, now my reference, my interest in other manufacturers remain. I have to admit that my interest in Leben previously had not been particularly great. Contrary to others, I am not exactly a fan of its golden looks.

Leben makes only push-pull amps and I am not interested in those. Hence, the only area left for me to explore are their preamplifiers. I was grateful for that opportunity, which allowed me to gain the all-important initial insight. You can find out all the details from Jeff Day's review in Positive Feedback. It is a handsome unit and I prefer its size and hammertone finish of the top plate to that in its brethren.

The loan period coincided with my evaluation of the Audio Note MM Phonostage Kit, and you can read about that in my previous article. Here I'd add some brief descriptions. The sound of the Leben is utterly lucid in the entire frequency spectrum. Noise level is extremely low. The sound is neutral, without much tube coloration , which is how I like it. Dynamics have an unforced quality, with full, clear bass, good rhythm and pace and microdynamics. In my ft LR and with my flea powered 2A3 amp I need to turn the volume knob to o'clock to get the volume I need.

This is in marked contrast with my other preamps from Japanese SET manufacturers; with the Kondo and Wavac line preamps, the volume is plenty loud already at 9 o'clock. Since this is purely a line stage, there is a direct in feature, which was what I used.

There is a set of variable output with a knob at the back but as you'd expect it did not sound quite as good as the fixed output.

I did do a brief comparison with Kondo. No, there was no miracle. The Kondo just had more air and that je ne sais quoi quality, and was even more dynamic. But, keep it in perspective, the RS remains a wonderful piece. RSCX Full-function Preamplifier official literature This flagship preamplifer has been in existence for much longer. For details, read the same Jeff day's review in 6moons. By chance a second-hand unit became available here and I purchased it.

You might remember that I have reported a little on this preamp's phonostage performance in my recent article on LFD here. Where the RSCX really diifer from the RS : Not surprisingly, while the sonic signature is close to the RS that is not much signature , there are important differences not explored Jeff Day's reviews.

The integral part of the difference is due to the difference in gain structure of the line stage: the RS has 23 db of gain, with maximum output at 53V; the RSCX line has only a little more gain at So while the line sections of the two superficially seem similar, they behave quite differently. With the same equipment, I need only to turn the RSCX's volume pot to about 9 o'clock to get the volume I want, bringing the preamp in line with my Kondo and Wavac.

The reason for this is undoubtedly due to the presence of the phono section keep in mind Kondo and Wavac all have separate phonostages.

This major difference in gain structure also makes the sound different from the RS The higher gain undoubtedly is more suitable for my SET amps: the sound is more dynamic, more nuanced at low volume, more vital. Not a huge difference, but instantly audible. It is still not quite Kondo, but the difference narrows a little. I think if you are a SET amp user, or your amp is low-powered, or have inefficient loudspeakers, even if you do not play vinyl, the RS28CX will likely be a better choice than RS But for Leben amplifiers the RS may be as suitable for digital-only users.

Given Leben's integrated amplifiers are basically amps with passive volume, I'd also advise adding a Leben preamp and use the integrated as an amp volume at maximum if you want to upgrade the sound. The phonostage : On Leben's website and in the reviews, there is a lot of hooplah on the superiority of the NFB-less CR type phonostage. IMHO this is over-hyped. I had a hard time removing the tube shields of the 2x 12AT7 in my unit.

Someone had applied some gluey substance to the tubes and after drying the shields were hard to remove. I had to chip away carefully. I wonder whether this was done at the factory or by a previous owner. I replaced the stock green-latter GE tubes with much older GE black-plate 's to great effect. The gain of the phonostage is spec'ed at a VERY low But let numbers fool you, the truly amazing thing about it is that it sounds like twice that! With either my 0.

It is also superbly quiet. Which leads me to ruminate yet again. I have seen so many vinyl people calculating gain based on manufacturers' data and debate theoretically on whether a certain phonoamp is suitable, but let me tell you many of the mostly transistor devices just sound like less.

Or shall we say there are quite a bit of inflated figures out there. Theory and data is one thing; listening is another. In almost all parameters, so no more elaboration. Sound was not bad! No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. This is one such record. There wasn't anything quite like this when it was released nearly two decades ago and were it released today, critics would still go gaga over how fresh the concept and the sound is.

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For Questions As a rule, don't forget to tell me what you use, and what do you think of the sound, and reservations if any! Hopefully, my response shall be prompt, but give it a few days. My answers may not mean much if I don't know what you're using and how you feel. I will get it anyway, but I won't post it as a comment. Instead, if I can answer the question, I'll post both the question and answer in the Reply Section below, in Letters to the Editor - Reply.

