Triode amplifier definitions
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- vacuum tube
- Single-ended triode
- Vacuum Tube - 2A3, RCA, Triode, Power Amplifier
- Triode definitions
- VTA: Vacuum Triode Amplifier
- high power triode vacuum tube amplifier
- US3455326A - Fluid triode - Google Patents
- High power grounded grid triode amplifier
- Triode Valve / Tube Formulas & Theory
- triode - Meaning in English
vacuum tube
J apanese manufacturer Triode Corporation , owner of Tri brand name is another, along with Leben and Oyaide , Japanese brand that I feel attached to bit more than to others. I feel like regardless if that is the right or wrong feeling its Godfather.
It was its Polish and probably also Europe's premiere. Along with this first review we had conducted also an interview with Mr Yamazaki — let me encourage you to read it if you haven't so far - HERE. Power tubes work in classic push-pull configuration, in AB class, but they are working as triodes — kind of obligation if the company's name is Triode Corp.
In my opinion all the tubes and also the enclosure are made in China. How else would it be possible to offer such price for Japanese product? I don't see any other way to achieve that — you have to look for savings somewhere.
All the assembly, most passive elements, transformers come from Japan and very nice speaker's binding posts are made in USA. Audition was conducted in three stages — first was simple connection of amplifier to the speakers, second — device working as headphone amplifier and finally I rolled some tubes — both power and input tubes — I used the best I had at hand: KT88 from EAT — matched quarter from Diamond line and ECC with CoolDamper.
The latter were used also for drivers. Stockfisch Records. Closer To The Music vol. The Beatles, Martin L. Hot Piano, featuring Mr. As mentioned before I feel somehow connected to TRI. It is not that I am deeply in love to continue this emotional language but there is a small, warm spot in my heart reserved for it. Tri Corp created a great example — TRVSE to show how a manufacturer can reach out to Customers, adopt to budget limitations an so on, without sacrifying music. Already first few minutes spent listening to this amp will tell you it doesn't even try to sound neutral.
Japanese amplifier offers warm, very rich sound. Its dynamics is attenuated so there is no chance for big band or orchestra to sound in a proper way. I mean it sounds properly if you consider richness and power but not the timbre. That could be easily verified when listening to Misa Criolla that was recorded in a big church. So I wouldn't count on ultra-precise presentation of interiors acoustics.
But Tri has a virtue common among good devices the ones that can catch you attention, intrigue you — you don't want to change the CD, you don't feel like looking for some other recording that would better fit this device. The review hereby amplifier does it by offering warm sound and softening of the attack. Yes, I could still hear what is described above but it absolutely wasn't disturbing. It was clearly showed by amazing record - Hot Piano.
Featuring Marty Paich. It is an old recording with leading role of a piano, which was shown by Tri in a very accurate manner. The strike was bit softened but with long-lasting, full, rich and really nice sound. Pace in every recording was very good which is quite surprising considering not that great overall dynamics.
But that great pace made me stay with electronic music for much longer than planned. For such music pace and rhythm and strike are substantial — you can't listen to electronic music without them because even the most interesting compositions would sound simply boring. I started with Counterfeit2 by Martina L. Tri is not a high-end device — it is relatively inexpensive amplifier but it played this CD amazingly well.
When I tried just to listen to the music without analyzing it, just feel the mood - I could do it without a problem. There was rhythm, depth, strong bass. Also here I was surprised positively by bass, but also by ability to present the depth and coherency of the sound. Tri stood on Base stand right after I took Struss Chopin MkIV of, so it was an easy comparison and I heard immediately that Japanese amplifier doesn't do as low as Polish solid-state amp and also resolution at low-end was as good.
It is really an expression in my vocabulary but I see it often in Readers letters , so it obviously has its meaning. Electronic music sounded really strong and rich. I got exactly same impression from the new recording of the same piano from beautiful record called Viaticum e. The sound is by itself very rich and tangible but Tri managed to convey that even better. Or maybe it didn't convey anything, maybe just preserved in its original way. The biggest one is some simplification in upper mid-range — somewhere around 1 kHz.
