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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: MACKIE 1604 Mixer Old \u0026 New Comparison

Equipment List

R 12, R 8, The Alto Professional Live is a pro channel, 4-bus mixer equipped with the tools you need to create the perfect mix. With flexible routing options and a multitude of onboard DSP tools, Live fits the demands of nearly any live performance environment.

It features 10 balanced XLR inputs with switchable phantom power, 3-band EQs with sweepable mids for additional tonal shaping, four aux sends per-channel for external effects and monitoring, and a 9-band graphic EQ for main or monitor outputs.

A headphone jack with an independent level control enables additional monitoring and mixing. With its diverse connectivity options, Live can handle any sized event from small coffee house gigs to mid-sized ensembles to full-stage rock bands.

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Maintain a professional and friendly entry point to the general public, customers, dealers and suppliers, both telephonically and face-to-face. Below is a list of your main job tasks and responsibilities and any other duties as directed from time to time.

We are looking for a hardworking, experienced, motivated end energetic Studio Executive, with a proven track record to work in our N1 City Superstore. As a sales consultant, you will be in direct contact with customers and as such, will be required to deliver excellent service.

It is essential that the candidate is proficient in all things studio and home recording, with a good working knowledge of AV equipment and microphones. We are looking for a hardworking, experienced, motivated end energetic Keyboard and Piano specialist, with a proven track record to work in our N1 City Superstore. It is essential that the candidate is proficient in all things keyboard and piano related, with a good working knowledge of home, studio recording.

You must be willing to work retail hours, weekends and public holidays. To apply, please email your CV and cover letter to : Carelv bothner. For some people, music is all about technical mastery and learning songs written by various composers. But most musicians want to perfect the instrument in a way that allows them to express themselves through song. This is, of course, simply not true. For more information, please contact Elaine Ridgway or email clive songwriters.

They even offer home lessons. Check out there website to make a booking or call them directly on: Music is about way more than solo acts. School of Rock Claremont is as focused on community, teamwork, and friendships as it is on inspiring awesome music. Through our performance-based approach, we foster an inclusive community of rockers in Claremont to build a unique type of confidence only gained through cool, real life experiences.

At School of Rock Claremont, we believe everyone deserves to have fun and feel like a rock star. Visit us and get a feel for the awesome opportunities your child has waiting just around the corner.

The Athlone Academy of Music AAM is a non-profit organisation established in with the sole aim of providing music tuition within the Athlone area.

This initiative has now expanded and has grown to include the greater Athlone community residing along the Klipfontein corridor including Langa, Gugulethu, Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain, Retreat, Steenberg, Atlantis and Malmesbury to name but a few. The communities in and around Athlone have tried but there has not always been a cohesive attempt to make sure that music education is not lost to our children.

Music tuition has shown to help with discipline, motivation and a sense of belonging. Three basic values that children from the poorer disadvantaged communities need plenty of. We all know that these communities suffer under the scourge of substance abuse, disease, abuse against women and children and a general decay of the social fibre in society.

This social decay is largely a result of unemployment, poverty and idleness. We at the Academy feel obliged to create opportunities for children in the communities we serve to be active in music education and in so doing, eradicate some of the social pathologies we are faced with on a daily basis. At the Gryphon Music Academy we believe in teaching players of all levels to not just play the instrument, but to think about the entire scope of the instrument in the context of music.

Besides learning the practical side of playing, you will also learn music theory, song writing and instrument maintenance. Do you have a desire to play the drums or improve your guitar skills or another band instrument? We offer musical training in all the popular band instruments from beginner to advanced. Beau Soleil offers tuition on all the instruments of the orchestra, namely flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, double bass, trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, tuba and percussion.

An Open Evening is held once a year, during which most of the instruments are demonstrated and prospective pupils and parents have an opportunity to learn more about Beau Soleil. A number of these instruments are available for hire for a limited period. SoundHouse is a music educational vision.

