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Mirage 260 speakers price

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Mirage M-1 SI Bi Polar Loudspeakers

"mirage speakers" in Classifieds in Canada

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I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the forum rules. Image from: Life of Pi Top contributor. Home Theater Gallery: Blu-ray collection: DVD collection: Originally Posted by s33s.

But they are not for me I have one set in black-silver I was just the auction tool of a friend who originally wished to buy a all-in-one crap system along with a new Panny 42st Thank Almighty I talked him otherwise It was easy after he listened to them in my house for a few minutes Now he is going for an entry level Yamaha receiver from Germany RX-V or RX-V an small sub in a couple of months and along with his PS3 he is going to have a superb system for many years for his room A question to those with Vintage Mirage speaker knowledge.

Anyone have comments on the Mirage M floor-stander? How did it sound and perform and what Mirage speaker replaced it? Thanks, Crazy. Member since: Mar Originally Posted by dolsey I kinda remember this line being a bit dark sounding. I'm not sure what replaced it, I got out of the business right about that time. Member since: May Home Theater Gallery: 6.

Originally Posted by Chopin. Crazy you did the right thing, it seem that the Midrange of the M is the main weakness, and has been replaced by the M-si series. Without mentionning that the parts replace is not available since long time. One of my friend In Montreal has the M speakers and sold them last year because he was dreaming to have the M-3 si, and he got it.

Starting bid is at Member since: Jun Trading Score: 4. Originally Posted by morbidcorpse. While I do not have direct experience with the M, I do own and use the M's for fronts, as well as the M's for rears. My experience is they are very, very bright and a little lacking on the bass end of things, but for the right price, worth having. You could spend a lot more and do a heck of a lot worse.

I run them with a subwoofer when listening to music and I find the sub helps to fill in the bass the 's lack. They are great for movie watching in my experience. Very articulate. But I'm not certain on these details. I've been looking for a pair of M3's or M3-Si but finding them within driving distance has proved next to impossible. Blu-ray reviews: Trading Score: 1. There's a pair of Rosewood 5's for buy price of Originally Posted by Bluvette. Did you buy them? Home Theater Gallery: 9.

Blu-ray reviews: 1. Not Me, I didn't have time to even think about them. I saw the listing and then the next time I checked on them they were sold. Originally Posted by Noman Same for me! I saw them online, and by the time I got home, they were sold. Great price if they are in pretty good shape. I'd bite but probably a lateral move for me and my 60w tube amp might be a bit underpowered for them.

Boxes and all. No one has said that they bought them on the AVS thread either. The Maple 5's are only up to Top ranked HT gallery. The rosewood ones are back up on ebay! I am so very tempted! Althought surround wise, does anyone think I would see an improvement over the Os3's for side surrounds? You pay shipping for those and I'll pay shipping for the 28s.

Last edited by Spurrier Sucks; at AM. Member since: Feb Home Theater Gallery: 3. Trading Score: 2. Originally Posted by Spurrier Sucks.

And Rs for these with the Forest. You pay shipping for both with these. All times are GMT. The time now is AM. Archive - Top. United States. Remember New member Lost password. Home Theater.

Best Blu-ray Movie Deals. Top deals New deals 12 13 14 15 16 Amazon Blu-ray. The Official Mirage Speakers Thread. User Name. Remember Me? Mark Forums Read. Page of Last ». Thread Tools. Send a private message to dolsey Find More Posts by dolsey Send a private message to Chopin. Find More Posts by Chopin. Quote: Originally Posted by Chopin Crazy you did the right thing, it seem that the Midrange of the M is the main weakness, and has been replaced by the M-si series.

Send a private message to morbidcorpse. Find More Posts by morbidcorpse. Quote: Originally Posted by morbidcorpse While I do not have direct experience with the M, I do own and use the M's for fronts, as well as the M's for rears. Send a private message to Bluvette.

Results for "mirage speaker speaker" in Buy & Sell in Ontario

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Hi, I am just wondering if Mirage speaker is any good.. the model are OMNI The s are much better, but, alas, also cost more.

Denon 2106 & Mirage Omnistat 6 speakers (w/10" Omni S10 Subwoofer)

Log in or Sign up. Steve Hoffman Music Forums. Location: Somerville, TN. I checked this system out today. I am thinking about finally getting a home theater system. Any thoughts on this system? The speakers are floor models. GKH , Jul 27,

Mirage Omni 260

mirage 260 speakers price

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Mirage Loudspeakers OM-R2

Reviewers really like the price. The size also gets good reviews, whereas some have doubts about the design. Using 4 OM-R2's for the surround and rear -center speakers in a 7. Replacing 2 Mirage 's. Chose these over the Mirage Omnisat speakers for better dynamic range and for a more "omni" effect even though these are not omni-directional speakers Replaced my 4 year old Mirage m's after listening at a local retailer.

Mirage Omni 260 towers & FREE Omni CC located in 01085

Omni s10 - read user manual online or download in PDF format. Pages in total:. Hi all! Is it any good? I plan to up grade from my Sony Dream system to some real speakers and amp - with limited budget. The price over their web site surely sounds good; but the review online is very limited. Mirage thinks of this as a degree radiation pattern with a forward bias.

hi guys, a local seller has a pair of 'mirage m1' speakers for sale. through I've had a little Mirage speaker (not the more recent big Omni.

Second-hand Mirage Speakers for sale on UK's largest auction and classifieds sites

Page Count: Mirage OMNI 5. The one encompassing statement accepted. The overall voice of yo ur entire system will.

Results for "mirage speakers" in All Categories in Canada Showing 1 - 40 of results. Notify me when new ads are posted. Sort by Posted: newest first Posted: oldest first Price: lowest first Price: highest first Best match. Ensemble Subwoofer et enceintes 5. Comme sur les images : Ensemble Subwoofer et enceintes 5. Mirage Nanostat Speakers.

Review Summary Sound "Created an enveloping acoustic that filled the room with sound" and showed "what the 's do best -- present real musicians in a simulation of the environment in which they originally recorded"; "throughout the midrange, the 's were clear, articulate and uncolored," while "down in the basement the OMNI s proved to be chameleons," albeit at the expense of some "impact and slam. Value "Their small footprint combined with their big sound makes them an achievement at a very reasonable price.

On the facade there is the woofer, which plays up to Hz. Note that the traditional position of woofer does not violate the principle of omnidirectional coverage at low frequencies - long sound waves as if do not notice the loudspeaker's body. All drivers are magneto-shielded. Separate switching is not provided. The brightest impressions from the play of Mirage OMNI are connected with the peculiarities of organization of stereo panorama.

LOG IN. What can you guys tell me about these and the omnipolar sound? I've heard it takes getting used to and that one usually likes or hates it. I've also been told that they are good for classical but not so much for rock.

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  1. Faekinos

    I don't know what to say

  2. Seabright

    What remarkable question