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Cruz for President. Headquarters: Houston, TX. Co-founder of the Chertoff Group. Chief of staff Nov. Vice president at Goldman Sachs, , including four years in Asia.
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Bayram, Armagan Stochastic dynamic optimization models for societal resource allocation. Becker, Georg Tobias Intentional and unintentional side-channels in embedded systems. Biddle, Amy Sanders Anaerobic microbes and communities in the context of soil and the equine digestive tract.
Clark, Daniel E Roosting, site fidelity, and food sources of urban gulls in massachusetts: Implications for protecting public water supplies. Colvin, Kimberly F Effect of automatic item generation on ability estimates in a multistage test. Conway, Leslie C Biophysical studies of axonal transport. Crocker, Jillian M Contours of workplace resistance: Organization, collaboration, and recognition.
DeGeorge, Joan Individual differences in psychotherapy change among ethnic minority patients. Della Pelle, Andrea M Design and syntheses of donor-acceptor dyads and triads for improved light harvesting in organic photovoltaics. Dharmasiri, Kanchuka N Transgressing space and subverting hierarchies: a comparative analysis of street theatre groups in Sri Lanka, India, and the United States.
Dong, Jia Mass spectrometry methods for studying protein-metal binding. Earnest, Evan J Investigating the role of hydromechanical coupling in shallow, fractured rock aquifers. Ercan, Ilke Heat dissipation bounds for nanocomputing: Methodology and applications. Feild, Jacqueline L Improving text recognition in images of natural scenes.
Fielding, Peter G The traditional vocal repertoire of nova scotia: A classification of pitch space. Gummeson, Jeremy Exploiting energy harvesting for passive embedded computing systems. Gu, Xiaodan Self-assembly of block copolymers by solvent vapor annealing, mechanism and lithographic applications. He, Fei Development of capillary-driven microfludic biosensors for food safety and quality assurance.
Huston, Samuel Indexing proximity-based dependencies for information retrieval. Javed, Nauman Interpreting sensor information in large-scale distributed cyber-physical systems. Jelaca, Dijana The genealogy of dislocated memory: Yugoslav cinema after the break.
Kirakosian, Katharine Vickers Curious monuments of the simplest kind: Shell midden archaeology in Massachusetts Kirlin, Phillip B A probabilistic model of hierarchical music analysis.
Laverty, Nicklaus Imperial janus: Patterns of governance in the western borderlands of the tsarist empire. Moseley, Dana Lynn Vocal performance in songbirds: Territorial defense and the development of male song and female mating preferences.
Narayana, Manjunath Probabilistic models for motion segmentation in image sequences. O'Fallon, Kevin S The inflammatory response to acute muscle injury. Peller, Sarah The ability of early reading measures administered in first grade to predict fourth grade reading comprehension for Puerto Rican students in English immersion. Peng, Bo Theory and simulations of polyelectrolyte complexes. Rana, Julie Boundary divisors in the moduli space of stable quintic surfaces. Sasaki, Jeffer Eidi Development and validation of accelerometer-based activity classification algorithms for older adults: A machine learning approach.
Simmons, Jeffrey C Methods of engine degradation assessment in the time-scale domain. Sterner, Elizabeth Surles Photocleavable junctions in complex polymer architectures and photoetchable thermoplastics. Stoppel, Whitney L Mechanical and transport properties of 3-dimensional alginate hydrogels for cell encapsulation. Strohman, Anne-Marie Kathleen "A more natural mother": Concepts of maternity and queenship in early modern England. Taylor, P Effects of auditory and visual temporally selective attention on electrophysiological indices of early perceptual processing.
Wang, Feng Amphiphilic supramolecular assemblies and their applications in materials and biology. White, Joseph C Strategies for improving oxygen transport and mechanical strength in alginate-based hydrogels.
Yalniz, Ismet Zeki Efficient representation and matching of texts and images in scanned book collections. Yildiz, Muslum Allosteric regulation of Dengue virus type-2 protease. Zhou, Yuping Structural analysis of proteins by covalent labeling and mass spectrometric detection. Abbasov, Ganisher D Evaluation of a split-root nutrition system to optimize nutrition of basil. Abdul Hamid, Abd Malek Effect of total awake time on drivers' performance and evaluation of training interventions to mitigate effects of total awake time on drivers' performance.
Abunnasr, Yaser Climate change adaptation: A green infrastructure planning framework for resilient urban regions. Akpinar, Handan Molecular crystal assembly of organic radicals and biradicals.
