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Merkury hue universal dancing-led speakers corner

Sign up. LED Painter lights up your walls with excess. Melanson Sponsored Links. In this article: brilldea , led , led lighting , led painter , LedLighting , LedPainter. While a spinning LED globe or an LED-adorned Roomba is all well and good for a few kicks, if you really want to turn your living room into a light show you may want to consider something like Brilldea's LED Painter system, which can apparently be put to use in a whole host of different applications, including the LED windows pictured above.


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Author: Joseph Banks. Editor: John Cawte Beaglehole. Publication details: Angus and Robertson Limited , , Australia. Digital publication kindly authorised by: Timothy Holmes Beaglehole. Conditions of use. As we intend to leave this place tomorrow morn, I shall spend a few sheets in drawing together what I have observd of this countrey and its inhabitants; premising in the mean time that in this, and all others of the same kind which may occur in this Journal, I shall give myself liberty of conjecturing and drawing conclusions from what I have observd, in which I may doubtless often be mistaken; in the daily Journal however the Observations may be seen, and any one who referrs to that may draw his own conclusions from them, attending as little as he pleases to any of mine.

This countrey was first discoverd by Abel Jansen Tasman on the 13 th of December and calld by him New Zealand; 1 he however never went ashore upon it, probably for fear of the natives; who when he had come to an anchor set upon one of his boats and killd 3 or 4 out of 7 people that were in her. When this was proved to be an island by Brouwer in the second part of the supposition fell down; but who it was conferred the name New Zealand, within the next few years, we do not know.

The reason for it may have been analogy with New Holland. The truth about Tasman's longitudes is rather complicated. They have been analysed by Miss Helen M. His initial error for Batavia was 3. Banks was not far wrong, therefore, in alleging that where Tasman's resultant error was negligible, the cause was chance, not Tasman's absolute accuracy in observation. At the same time Banks's first judgment was historically more sound.

The sea coast should it ever be examind will probably be found to abound in good harbours: we saw several, of which the Bay of Islands or Motuaro , 2 and Queen Charlots Sound or Totarra nue , 3 are as good as any seaman need desire to come into, either for good anchorage or convenience of Wooding and watering.

The outer ridge of Land which lies open to the Sea is as I beleive is the case in most countries generaly Barren, especialy to the Southward, but within that the hills are Coverd with thick woods quite to the top, and every Valley produces a rivulet of Water. The South part, which is much more hilly and barren than the North, I firmly beleive to Abound with minerals in a very high degree.

This however is only conjecture; I had not, to my great regret, an opportunity of landing in any place where the signs of them were promising except the last; nor indeed in any one, where from the ship the Countrey appeard likely to produce them, which it did to the Southward in a very high degree, as I have mentiond in my Daily Journal. Kahikatea Podocarpus dacrydioides , Matai P.

It was a bush-living animal, trapped and valued for food, but it is not surprising that Banks did not see one, as he never was in the forest except on the banks of the Thames and in Queen Charlotte Sound—where he certainly did no trapping. It is now legally protected. It goes back well before his time; O. Sir John Narborough made a famous voyage through the Straits of Magellan to the Chilean coast in —71, to try to break the Spanish monopoly of trade on the South American Pacific coast.

He afterwards rendered distinguished service as an admiral in the Mediterranean against the Tripoli corsairs. II of Histoire naturelle , , chap. Banks was certainly acquainted with the doctrine of the great zoological systematizer of the century.

Neither are insects in greater plenty than birds: a few Butterflys and Beetles, flesh flies very like those in Europe, Musquetos, and sandflies maybe exactly the same as those of North America, make up the whole list.

For this scarcity of animals on the land the Sea however makes abundant recompense. Every creek and corner produces abundance of fish not only wholesome but at least as well tasted as our fish in Europe: the ship seldom anchord in or indeed passd over in light winds any place whose bottom was such as fish resort to in general but as many were caught with hook and line as the people could eat, especialy to the Southward, where when we lay at an anchor the boats by fishing with hook and line very near the rocks could take any quantity of fish; besides that the Seine seldom faild of success, insomuch that both the times that we anchord to the Southward of Cooks streights every Mess in the ship that had prudence enough salted as much fish as lasted them many weeks after they went to sea.