This frequency can be bumped up because we realize what I described above. Taking it objectively this frequency is not really bumped up it is just as one perceives it. So to compensate that effect you have to bump up a bit lower mid-range. This is of course a deviation from flat response throughout whole frequency approach. If the voice in the recording sounds bit lean — you will hear it.
Actor's voice sounds lean and Tri presents it in this exact manner. Rights after that comes electronic music and everything gets back to normal but you already know that quality of vocal recording on this CD is not the best one. You know what you get and what you pay for. And that's what it is about. What you get from Tri is music, not sounds. We listen to more and more recording to hear the music and not how particular instrument would sound like.
It lacks a bit of strong dynamics, but it is possible that with given set of virtues and flaws bumping up dynamics might ruin the final effect. Usually when we mention tube amplifier we mean some stereotype — gentle trebles, strong, rich mid-range, and not too well controlled bass. And this is what you get if you buy this one. Only bass is better than in this stereotype description. This is a tube amp in the best meaning of this words.
My Leben CS is also a tube device but offering totally different sound — more precise, faster and with much better resolution. It simply asks for best sources and speakers. Tri is the opposite — it offers complete, finished sound that should satisfy you here and now.
And that's it. Than all you have to do it buy more and more CDs. In a way that is in contrary to the audiophile's concept of striving for perfection. But it might be as close to that goal as many audiophiles would ever get. Tube rolling was an important experience during this review.
If you take cost-wise approach there is absolutely no justification for such a huge investment as tubes and CoolDampers cost just a bit less than the whole amplifier. But still I was a useful experience that showed me the route this project took from designer's computer screen to the final product. Thanks to those elements I could follow all pieces of this puzzle put to right places by the designer.
To make long story short — tube rolling changed sound totally. And the changes were not necessarily only good ones as one might have expected. Sound became crystal clear with amazing resolution. The change was huge! But amp's limitations became obvious at the same time. It is relatively inexpensive device and you can't expect it to work as well as amplifiers costing PLN or more. TRVES with its tubes was built to achieve balance between what it was supposed to achieve and what was really achievable.
This is a great job done by designer. When we get a clearer sound from tubes it will turn out that the mid-range is not so precisely presented as by more expensive amps. Most likely it is not only about the Tri but depending also on the loudspeakers hooked up. But if your choice will be something more precise like Harpia Acoustic or Monitor Audio it might not work that well. So my suggestion — start with exchange of tubes in the first stage for EATs, than drivers for Siemens or Philips and finally power tubes for Genalex or Electro-Harmonix ones.
Then you should have an amplifier that should keep you satisfied for many years. What about headphone amp? Well — it sound exactly the same way as with loudspeakers. After tube rolling sound will be purer and you will gain lots of dynamics.
In my opinion external headphone amp won't be needed. Leben CS offers bit wider sound-stage, and the sound is more sophisticated, but the differences should not give you a headache of course if the character of the Tri is what you are looking for.
TRVSE small, compact device with its characteristic feature — beautiful burgund lacquer finish. The front is trimmed out in a thick aluminum plate and side panels are wooden. At the front you will find a mechanical power mains switch with blue LED red would look much better I think , an attenuator, input selector and additional RCA input. Right next to the latter you will find port for headphone jack 6. At the back there two more RCA inputs, "pre in" input and record out.
There a lot of quite precious elements used inside. All resistors are very precise Japanese products of KOA.

