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1 mhz magnetic amplifier

Single stage equivalent amplifier. In the world of audio, amplifiers are most often tested without music signal or load and therefore the testing is not in a real world environment. It means little to an end user. Therefore two brand new tests have been added to the specifications of the amplifier: Total Square Wave Distortion and Musical Fast Fourier Transform distortion. These new specifications teach us what the amplifier does in the real world with music and under load. Operating under load in a real signal flow environment is the most difficult part for any amplifier.


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US4302805A - Power supply utilizing a high frequency magnetic amplifier - Google Patents

Visit TS Page. Ask Us Questions. Request a Quote. Generate high- frequency AC magnetic field is difficult. As the frequency is increase, so is the electromagnet coil impedance. To generate high magnetic field, high current is needed. Because of high impedance, high voltage and high current driver is needed. Such drivers or amplifier are not readily available.

For example, to drive 8A into a uH high- frequency Helmholtz coil at kHz, the amplifier driver must be rated for V and 50kW! Using classic series resonant to generate magnetic field can partially solve the above problem by lowering the impedance and therefore lower the amplifier driver voltage requirement.

However the maximum current is limited by the AC magnetic field generator amplifier driver output current capability. The new resonant circuit discussed below will further increase the coil current by 2X. Figure 3. Classic resonant circuits a series resonant tank. Figure 2. New resonant circuit doubles the amplifier output current achieving high frequency and high magnetic field.

To generate high- frequency and high magnetic field, a new resonant circuit is discussed in this Application Note. This App Note uses a newly discovered resonant circuit to magnify the magnetic coil current by a factor of 2. Thus the generated AC magnetic field is doubled while operating at high- frequency. The new resonant circuit is called current- amplified resonant. To generate alternating magnetic field, a waveform amplifier is needed to drive the resonant circuit as shown in Figure 2.

The function generator produces a sinewave. The sinewave is amplifier by a driver amplifier such as the TS or the TS It can amplify the function generator voltage or current or both.

The waveform amplifier is driving a large current into the current- amplified resonant circuit. The magnetic coil, such as Helmholtz coil pair, current is twice the amplifier output current! For example, the TS 1 maximum peak output current is 4.

In conclusion, the newly discovered current- amplified resonant circuit is acting like a current multiplier. It amplifies the source current by a factor of 2 and therefore it increases the generated magnetic field by a factor of two as well. The combination of waveform amplifier and resonant circuit is ideal for high frequency AC magnetic field generator. The series resistance R is optional.

It is for better impedance matching. See Maximizing Amplifier Output Current application note for details how to choose the optimal resistance. In general the series resistor can be omitted. Figure 1 shows the new resonant circuit.

It is consisted of two equal value capacitors, labeled C, and a magnetic coil. At resonant the magnetic coil current is twice as much as the input source current from any amplifier.

Section 2 below discussed the mathematical theory behind the current amplification. Figure 4 is showing the new current- amplified resonant tank. This new resonant circuit offers low reactance at resonance and it amplifies the input source current for the high- frequency electromagnet such as Helmholtz coils. In effect the new resonant circuit is a powerful AC magnetic field generator. Furthermore the new current- amplified resonant tank is an impedance transformer.

At resonance it transforms the magnetic coil parasitic resistance, R, by a factor of four. Figure 1. New resonant circuit doubles the magnetic coil current and magnetic field. The classic series and parallel LC resonant circuit have been used in numerous applications such as oscillators and filters. LC resonant tank can also be used for magnetic field generator.

A new resonant circuit is studied in this App Note for the purpose of generating high- frequency alternating magnetic field. The most important feature of this new LC resonant tank is it amplifies the magnetic coil current by 2X while generating high- frequency magnetic field.

Figure 3 shows the series and parallel resonant circuits. The series LC resonant tank features low impedance at resonance. The coil impedance is canceling the capacitor impedance. Thus achieving low impedance enables high current through the LCR circuit.

Up to now, the most practical and efficient way to drive high current through magnetic coil is using series resonant circuit. Thus series resonant technique is often used for high- frequency AC magnetic field generator. The parallel resonant circuit on the other hand, its impedance is maximum at resonance. At resonant the current is resonating between the coil and capacitor. The current passing through the magnetic coil is very high while the source current is very low - hence high impedance. Thus the parallel resonant circuit amplifies the source current at resonance.

However, due to high impedance at resonance, the coil current is generally small even with the current amplification effect. Figure 4. Novel current- amplified resonant circuit showing each impedance.

To calculate the resonant frequency, first we need to define the resonant conditions. The requirements for resonant is such that at a given frequency the imaginary reactive portion of the input impedance, Z, is equal zero. The impedance is purely resistive at resonance.

In Figure 4 the electromagnetic coil resistance is usually small value and parasitic to the coil. The small resistance has no measurable effect on the tank resonant frequency.

To simplify the resonant frequency calculation, the small resistance is excluded. In general magnetic coil with small resistance is better for high strength magnetic field generation.

Looking at ZP only, it is a classic parallel resonant. Using equation A3 from the Appendix section below, the imaginary portion of ZP is given in Equation- 3. In addition, ZS is just a capacitor. For a simple capacitor, the imaginary part of ZS is just its reactance giving in Equation- 4. Now substitute Equation- 3 and Equation- 4 into the previous Equation- 2 resonant condition , it becomes Equation- 5. The reason for the new current- multiply resonant frequency is lower, because the new resonant has two capacitors.