Albertine, Jennifer M Understanding the links between human health and climate change: agricultural productivity and allergenic pollen production of timothy grass phleum pratense l. Allen-Oleet, Rebecca M Increasing middle school teachers' use of specific praise in the classroom through consultation and performance feedback. Ankolekar, Chandrakant R Lactic acid bacteria mediated phenolic bioactive modulation from fruit systems for health benefits.
Atmuri, Anand Kumar Effect of colloidal interactions on formation of glasses, gels, stable clusters and structured films. Balaban, Susan Faye Trauma and secure base behaviors in dating relationships. Barish, Jeffrey A Surface modification of food contact materials for processing and packaging applications. Bartlett, Michael David Scaling reversible adhesion in synthetic and biological systems. Beaulieu, Michael Ruosteoja Applications of planar and patterned metal oxide nanocomposites and reactive polymer blends as gas permeation membranes.
Bendersky, Marina Particle-collector interactions in nanoscale heterogeneous systems. Bennett, Delancy H. S Taking it to the streets: A multimethod investigation of street credibility and consumer affinity toward street credible endorsers. Berthaume, Michael A Tooth cusp radius of curvature as a dietary correlate in primates. Blaise, Jean G The politics of educational inequity toward students with limited English proficiency in the age of high stakes testing accountability: A descriptive ethnographic study of Haitian youth in Boston public schools.
Blanco Ramirez, Gerardo Quality by association across north-south divides: United States accreditation of Mexican institutions of higher education. Bokel, Felicia A Solution assembly of conjugated polymers.
Bolus, Rachel Theresa Birdsong variation as a source of information for migrating common yellowthroats. Borketey, Sheringham Lawrence New tools for probing polyketide biosynthesis. Boscardin, Adriane G Development of miniature full flow and model pipeline probes for testing of box core samples of surficial seabed sediments. Boucher, Marcil J Evaluation of motor speech and intervention planning for children with autism. Brown, Alexandria C Honesty and carotenoids in a pigmented female fish.
Burrell, Julie M "Our story has not been told in any moment": Radical black feminist theatre from the old left to Black Power. Carlson, Marta Framed: Native American representations in contemporary visual mediums.
Cartright, Marc-Allen Query-time optimization techniques for structured queries in information retrieval. Charoensinphon, Noppawat Inhibition of lung carcinogenesis by polymethoxyflavones. Cheng, Chingwen Social vulnerability, green infrastructure, urbanization and climate change-induced flooding: A risk assessment for the Charles River watershed, Massachusetts, USA.
Chen, Qingliang Tradition and modernity: The discursive construction of national identity in Chinese textbooks. Chen, Zuojing Computational all-electron time-dependent density functional theory in real space and real-time: Applications to molecules and nanostructures. Che, Xuan How to understand credit spreads in credit default swaps. Childs, Tawanna Sabrina Validation of a novel vaccine delivery system for Chlamydia trachomatis using recombinant gas vesicles derived from Halobacterium salinarium.
Christensen, Scott Kenneth Photo-reaction of copolymers with pendent benzophenone. Clark, Shane S The security and privacy implications of energy-proportional computing.
Clauser, Jerome Cody Examination of the application of item response theory to the Angoff standard setting procedure. Collins, Debra Marginality and emerging visibility of the altern subject: America's shifting social and cultural landscape Colombo-Adams, Barbara J Media cues and gender connections: The relations between young children's media use, character familiarity, and gender knowledge. Cook, Jessica L Gravitational wave production through decay of the inflaton into intermediary fields during slow roll inflation.
Cook, Robert Joseph Application of item response theory models to the algorithmic detection of shift errors on paper and pencil tests. Crotts, Katrina M Evaluating the validity of accommodations for English learners through evidence based on response processes.
Cui, Jun Resilient polymer networks via thiol-norbornene chemistry: Mechanical and adhesive properties. Currier, Alyssa R Effects of a classroom-based pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers with communication disorders. Cyphersmith, Austin J Investigation of the orientation dependence on chiroptical properties of single molecules. Daniello, Robert J Experimental studies of superhydrophobic surfaces in flow. Dickert, Stefan Conductivity of gold nanoparticle thin films and magnetoresistance of metallic thin films embedded with periodic arrays of cobalt nanoparticles.
Divekar, Gautam External-to-vehicle distractions: Dangerous because deceiving. Dragon, Toby The impact of integrated coaching and collaboration within an inquiry learning environment.
