Does belgium speak french
There are many languages in the world and because of their diverse number; it is very hard to count them. Every country has different ethnic and cultural groups in which people use different languages to speak. How many languages can you speak? And which native speaker are you? What do you think which languages people speak in Belgium? Belgium is famous for being the heart of the European Union while foodies also flock there to enjoy its chocolate, waffles, beer, and more.
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There are many languages in the world and because of their diverse number; it is very hard to count them. Every country has different ethnic and cultural groups in which people use different languages to speak. How many languages can you speak? And which native speaker are you? What do you think which languages people speak in Belgium?
Belgium is famous for being the heart of the European Union while foodies also flock there to enjoy its chocolate, waffles, beer, and more. But apart from the questions related to food and trip, people are often curious about the languages used in Belgium.
And if you are speaking the wrong language in Belgium, you are offending others and harming their culture. Covering around 30, square kilometers, it is a relatively small country and also one of the most densely populated on the continent.
Being a linguist, if you are curious to know more about the languages that people speak in Belgium, we are here to offer this service. This country is often described as one of the most unnecessarily complex countries of the European Union. One of the main arguments to support this idea apart from its political structure is its complicated language system. With the melting pot of culture that went across deviant changes throughout history, Belgium is full of bilingual people, even without counting English.
It has more than 12 million bilingual speakers. People from abroad often call Belgium a nation with two different cultures, confusing institutions, and too many governments.
The north of the country is called Flanders and the south Wallonia. The country was ruled by a wide variety of rulers, influencing how multilingual and multicultural Belgians are today. As a traveler, you should know about the language culture to get most equipped with its people. Broadly, the lingoes spoken in Belgium can be divided into official and other languages dialect.
Based on these three regions, Belgium has three official languages — English, Dutch, and French. English is however not the primary language of the country.
But even if it is not, a large percentage of the population speaks the English language. As such, you can speak it in different situations all over Belgium. A large number of Flemish and French speakers can speak understand a second language. Others can even do so with a third language. The German language is not common like it used to be. A lot of citizens in Belgium learn other dialects in their educational system.
But the prominent ones are Dutch, French, and German. Although Dutch is in the same category as Flemish dialects, there are still key differences between both languages. While Dutch is the official language of Nederland, Flemish-Dutch is the version that people speak in north Belgium. The Flemish community Flanders is from where the Flemish-Dutch language originates. As a result, it is the standard language that students learn in schools.
Between the Flemish language and Dutch, there are differences in vocabulary, pronunciation, and idioms. But still, someone speaking the Dutch language does not face as many problems in Flanders. But there is a fact that Dutch is dominant up north and therefore over half of the Belgian population speaks it as their first language. Standard Dutch language and its variants dominate Flanders.
But when Belgium was becoming a nation, there was a guarantee of Dutch in the domination in Flemish-Dutch Flanders. Dutch spoken in Belgium has diverging culture in Nederland. French is the second official language of Belgium. There remains no doubt that the French-speaking community lives in the Wallonia region and the city of Brussels. Again, there are no clear differences between the standard French language and the people speak in Belgium, you just to have adjust your ears a bit to understand the French-speaking Belgians.
Being the second, it is also the traditional national language. Only about 2. French community had long been the main cultural region and in the country was already the dominant language in the cities and among elite groups in the whole country. The freedom of language in Belgium by the government is like the right to use French German. Last but not least is the tiny German-speaking community. The governments must provide their citizens with versions of every legal and administrative document in each of the official languages.
The German Belgian is the national language with the fewest speakers. The German-speaking region was under the control of France in the 18th century, but later on, in the 20th century, Germans took power in Belgium again and bringing their Germanic language with them. Unlike other regional languages, German had less time to evolve independently.
The different linguistic communities do not exist in harmony. With the diverse multilingual culture, there are many other languages people speak in Belgium. This can change dramatically depending on the region you live in. But in any case, it is good to take suitable note of the regional languages to avoid confusion and offense. But Luxembourgish is just like the fourth official language of Belgium. It belongs to the arrondissement of Arelerland, in the Belgium province, Luxembourg.