Flesh flies comprise the family Sarcophagidae ; the larvac for the most part live in decaying flesh. Culicine mosquitoes are endemic, but not anophelines; Culex pervigilans was the commonest. The sandflies are Austrosimulium spp.

When the Resolution was there on Cook's second voyage, her company found the sandflies a most irritating pest. I, , n. See I, p. The fish was Jasus lalandi. Walter, in his account of Anson's voyage, pp. He was a military engineer of high reputation, who became, finally, director of fortifications in Brittany. He wrote also on fireworks, and on architecture and building.

It is this edition, I think, that Banks refers to, here and elsewhere in his journal. There they take Corbinos , a Sort of Fish known in Spain, Tollos and Pezegallos , which they dry to send to Santiago, which is also serv'd with fresh Fish from thence.

The last of them takes its Name from its Shape, because it has a Sort of Comb, or rather a Trunk, which has given Occasion to the Creolians to call it Pezegallo , that is, Cock-fish.

But the names given on pl. Solander, p. Tho the countrey is generaly coverd with an abundant verdure of grass and trees yet I cannot say that it is productive of so great a variety as many countries I have seen. The intire novelty however of the greatest part of what we found recompens'd us as natural historians for the want of variety.

Sow thistle, 4 garden nightshade, 5 and perhaps 1 or 2 kinds of Grasses were exactly the same as in England, 6 3 or 4 kinds of Fern the same as those of the West Indies, and a plant or 2 that are common to almost all the world: these were all that had before been describd by any botanist out of about species, except 5 or 6 which we ourselves had before seen in Terra del Fuego. See Parkinson I, pl. Banks may have had that in mind also.

New Zealand cels and congers belong to the same genera as European species. Smith Jour. Arnold Arbor. Cockayne New Zealand Plants and their Story , 2—7, briefly considers the topic, citing other examples. It may be added, as a philological curiosity, that Banks's words, taken over into Hawkesworth, become in O. Nor does their cultivated grounds produce many speceis of Esculent plants, three only I have seen — Yams, sweet potatoes, and Coccos, all three well known in both East and West Indies and much esteemd of these, especialy the two former.

They cultivate often peices of many acres, and I beleive any ship that was to be to the Northward in the Autumn about the time of digging them up might purchase any quantity. This they very much value, but it is so scarce with them probably having been brought from a hotter countrey and not thriving here, that tho they likewise beat it out into cloth we never saw peices of it larger than what servd to put into the holes they bore in their ears, making an ornament they are very fond of, and this was doubtless the reason why they preferrd the Cloth which we had brought from the South Sea Islands with us to any merchandise we could shew them, and next to it white paper.

Bailey in Gentes Herbarum 3: —35, Cook II, p. It is represented in the Pocket Book, p. Hooker made the identification Metrosideros robusta , Rata, but he was pretty clearly wrong; and no coll. But this is apparently not what Banks means. There are many varieties of P. Some light is thrown on the passage, probably, by a sentence or two from the journal of William Bayly , astronomer of the Adventure on Cook's second voyage.

ATL, Bayly's Journal, pp. When first we came ashore we imagind the countrey to be much better peopled than we afterwards found it, concluding from the Smoaks that we saw that there were inhabitants very far inland, which indeed in Poverty bay and the Bay of Plenty, which are much the best peopled parts of the countrey that we have seen, may yet be the case. In all the other parts we have been in we have however found the sea coast only inhabited and that but sparingly, insomuch that the number of inhabitants seem to bear no kind of proportion to the size of the countrey which they possess, and this probably is owing to their frequent wars.

He seems to have gone purely on the presence or absence of smoke. He could hardly have found any part of the country beyond the sea-coast inhabited, because he had never been beyond the sea-coast.

In the North Island there were considerable centres of population inland; and for all Banks knew, there might have been in the South Island too, though in fact, because of the climate, there were not. Prisoners became slaves. It seems probable that Banks and his fellows took every haka or posture dance they saw for a war-dance: the haka might be loud and vigorous enough without any intention to intimidate, and the peruperu simply took the haka a stage further, with weapons and an extra zest.