Again, don't forget to tell me what you use, and what do you think of the sound, and reservations if any! But not all questions get this treatment. Some are just too general to be answered. Email if necessary If your suggestion or comment is more of a private nature, you can email me at: cheaptube hotmail.

So, only if absolutely necessary.

SPECIALS & Trade Items [10.22.21]

This review page is supported in part by the sponsors whose ad banners are displayed below. That's cold enough to turn my nose hairs into pointy little ice picks. Gross but true. There's no doubt that the cheery warm glow of vacuum tubes and some good jazz helped me offset the gloomy economic news printed in the Financial Times this morning: "Global Economy: This could be the year the world turns upside down". With the US economy plunging along with the thermometer, I thought I'd better buy the best preamp I've yet encountered -- the Leben RS28CX -- before the downhill avalanche of the dollar inflated it out of my financial reach.

I'm curious if anyone has heard the Leben RSCX pre-amp and CSP power amp? I have a CSXS and I love that little box.

Leben RS-28CX

This review page is supported in part by the sponsors whose ad banners are displayed below. This image opens to x and KB in a new window. The first chassis, the RS28CX, includes all the vacuum tube audio circuitry, inputs, outputs and controls. A dedicated vacuum tube power supply is housed in a second chassis. That RS28PX powers the RS28CX via umbilical cord long enough to place the power supply well away from the control unit and maintain maximum separation to minimize power supply noise contamination of the sensitive vacuum tube line and phono circuitry. There is one fixed output and one variable output. The variable output is handy to trim output to a subwoofer or optimize the main output to match amplifier sensitivity and noise to high-sensitivity loudspeakers.

Leben RS 28CX

leben rs 28cx preamplifier

The advantage of the NFB type is that it does not require a high gain level and is not very sensitive to tube quality. However, the impedance of NFB at high frequency range becomes very low and results in a negative effect - the sound becomes hard and dry. The NFB type is usually used as it is an easier way to attain a good signal-to-noise ratio. CR type equalization requires a high gain level and is much more sensitive to tube quality. Since tube quality will be directly amplified, the finest possible quality tubes are needed for this type of equalizer.

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Ayon is at the very top, in the company of several other sophisticated devices. His sound is incredibly vivid and engaging, making parting with it is painful for me. At least I know that I have a better preamp than now, because the rest of the system to change it clearly shows. So I have to sell my beloved Leben. Sometimes I wish I had given up the habit of transmitting each test a separate title.

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The advantage of the NFB type is that it does not require a high gain level and is not very sensitive to tube quality. However, the impedance of NFB at high frequency range becomes very low and results in a negative effect - the sound becomes hard and dry. The NFB type is usually used as it is an easier way to attain a good signal-to-noise ratio. CR type equalization requires a high gain level and is much more sensitive to tube quality. Since tube quality will be directly amplified, the finest possible quality tubes are needed for this type of equalizer. Moreover, proper implementation is more difficult. However, the CR type is much more superior sonically to the NFB type , being very stable in the high frequency range and is able to reproduce a very high quality sound especially when high quality tubes are used. To avoid compromising on sound quality ,one of the solutions we adapted to totally protect the sensitive CR type equalizer from negative effects was to develop a separate power supply unit.

Preamp. (+ DAC) Sapphire series DAP Burson Audio (Australia). Preamp. Leben (Japan). Tubes Preamplifier RSCX. Mastersound (Italy).

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Pitch Perfect Audio takes in gently used, one customer owned, trade-in items. These trade in items are credited for a certain amount of money toward new purchases at my shop. This page is your source for the best quality trade-in and demonstration items from pitch perfect audio. Occasionally, Pitch Perfect Audio demonstration products will also be available. These are supplied with full warranty and support, as if they were new.

It is around 1 year old and is the latest CX model. I've been searching for one of these for a good while as it has received very favourable reviews as both a line stage and for it's very high quality CR equalised phono stage.

Leben is a small Japanese audio company. Designer Taku Hyoda left his position at Luxman Audio in to start his boutique company offering handmade valve amplifiers. All products are still made in Japan, and Leben owners can expect long life and high reliability as well as a highly musical and rewarding performance. A lot of people buy the integrated amps for use as dedicated headphone amps, they are that good! CSF Integrated Ampifier. CSF is equipped with GE JAN which was developped for use in computers and this is the first time it has been used in an audio application For the driver circuit a very high quality tube, a 17EW8 is used, specially produced for Hi-Fi use by a major Japanese electronic manufacturer. The high input sensitivity of the EL84 does not require a complicated circuit and accordingly, it can create a low distortion output signal.

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  1. Tarrin


  2. Tibalt

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