El pico amp 85
Originally consisting of Lennon and several schoolfriends, the Quarrymen took their name from a line in the school song of their school, the Quarry Bank High School. Lennon's mother, Julia Lennon , taught her son to play the banjo , showed Lennon and Eric Griffiths how to tune their guitars in a similar way to the banjo, and taught them simple chords and songs. Lennon started a skiffle group that was briefly called the Blackjacks, but changed the name before any public performances. Some accounts credit Lennon with choosing the new name; other accounts credit his close friend Pete Shotton with suggesting the name.
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- Pico 0704A 4Pole Heavy Duty Metal Male Plug Electrical Connector 20 per Package
- Prevention of Group B Streptococcal Early-Onset Disease in Newborns
- Immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine candidate for COVID-19
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- Meet SunView: the first commercially available pico projector
- ¿Mi Agapornis es macho o hembra?
These metrics are regularly updated to reflect usage leading up to the last few days. Citations are the number of other articles citing this article, calculated by Crossref and updated daily.
Find more information about Crossref citation counts. The Altmetric Attention Score is a quantitative measure of the attention that a research article has received online. Clicking on the donut icon will load a page at altmetric. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. Work presented here demonstrates application of nanopipettes pulled to orifice diameters of less than nm as electrospray ionization emitters for mass spectrometry.
Mass spectrometric analysis of a series of peptides and proteins electrosprayed from pulled-quartz capillary nanopipette emitters with internal diameters ranging from 37 to 70 nm is detailed.
Overall, the use of nanopipette emitters causes a shift toward the production of ions of higher charge states and leads to a reduction in width of charge-state distribution as compared to typical nanospray conditions. As characterized by SEM images acquired before and after spray, nanopipettes are shown to be robust under conditions employed. Analytical calculations and numerical simulations are used to calculate the electric field at the emitter tip, which can be significant for the small diameter tips used.
Figure 1. Scanning transmission electron microscopy STEM images of nanopipette before spraying, a , and after spraying, b , leucine enkephalin at a lower applied potential 0. Mass spectrum of leucine enkephalin recorded from nanopipette tip in a,b is shown at figure bottom. Figure 2. Comparison of mass spectra between PicoTip a—c, top and nanopipette d—f, bottom emitters. Nanopipette inner diameters were 37, 58, and 47 nm for d, e, and f, respectively.
Figure 3. Measured spray current vs applied potential for cytochrome c, insulin, and leucine enkephalin, sprayed from nanopipettes. Spray-onset potentials were , , and V for leucine enkephalin, insulin, and cytochrome c, respectively. Data sets were offset for clarity. The cytochrome c data set was multiplied by a factor of Surface charge density was not considered for this simulation. Complete details of the simulation are available in Supporting Information.
Figure 4. Additional information as noted in the text. Such files may be downloaded by article for research use if there is a public use license linked to the relevant article, that license may permit other uses.
The authors appreciate facility use and assistance provided by Dr. Portions of this work were supported through grants CHE to L. The Nanoscale Characterization Facility at IU is acknowledged for use of the scanning electron microscope. The authors wish to thank Prof. Chris Enke UNM for insightful discussions related to this work.
View Author Information. Department of Chemistry, Indiana University, E. Phone: Fax: Cite this: Anal. Article Views Altmetric -. Citations Abstract High Resolution Image.
Nanopipettes are multifunctional fluidic tools that find important application in electrochemical and electrophysiological measurement. Electrospray ionization ESI is a powerful technique for soft ionization of analytes and is especially useful for MS of biological macromolecules. Consequently, nano-ESI has been shown to be more tolerant to buffer composition, detergents, and salt content.
The dependence of ESI characteristics on the diameter of the emitter orifice has been examined by several investigators. Mann and co-workers theoretically considered the effect of orifice diameter and flow rate on ESI conditions as the basis for nanospray, 9 and similar considerations and scaling laws related to the ESI phenomenon have been examined in detail. This shift in charge-state distribution was attributed to the higher surface-to-volume ratio with decreasing emitted droplet diameter.
