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Pioneer pl 990 speakers sam

Having lived with a number of Focal speakers over the last five years, the family resemblance between the Utopia headphones and their floorstanding speakers is unmistakable. Short story, I love them. Ditto for the iPad, so these are not like a number of other premium phones that absolutely require a major headphone amplifier to deliver great sound. Past experience with Focal speakers and their beryllium tweeters shows they need a while to break in properly, sounding slightly edgy out of the box. The Utopia headphones are similar, so they stayed plugged into the Dell with music on repeat for a solid week before beginning serious listening.


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QuickSearch: Number of matching entries: 0. Search Settings. Charting an Arabic course [ BibTeX ]. Abstract : This paper is a contribution to the issue -- which has, in the course of the last decade, become critical -- of the basic requirements and validation criteria for lexical language resources in Standard Arabic.

Investigation shows a crucial difference, in the concept of 'lexical database', between source program and generated lexica.

The original categorisations are, in the course of scrutiny, partly revisited. Results and ratios given here for basic entries on the one hand, and for generated lexica of inflected word-forms on the other. They aim at giving a first answer to the question of the ratios between the number of lemma-entries and inflected word-forms that can be expected to be included in, or generated by, a Standard Arabic lexical dB. These ratios can be considered as one overall language-specific criterion for the analysis, evaluation and validation of lexical dB-s in Arabic.

Verbal report data were collected from Arabic- and Mandarin-speaking English as a second language ESL learners to identify the reading strategies involved in carrying out 32 reading questions. Then a confirmatory approach to differential item functioning was used to determine whether bottom-up and top-down items functioned differentially for equal-ability Arabic and Mandarin ESL learners. Results revealed systematic group performance differences in four bottom-up and three top-down strategy categories.

Items involving breaking a word into smaller parts, scanning, paraphrasing, and matching were found to favor Mandarin speakers, whereas items involving skimming, connecting, and inferring were found to favor Arabic speakers. Speech and language impairments in children: Causes, characteristics, intervention and outcome. Verb morphology deficits in Arabic-speaking children with specific language impairment [ BibTeX ]. Abdalla and M. Stuttering and lexical category in adult Arabic speakers.

Abstract : The purpose of this study was to test whether the content and function word dichotomy of speech disfluency found in English-speaking adults who stutter AWS was evident in a language other than English. A group of adult Arabic-speaking AWS were sampled across spontaneous speaking, oral reading, and single-word naming tasks. Moments of disfluency were identified and examined in regard to lexical category.

Results indicated no significant differences in the amount of disfluency occurring on content and function words. The production of combined content-function words, a unique feature of the Arabic language, was associated with a high level of disfluency.

The linguistic bases of stuttering are discussed in regard to language-specific influences. Generating Arabic text in multilingual speech-to-speech machine translation framework [ Abstract ] [ BibTeX ]. It aims to achieve the translation task in two independent steps.

First, meanings of the source-language sentences are represented in an intermediate language-independent Interlingua representation. Then, sentences of the target language are generated from those meaning representations. Arabic natural language processing in general is still underdeveloped and Arabic natural language generation NLG is even less developed. Moreover, tools used for other languages are not easily adaptable to Arabic due to the language complexity at both the morphological and syntactic levels.

In this paper, we describe a rule-based generation approach for task-oriented Interlingua-based spoken dialogue that transforms a relatively shallow semantic interlingual representation, called interchange format IF , into Arabic text that corresponds to the intentions underlying the speaker's utterances.

This approach addresses the handling of the problems of Arabic syntactic structure determination, and Arabic morphological and syntactic generation within the Interlingual MT approach. The results of these experiments were promising and confirmed the ability of the rule-based approach in generating Arabic translation from the Interlingua taken from the travel and tourism domain.

Arabic sign language: a perspective. Abstract : Sign language in the Arab World has been recently recognized and documented. Many efforts have been made to establish the sign language used in individual countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Libya, and the Gulf States, by trying to standardize the language and spread it among members of the Deaf community and those concerned.

Such efforts produced many sign languages, almost as many as Arabic-speaking countries, yet with the same sign alphabets. This article gives a tentative account of some sign languages in Arabic through reference to their possible evolution, which is believed to be affected by the diglossic situation in Arabic, and by comparing some aspects of certain sign languages Jordanian, Palestinian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, and Libyan for which issues such as primes, configuration, and movement in addition to other linguistic features are discussed.

A contrastive account that depicts the principal differences among Arabic sign languages in general and the spoken language is given. Pearson correlations between the total scores were significant and positive. Only one high-loaded factor was extracted and labeled General Death Anxiety, indicating good convergent and factorial validity of these scales. Arabic handwritten digit recognition [ Abstract ] [ BibTeX ].

The performances of different classification and feature extraction techniques on recognizing Arabic digits are going to be reported to serve as a benchmark for future work on the problem. The performance of well known classifiers and feature extraction techniques will be reported in addition to a novel feature extraction technique we present in this paper that gives a high accuracy and competes with the state-of-the-art techniques.

The results are analyzed and the problem of the digit '0' is identified with a proposed method to solve it. Statistical transliteration for english-arabic cross language information retrieval [ BibTeX ]. CIKM ' Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and knowledge management, pp.

Differences in self-rated health by immigrant status and language preference among Arab Americans in the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Abstract : Arab Americans are a growing minority in the U. Using data from the Detroit Arab American Study, which is based on a probability sample, we examined the self-rated health SRH of Arab Americans by two measures of acculturation--immigrant status and language preference.

We specified logistic regression models to test whether immigrants report better or poorer health status compared to U. Our findings reveal that the health status of Arab Americans improves with acculturation.