Single-ended triode
A triode is an electronic amplifying vacuum tube or valve in British English consisting of three electrodes inside an evacuated glass envelope: a heated filament or cathode , a grid , and a plate anode. Developed from Lee De Forest 's Audion , a partial vacuum tube that added a grid electrode to the thermionic diode Fleming valve , the triode was the first practical electronic amplifier and the ancestor of other types of vacuum tubes such as the tetrode and pentode. Its invention founded the electronics age, making possible amplified radio technology and long-distance telephony. Triodes were widely used in consumer electronics devices such as radios and televisions until the s, when transistors replaced them. Today, their main remaining use is in high-power RF amplifiers in radio transmitters and industrial RF heating devices. In recent years there has been a resurgence in demand for low power triodes due to renewed interest in tube-type audio systems by audiophiles who prefer [ vague ] the pleasantly warm distorted sound of tube-based electronics. Before thermionic valves were invented, Philipp Lenard used the principle of grid control while conducting photoelectric experiments in
Vacuum Tube - 2A3, RCA, Triode, Power Amplifier
Review By Rick Becker. A four door sedan, older but rust-free, pulled into the driveway. A young man jumped out, picked up something from the back seat, and then hurried to my front door. Just send him some feedback. Within a few minutes he was pulling out of the driveway, heading to Albany to see his girlfriend or something, having only enough time to let me scribble down the various transformers and unlabeled toggle switch functions on the back of an envelope. I remember being that young with so much vitality, when life had such urgency and time went by so slowly. But that was a long time ago. Four little EL84 power tubes form a line between the two output transformers on the left and the power transformer at the back right corner. A pair of 12AX7 preamp tubes guards them in front and a GZ34 rectifier tube stands off to the right by the choke transformer. The playing field is wide from left to right and shallow from front to back as if it were designed to sit on a bookshelf.
Triode definitions

When I was a young student of electronics, I was doing most of my learning by bringing books home from the library wow was that a long time ago and hand wiring circuits. I think it was shortly after I let a volt DC power supply connect to my finger tips. When I regained consciousness In this article I am going to share a way of understanding this that you probably won't find in an electronics text book.
VTA: Vacuum Triode Amplifier
An electronic amplifier , amplifier , or informally amp is an electronic device that increases the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In this sense, an amplifier modulates the output of the power supply. Numerous types of electronic amplifiers are specialized to various applications. An amplifier can refer to anything from a electrical circuit that uses a single active component, to a complete system such as a packaged audio hi-fi amplifier. Amplifiers are described according to their input and output properties.
high power triode vacuum tube amplifier
A thermionic valve containing an anode, a cathode, and a control grid; small changes to the charge on the grid control the flow from cathode to anode which makes amplification possible. A triode is an electronic amplification tube having three active electrodes. The term most commonly applies to glass vacuum tube with three elements: the filament or cathode, the grid, and the plate or anode. The triode vacuum tube was the first electronic amplification device, which propelled the electronics age forward, by enabling amplified radio technology and long-distance telephony. Triodes were widely used in consumer electronics until the s, when transistors replaced them. Today their main remaining use is for high power RF amplifiers in radio transmitters and industrial RF heating devices.
US3455326A - Fluid triode - Google Patents
July 15, l s. Lightner, St. Louis, Mo.
High power grounded grid triode amplifier
Top 10 similar words or synonyms for triode bjt 0. Top 30 analogous words or synonyms for triode. The first vacuum tube used in radio was the thermionic diode or Fleming valve, invented by John Ambrose Fleming in as a detector for radio receivers. It was an evacuated glass bulb containing two electrodes, a heated filament and a plate anode.
Triode Valve / Tube Formulas & Theory
J apanese manufacturer Triode Corporation , owner of Tri brand name is another, along with Leben and Oyaide , Japanese brand that I feel attached to bit more than to others. I feel like regardless if that is the right or wrong feeling its Godfather. It was its Polish and probably also Europe's premiere. Along with this first review we had conducted also an interview with Mr Yamazaki — let me encourage you to read it if you haven't so far - HERE. Power tubes work in classic push-pull configuration, in AB class, but they are working as triodes — kind of obligation if the company's name is Triode Corp. In my opinion all the tubes and also the enclosure are made in China. How else would it be possible to offer such price for Japanese product?
triode - Meaning in English
The definition of triode in the dictionary is an electronic valve having three electrodes, a cathode, an anode, and a grid, the potential of the grid controlling the flow of electrons between the cathode and anode. It has been replaced by the transistor. Other definition of triode is any electronic device, such as a thyratron, having three electrodes.
I join. So it happens. We will examine this question.