Both sexes were much more modest in their carriage and decent in their Conversation than the Islanders, which such of our people who had a mind to form any connexions with the Women soon found, but they were not impregnable: if the consent of their relations was askd and the Question accompanied with a proper present it was seldom refusd, but then the strictest decency must be kept up towards the young lady or she might baulk the lover after all.

Neither sex are quite so cleanly in their persons as the Islanders, not having the advantage of so warm a climate they do not wash so often. But the most disgustfull thing about them is the Oil with which they daub their hair: this is melted from the fat either of fish or Birds: the better sort indeed have it fresh and then it is intirely void of smell, but the inferior often use that that is rancid and consequently smell something like Greenland dock when they are trying Whale Blubber.

Besides this dying in grain as it may be calld they are very fond of painting themselves with Red Ocre which they do in two ways, either rubbing it Dry upon their skins, which some few do, or daubing their faces with large patches of it mixd with oil which consequently never drys: this latter is generaly practisd by the women and was most universaly condemnd by us, for if any of us had unthinkingly ravishd a kiss from one of these fair Savages our transgressions were wrote in most legible Characters on our noses, which our companions could not fail to see on our first interview.

The best description of technique, including the taniko borders which Banks goes on to mention, is in Buck, pp. They were called heru. Women only very rarely wore them.

See Pls. The black and white tail feathers of the Huia were greatly valued, among others; white plumes were obtained from such birds as the albatross, white heron, tropic bird, gannet, and so on.

The Women contrary to the custom of the Sex in general seemd to affect dress rather less than the men. Their hair which they wore short was seldom tied, and if it was it was behind their heads and never ornamented with feathers. Their cloaths were of the same stuff and in the same form as those of the men but in decently covering themselves they far exceeded them; their lower garments were at all times bound fast round them and they never exposd to view any thing even in the neighbourhood of those parts which nature co[n]ceals, except when they gatherd lobsters and shell fish in which occupation they were frequently obligd to dive, but then they never meant to be seen by men and when once or twice accidentaly met by us shewd most evident signs of Confusion, veiling as well as they could their naked beauties with sea weed the only covering their situation afforded.

Round their waists instead of a belt they constantly wore a girdle of many platted strings made of the leaves of a very fragrant Grass; into this were tuckd the leaves of some sweet scented plant fresh gatherd which like the fig leaf of our first mother servd as the ultimate guard of their modesty.

He wrote a number of theological works and, being an excellent scholar and speaker of Malay, translated the Bible into that tongue; but his real and present fame rests on the eight folio volumes of his Oudt en Nieuw Oost-Indien Dordrecht —6 , which was translated into more than one language. Not very well arranged, the book was nevertheless a mine of information on the Dutch East Indies, though most detailed on Amboina, and collected together accounts of travel and discovery as far east as China and Japan, and as far south as New Zealand curiously enough, in Vol.

V, thrust into a description of Banda. It was also fashioned from whalebone. See Pl. Mean and low as these houses are they most perfectly resist all inclemencies of the weather and answer consequently the purposes of mere shelter as well as larger would do. The people I beleive spend little of the day in them except may be in winter : the porch seems to be the place for work, and those who have not room there must set upon a stone or the ground in its neighbourhood.

Some few of the better sort have kind of Court Yards, the walls of which are made of poles and hay 10 or 12 feet high, which as their families are large incloses 3 or 4 houses.

But I must not forget the ruins or rather frame of a house for it had never been finishd which I saw at Tolaga, as it was so much superior in size to any thing of the kind we have met with in any other part of the land.

It was 30 feet in lengh, in breadth and high; the sides of it were ornamented with many broad carvd planks of a workmanship superior to any we saw upon the land; but for what purpose this was built or why deserted we could not find out.

Whare puni , it is to be noted, might on the other hand be very carefully and skilfully constructed timber buildings. A possible reason for desertion if Banks was right about desertion—and he probably was, for it was important to push right on with the construction of a house once it was started was some infringement of tapu.

Best , The Maori , II, p. For a house in course of construction is placed under the care and control of the gods, and great care has to be taken that no act is committed that will give offence to those gods, or trouble will visit the house, its builders or inmates—this because the gods have withdrawn their protection.