Arab immigrants are more likely to report poorer SRH compared to U. When language preference is taken into account, Arabic-speaking immigrants are more likely to report poorer SRH compared to both U. We discuss these findings in light of similar ones obtained in the literature on SRH among other immigrant groups in the U.

We conclude by arguing that language is an important measure to include in SRH studies among Arab Americans as well as other non-English speaking ethnic groups. A study of some psycho-social characteristics of blind and deaf male students in Abha City, Asir region, Saudi Arabia. They were categorised according to their scores on this CDI, into depressed and non-depressed. Also, an interview questionnaire was administered to collect data related to the handicap, such as age of onset, and its cause and family history of the same handicap.

The effect of the handicap upon the attitudes of students in relation to their social tendencies, hobbies and problems in living situations was studied. The mean ages for blind and deaf students were About Depression was more prevalent among the blind 14 than among the deaf 6. Difficulty in mobility was the main problem among blind students 44 while difficulty in communication with people was the main problem among the deaf Reading was the commonest hobby for the blind 51, while playing football was the commonest among the deaf This information should be considered when planning for rehabilitative services for these groups.

Abolfotouh and A. Developing an articulation test for Arabic-speaking school-age children. Abstract : OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop an Arabic articulation test using familiar and visually transparent words in order to be used as a criterion for comparing phonemes of both normal and phonologically disordered Arabic-speaking children.

Three expert phoniatricians were asked to review MAAT and complete a questionnaire. The MAAT was presented to normal Arabic-speaking Egyptian children randomly selected from the first- and second-grade kindergarten.

They were 52 males and 48 females with ages ranging between 42 and 70 months. Children's responses were converted to a percent correct score for sound utterances and picture identification. A statistically highly significant adequate correlation was found between correct word utterances and picture identification which proved the content validity of MAAT.

Test-retest reliability proved the consistency of MAAT. Quality of life of patients with oral and pharyngeal malignancies. Abstract : The target population was cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer in Alexandria and El Behira regions. Data were collected through all accessible archives. It consists of 22 items translated into Arabic language, and was checked for reliability and validity. Only 12 questions were found suitable for use after testing the questionnaire. Responses are coded on a 7 point Likert scale.

Questions included pain, psychic stress, and ability to work and do household activities. The initial scale's structure identified a two-factor model: functional including 6 questions, and psychological including 6 questions. The grand total score was calculated as the sum of responses to the 12 items.

The total score of the scale range is 12 to 84 points. The median was used for demarcation between what was considered as "good" response, and what was considered as "poor" QoL. Quality of life displayed higher "good" frequencies among those years old. Males, and rural cases expressed better QoL than females and urban. Married were of better QoL compared to single patients. The educated showed higher frequency of "good" compared to un-educated. Employees and professionals reported better QoL.

Stage categories showed significant indirect correlation with QoL scores. The best QoL according to total or psychological mean scores was recorded for pharyngeal-otherwise pharyngeal of a mysterious origin or lip cases, while the worst were for the floor of the mouth. Lip cases showed the best QoL scores through the functional domain.

According to treatment; surgery showed the best QoL, while chemotherapy showed the worst. When it came to chronic irradiation complications; those without complications expressed the best QoL.

All those treatment complications showed significant associations with dichotomous leveling of QoL. Logistic regression showed that stage, late surgical complications, and response to treatment were the most important predictors of QoL. Abstract : Investigated whether similar difficulties appear in learning languages with different orthographic systems, and studied the relationship between reading, syntactic, orthographic and working-memory skills in 60 bilingual Hebrew-English speaking 10th graders in Israel.

Ss were tested individually on working memory, oral cloze, visual condition, phonological condition, orthographic, word attack, word identification, and arithmetic tests.

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Update : Updated on January 22, Building a stereo system around a turntable from scratch can be tough. Several years ago we put together a guide to selecting the best turntable for a beginner. We discussed the differences between belt drives direct drives. We talked about built-in preamps versus stand alone preamps.

Towel 3-Pack 16inch X 32inch · Pioneer PL Automatic Stereo Turntable EW Inch p Eye-Care IPS LED Monitor 75Hz, HDRi, HDMI, Speakers.

5 Affordable Turntables to Get You Hooked on Records

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pioneer pl 990 speakers sam

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A very good example of this Technics Turntable. Was purchased new in and has been looked after by me ever since.

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Skip To Content. New York State Library. Image of a Boy Scout leader shaking hands with a boy wearing knickers; the scout master is pointing to the background where, near a pup tent, Boy Scouts are cooking over an open fire, carrying wood, and standing next to a bicycle and a canoe; in the valley below that scene are a mass of boys rushing toward the boy and the man. Three boys, one dressed in a Boy Scout uniform with a bugle hanging from a strap across his chest, are appealing to a man dressed in a vested suit and wearing a fedora. Ernest F[?

Numark TTi USB Turntable distortion problem

Which scared the hell out of me? That would have come from their assassin. He looked at the road ahead, breathing with little short gasps, but just barely. Some people seem to think all dragons do. Feb 15, See if you can find one for the day before yesterday, his shoes crunching on the gravel path between monuments that were tended with great care. This garden did not give on the open countryside, I made my way down the passage to my bedroom.

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The Haynes workshop manual Rusky w schemes and data transmission systems can system. Check Lowest Price on Amazon: Now that you have replaced the old head unit, you are going to want a good pair of speakers to go with it. We have researched Mercedes-Benz stereo, speaker, and subwoofer parts that fit and are ready to order online. Manufacturer Part Number: A Front and Rear Speaker Removal.

Moving the arm over the platter starts the platter rotating just fine. Basically, the phono tube is in a class far superior to the table. The turntable is model sl- bu, the cassette deck is model rs- dw, and the stereo tuner is model st- z I just acquired one of these and I must say I'm impressed with its performance.

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