Further rearranging Equation- 7 to calculated the capacitance for a given resonant frequency and coil inductance as shown in Equation- 8. As mentioned above, the new current- amplified resonant is differed from the classic resonant is that it amplifies the electromagnetic coil current 2 times at resonance.

That is to say, the resonant circuit doubles the source amplifier driver current. Hence it doubles the alternating magnetic field generated. This doubling of current is particularly important for driving AC Helmholtz coil.

To simplify the calculation, the small coil resistance R is ignored again. Also CP and CS are equal value for this new resonant. Figure 5. Now substitute Equation- 6 into Equation- 9 and simplify. From the illustration in Figure 5, the two capacitor currents are flow into the coil at the same time. Thus the new resonant tank is achieving current magnification. Recall the sum of all current into a node is zero as stated by KCL. In conclusion from Equation- 12, the magnetic coil current I L is amplified and is twice the signal source amplifier driver current IS.

At resonant the magnetic coil current is two times the maximum available current from any given signal source! Therefore the magnetic field density is also twice as much! This is a very important feature of the new resonant circuit for scientific experiments that require high- strength and high- frequency magnetic field generation.

To visually understand the current- doubling effect, the current flow is shown Figure 6. The inductor current is the sum of the two capacitor currents. Figure 6. Visual depiction of the magnetic coil current is two times the source current. To understand the impedance of the resonant tank circuit, consider the reactive imaginary part impedance Z is zero as previously mentioned in Eqation- 1 and Figure 4. Therefore the new current- amplified resonant impedance is real resistive at resonance.

Equation- 14 is simplified to Equation- From Equation- 15 the magnetic coil parasitic resistance is multiplied by 4.

Amplifier AD8129 for Active Magnetic HF Antenna 1MHz-20MHz for Hula Loop

Visit TS Page. Ask Us Questions. Request a Quote. Generate high- frequency AC magnetic field is difficult. As the frequency is increase, so is the electromagnet coil impedance. To generate high magnetic field, high current is needed.

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A regulated power supply includes an oscillating inverter circuit for generating a high frequency square wave signal that drives a saturable reactor which pulse-width modulates the square wave as a function of a control current through a control winding on the saturable reactor. The output voltage generated by the power supply in sensed by a feedback circuit and fed back as a modulating signal of the control current through the saturable reactor control winding to vary the power transferred by the saturable reactor to an output transformer. The variation in power supplied to the output transformer compensates the output voltage as sensed by the feedback circuit. A protective circuit is provided to sense an output overvoltage condition and inactivate the power supply by terminating the oscillation of the inverter. This is a continuation of application Ser. The present invention relates to electrical power supplies and more particularly to a saturable reactor power transformation and regulation system. Power supplies for electronic devices are divided into generally two types. In one type of conventional linear power supply, the input alternating current is transformed to the appropriate voltage, rectified, and filtered by an assortment of capacitors and inductors. A linear regulator is then provided in the output circuit to maintain a constant output voltage. Although this design is widely used, it requires the use of heavy transformers and capacitors and has a relatively low power transform efficiency.

Magnetic amplifier

1 mhz magnetic amplifier

The product has been added to your quote. EMCH modified magnetic field generating coil with 20 turns used in Magnetic Susceptibility Tests for qualifying equipment to specification Def. Method RS It is built in conformance with the description in that specification and is made of Delrin but wound with 12swg copper wire.

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FGC-1 Magnetic Field Generating Coil. 20Hz - 50kHz (1 MilliTesla @ 10 amps)

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Air-core magnetometers are amongst the most commonly used magnetic field detectors in biomedical instruments.

WO2009134735A1 - Chopper-stabilized amplifier and magnetic field sensor - Google Patents

There are a lot of weird amplifiers: Old welding transformers are controlled by a magnetic shunt- field lines are directed through a movable shunt instead of the secondary. You know that magnetic tape hiss? Amazing, and a bit quaint. Of course, there's a reason why most of these aren't used anymore and even valves are used in very specific applications or let's say, not all of them exactly for pure engineering reasons Semiconductors blow all of these out of the water. Aloha on June 18, parent prev next [—]. I absolutely love glasslinger's videos, thay're quite a gifted engineer. Animats on June 18, prev next [—].

Single-stage equivalent amplifier. Specifications: Gain: 60db in current mode Frequency response: 1Hz - 1MHz Slew rate: v/µ Damping factor:

A One-Dimensional Magnetic Chip with a Hybrid Magnetosensor and a Readout Circuit

Soldered and testes preamp 30dBm on AD in waterproof box. Electrical circuit of this active antenna board based on high impedance differential amplifier wired across the loop. Frequency tuned with varicap..

This work presents a one-dimensional magnetic chip composed of a hybrid magnetosensor and a readout circuit, which were fabricated with 0. The proposed magnetosensor includes a polysilicon cross-shaped Hall plate and two separated metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors MOSFETs to sense the magnetic induction perpendicular to the chip surface. Both simulated and measured results verify the correctness and flexibility of the proposed SPICE macro model. Measurements reveal that the maximum output Hall voltage V H , the optimum current-related magnetosensitivity S RI , the optimum voltage-related magnetosensitivity S RV , the averaged nonlinearity error NLE, and the relative bias current I bias are 4. The Hall plate is a type of a CMOS magnetic induction sensor that can sense the magnetic induction perpendicular to the sensor plate surface and convert it into a corresponding electrical signal such as voltage, current, or frequency [ 1 — 3 ].

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  1. Ellwood

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  2. Saelac

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