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Is the speaker of a poem always the author zane

A pen name may be used to make the author's name more distinctive, to disguise the author's gender, to distance the author from their other works, to protect the author from retribution for their writings, to merge multiple persons into a single identifiable author, or for any of a number of reasons related to the marketing or aesthetic presentation of the work. The French phrase nom de plume is occasionally still seen as a synonym for the English term "pen name," which is a "back-translation" and originated in England rather than France. Fowler and F. Fowler, in The King's English state that the term nom de plume evolved in Britain where people wanting a literary phrase failed to understand the term nom de guerre , which already existed in French. An author may use a pen name if their real name is likely to be confused with that of another author or other significant individual. Churchill to distinguish his writings from those of the American novelist of the same name.


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Happy Thanksgiving! Support your library with a charitable gift today! Click here to make your donation. Thank you! My family moved to Colorado Springs in I taught mathematics in Nebraska and at Widefield High School. I owned a business for 13 years and was the Colorado State Plumbing Inspector Supervisor for 3 years. Donna Kunkel is a paranormal romance author. Within the pages of her tales you can visit with witches, wizards, shape-shifters, and other fantasy creatures.

Figurines of the magic realm surround her computer for inspiration. She lives at the edge of the Colorado mountains with her husband of many years and her two dogs. When not writing, you can find her browsing the fabric shops for her next quilt, stitching Japanese embroidery, or curled up with a good book.

Australia Burns vol. If there's a way to do something with less time and less money, producing the same quality, Roni will find a way to make it happen. In Exhuming Mary McCarthy , her debut memoir tells the story of her years at Colorado College in the mids as Jessica and her six friends struggle to find themselves amid the pressures and joys of young adulthood. It was released in March in paperback and ebook formats through Ambient Light Publishers.

Brian D. A historian of air power and space studies, Dr. A fan of all things fantastical and frightening, Shannon Lawrence writes primarily horror and fantasy. When she's not writing, she's hiking through the wilds of Colorado and photographing her magnificent surroundings, where, coincidentally, there's always a place to hide a body or birth a monster. She met her husband in 12th grade and accompanied him on his twenty-year career with the U. Air Force. Stationed in Colorado Springs for four years, both loved the area so much they retired here.

Colorado Springs has been home to them for more than ten years. Julie has always had a love for horses, the wild west and cowboys. The mountains and nature of this region have influenced my writing and inspire me. Best-selling novelist Robert Liparulo is a former journalist, with over a thousand articles and multiple writing awards to his name.

His first three critically acclaimed thrillers— Comes a Horseman, Germ , and Deadfall —were optioned by Hollywood producers, as well as his Dreamhouse Kings series for young adults. As an educator, teacher and high school principal, I moved toColorado in the '90s to both teach and pastor a small local church, while also working on a novel.

Currently, I am writing a sequel titled Restoring Blair House , while planning a third in the series. She has since moved back to Colorado Springs where she continues to write her blog of the same name. These days, when she's not writing you can find her refusing to iron work shirts for her husband, embarrassing her 4 kids, wrangling her 2 wily dogs, dancing, daydreaming about traveling to pungent exotic places and just… Published Works: Rock the Kasbah: A Memoir of Misadventure Elemental Press, Greypath Elemental Press, Madison, Mary Search the catalog for Mary Madison I first moved to Colorado in I have worked and volunteered in a number of organizations, including for the state of Colorado and the city of Westminster.

I helped establish several arts groups and volunteer with guilds in Colorado Springs and Denver. Michelle Major grew up in Ohio but dreamed of living in the mountains. Soon after graduating with a degree in Journalism, she pointed her car west and settled in Colorado. Her life and house are filled with one great husband, two beautiful kids, a few furry pets and several well-behaved reptiles. She's grateful to have found her passion writing stories with happy endings.

Tai Manivong is a fantasy author. Her first middle grade fantasy novel, Crimson , was published in She attributes her writing to reading lots of fantasy novels growing up. Some of her favorite authors are R. She teaches elementary school in Colorado and dreams of one day becoming a best-selling author.