Designed not only to educate microcosmically but to facilitate the teaching of musical concepts through music technology. A particular focus of this vision is on music experimentation, composition, learning and recording, digital media, such as picture stories, music videos and digital mash-ups. In De Kuilen street Kuilsriver, the average passer-by may be pleasantly surprised by what is heard when passing number This building houses a premier music school within the community: Cape Music Institute.

The sounds of guitar, bass-guitar, drums, keyboards, saxophones, and voices fill the air, making it an educational, entertaining and fun atmosphere. The concept of Cape Music Institute was birthed during a meeting in between Camillo Lombard, Ezra Delport, and Gary Thomas and, is currently in its fourth year of existence.

Each individual contributed his own vision and ideas of what the school should be and, the outcome was a combined vision of a higher education school of music, emphasized in three categories: performance, production and business. With a team of highly skilled engineers, producers and composers in our stable, our facilities offer analogue warmth and character, guaranteed through beautiful mixing consoles and tape machines, that forms the soul of music productions, as well as the digital accuracy and recall requirements for film, tv and corporate productions.

Tunes is a rehearsal studio that acts in the interest of local music by providing affordable practice space, good quality reference rehearsal recordings, drum lessons and retailing in musical accessories including guitar strings, drumsticks and larger items that can be ordered from Paul Bothner.

We recently added new items to our stock such as drum skins, cymbals, guitar and bass pedals. We also stock electric, acoustic and bass guitars. Tunes is open for bookings seven days a week from 08h00 to 24h Bookings can be made by contacting Jean on or by e-mail, tunesstudio gmail.

We play a mix of contemporary Christian music, combined with compelling chat, views and interviews. Not to mention up-to-the-minute news, weather and traffic information. CCFM was the first community radio station and has been on the airwaves for over 18 years, starting as Radio Fish Hoek in We currently broadcast from our building in Muizenberg on NueLight Productions is the brainchild and passion of Julita Kok. NueLight produces superb musical showcases bringing the very best of South African talent to the fore.

Entrepreneur, producer, events coordinator and artist developer, Julita Kok, an accomplished vocalist herself, has made excellence a priority for NueLight, its artists and productions. Celebrating 16 years at the Baxter Concert Hall, the Festival will showcase a number of schools colleges and community big bands and special guest artists will be participating in the four day Festival.

The Mercury is a top class music venue in Cape Town, right up the road from the Cape Technikon and close to the city itself. Incorporating two venues playing a large mix of music, it is one of the best places in Cape Town to hear South African tunes.

This venue is actually two in one: the Live and the Lounge areas. With its own in-house sound and lighting system, the Mercury has built a superb reputation and a loyal clientele during its year existence.

Located in the old historic area of District Six, also known as Zonnebloem, it hosts live music entertainment ranging in style from rock, hip-hop and pop to jazz, world music and electronica.

Foosball and pool tables provide a diversion in between performances. The smaller, downstairs Lounge venue has capacity for approximately people, and hosts DJ parties and student nights on certain evenings. Staying open till the wee hours, the lounge is also a favourite late-night dancing and chill-out spot for patrons from other clubbing venues nearby. Owned by former band and road manager Kevin Winder, the Mercury has a solid reputation for providing the best quality sound in a convenient and well-equipped venue.

This ethos extends to making sure that only the best bands, both established and up-and-coming, are invited to play, resulting in top quality music nights. The venue has a relaxed and friendly vibe, with good security and, a rarity amongst live music venues, excellent service.

Aandklas is a Rock Bar created for people who love their music and socialising with friends in an awesome atmosphere. Aandklas is also a live music venue that hosts big South African bands and give up and coming bands the opportunity to reach bigger audiences. All and all it is just an awesome venue to come and have a couple of drinks and enjoy the Stellenbosch culture.

