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Usher dancer mini two diamond dmd speaker

Post a Comment. Usher Dancer Mini 1 Speakers. The Usher Dancer Mini 1 is a compact floor standing speaker finished in glossy piano black on the front baffle, and a Sonus Faber like lute shaped back, mounted on an over sized plinth for added stability. The heavy plinth forms an anchor to weight down and perhaps provides some mechanical dampening to the main speakers attached on top.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Usher Mini Dancer 2 DMD speakers with Pioneer CDJ-500 Player

Usher Dancer Mini Two Floorstanding Speakers Preowned

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support. Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Discussion in ' Speakers ' started by thymanst , Apr 1, Log in or Sign up. Usher speakers Discussion in ' Speakers ' started by thymanst , Apr 1, Messages: 1, Location: naples,florida.

A pair of mini dancer 1's DMD came up locally on a nearby island and I purchased them. Really surprised at the quality workmanship of them. The Walnut veneer that wraps around the back looks beautiful. Bases are all metal with cones and spikes. Gloss lacquer on the fronts with ports at bottom. Gold plated biwire jumpers.

They very much remind me of sonus fabers. The drivers are of their own design the woofer looks like the woofer sonus faber uses. The tweeters are the best part , they are a diamond desposit sandwiching metal.

Set them up out from the wall a little over 3 feet from back and side. I have a Vandersteen 2wq sub with their top end filters to handle the bottom end. The sound is awesome. Great soundstage wide and deep the tweeters are really smooth - the instruments and voices are very defined.

I've had many speakers set up in the same spot and these are as good as any. The are very "high end". JPG File size: Last edited: Apr 1, F1nut , Uncle Paul , indyhawg and 1 other person like this.

Messages: 2, Location: Western Colorado. Those are beauties! Usher makes some very fine speakers - enjoy! Messages: 6, Location: Wichita-ish. I believe Usher is best known for their drivers, which you can get through Parts Express, and likely other sources as well.

They are very highly regarded in the DIY speaker community, so I would completely believe that their complete speakers are fantastic. Yours certainly looks fantastic! Messages: Location: Vancouver Washington. My brother scored a set of Usher BE and the matching stands. Holy cow! Along with a fantastic look; are components that are way overbuilt. The result is a small speaker capable of big speaker sound. The stands weigh a ton as do the speakers, a testament of their build quality perhaps.

I have been on the hunt for my own set of BE's for over a year now. Two thumbs up! SPEC2man , Apr 1, I was trying bookshelf speakers Dali, kef to use but they just didn't fill the area with sound.

The usher are almost like bookshelfes with heavy duty stands - size wise - they definitely fill the room with sound Messages: 35, Location: Lindenhurst, IL. Well, Usher is not well known in the US. Joe D'Appolito actually designed the crossovers for most Usher speakers.

Those are beautiful and would love to hear a pair someday. Last edited: Nov 23, Messages: 9, Location: New York City. Ds , Apr 1, Messages: 6, Location: Indy, IN. My experience has been extremely positive. The s and and of of the models with similar drivers in a floor-standing version all truly impressed me. Might even say they blew me away. Most of the reviews I've read which hasn't really been a tremendous number have been positive as well.

I think one of the aspects that might have initially held back their popularity, at least in print media, is the idea that they were likely reverse engineering the more pricey Scanspeak drivers noted for their use in sonus faber speaker line.

How much of that is true I have no idea but many folks thought that was the situation. As a side note, I bought a pair of DIY Eton-based speakers from a guy in the Boston area that was an early importer of Usher drivers and he built DIY speakers using the Usher drivers, a couple of which turned out to be some of their actual models that would be further developed and marketed several years later, notably the They've got reviews in a lot of different places so they don't appear to be shy about providing samples.

I read they have their own anechoic chamber. From reading it looks like they see a good idea, then reverse engineer I'm sure they change enough to get around copyright scanspeak looking drivers, diamond tweeters, high end veneers - kind of taking the best of what others do and putting it together into one speaker. Either it's totally clever or completely questionable - I don't care myself, I like what they've come up with.

Messages: 1, Location: Chesterfield, VA. I've owned several pairs of Ushers and had some in that I sold for others. The S are some of the best small speakers that you can buy for short coin. The BE are some of the best standmount speakers that you can buy However, I owned a pair of X that had great fit-and-finish. I just never really liked how they sounded. They had a mid-bass hump that I couldn't handle. Overall, Usher equipment is first rate. Messages: Location: Fishers, Indiana.

Very nice score. I really like my BEs. They are one of the few speakers that plays everything I have thrown at it very well. I am looking forward to moving up the Usher line in the future. Messages: 4, They used to sell some Usher speaker kits at PE, I believe they still sell the drivers. SoundOfSound , Apr 1, Messages: 11, Location: Arlington, TX. Anyone heard the cp? Messages: Location: Costa Rica. Great speakers Messages: Assuming those merkings is the attenuating. MSW75 , Nov 22, You must log in or sign up to reply here.

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usher Audio Dancer Mini Two Diamond DMD Loudspeaker - Audiofast

Throughout the treble, the Beryllium tweeter failed to make its presence obvious. That's a good thing. I've heard some highly touted tweeters sound really good in some speakers and really bad in others simply by making their presence known. No matter the quality of the driver, how it's implemented is just as important as the raw driver itself. The Be sounds naturally extended and nicely detailed but never artificially so. There's no edginess, harshness or hardness.

For sale is a dealer demo pair of Usher Audio DMD Dancer Mini Two floorstanding speakers in the walnut veneer.

Usher Dancer mini two DMD vs Dali Helicon 400 MK2

To appreciate what the Mini Two really is and why it exists,. Two final points I should address before we discuss the Mini. First off, let me tell you that the Mini Two. Mini Two was a direct precursor to the Mini Two Diamond. DMD , and the fact is that, while the Mini Two was very good, the. Part of the reason why. Two DMD is essentially a full-range speaker, and not one of. In reality, this is a large

Dancer Mini-Two Diamond

usher dancer mini two diamond dmd speaker

Great review, Juan. It comports well with my experience with the Mini Twos. I am really happy with them as well. I've been experimenting with two REL subs and gently damping the front port with good results.

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Usher Dancer Mini-Two Diamond Floorstanding Speakers

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Buy USHER Dancer Mini-Two Diamond Speakers in Singapore,Singapore. Specifications: 2-way system: Diamond DMD dome tweeter ", mid-low woofer 7"x2.

April World Premiere! Review By Anthony Nicosia. Since then it has moved into its newly built factory located in the city of Taichung with a population of just over one million people.

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I'm pretty sure the DMD version of these came out in around late or , so they're not very old. It seems you have to subscribe to read the review, but you can see they give them 5 "Globes" which has to be good

The soothing sound is supported by velvety strings that are joint by the rest of the orchestra with tour de force to make a wonderful contrast with the fragile intro. Try to listen to the first movement of Peer Gynt through the Ushers and you will agree that they are very mature speakers. This extremely airy, detailed and sweet sounding unit have become a serious contender for top class drivers of JMLab Focal, Revel or even Dynaudio. Now the beryllium tweeter has been discontinued in production in favor of a new Diamond DMD driver. All of them utilized beryllium tweeters that significantly contributed to their sound to be Have they really needed to be modified?

Available in 42 countries. Diamond Dancer. As Ron noted in his letter, the Mini-Two has two woofers rather than one.

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