Inspired by her grandfather who is a published author, Amaya wrote her first book at the age of 12 and published it at the age of Amaya is committed to her craft and writes on a daily basis. She originally started writing her first book on a manual typewriter. She loves to share her love of writing with other people and has been complimented on her use of dialogue at such a young age.

Although she had lived in three different homes before then, Colorado Springs is where she grew up and has her most fondest memories. After becoming an Army wife she has lived on the west coast, the east, and on the Gulf Coast as well. But now he is back in Colorado, raising her own family in her hometown. Mathis is a multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate New York.

In October she published a memoir of hope and inspiration, Beyond Aftershocks , under the author name MavaJoyce. In the mids Charlie was fascinated by a comment by actor Paul Newman who pointed out the in the movie, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid , no one actually saw Butch and Sundance die. For Charlie the interview was the seed for a great story. It took twelve years, but Legends Lost was completed and published in Janyne McConnaughey, PhD, retired from a career in education that spanned forty years—from early-childhood educator to college professor—in order to heal from the effects of the childhood abuse she had suffered.

During therapy, Janyne wrote her way to healing and now is redeeming her story by helping others to understand and heal from childhood trauma. Born and raised in West Central Illinois, she grew up on history.

She likes to say it's in her DNA. After moving to Colorado, Doris spent many a day traveling the state, soaking up the history. When she's not adventuring with her kids or working with clients in her business, she's working on a bountiful garden and little homestead, and, of course, playing. For resources and to learn more, visit her website, www.

Rebekah has been gathering up truth and adapting it into books for over a decade. In February , she launched Settings Christian Publishing, LLC, with the hope of making books more beautiful and inserting more Biblical truth into Christian literature.

Like John on Facebook to receive weekly book reviews and blogs. He and his wife June have lived in Southern Colorado for nearly five decades. Kelly is a mixed-race writer who has always gravitated towards stories about crossing boundaries and forging new identities.

Kelly has previously worked as a staff writer for Romper, covering issues important to women and families. She pretty much blames this upbringing for her obsession with happily-ever-afters, bad dance moves, and pani puri. I moved to Ivywild, Colorado Springs in This lively, expressive, charming, and historic neighborhood inspired our book.

I worked with Linda Johnson, long time resident of Colorado Springs who was the owner of Ivywild Costumes from Courtney Miller is the multi-award winning author of the seven-book series The Cherokee Chronicles which has received widespread acclaim in the Native American Community for authenticity and has received five international awards so far. Courtney has written over articles for the online magazine Native American Antiquity. He is considered an expert on ancient Native American cultures.

She also loves hiking in all kinds of weather, especially when she can bully one of her sweet pups into coming along, and she will try her hand at any kind of hand-craft there is. She and her family have retired in the Pikes Peak region after 20 years of traveling the world with the Air Force, she and her husband decided Colorado was the perfect place to raise children. The past eleven years have flown by and they look forward to many more in our beautiful state.

Joseph Murphy is a retired public relations executive who has lived in the Pikes Peak region for three years. During year career, he focused on media relations, special event management and editing and writing. His poetry has appeared in a wide range of online and print journals. Joan was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and moved with her family to the Denver area where she met her high school sweetheart.

She moved back to the Pikes Peak region in when roots began to grow. Her earliest artistic influences were her painter father, Archie a Broadmoor Art Academy artist with local murals in the City Auditorium, Fine Arts Center, and Manitou Post Office ; her ceramist mother, Irene; and the wildlife, plants, and landscapes of the Southwest. We all love the Pikes Peak region and the greater Southwest and often spend time in Santa Fe, where my mystery series is set.

I moved to Colorado Springs in I ran a very large psychotherapy practice counseling until when I was sidelined for 12 years by a very severe brain injury requiring a craniotomy. As a result of the changes in my brain I was forced to completely change my modus operandi.

Eventually I returned to counseling and wrote a memoir of my seven and one-half years post TBI. He has published six novels in the Axel Hatchett series set in the Colorado Springs area. Jim Neville was raised in the hills of Pittsburgh, PA. Although the city of Colorado Springs is relatively flat in comparison, the Rocky Mountains touched a familiar chord in his heart.