The band consists of a full compliment of seasoned performers from the Cape Town metal scene. A band that enjoys pushing the envelope, placing great emphasis on solid song writing, stellar stage performance and a delivery so intense that your neck will be in a constant state of headbanging ecstasy. A high energy electronicore band focused on bombastic theatrical performances, Set For The Sky have been making waves all across the local scene with electric live performances and a high quality sound.

They have played numerous shows around the country including slots on many festivals and tours, they do not settle for mediocre, whether in their performance or their music, and will continue to provide an exceptional experience for their fans. Follow the band on Facebook or check out their website. After discovering that he loved writing songs in high school and taking some guitar lessons, Jesse could sense that he was embarking on a journey to follow his dreams.

Jesse has had a career that many singer-songwriters would love. He has pursued his music with single-minded determination, and it has definitely paid off. One of his first big miles stones on his journey was winning a national talent competition. After that there was no stopping Jesse! Not only did he get a mjor record deal, but Jesse went on to form the Jesse Jordan Band. Over the years he has played countless live shows; ranging from music festivals and parties to selling out venues.

He has honed his skill as a performer and audiences always leave with a smile on their faces. After years with the Jesse Jordan Band, Jesse has started a new solo journey. This new solo project is all about story-telling in the style of old-school singer-songwriters and bluesmen. In his music, you will find a hint of Michael Buble meets Maroon5, but the sound is still unmistakably Jesse Jordan.

It is a perfect partnership of tone and perfection. To keep up with Jesse, go to his Facebook page or website and give him a like and a listen. This hip, young virtuoso started playing piano at the age of four!!


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Mackie 1604VLZ4

Email: stephen. His primary areas of speaking, teaching and research involve cyberlaw, entrepreneurship, and tax issues including international and IP taxation. Before he began teaching, Professor Black was a principal shareholder in a tax boutique, where he was involved in domestic and international tax planning, and represented individuals and businesses before the Internal Revenue Service and state tax agencies. He is a frequent speaker in the U. Professor Black received a B. M in Taxation from the University of Washington. He began coding at age 12 does anyone remember Pascal?

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Rokit KRK 5 2 studio monitors. Behringer x32 digital mixing board. AB International B amplifier, 2 channels, watts per channel. Mackie M 8 channel , 2X watt, powered mixer.

After resigning as Speaker in and opting not to seek re-election as MP for Buckingham in the general election , Bercow left Parliament.

Senior Conference Producer

Some information on this profile has been compiled automatically from Duke databases and external sources. Our About page explains how this works. If you see a problem with the information, please write to Scholars Duke and let us know. We will reply promptly. Alexander F. Sloan Research Fellowship-Chemistry.

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LOG IN. View Cart. Sign Out Sign in to your account. You May Also Need. What's in the box. Description for 8 Zone Stereo Speaker Selector Switch This item is a eight zone stereo speaker selector switch that allows you to distribute an amplified stereo speaker signal to multiple listening zones that can be turned on or off. These speaker selectors feature an impedance protection circuit.

49, Control flush ceiling mounted speaker system, Control 24CT, Not available 22, Extron Composite Video Switcher, SW6 CV MX, N/A, Extron, ASU.

Moderators: Kent , luketeaford , Joe. Post by khakifridge » Fri Oct 27, am. Post by mousegarden » Fri Oct 27, am.

Unlike its European counterparts, most of which were provincial bodies, the English Parliament was a genuinely national assembly. Although the English Parliament was enormous compared with its European counterparts, its size was not fixed, and consequently it continued to grow. In the Lords membership could be increased by creating new peers or by issuing writs of summons to the eldest sons of the nobility, while in the Commons it could be raised by fresh enfranchisements. Before the early seventeenth century the monarch controlled the expansion of both Houses, but under the early Stuarts a fundamental change took place, as the Commons came to assume responsibility for its own growth. Prior to the early seventeenth century the Commons did not enjoy a free hand in deciding whether those elected were eligible to serve, as sheriffs could stop candidates they regarded as unsuitable from standing and Chancery might refuse to accept the returns of candidates it considered ineligible.

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  4. Estevan

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