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Ihome ip1 speaker system problems

Discussion in ' Audio Hardware ' started by jlc76 , Oct 15, Log in or Sign up. Steve Hoffman Music Forums. Location: Austin, TX, U. I'm really starting to do more and more casual listening with my iPhone using Spotify and I am also downloading more and more vinyl needledrops off of blogs.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: iHome IP1 Bongiovi 100 Watt Speaker System for iPod And iPhone

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The back of the unit features ports for DC-in and an auxiliary input that plays music from your mp3 player, music-enabled phone or CD player.

It also comes with an extra cable to use with non-iPod mp3 players. It comes with no less than give five dock adapters that support many iPods and iPhones. It uses Phoenix drivers, slipstream port design, computer-optimized equalization and optimized compressed topology to deliver optimum sound. I purchased this from Best Buy back in Jan. I planned on using it as an output for my Ion portable turntable via the AUX input.

I noticed that the input to the JBL's AUX was only playing the left channel, so I fiddled with the connection and pushed it in more, then I got only the right channel. I shipped it back to JBL to have it repaired, they sent me a brand new one, and guess what, the same problem persists.

Yes, I've plugged other devices into the aux, and still the same thing happens. I originally planned to purchase my boyfriend the new iHome iP1 for Christmas. It looks cool, has great sound bass is kickin' and he could use his iphone and ipod with it. When I went to the store to purchase the ihome, I started to compare it to all of the items near it.

Since I also have an iphone, i was able to connect my music to the various audio systems to get an idea of how each system sounds. When the customer service guy approached me and asked if i needed help I told him what I was looking for and I asked his opinion on what he thought sounded the best.

After he shifted my attention, I connected my iphone and turned on my music. I was impressed! The only diffference in terms of sound was that the iHome volume can be turned up a little louder and I must admit, I DO like the iHome's overall appearance better. I was sold! Inside you'll find expert customer reviews of all iPhone Speakers including guides, tips and tutorial on iPhones and iPhone Speakers. Our mission: to be the most comprehensive iPhone Speaker Review website available online.

And, most importantly, to be valuable resource for those new to iPhones and iPhone Speakers. Compare Write Review. System Features Remote:. Power Batteries:. Portable Features Carrying Case:. User reviews 3 reviews Overall rating. Review Title. Sound Quality. Overview 1 or 2 sentence overview of the review. Pros: What are a few of the positive features to the speaker system? Cons: What are a few of the negative features to the speaker system?

Submit Cancel. April 13, Overall rating. Pros and Cons Pros:. Was this review helpful to you? December 22, I bought two I originally planned to purchase my boyfriend the new iHome iP1 for Christmas.

Its small enough to move to different locations in my home. You can use your Iphone and Ipod with it; opposed to the iHome, it will not only play Youtube clips, but you can also see the video footage. Even though the sound is great, it could be louder, but then again, maybe it s best for me and my neighbors that it isn't. January 28, Pretty Good Not Bad. Powered by JReviews.

Troubleshooting iHome Problems

CNET editors pick the products and services we write about. When you buy through our links, we may get a commission. Believe it or not, iPod speakers were once rare objects--and Bose's SoundDock was one of the first to hit the market back in For the buying season, Bose has gone back to the drawing board and produced the SoundDock Bose says it worked for several years on this new speaker system for the iPod and iPhone, with the lofty goal of building a product that can deliver "audio performance previously unattainable from a one-piece speaker system for iPod. We really liked the design, though it's worth noting that since there are no buttons on the unit itself, you have to use the included remote to control playback. Lose the remote and you'll have a problem, especially when it comes to adjusting volume.

Buy iHome iP1 - Studio - speaker dock - for portable use at all-audio.pro Ilive IT iPod Speaker Bar System - Refurbished. 3+ day shipping.

iHome iP1 Repair

Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop. Here is all the information you need to get set up. Scroll down for Instructions, Troubleshooting, Compatibility and Returns. If you go beyond the 10m radius the i-SYNC will automatically reconnect when your device is back in range. The i-SYNC will remember your device so you will only need to connect once but you will need to leave your Bluetooth on. No Power. If you are having trouble pairing please make sure you have held down the pairing button on the side long enough for the i-SYNC to appear under Bluetooth devices on your phone or other device then select to pair. Please make sure the i-SYNC and your device are no more than 1m apart during pairing. If you are still having problems pairing, please do a Bluetooth reset. Forget all Bluetooth devices; turn Bluetooth off and then on again.

Gadgets: iP1 iPod/iPhone dock, Gboard keyboard

ihome ip1 speaker system problems

These are some common tools used to work on this device. You might not need every tool for every procedure. If you are having some problems with your iHome iP1, visit the device's troubleshooting page. The iHome iP1 was released in July , as the first iHome speaker system meant to be a complete home audio set. The entire device is black with a transparent black-tinted faceplate.

The back of the unit features ports for DC-in and an auxiliary input that plays music from your mp3 player, music-enabled phone or CD player. It also comes with an extra cable to use with non-iPod mp3 players.

Robot or human?

Max holds a B. IHome players make it easy to connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and play the audio through an external speaker system. But still, there are common problems, including the player not recognizing the Apple device, the player not charging, audio problems, issues setting the alarm, and more. Below, you will learn how to resolve these issues by troubleshooting to avoid having to contact iHome support or exchange your player. Older models of Apple devices may not play well with a newer iHome player.

iHome iP2 Premium Bongiovi Home Speaker System for iPod/iPhone

On the back of the remote, we can see the area where the battery is located; between the electrical contacts in the remote and the battery there is a plastic film, to avoid accidental discharges during transport or storage:. In the User Manual, we can find instructions on how to operate the product, how to connect external sound sources and how to link it to a TV, with the provided Component interface:. The extra speaker faces are offered in case we want to change the appearance of the product these faces do not offer the same speaker protection as the ones preinstalled on the iP1 :. The power adapter is larger than the ones shipped with the previously reviewed iHome products, along with plugs for different countries:. The front side of the product looks amazing, the speakers along with the dock are encased in a thick acrylic plate:.

INVESTMENT PIECE: The iHome Studio Series iP1 speakers, $, so if you have any problems with your new system, no worries.

Sound Bombing: The 10 Best iPod Speaker Docks Available Now

COM All of us who own laptops have the same issue; portability vs quality. Maybe your machine fits nicely in your backpack but you are missing the one key that makes playing your favorite game enjoyable. Or perhaps your net book is great for email on the go but heats up and shuts down while watching Hulu. And of course playing music on a laptop always sounds like the conversations you had as a kid over a string and two tin cans.

iP1 iHome Speakers


You can amplify your music and enjoy a host of other functional features with an iHome dock. These docks or speaker systems allow you to access music from your iPod, iPad, or iPhone and fill the room with sound. They arent just for playing music, however, as many of them provide other benefits that make the systems all-around useful additions to your arsenal of tech accessories. When browsing for docks from the iHome brand, consider the type of system youre looking for.

December 10,

Please see our terms for use of feeds. Continue reading Logitec cranks out six new iPod speaker stations. Continue reading Speakal's iPig speaker system rolls in the mud with your iPod. Filed under: Home Entertainment. Filed under: Other hardware , Speakers , Others , Apple.

Table Of Contents. Table of Contents. EQ settings are too high.

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  1. Osric

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