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International speakers series

The Berger International Speaker Series hosts lectures on topics relating to international and comparative law by distinguished scholars and practitioners from around the world. Afghan refugees have long comprised the largest or second-largest group of refugees in the world, and the number of Afghans seeking safety outside Afghanistan increased dramatically even before the U. Betsy has published op-eds and academic articles about statelessness and refugee resettlement in publications like the New York Times and the Michigan Law Review. On Tuesday, October 12, from p. Brian Concannon is Executive Director of Project Blueprint, which promotes a progressive, human rights-based US foreign policy by bringing the perspectives of people impacted by US actions abroad into policy discussions. Please join us on Tuesday, October 19 th , from p.


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Global and International Studies

Thursday, April 8 from 6 — 8 PM This is an online event. Click here to register today! The global pandemic and escalating mental health crises can take their toll. Resilience is a process of positive adaptation in the face of hardship. As humans, we are wired for it — capable of navigating complexity, remaining agile, and demonstrating optimism. Learn ways to engage in self-care that helps nourish and sustain us during intensive times. About Dr.

Kristen Lee Dr. Kristen Lee, Ed. She is a regular contributor for Thrive Global and Psychology Today. To learn more, visit www. Join us online for a moderated discussion between local leaders. This forum is meant to create a safe and welcoming environment for conversation, to elevate voices of Black and Brown people, to understand White privilege, to share insights and language for engaging in productive conversations about structural racism, and to open a local dialogue.

We recognize that this conversation is difficult for people in various ways. We invite anybody from anywhere or any background to attend. We hope this conversation will attract people interested in exploring these topics further, no matter what perspective they may have.

Willoughby Esq. Moderator Michael W. Join us for an updated version of our rescheduled event. Filmmaker and physician Dr. Adolescence is an emotionally turbulent time, and yet there are many ways that schools and parents can give teens proven skills to handle the turbulence better.

She sets out to understand these challenges in our current screen-filled society, and how we, as parents and educators, can empower teens to overcome mental health challenges and build emotional agility, communication savvy, and stress resilience.

Join us for a screening of the film, followed by a discussion with Dan. Habib is a six-time New Hampshire photographer of the year and his freelance work has appeared in Time, Newsweek, and the New York Times. For more information about Dan or the film, visit intelligentlives.

Stuart Ablon, Ph. Ruth Potee, The Physiology of Addiction. The Dr. Charles P. Conroy Speakers Series focuses on bringing members of our community together for lectures and discussions on a wide range of topics related to the various programs and services we provide at Perkins. We invite you to attend these free, open to the public, informative sessions. We rely on the generosity of donations to ensure the continuation of these free events. In recognition of his dedicated service and numerous accomplishments as Executive Director and CEO of Perkins , the Perkins Board of Trustees named its speakers series in honor of Dr.

During the course of his twenty-eight years at Perkins, Dr. Conroy advanced the quality of services, as well as the number of individuals served.

Conroy was an involved community member and thought-leader in the fields of education and human services. He was an active member of not-for-profit boards, as well as civic and community agencies. Executive Director Welcome. Licensure and Accreditation. Perkins School. Behavioral Health.

Child Development Center. Assisted Living. Administrative Staff. Professionals and Consultants. Site Design: Trailside Communication, Inc.

Donate to Dr. Conroy Speakers Series. Kristen Lee. Kristen Lee! An email with the event link will be emailed to you prior to the event.

Environmental Justice & Sustainability Speaker Series

Each year our best teachers—with years of international education experience—speak in classrooms across the United States to share their perspectives and insights with students ready to engage with critical and compelling global questions. Global Connection Our Speaker Series is committed to cross-cultural education. Engaging Facilitation We invite you to look at some of the conversations our staff are facilitating. Speakers cover a range of compelling global topics that are designed to push students to challenge their assumptions through real-world insights. Request a Global Speaker. Select one of our free min global talks free talks are listed below that are funded by Dragons and offer your students the opportunity to engage with critical global conversations.

This invitational Speakers Series highlights the theory, research, and practice of international Indigenous scholars, offering students and faculty across.