Second, the authors reported higher-than-expected ion currents for the smaller tip diameters. Higher ion current was attributed to the significantly higher electric field at the smaller tip, which produced greater droplet charging even though the volumetric flow rate was smaller. Most nano-ESI emitters are fabricated from pulled capillaries, although more exotic fabrication methods and materials have been explored for emitter preparation.
To our knowledge, these represent the smallest nanospray capillaries reported to date. Nanopipette tips are shown to be robust by careful characterization of the orifice sizes with electron microscopy before and after use. No additional requirements e. Experimental Section. Nanopipette position was optimized relative to the mass spectrometer inlet, and the resulting gap typically from 3 to 5 mm was measured for electric field calculations. Louis, MO. Nanopipettes were filled with solution through centrifugation.
Further details of nanopipette preparation and characterization, current—voltage measurements, and sample preparation are provided in the Supporting Information. For finite element simulation parameters, see the Supporting Information as well. Results and Discussion.
One concern with regard to nanopipette emitters of very small dimensions for ESI processes is the fragility of the structure and susceptibility to clogging.
For this reason, all nanopipette emitters were characterized via electron microscopy before and after their use as electrospray emitters. After nanopipettes were pulled, no physical or chemical procedures were required to prepare them for electrospray, as opposed to previous reports. The orifice diameter was found unchanged after approximately 1 min of operation at an applied potential of 0.
These images demonstrate that nanopipettes can be carried through mass spectrometric analysis without damage to the tip opening. High Resolution Image. Under application of higher potentials for example, 1.
In Figure S-1 see Supporting Information , a nanopipette with initial diameter of 37 nm was operated at a higher applied potential 1. At this relatively high bias, an increase in tip diameter to 65 nm was observed after ESI. Increases in emitter orifice were observed only at the highest applied potentials and are possibly due to local heating effects, electrostatic pressure, acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of silica, or devitrification of the quartz under the high electric fields employed 22 vide infra.
When used with lower applied potentials 0. Results obtained from nanopipette emitters under identical solution conditions are shown in Figure 2 d—f nanopipettes with inner diameters of 37 nm Figure 2 d , 58 nm Figure 2 e , and 47 nm Figure 2 f.
For lower molecular mass compounds Figure 2 a,d for leucine enkephalin, Figure S-3 for insulin, Supporting Information , mass spectra appear similar, with no significant differences in observed charge-state distribution.
In contrast, for higher-mass analytes, nanopipette emitters produced mass spectra that are significantly different from those generated by the larger commercial emitters. Qualitative comparison of Figure 2 b,e, and Figure 2 c,f, shows that mass spectra collected from nanopipette electrospray ionization exhibited more highly charged ions and a charge-state distribution that was significantly narrowed. Shift in charge state was quantified by calculation of the weighted average charge state ACS as described in eq 1 , 21 where N i is the number of charges on a peak and I i is the absolute intensity of that peak.
The weighted average of the charge-state distribution for cytochrome c shifts from Narrower charge-state distributions were also observed from nanopipette emitters. The shift in charge-state distribution to higher charge states is similar to the trend reported by Li and Cole 21 and supports a similar conclusion; nanospray from the small orifice of the nanopipette leads to increase in the surface charge-to-volume ratio of the emitted droplets, which results in ions of higher charge states.
The narrowing of the distribution was not observed in this prior work, however, and may reflect a greater uniformity in droplet dimensions and surface charge for experiments reported here. Electrospray onset voltage and current—voltage characteristics of the nanopipette emitters were measured in an ancillary apparatus see Supporting Information for description , and the ESI spray currents collected from nanopipette emitters as a function of applied voltage are shown in Figure 3.
The onset of electrospray onset potential, Vc is indicated when the measured current rises above the baseline. At the microscopic level, the onset potential represents conditions when the forces resulting from surface tension of the spray solvent are overcome by forces due to electrostatic force on the solution surface. Since the conductivity of the solution is dominated by the added acidic solution, the difference in slope may suggest a resistance to ion flow that is related to the size of the analyte molecule itself.
