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Extemporaneous speaking

Skip to content. The judges shall give topics prior to the start of the competition related to the theme. The contestants shall be given five 5 minutes to prepare and five 5 minutes to deliver. The contestants are not allowed to have any gadget. A timer accessible to the contestant, judges and audience shall be provided.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How to Deliver an Extemporaneous Presentation or Speech

Academy High School

In United States Extemporaneous Speaking, students are presented with a choice of three questions related to current events in the U. Students may consult articles and evidence they gather prior to the contest, but may not use the Internet during preparation. Topics range from political matters to economic concerns to U. The speech is delivered from memory. Considerations for United States Extemp:. Students who do USX are typically very curious about matters of domestic interest.

Students should be well read and understand current events within the U. To learn more about domestic issues, students should spend significant time reading from a variety of news sources. When considering what event you should choose, or in which direction to point a student when selecting an event, below are some general traits of successful Extempers to keep in mind:. In International Extemporaneous Speaking, students are presented with a choice of three questions related to international current events and, in 30 minutes, prepare a seven-minute speech answering the selected question.

Topics range from country-specific issues to regional concerns to foreign policy. Considerations for International Extemp:. Students who do IX are typically very curious about matters of a global interest. Students should be well read and understand current events outside the U. To learn more about international issues, students should spend significant time reading from a variety of news sources. When considering what event you should choose, or which direction to point a student when selecting an event, below are some general traits of successful Extempers to keep in mind:.

Extemporaneous Speaking, typically called extemp, is a speech on current events with limited preparation time. Students report to a draw room often referred to as extemp prep where all of the extempers gather at tables, set out their files, and await their turn to draw topics. A staff member in the prep room calls out student codes based upon a pre-assigned speaker order.

The student will then select one of those questions and return the other two to the envelope, and prepare for thirty minutes to deliver a speech answering the chosen topic. When prep time is up, the student reports to the competition room to deliver a 7 minute speech.

Students may access research brought with them to the tournament during the minute preparation period.

We refer to these resources as files. Teams may bring their files in paper form, often print-outs of articles organized in hanging file folders by topic area in large plastic bins or totes, or electronic format on laptops or other portable devices such as tablets for more information, see Research. During preparation time, students review their files on the topic selected and outline arguments that will be made throughout the speech.

Some students outline with notecards; others use legal pads. Students should document the source of their research on their notes so that they can cite the materials while they speak.

Students have a lot to do in 30 minutes—they must select a question, review research, outline arguments with supporting materials, and practice at least part of the speech before time expires. Many tournaments prohibit the consultation of notes during the speech in which case speech structure and evidence need to be memorized during prep time as well.

After the minute preparation time, students report to their competition rooms to deliver their speeches. Students must never watch the speakers before them, although students may watch those who speak after them. Judges should give time signals to the competitors while they speak to indicate how much time remains of their 7 minutes.

Students who compete in Extemp must keep up with current events. Students who do International Extemp must read articles concerning events of world-wide importance as they may draw questions regarding conflict among various countries, economic challenges experienced by third world countries, or new leadership in nations across the globe. US Extemp participants must understand political, social, and economic policies of the US and how the US relates to the rest of the world.

Reading articles is a vital practice for keeping students informed on topics frequently asked at tournaments. It is also important because students may want to frame their analysis with historical context. Students should read widely, both on topics of personal interest as well as on issues that they struggle to understand. Because the topics are so diverse and can change rapidly, students should keep up with current events by reading print or online versions of various newspapers, magazines, and journals.

Students may want to file at least one US-oriented source and one international source to broaden their exposure to varied ideas and perspectives. There are various methods to organizing team extemp files depending upon the format chosen.

Students should file articles from reputable newspapers, magazines, and electronic resources. Students may not access the Internet while they are in extemp prep; thus, all articles must be printed or stored on a laptop prior to entering the room.

If a service such as Dropbox is used for digitial files, all of the online files must be synced with the downloaded versions prior to the start of the tournament. Students need to cite sources during their speeches. Typically, the name of the source and date are a minimal requirement, although sometimes speakers need to provide additional source credibility.

Overall, an excellent extemporaneous speech is one that provides critical thinking and perspective on an issue of contemporary significance. Extempers must address the question as worded on the draw slip and support their positions with analysis and evidence.

Extempers who can provide a clear explanation of what is taking place, and why, will be particularly favored by judges. This is important for those judges who have limited experience with extemp or who are not as well versed in current events.

Students must remember that they sometimes know more about certain parts of the world or specific aspects of our economy than a number of their judges or the observers in the round. Clarity is vitally important. Extempers should not use specialized terms or phrases unless they are placed in context.

For example, an International Extemper might discuss a recent development in the currency valuation of a specific country by referencing the name of the currency. This is followed by a thesis statement for the speech as a whole. Extemp speeches typically have a preview statement after the introduction that summarizes the key points the student will make in the body of the speech. Students then organize the body of the speech with major points and sub-points.

Students might choose three major points of analysis, for example, or perhaps two major points with two sub-points under each. Speeches also typically feature a review of the major points, a restatement of the question and student response to the question, and a conclusion.

Students should practice with a stopwatch to determine how long they should speak on each section. Each major point should be roughly equal to another to keep the speech balanced.

Extempers need to start with the basics. Beginning extempers should spend considerable time reading credible news sources on a range of topics. Beginners should receive practice questions and take the time to review them, talk through answers to the questions, and focus on creating excellent thesis statements. Beginners could start practices with a notecard and perhaps focus on one major point of analysis instead of two or three.

