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Michael James Dunleavy born May 5, is an American educator and politician serving as the 12th governor of Alaska. Dunleavy was a Republican member of the Alaska Senate from to He defeated former Democratic United States senator Mark Begich in the gubernatorial election after incumbent governor Bill Walker dropped out of the race. He completed a bachelor's degree in history at Misericordia University in
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- whats the best sounding "small" speaker you've ever heard
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- ProAc Response 1SC Floorstanding Speakers
- Admit when you could have quit hi-fi
- Purist Audio Design Proteus Interconnect (By Wlibur)
- Ogilvy Leads Commodores to VictoryVideo Highlights, Postgame Reaction
Page 1 B Page 3. The Faculty. Fraternities S[Be sure to read it] The Advertisers. Page 9 Beibtration So 4 ichigan o pirit! Page 10 History of the University of Michigan Next to man himself, there is nothing so human as a university. Our friend, the law student, might almost be excused if he called it a quasi-human institution. For a university is something more than a lifeless corporation. It is a living thing, made up of its students.
Those hopes and ideals that make up the personality of the men and women that study there are the same hopes and ideals that make up the personality of the college. To this personality is due the influence of the University of Michigan. It has grown not only in buildings and departments, but it has grown in influence until today it is a force over our entire country. The growth of its influence is an essential part of the history of the institution, yet we cannot trace it concretely as we can trace material growth.
It is well to remember, however, this growth of influence, lest, in recording the phenomenal development of the University, Michigan shall seem to stand for mere size and nothing more. The University of Michigan was created by the laws of The organizing act provided for literary and professional faculties. On June 5, , a meeting of the first Board of Regents was held. Work was immediately begun on buildings, and, in the autumn of , the University threw open its doors to all the world. Page 11 Six students entered,-one sophomore and five freshmen.
History does not say whether there was class strife in those days but, if there was, the sophomore class was badly handicapped. In the Medical Department was founded, but the growth of the institution was slow. Up to the University was without a President. Members of the faculty took turns at doing the administrative work, but the lack of an executive head was manifest.
In , therefore, Dr. Fappan was elected President. At that time there were 57 students in the Literary Department and in the Medical Department. The buildings were few and scattered. Tappan set to work. A course in Engineering was opened in and degrees in Engineering were conferred in o. Walker, James V. Campbell, and Thomas M. Cooley as a faculty. Tappan served as President until and worked ably and conscientiously to increase the efficiency of the University. He accomplished much in ten short years, but the results of his efforts were not immediately apparent.
He had mapped out plans for the future, and the value of his work was manifest in the years that followed. Bishop Erastus O. Haven served as President from , to , and Professor Henry S. Frieze served as acting president from to I.
During the course of these two administrations the number of students increased from to I,I Clinical opportunities were secured to the Medics by the erection of a hospital. Courses in Pharmacy were established, and degrees of Pharmaceutical Chemist were conferred. Perhaps the most important event of this period was the admission of women to the University in The rapid advancement of the University, however, began in , when James B.
Angell was inaugurated as President. The University was on a firm foundation. Its early architects had builded on the rocks and the future was propitious. During the course of Dr. Angell's administration, the University has advanced from rank to rank among American educational institutions.
Page 12 built. The Engineering building and the Physical and Anatomical Laboratories have been constructed; the Law building has been rebuilt; University Hall has been enlarged; and the Chemical Laboratory has been remodeled. Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums have also been added to our equipment. A course in homeopathic medicine was established in , and a course in dental surgery the following year.
The College of Pharmacy was opened in , and shortly afterwards the Engineering Department was completely separated from the Literary Department. The amount of money necessary to support the University has rapidly increased. During Dr. In 18go this tax was increased to of a mill, in it was increased to Y4 of a mill, and, at the present writing, a bill is before the Legislature for still further increasing the rate of taxation. Seventy years have passed since the establishment of the University of Michigan, and, in -that short time, a great change has taken place.
What was once a corn field has become the Campus of a great University. Established, as the Constitution said, "to provide the inhabitants of the state with the means of acquiring know Though formerly governed entirely by the Faculty, the student-body has nov established a Council and other organizations to manage student affairs and govern student conduct.
To preserve the integrity of the University and to prevent it becoming unwieldy in its wonderful growth, the Michigan Union has been organized. The great danger of departmental strife will thus he avoided and disintegration prevented. With hosts of undergraduates and thousands of loyal alumni, the future of the University is se:ure. HUT TUs 0. D etroit, Michigan Drowned at Scranton, Pa. Escanaba, Michigan Died at Chicago, Ill.
Herdman came to the University of Michigan as a student in the year and was graduated in As an undergraduate he pursued his studies intelligently and stood high in his class room. In student affairs he had the confidence and respect of his fellows and soon became prominent in college organizations.