Global Summits and Speaker Series

We use cookies to give you the best experience and to help improve our website. Find out more in our Privacy Notice. Questions, please contact dataprivacy clayton. March 10, p. Virtual Via Teams. Pam Davis has more than thirty years of experience in the financial services industry within the areas of branch and call center operations and consumer, real estate, card management and commercial lending. Additionally, Pam directs the Retail Sales and Service team which is responsible for developing and improving sales skills throughout key channels within Delta Community Credit Union. Thanks for letting me know. Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series.

The Silk Speaker Series at the University of San Francisco

international speakers series

Critical issues of our time including climate change and the COVID pandemic have challenged the current state of affairs, provoking an inward gaze among our global community on the resiliency and sustainability of our current philosophies, structures and systems. Indigenous knowledge systems which are relational and well-established can offer alternative approaches to contemporary issues and support the re-imagination of our global future. This invitational Speakers Series highlights the theory, research, and practice of international Indigenous scholars, offering students and faculty across disciplines inspiration, creativity and paths forward in uncertain times. Wednesday, Oct.

Proof of vaccination and masks will be required to attend all events.

Global Speaker Series

The Friday Speaker Series, o ur principal program, usually takes place on the first and third Fridays of each month at the First Presbyterian Church — October through May. Speakers come from around the globe who are known for their international experience in government, business, military affairs and academia. International speakers are supported by our Global Speakers Program. Guests are invited to attend as well see Guest Policy. Privacy Notice.

RE Speakers Series

The Distinguished Speakers in International Business Series DSS brings together policymakers, industry leaders, academia, and students to present and discuss emerging trends in international business throughout the year. Department of Education to foster international understanding and promote the ability for U. Register to receive a link to access the event. In her position, Marisa is responsible for the overall export compliance of programs, products, and pursuits within her portfolio. Marisa has been involved in international trade for fourteen 14 years, all in the aerospace and defense sector. Specialist and Production Control Planner. Vandana Vandy Gyandhar has a global engineering mindset. Vandy has over twenty years of experience in the design, delivery and management of major technically complex capital and infrastructure programs.

Global Speaker Series Bring the world into your classroom. Each year our best teachers—with years of international education experience—speak in classrooms.

Dr. Rüdiger Grube

The RE Speakers Series brings experts from various fields to campus to address topical global issues with students, faculty, parents, alumni and other stakeholders. The speakers hail from a variety of backgrounds and bring a wealth of perspectives. They place students at the center of the discussion during talks that occur three or four times each school year. When possible, RE Speakers address the student body during the school day, then return for an evening session open to the entire RE community and the public.

Looking to our post-pandemic future we want to explore what we can learn from previous experiences that will help us navigate our journey ahead: What are past challenges, stories of faith and transformation that we can learn from? What can we discover about church, our discipleship and ourselves that will help us handle the future with compassion, enthusiasm and Christ-like love. Zoom link. Bunda C. Chibwe is a member of the Council of Twelve Apostles, the lead missionary quorum of Community of Christ. A native of Lubunda, Zambia, Bunda earned a graduat in theology from the Kananga School of Theology, Zaire Democratic Republic of the Congo ; and completed a program in elementary education administration from the University of Zaire, Lumbumashi.

Learn about a new global health topic at noon on the second Tuesday of each month at our Research Speaker Series. Ricardo Ainslie, PhD.

Silk Speaker Series Video Transcript ». The University of San Francisco Silk Speaker Series includes key thought leaders on global affairs, the economy, and business. Tennis superstar, entrepreneur, activist, philanthropist, and venture capitalist Serena Williams discussed her career, off-the-court activities, and the power sports has to change the world. In conversation with Prof. Daly discussed the economy, monetary policy, and building a better future post pandemic. Soccer icon, two-time World Cup champion, and social activist Megan Rapinoe will speak about soccer, equality for all, and her role as co-founder of Re-Inc. Martin Luther King Jr.

In keeping with our tradition, we do our utmost to invite interesting , influential and inspiring speakers. Use our calendar of events to stay up to date. Since its beginnings in , the TUM Speakers Series can look back on a multitude of high-ranking speakers from politics , economics and research at the TU Munich.

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  1. Mariadok

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  2. Macbride

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  3. Macgregor

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  4. Naois

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  5. Madu

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