A great beginning strategy for extempers is to deliver their first speech with unlimited prep time. Following this performance, gradually reduce the amount of prep time used until the speaker reaches 30 minutes. It is easy for students to be intimidated by extemp. As with any skill, practicing will take some of the anxiety out of approaching the event. Students should not wait to stand it up -—if the student knows a lot about a particular topic of interest, stand-up practices can take place right away.

Students do not have to know everything about every country, world leader, or U. After a number of extemp practices, students can spend time working on language selection, smoothing out the verbal and physical delivery, and filling in the gaps of their knowledge base. Due to the nature of Extemp, competitors will find that each round is unique. Some questions are incredibly challenging, either due to the specific wording or lack of background knowledge of the topic for the extemper, and others seem incredibly easy.

Every Extemp competitor will encounter a round where there simply are no files on a given topic. Extempers need to accept that some rounds are excellent and others are not and to learn from every speech. There are ways extempers can better prepare for Extemp and put their best foot forward every time.

Some advice for students:. Ask questions. Take notes. If your files are missing something important, make a note of it and either fill the gaps or talk to your teammates so that everyone is on the same page. Practice language. Extempers often use the same types of language for transitional material. As you gain experience, you can mix it up, but at the outset, just get comfortable with the format of the speech and the language to get you from point A to point B.

Save your notes from your speeches and revisit them. Give sections of speeches, or entire speeches, over and over again to improve argument quality and language considerations.

If you struggle with vocalized pauses and fillers, such as uhms and likes, you can redo lines of your speech repeatedly. Keeping up with the news, while very rewarding, can also feel very overwhelming. Students can take advantage of a number of free electronic resources to keep up-to-date. For example, students might use an RSS reader which is a news aggregator, bringing news to the student in one website on a continual basis , such as Feedly, to keep up with news.

Students can choose to follow particular types of news or specific news outlets. Students can also keep up with current events by following news organizations or analysts on Twitter. Flipboard is a service that brings students the news in a visually appealing format, similar to flipping through the pages of a magazine. Students can also have news updates pushed to them through individual emails or news digests offered by services such as Google News or Yahoo!

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WMSU representatives with coach Dr. Two WMSU students won the first and second places in the recently concluded citywide Extemporaneous Speaking contest held in commemoration of the 30th death anniversary of former Zamboanga City Mayor Cesar C. Climaco at the City Hall of Zamboanga last November Careema A. Abdulajid, a Sophomore BEED Bachelor in Elementary Education student captured the championship title of the speech competition, besting seven other competitors. Meanwhile, Charmaine C. Aurea, a junior AB Political Science student, landed as first runner up.

Eight extemporaneous speakers battled in and out for the title. These contestants represented Western Mindanao State University (WMSU), Ateneo.

2021 Extemporaneous Speaking Broad Topics

Last Updated: September 15, To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 56, times. Learn more Extemporaneous speaking, also known as "Extemp", is a competitive speech event usually found in high school and university settings. It is a way of testing one's "on-your-feet" thinking and delivery skills. Students must speak about a current topic that has been chosen half an hour before appearing before the audience to discuss the topic. Usually articles will be left in the preparation room, to enable the speaker to draw additional information in putting the speech together. Extemporaneous speaking is generally divided into the two categories: US and International.

Extemporaneous Public Speaking

extemporaneous speaking

As we have seen the results come in this year, I am pleased to say that we delivered. What's our vision this year? To play it back, and make camp even better. Join us this summer for an Extemporaneous Speaking camp on par with any in the country at a fraction of the time and expense as other camps.

Each competition round requires the speaker to present a speech on a completely different topic.

Impromptu and Extemporaneous Speeches

Four speech and debate students represented Jasper High school among 79 top qualifiers from all over the country at the Tournament of Champions in extemporaneous speaking on May Jasper High School took second place in team sweepstakes. Skip to Main Content. District Home. Sign In.

Husker wins national title in extemporaneous speech

Preinstructional Planning. During Instruction. Post Instructional. Copy the Steps to the Perfect Speech Topic printable for each student. Write the six steps on the board, a sheet of chart paper, or a bulletin board display: Choosing a topic Researching Writing Practicing Delivering Processing Optional: Make copies of the Idea Web printable if you think students will want to use them as they choose a topic. Optional: If desired, prepare any AV equipment for the Practicing portion when students record themselves while rehearsing their speech. Instruct them to use the resource to find an interesting topic. Tell them they have 15 minutes to gather as much information on the subject as they can and write the most important points on index cards.

Extemporaneous speaking (The Creative speaking series) [Buys, William E] on all-audio.pro *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Extemporaneous speaking (The.

Extemporaneous Speech – Definition, Tips, List of 100 Topics.

And that death can turn slow and torturous when you are asked to speak unexpectedly with little or no time to prepare. One of the key demands of business is the ability to speak extemporaneously. The lessons learned in those limited preparation events have paid huge dividends to my work in business. They carried me through my first consulting case interviews right out of college.

Ferguson College of Agriculture

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Also included in: Public Speaking Topics Bundle. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Grade Level. Resource Type.

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Extemporaneous, which comes from Latin ex tempore "out of the time" , joined the English language sometime in the midth century. The word impromptu was improvised soon after that. In general usage, extemporaneous and impromptu are used interchangeably to describe off-the-cuff remarks or speeches, but this is not the case when they are used in reference to the learned art of public speaking. Teachers of speech will tell you that an extemporaneous speech is one that has been thoroughly prepared and planned but not memorized, whereas an impromptu speech is one for which absolutely no preparations have been made. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'extemporaneous.


Official Description : Contestants will be given three topics in the general area of current events, choose one, and have 30 minutes to prepare a speech. Maximum time limit for the speech is 7 minutes. Notes are permitted.

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