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Salinger died yesterday. And many readers have read Salinger. Even not-so-lit me read "The Catcher in the Rye" when I was too young to really understand all the East Coast stuff it inhabited. Speaking of reading preferences, what were Salinger's? Roger L.
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Welcome to my site! Here you can find my DJ sets, studio recordings, remixes and other music projects. Of course! You betcha! Yeah baby. Always on my mind, in my heart, and on my decks. Just round the corner. Not really my thing, but I did it this time and it sounds fantastic!
No more to say. Just press play, dance and let it go. Another Dustless Summer — Dance Mix by burningmax Sep 15, electronica , house , mixdeck , progressive , studio recs , techno , trance Here is a 2hrs mix that will help you feel summer happiness even if the summer season is almost over. We certainly hope so. Much love. Post Pandemic Music Therapy by burningmax May 31, burningmax , chillambient , downtempo , electronica , house , mixdeck , progressive , rave , studio recs , techno , trance Six months ago, back in December , I tried to develop a project aimed at helping out our burners community from a specific standpoint, the mental health unbalance that has impacted pretty much all of us as an outcome of almost one year and a half of pandemic crisis and social isolation from covid19 pandemic lockdowns.
Depression, anxiety, loneliness, but also fear, sometimes panic or rage, and loss and grief. This is just the tip of the iceberg of a humanity being broken by the terrible experience we all collectively shared.
I wanted to help, at least within the not so small circle of our community, by offering something that would have brought some sort of emotional support to my brothers and sisters in dust. We already did many of those, including the DomusBurn virtual event we organized exactly one year ago.
I thought to re-purpose the DomusBurn website into a community-focused platform designed to offer emotional support through peer-to-peer group counseling. No DJs and virtual parties, this time a simple hours event on a Saturday afternoon, with a simple gathering space and two tracks, one for the group counseling, the other with holistic seminars on how to get out of a deep hole in pursuit of wellness, would Follow the weekly radio show on Pot Radio, and listen and download the recording of the sessions here and on MixCloud.
At this page you can listen to all the broadcasted shows and download them all for offline listening, and you can also download the music mix of each show with no speaker voice, so you can use the sets for your dance parties! Thank you to all the radio show listeners for following me, and to Pot Radio for giving me the opportunity to share my favorite music and my DJ skills.
Follow this link to learn more about the radio show or check out the episode archive here below. Pretty much a pilot, with a bunch of tech issues that I fixed starting from episode The playlist is eclectic, I hope you will enjoy it.
Big bass? Forever ravers? You bet. Are you ready? Download the DJ set in. This mix is just for fun and not for commercial use. For more info on copyright see this page.
This one could be a bit too hectic if you are looking for some pure blissed chill, and it could be too chilled if you are looking for energetic dance. And it might get a bit experimental and weird towards the end. Room Beats Together Mansion Live October by burningmax Dec 24, electronica , live dj sets , techno Playing at the Together Mansion, the burner-friendly open house in the heart of Trastevere in Rome, is always a lot of fun. Same concept of the Boiler Room — DJ play in the middle of the main living room, with everybody around dancing and having a great time.
Space is limited so it gets packed pretty soon, which is also fun. Download the DJ set as mp3 or wav, enjoy it and share it with your friends! Copyright for each tune is owned by their respective Loved it. I played a 3 hours DJ set, and I decided to dedicate the first half of it to one of my favorite underground techno artist and label, and also a friend and a fellow member of the Garden of Joy family: the Belgian techno producer Philippe Petit, and the two record labels of which Philippe is patron and one of the most prolific contributors, Knotweed Records and DMT — Decision Making Theory.
This Dj set is the recording of the tribute part, and ends up mixed into a Boris Brejcha track. Here it is, enjoy and dance. Put your dusty gear on, if you want. A couple of weeks ago I have been invited to play at the closing event of the season, also closing the line-up after the sets of RoyTson and Estien — check them out, they are good!
I was not sure about the best sound to bring to a living room party — I thought people wanted cool, groovy beats, while I was ready to hit hard and rave — so we let participants decide by choosing a pill obvious choice was blue or red and putting it in a jar. Problem was that the responses were pretty much balanced between groove and rave, so I adapted and ended up kicking off with some groove techno tunes, to slowly move on to more acid, ravey sounds. Everybody loved it, and I had a great time.
Garnier would say… techno! Talking about Laurent Garnier, I was moved to record this studio DJ set as the French master just released a couple of new massive tracks last weekend, as part of a french movie soundtrack. Both of the tracks are here in this mix, opening and closing the 2 hrs set. I hope you enjoy them, and the rest of the mix! Yuli Vainshtein — Red Axes :: Meeting, pt.