Ebtehaj, Milad Two distribution tactics for retail demand fulfillment. Ekness, Paul A Ecohydrologic impacts of climate and land use changes on watershed systems: A multi-scale assessment for policy. Eslami, Ali A non-asymptotic approach to the analysis of communication networks: From error correcting codes to network properties.
Fagan-Solis, Katerina D Regulation and action of SKP2 and RhoA in cell and tumor models: Investigation into the molecular mechanisms responsible for the aggressive phenotype of triple-negative breast cancer. Farudi, Annahita Gapping in Farsi: A crosslinguistic investigation.
Feild, Henry A Exploring privacy and personalization in information retrieval applications. Feng, Jiansheng Investigations of surface-tension effects due to small-scale complex boundaries. Fitzroy, Ahren B The effects of metric strength on the allocation of attention across time. Fletcher, Kingsley Atterh Perceptions of contemporary effects of colonialism among educational professionals in Ghana. Floryan, Mark Evolving expert knowledge bases: Applications of crowdsourcing and serious gaming to advance knowledge development for intelligent tutoring systems.

President's Award
Face coverings required indoors. A Peter F. Topic: Technology and Human Promise. Topic: 35 Years in the Rearview Mirror Life Lessons from the Corporate Journey. Secchia Breakfast Lecture Speaker: R. Please Note: We were unable to tape the speech.
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We use cookies to make your online experience sweeter. We use them to help improve our content, personalise it for you and tailor our digital advertising on third-party platforms. I am a specialist on the taxonomy of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and have spent much time in the field in Central and South America collecting plants. My particular focus of research is the taxonomy of the nightshade family Solanaceae, focusing on the megadiverse genus Solanum , which contains potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants and is one of only a handful of flowering plant genera with more than species, and more recently the peppers Capsicum and their poorly known close relatives in the genus Lycianthes. I have described more than 75 new species of plants, mostly in Solanum and from the New World tropics. I came to the Natural History Museum in to manage the international project Flora Mesoamericana - a synoptic inventory of the approximately 18, species of plants of southern Mexico and the isthmus of Central America. My current projects include: 1 A world-wide taxonomic monograph of the some species of Solanum and a similar global monographic treatment of Capsicum and Lycianthes , 2 Flora Mesoamericana, 3 Collaborative research in phylogenetics and genomic evolution of Solanaceae, 4 Research into the domestication of Solanaceae crops such as eggplants in China and "African supervegetables", 5 Conservation and biodiversity monitoring projects in My work depends upon seeing plants in their native habitats and I have been fortunate enough to have visited many countries and worked with many colleagues overseas. On my past few field trips I have posted blogs from the field, you can look for new ones on the NHM website or on Solanaceae Source, our collaborative web platform for nightshade taxonomy www.
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By Rosanna Smart , Terry L. Summary: There is no standard definition of what constitutes a mass shooting, and different data sources—such as media outlets, academic researchers, and law enforcement agencies—frequently use different definitions when discussing and analyzing mass shootings. For instance, when various organizations measure and report on mass shootings, the criteria they use in counting such events might differ by the minimum threshold for the number of victims, whether the victim count includes those who were not fatally injured, where the shooting occurred, whether the shooting occurred in connection to another crime, and the relationship between the shooter and the victims. These inconsistencies lead to different assessments of how frequently mass shootings occur and whether they are more common now than they were a decade or two ago. Data show that, regardless of how one defines mass shootings, perpetrators are likely to be men.
Fei-Fei Li
While President Obama has led in statewide polls, Republican efforts to turn Wisconsin red this year may hinge on some northern areas of the state, including counties around Green Bay, that have shown a wide partisan swing in past elections. When Norman Thurber, 49, arrived to vote on Tuesday, he still had not yet decided who he thought the next president should be. He had been wrestling with it for weeks, trying his best to avoid an onslaught of negative advertising while he made up his mind. Read More. Life has not been easy since he voted for Mr. Obama in
State of the Species
These entities work together to serve our Citizen's needs. Anne Arundel County provides a wide array of services and programs for its Citizens, Businesses, and Visitors. With almost 54, businesses, Anne Arundel County is a major hub of commerce and development. Please be sure to provide as much detail on your question or concern as possible and please be sure to let us know how to contact you so that we can provide you with the best service. Stephen Walker
Fei-Fei Li obtained her B. She joined Stanford in as an assistant professor. Prior to that, she was on faculty at Princeton University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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