His inclination towards the sciences was shown at that time by his elections, and before graduation he became a member of the staff of an important geological survey. Immediately after completing his literary course he entered the Medical Department where he was made an assistant demonstrator of anatomy before graduation. While demonstrator of anatomy, Dr.
Herdman with Dr. Frothingham, formerly demonstrator, and the Hon. Sawyer, at that time member of the Legislature from this district, after an educational campaign, succeeded in inducing the legislature to pass the Anatomical Bill which, without material change remains in force today. Before that time the State gave medical instruction, of which practical anatomy was a specified and required branch; and at the same time the law made it a penal offense for the demonstrator of anatomy to secure the material necessary to give this instruction.
About the year Drs. Langley and Herdman established the Electrotherapeutical Laboratory-one of the first, if not the first, laboratory of this kind ever organized.
With the resignation of Dr. Langley from the Faculty in , the directorship of this laboratory devolved wholly upon Dr. Herdman, and under his supervision it has grown, until now it is daily utilized not only in teaching to students the application of electricity, but also in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Herdman was among the pioneers in the application of electricity to the treatment of disease and in devoting himself so largely to this therapeutic agent he avoided over statement concerning its nature.
Herdman was the founder of the Department of Nervous Diseases in this University. This important branch received but scant recognition, being included in lecturers on the practice of medicine, before he took charge of it. From its very foundation the department of Nervous Diseases is. Page 17 the result of his labor and the Psychopathic Ward, which has added so greatly to the clinical facilities of this school, is his monument, and with it his name should be forever associated.
The conception of this institution originated in his brain, and illustrates the bigness and goodness of his heart. He realized that medical students were being graduated and licensed to practice without adequate clinical instruction in this form of disease now unfortunately so common; that these physicians without adequate knowledge must assist the courts in passing legal judgments in cases of suspected insanity; and that the insane would often he placed under the professional care of these practitioners who had no sufficient acquaintance with the causes, manifestations, or treatment of mental diseases.
Seeing these things and knowing them to be wrong, he set to work to make them right. Besides, he knew that the causes of insanity are varied and numerous, and that it would be beneficial to the insane could they come early, in the development of their abnormalities, under the observation of a corps of expert clinicians such as constitute our clinical Faculty.
In short, he saw the desirability of hospitalizing our asylums and the establishment of the Psychopathic Ward is the first step in this direction taken in this state. Herdman was not a prolific writer, but he wrote conservatively and wisely. He has contributed in all about 6o articles to medical literature.
Many of his contributions are professional and technical, but questions pertaining to the public welfare, such as methods of restriction of social evil, have been ably discussed by him. Although his University and professional engagements were heavy and exacting, Dr. Herdman always found the time to take an active part in any work that had in view the moral and religious uplifting of the people.
He was a deeply religious man and religion with him imposed a duty to work for the good of humanity. His life was very largely spent in earnest efforts in behalf of others. During his entire active career he was always identified with movements for the public good.
Speaker Asylum
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Washburn University Athletics
David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done.
What's your amp history?
Audio people know that loudspeakers mostly define the quality of sound reproduction. Also, everyone knows that the capacity of the loudspeakers mostly determined by the capacity of the drivers that loudspeakers use. Regardless of the topologies, applications and many other things I usually with laugh look at many audio people who seriously pontificate about the importance of the minute details of their amplification or front-end but who disregard the fact the they load their entire system to the loudspeakers that employ drivers made from gravestone marble. In this thread I will slowly posting information about the drivers that from my point of view defend own class.
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I demoed two different pair with McIntosh electronics at a store I used to buy equipment with. The models were NOT the Alexandrias. It was the sabrinas and the sashas at two different times. I was not impressed with these. I actually liked these better than the Wilson's and they were less expensive. I would still pick Maggies over any of those though. Edgar 4 posts.
ProAc Response 1SC Floorstanding Speakers
Ostensibly an update of ProAc's older Studio 1 Mk. II, the new Studio is a stand-mounted ported two-way. Identical in appearance to the Response 2, with its tweeter offset to one side, the Studio differs from its pricier sibling in both parts and bass-loading.
Admit when you could have quit hi-fi
Wherever there are many more system components to be plugged-in than there are wall outlets, the one product most necessary is a multi-outlet power box. All internal contacts and wiring are heavy-duty red copper with gold-plated terminals. Power8 is fully shielded and protected by a heavy, brushed-finish, extruded aluminum case with rubber feet. Power8 will be available in either a silver or black anodized finish with clear outlets. The product ship date has been planned for May. The company is currently taking advanced orders.
Purist Audio Design Proteus Interconnect (By Wlibur)
View Full Version : Speakers owned before settling on Wilsons. I know some people here have other speakers before settling on Wilson speakers. Thanks again in advance for sharing! Lots and lots of ProAcs, floor standers and stand mounted. And a pair of Revel Salon Ultima 2s.
Ogilvy Leads Commodores to VictoryVideo Highlights, Postgame Reaction
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