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I agree not to expect anything from Mother or you, but I do want to buy Undine and Sintran for myself. Dear me! Well, I think we are. For though we do have to work, we make fun of ourselves, and are a pretty jolly set, as Jo would say. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman! And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room. It was a comfortable room, though the carpet was faded and the furniture very plain, for a good picture or two hung on the walls, books filled the recesses, chrysanthemums and Christmas roses bloomed in the windows, and a pleasant atmosphere of home peace pervaded it.

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The myths of Greece and Rome

A Bacchante. Lord Leighton. By Permission of Heary Graves and Co. The myths of Greece and Rome have inspired so much of the best thought in English literature that a knowledge of them is often essential to the understanding of what we read. It would be difficult, indeed, to exaggerate the importance of these old-world stories, with their wonderful admixture of pagan faith and riotous imagination, in correcting the tendency to mere utilitarianism in the education of the young, and there is need to lay stress upon this because of the increased attention now being given to science and modern languages at the expense of the classics. Translations of the exquisite writings of the Greek and Latin poets cannot, of course, convey the same rich impressions. They arc, at the best, weak and imperfect vehicles for reproducing the literary and imaginative wealth of a golden age; but they are, nevertheless, capable of imparting something of the atmosphere of the great originals, and, in whatever tongue they may be told, the stories themselves cannot easily be spoilt; they will assuredly appeal to thousands to whom the ancient languages of Greece and Rome are as a sealed book. The writings of many of the great English classical translators, it may be added, are instinct with the spirit of the ancients.

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merkury hue universal dancing-led speakers corner

Page [unnumbered]. Dryden was by no means extravagant in the praise which he bestowed upon it in his well-known lines: " Three poets in three distant ages born, GrAece, Italy, and England did adorn: The first in loftiness of thought surpassed; The next in majesty; in both the last. The force of nature could no further go: To make a third, she joined the other two. How few even of educated men can affirm that they have so read and understood it, as to appreciate all its parts? How does this happen Is the poem considered unworthy of their most careful perusal?

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LED Painter lights up your walls with excess

No Simple Thing was recorded in Montreal at Mixart Studios in late summer , with the Sheepdogs laying down all the tracks live. It was produced by frontman Ewan Currie. Of the new music, Currie said the following: Recording together during the p. Sometimes the demo recording of a song has a vibe that cannot be duplicated. If you spend so.


Sign up. Tutondo's hanging spherical speakers give ceilings more purpose. Murph Sponsored Links. In this article: audio , design , italian , speaker , speakers , tutondo. We know, the roof over your head does a few things well -- namely protecting you from the elements -- but why not give it one more duty while it's just sitting around up there? Tutondo's hanging spherical speakers probably aren't the best choice if you're looking to set up a true surround sound system, but if you're aiming to spread audio all around your abode for that New Year's party, these should do the trick.

every school boy knows, led the struggle of Universal Declaration of Human Rights may Narain, Speaker of the National Assembly.

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Quattro World Drifts In 2. The Price Of Love 3. Go Your Way 4. Trouble With My Lover 5.

The Endeavour Journal of Joseph Banks 1768–1771 [Volume Two]

Traffic lights , traffic signals , stoplights or robots as they are known in South Africa [1] [2] are signalling devices positioned at road intersections , pedestrian crossings , and other locations to control flows of traffic. The world's first traffic light was a manually operated gas-lit signal installed in London in December It exploded less than a month after it was implemented, injuring its policeman operator. Traffic lights follow a universal color code which alternates the right of way accorded to users with a sequence of illuminating lamps or LEDs of three standard colours:. In some countries traffic signals will go into a flashing mode if the conflict monitor detects a problem, such as a fault that tries to display green lights to conflicting traffic.

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The Short Stories of H. G. Wells

The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the end of , with a secondary focus on members of their circles - families, pupils, colleagues, and other important contacts - first active after Beyond that, there has been no systematic attempt as yet to deal with musical personnel first active after , and so far the coverage is selective. A major upgrade of the contents of this page was completed in July , and newly added documentation including genealogical data and Trove tagging now brings the page content up to close to completion. Only such biographical information as can be confirmed from standard national databases or original documentation presented is entered at the head of each person entry in this page. Where no certain evidence of a person's birth year has yet been identified, the assumption is that we do not and cannot yet know with sufficient certainty to propose one.

Funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities supported the electronic publication of this title. Text transcribed by Apex Data Services, Inc. Weld p.

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