Walloon is the most common in the French region as well. But consequently, the number of people speaking Walloon may differ. Lastly, Yiddish belongs to the strongest Yiddish community in Belgium. It is very common in Jewish communities. Learning different languages improves your language skills and therefore everyone should know about more languages. Hope this article is helpful for you! For any queries, Contact US! Skip to content. What languages do they speak in Belgium?
This article was published on: June 28th, at am. What language do they speak in Belgium? Dutch Flemish-Dutch Although Dutch is in the same category as Flemish dialects, there are still key differences between both languages. French French is the second official language of Belgium. German Last but not least is the tiny German-speaking community.
Other languages With the diverse multilingual culture, there are many other languages people speak in Belgium. Related Posts. October 28, October 25, October 24, October 18, How do we use language? October 17, Request quote.
Belgium's German-speaking cantons ponder their position
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Practice Speaking French
Download brochure pdf Read brochure online. In Belgium you can speak any language you want. For contacts with the authorities three official languages can be used: Dutch, French and German. These languages are not spoken everywhere, because Belgium is subdivided into federated states. Each federated state has its own official language. Only the Brussels-Capital Region is bilingual. However, more and more residents in our country are multilingual and speak the two most important national languages. In Belgium, people can speak any language they want. This language freedom is embedded in the Constitution.
History of the French Language
Curious about what languages are spoken in Belgium? With a melting pot culture that went through many drastic changes throughout history, Belgium is full of many bilingual people — even without counting English. How did that happen? The languages spoken in Belgium can be divided into official languages and other languages such as dialects. With 12 million people spread across about
What languages are spoken in Belgium?
Georges Van Den Abbeele does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Only days after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam, one of the Belgian-based organizers of the Paris attacks in November , Brussels was rocked by two suicide attacks that killed more than 30 people and injured more than The bombings have called attention to the crisis of security across Europe in the face of terrorism and radicalization. But the incidents also add color to the image of Belgium — my native country — as a failed nation-state, one that seems egregiously incapable of protecting its own people. It stems from a century or more of determined and well-organized efforts to weaken the national state in favor of local control over almost all decision-making. Though we share a country geographically smaller than the greater New York metropolitan area, we are a nation of polyglots, and most of us speak not only French and Dutch, but also English, German and other languages besides.
A Fleming Is a Belgian Who Speaks Dutch
Belgium is comprised of two primary cultural groups. Hard work and an appreciation for culture are important values to Belgians, who think of themselves as Europeans first, Walloons or Flemings second, and Belgians third. Strong family systems are vital to Belgian society. Extended families live in separate homes, but often settle in or near the town where they were raised. Meeting and Greeting Shake hands with everyone present -- men, women, and children -- at business and social meetings. Shake hands again when leaving. Repeat your name when being introduced. Language Dutch, French and German are all widely spoken in Belgium.
Which Language Do They Speak in Belgium?
So how did things get this far? Much like with the Catalan independence movement in Spain , language is at the core of it all. The reason for this is of course older than Belgium itself — the country only officially came into existence in
A number of non-official, minority languages and dialects are spoken as well. The Belgian Constitution guarantees, since the country's independence, freedom of language in the private sphere. Article 30 specifies that "the use of languages spoken in Belgium is optional; only the law can rule on this matter, and only for acts of the public authorities and for legal matters. Article 4 divides the country into linguistic areas, which form the basis of the federal structure : "Belgium has four linguistic areas: The French-speaking area, the Dutch-speaking area, the bilingual area of Brussels Capital, and the German-speaking area.
Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area than the state of Haryana. Thus, we can conclude that the French language is spoken by the majority of the population in Belgium's capital city. Start Learning English Hindi. This question was previously asked in. Spanish French Dutch German.
Belgium used to form one country with the Netherlands, and were under Spanish and Austrian control before — for 15 short years — we formed a nation on our own: the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. In , the Belgians had enough of the Dutch king Willem I and his malarky, and declared themselves independent. Brussels, the capital, is officially bilingual: all signs are in both Dutch and French. Belgium is not a bilingual, but a trilingual country.
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