For more info on copyright see this page The result is a pretty eclectic mix that should make you dance anyway, or at least nod while keeping rolling spliffs. I pitched for a PM DJ slot, as I wanted to play one of my infamous Sessions, but unfortunately all the 4PM slots of the weekend were already taken. Brother Culture :: Your High feat. Enjoy it, with or without the chemical support!
Note: opioid prescriptions are bad and very addictive. Try to keep them at large if you can, and always ask your doctor for alternative pain relief methods, whenever possible. If you really must, then do not abuse. Of course you can fire up this set and dance to it at anytime, even in summertime. A rave is a rave is a rave. Just rave up and dance! Here are a couple of hours of techno dancefloor that will take you from tech house to deep techno, from progressive to hypnotic, from soulful to acid, with a good number of massive tunes along the way.
Enjoy a dance trip, and drop the ego trip. Copyright for each tune Immediacy, no post-production. But this is certainly the best way for me to say thankslarry. You have been, you are and you will be one of my primary sources of inspiration, and so is the international community that spurred out of your hat. This is the final closing set of the last night of the burners gathering in the woods of Tuscany.
By the way, the cover image is a picture of the art installation I did in the woods, using about 1 km of red rope, with some of it also painted with glow in the dark red painting. Title of the installation: The Zone. Enjoy the Dj set, dance, download and share! Extended Vinyl Version vs. Crispy Bacon — Acid Pauli vs. Download the DJ set from here, enjoy it and share it with your friends!
The campfire flame in the cover image has not been photoshopped — the flames were actually colourful and psychedelic thanks to a special magic powder I threw in. A cheap trick, but very effective and entertaining! Enjoy the DJ set, dance, download and share! This set is dedicated to my beautiful friends, specially our Garda hosts Marco and Francesca. See you all in the dust soon, and at Garda again before that! Good times! Pretty good times now too, specially in planet techno, where productions of new instant classics are released pretty much every day.
As I needed some radio jingles for the radio show, I asked several friends around the world to send me some shout outs on whatsapp, with silly talks about techno. I later edited the voice recordings and mixed with a music base, created by remixing a few tracks of Laurent Garnier, my top Burningmax presents :: WinterWarmer by burningmax Dec 22, acid , electronica , progressive , rave , studio recs , techno Winter is here, so hop on the dancefloor and warm up dancing!
Enjoy my latest studio recording to celebrate the official kick-off of the winter season and the winter solstice Winter might be cold, but remember — music keeps your inner spirit warm! Monegros Chilled Beats by burningmax Oct 22, chillambient , downtempo , electronica , progressive , studio recs , techno A new tribute to The Monegros, the beautiful desert area in Spain that I have just left, after being a resident for a couple of years.
The 45 tunes in this mix are the tracks I have been mostly listening to during my last Monegros summer — chilled, progressive beats that are very, very dance-oriented. The result is a groovier version of 3.
Download the remix from here:. Enjoy it and share it with your friends! Dark Techno Wave in the Psychedelic Garden :: Nowhere Live by burningmax Sep 30, burning man live , live dj sets , nowhere djsets , techno , trance Another DJ set from those played last summer at the Nowhere festival in Spain, as a resident at the Funktion One-powered Garden of Joy camp. This set is an extract from a 3hrs DJ set — but after the first hour we had a power break and I had to edit the recorded session, cutting it down to 2 hrs.
For more info on copyright see Progressive DayBreak :: Nowhere Live by burningmax Sep 19, burning man live , electronica , live dj sets , nowhere djsets , techno Another sunrise set on the playa, playing progressive daybreak beats to a smiley dancing crowd with the full blast power of Funktion Ones.

Spaced out and dilated. Acid and psychedelic, and still pumping on the dancefloor. Welcome to my Mushroom Beats. Welcome to my site! Here you can find my DJ sets, studio recordings, remixes and other music projects.
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Taking time out of his busy schedule: Robbie Sparks , A. Spaztic Robot , gives me an insight into his music and the artists that drive him. It is hard to describe Spaztic Robot as a project so best left to its creator to join the dots:. Each at opposite ends of the same street. One was big and brown, the other small and grey. Both greeted me with the exact same pitiful manner. Their sunburnt tongues bathing on the gravel gave the illusion of salmon rising from black tar rivers. I chucked up.
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Welcome to my site! Here you can find my DJ sets, studio recordings, remixes and other music projects. Of course! You betcha! Yeah baby.
Do not take more of this medication than is recommended. She also campaigned for better nutrition recognizing the importance of a healthy diet. Sleisenger Fordtrans Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. Clinical course a. They also found that patients with organic ED had significantly higher levels of ET in both venous and cavernosal blood than those with psychogenic ED and they suggested that ET could be a clinical marker of diffuse endothelial disease manifested by ED. See the Glossary at the end of the book for additional sufxes meaning pertaining to.
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