His love of science and technology blends well with his science-fiction stories or is it the other way around. Barbara Nickless lives in Colorado where she loves to snowshoe, cave, hike and drink single malt scotch—usually not at the same time. Her first novel, Blood on the Tracks , is the start of a new crime series.

Other than writing, I also enjoy hiking, crafts, photography, reading, and dancing. My childhood was spent traveling the United States with my family, until I found beautiful Colorado and made it my permanent home in I have been teaching in Colorado Springs for ten years, and my favorite part is when children discover and develop a love of the world of books.

I live with my husband, daughter, dog, ducks, rabbit, and parakeets.

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A pen name , nom de plume , or literary double , is a pseudonym adopted by an author. A pen name may be used to make the author's name more distinctive, to disguise his or her gender, to distance an author from some or all of his or her works, to protect the author from retribution for his or her writings, or for any of a number of reasons related to the marketing or aesthetic presentation of the work. The author's name may be known only to the publisher, or may come to be common knowledge. An author may use a pen name if his or her real name is likely to be confused with that of another author or notable individual. Some authors who regularly write in more than one genre use different pen names for each.

this trend, so that French authors, in particular, can ally indicate the lyric subject itself—the speaker—is The sentence is always interrupted.

Poet Laureate of Low Life

Her mother, Rose — how she wails and shouts and tears her clothes when bad news arrives, when any new horror falls. How Rose and her father, Sam, will wail, forced to do the one thing they cannot easily or with pleasure do — wait. One would say of this flare: There is a bird in it. The bird comes to her: Go. She moves quickly, involuntarily. She assembles things one needs for a brief stay at a summer lake: cottons, linens, black lingerie, a sweater, folds these into a black leather suitcase. On the drive north, thought does not exist. When a thought presses in, she refuses it, though how she does so she cannot say.

Writing Competition

is the speaker of a poem always the author zane

Raymond Carver, Raymond Carver lives in a large, two-story, wood-shingled house on a quiet street in Syracuse, New York. The front lawn slopes down to the sidewalk. A new Mercedes sits in the driveway. An older VW, the other household car, gets parked on the street.

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Stephenie Meyer, Clive Cussler and J.A. Jance: Some of the Arizona authors you should know

Noah is a child with special needs, and his parents want him to live a normal life as possible. They feel that giving him more responsibilities will help him overcome his challenges. Filled with uniquely crafted rhymes and vivacious illustrations, the Daddy Daughter series is a wonderful read for ages She read her first romance novel as a young teen, quickly falling in love with the genre. Most of her stories are a blend of romance and fantasy, inspired by her love of culture and mythology. VIGIL is the pulse-pounding super-powered political thriller that will have you question everything you believe about the limits of power and responsibility.

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Actor A Streetcar Named Desire. Rudolph Bond was raised in Philadelphia. He got his start at the Neighborhood Players. His first big break was a Actor The Stakelander. Zane Clifford was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in and lived there until where his family moved to the capital of the province, Regina. Zane attended Luther College High School and graduated in Throughout his high school career he explored his talents at music, sports and of

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Hedeen coming at you every few months right here! Reviewing poetry in translation recognizes translators as authors; destabilizes narrow definitions of originality, authenticity, and authorship; makes visible the artistry of translation; is dissent, defiance, disobedience, subversion, solidarity. Will Alexander is a poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, philosopher, visual artist and pianist, who is approaching 40 titles in the aforementioned genres.

ALAN v39n1 - The Verse Novel and the Question of Genre

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Read the original in German. Karin Fellner , b.

Behind the Scenes – Inspiration for The Wall

First rendered famous by his first novel The Barracks , the writer then underwent the painful process of censorship and self-imposed exile after the banning of The Dark. Did you, as a young boy, start inventing stories or writing stories? When did it all start? What were the first stories you wrote? At first, I read for nothing but pleasure. And I still think pleasure is the best guide to what is good in literature.

On Being Text

No historian has a more extensive knowledge of the newspapers of this era. Summers writes in a lively and colorful style worthy of the best correspondents and editorialists of the Gilded Age. The Press Gang is by far the best book yet produced on the 19th-century press and is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the politics of this period. Second to None, Vol.

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