Further studies of these phenomena are underway. Numerical COMSOL simulations and analytical calculations were performed to consider the magnitude of electric field at the nanopipette tip detailed in Supporting Information. These calculations were performed for tip diameters similar to our nanopipette emitters as well as PicoTips for the experimentally determined onset potential for the lowest molecular weight analyte tested, leucine enkephalin.
Here, V C is taken to be V for a nanopipette and V for a PicoTip emitter, and r c was 20 nm for a nanopipette and nm for a PicoTip emitter. The spraying distance, d , was 1 cm in all cases. Solutions to analytical calculations represent the minimum electric field necessary to produce electrospray at the tip and were found to be 1.
High electric fields are one interesting aspect of the nanopipettes used here, although there are additional parameters, for instance, orifice diameter, which will be considered in future studies. Overall, these observations suggest that, while the nanopipette emitter area is significantly reduced compared to conventional nanospray, the higher field supports effective ESI conditions.
Because the electrostatic pressure increases as the square of the applied field, a significant electrostatic pressure is applied to the liquid surface. Given that surface tension is also reduced at these higher fields, 26, 27 nanopipette ESI conditions favor higher flow rates and more significant solution charging. Smaller orifices may also decrease the volumetric flow rate, which can decrease the initial droplet diameters and lead to increase in charge-to-surface area ratios.
To determine how nanopipette emitters would fare when applied to real biological samples, a suspension of red blood cell lysate was sprayed from the nanopipettes, under both ideal and less-ideal conditions, meaning suspended in spray solvent or in phosphate buffered saline PBS , respectively. Since nano-ESI exhibits reduced ionization suppression due to the presence of salts, 10 no desalting step was taken after the RBCs were washed with PBS and before suspension in spray solvent. The relatively clear distribution of peaks in the spectrum provides a good starting place for biological studies and suggests that nanopipettes will be suitable for more complex samples.
A less ideal sample, red blood cell lysate was resuspended in a model physiological buffer, PBS Figure 4 b.
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The master oscillator generates infrared picosecond pulses at nm with variable repetition rates up to 80 MHz using the proven gain-switching techniques from PicoQuant. The output of this seed laser is directly connected to a multi-stage fiber amplifier, which boosts the output from the seed laser by several dB while maintaining the other characteristics of the seed laser beam like the emission wavelength, polarization and the pulse width. The VisUV is a stand alone device featuring a special design optimized for maximum heat dissipation. The VisUV laser module includes all driving functions required for laser operation, such as choice of repetition rate, intensity and trigger source. The high pulse energies of the amplified nm infrared laser permit efficient wavelength conversions. In that way it is possible to generate picosecond pulses at , , , , nm with average optical power values ranging from sub mW up to mW depending on the wavelength and power version.
Meet SunView: the first commercially available pico projector
By continuing to use the forum you conform your acceptance of these. If you are not happy to accept these you must stop using the forum and delete our cookies from your browser. History User Name Remember Me? Elpico record player. Attached Thumbnails. Re: Epico REcord player. Might be a rebranded Dynatron or Ekco using a pair of ecl82s, if so probably good Bear in mind a 60 year old record player is likely to need some TLC. Last edited by electrogram; 26th Jun at pm.
¿Mi Agapornis es macho o hembra?
This is an ever-evolving list. Actually when I received the xDSD last year, I thought that device would make it as a standalone portable amplifier because of its form factor and lightness. A couple of months later iFi announced the xCAN as their new portable amp.
Though a pair, they are not actually exactly the same. Elpico Amp No 1 above. Elpico Amp No 2 above. One of these changes was the omission of the EF86 what a good move!! Another change made was that the later model used a pentode output mode as opposed to ultra-linear on the earlier version. Amp No 1 was in a more sorry state so I started on Amp No 2 later version first; this one being more likely to be the easier of the two.
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