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N78 valve amplifier transformers

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N78 valve amplifier transformers

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: How to fix Radio tube amp Transformer Hum Buzz Vibration D-lab Electronics

6p1 vs el84

Read times. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Go Down. My newest super-cheap Chinese tube amp. Archguy Jr. Member Posts: » Gallery. Newest tube amp just arrived from Douk Mall in Shenzhen. You know, Shenzhen. Where everything comes from. I like this one more than the last one because it has more tubes and two VU meters instead of one.

My needs are simple. It's also sounding great, considering the fact it was almost free. Unlike my last one the Monoprice this one came with the tubes wrapped separately, which I think is a very good idea.

Shenzhen is a long way from here. The device came with NO instructions or description of any kind, unless that sheet of Chinese characters means something. Fortunately I do know how to install tubes.

If nothing else. Here it is atop my Zenith, where I 'induct' all my new tube amps. And ready to go. Plugged in, wired up And energized! And it didn't explode! It even plays music, which you can see at the following video, though be warned I may be the world's worst videographer.

Very dressy. I'm still amazed at how good these cheap tube amps sound. Particularly since I buy them as novelty items. Quote from: Archguy on 28 Julam. Archguy, Any spec on this tube?

Quote from: ttan98 on 28 Julam. David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Brain surgery went well, but complications with blood pressure, blood clot in his leg and a bowel obstruction. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can.

Messages: 1, The result is surprising, the 6P1Ps reveal every subtle detail but are also very bright, sometimes uncomfortably bright. I am using Klipsch bookshelf speakers which doesn't help to keep this brightness under control. The bass and midrange is there, but high frequencies are over the top with some mild distortion at times. Is this the tube by itself or perhaps it is not biased correctly or otherwise not fully compatible with the amp?

Tubes don't have an expiration date, or do they? Surprisingly this brightness works well for Jazz and acoustic material, but everything else is barely listenable.

Messages: 20, Location: Tubes need to break in I wouldn't panic until you're over maybe hours. Not to forget, you can experiment with the driver tubes too I even use a tube buffer to darken up an amp that would be too bright for my tastes using a tube set that's otherwise perfect.

DavidTT likes this. Allot of people buy up a variety of the same kind of tubes from different manufacturers, burn them all in then swap them out Like with the 12ax7, so many manufacturers with manufactured variations that cause different sound.

I found nirvana when I found a balanced set of Korean War Milirary surplus as a set of four 12ax7's for just a couple hundred bucks. If anyone tells you anything to the contrary, remember that different manufacturers use different methods to make their tubes and that's the variation that allows for the difference in sound. Some audiophiles spend that much on a wall outlet, for some reason.

And those 30 watts will go a long way because it pumps it through two inch Celestion G12M speakers. From the highly respected UK outfit based in Leicester, this is one amp that most of the media has criminally ignored but is a great, small footprint for the company, at any rate valve-driven device that includes a headphone socket at the front with a neat, two-position, input selector and volume control.

Then there is the KT88 - which is more powerful than the EL84, and which in pp mode will give you 40w as opposed to say 18w of the EL84 valved amp. Hi, looking to potentially begin using custom ROMs on my 6P to help combat some battery and performance issues I get. The following should be direct substitutions.

And again, it's only 0. The tube has the same pinout as EL84 and is a bit more powerfull. Free delivery on millions of items with Prime. Lothar's Guitar School.

This section of the forums is strictly for technical questions related to these forums or other Klipsch websites. Most of the design changes that people implement are intended to address these downsides. What do professionals think? Perhaps not many of the readers had the chance to compare lots pcs original packed NOS tubes with each otherThe EL84 output pentode was introduced by Mullard in Quartz Silver. N78 6BJ5 Output pentode. Click here for our cookie policy. The EL84 is smaller and more sensitive than the octal 6V6 that was widely used around the world until the s.

The Mini Block tube amps use a twin triode to drive the EL84 push-pull output stage which is biased into class-A operation, ultra-linear mode. I love and appreciate tube based audio gear and own sixteen pieces of tube gear between my two reference systems. An integrated amplifier in an almost mint condition!

Integrated Amplifier. Music Recommendation: Harp vs. EL84's are closely associated with the "Marshall" sound and are stock tubes on most of these amps. Nuevo y Segunda mano. Z Maz Scopri ricette, idee per la casa, consigli di stile e altre idee da provare. Harp, is one of the few. A similar situation we have for the Philips EL84, also a fantastic tube, but expensive. They require about 50V less voltage than EL84 and draw a bit more current.

Looking for a new Amp or Preamp? If you're after tubes, post over here. Tubes for Miniwatt I bought a Miniwatt a couple of weeks ago and was very impressed with it. It uses Chinese 6J1 for the driver and a 6P1 for the output. I searched for some suggestions for tube rolling and was able to get WE B's. These are great tubes and really improve the sound. But I am having a problem with the 6P1 replacements. I can barely hear any sound when the amp is turned up max. They seem to not be an equivalent.

I am hoping someone can suggest an alternative. I suppose I could get an adapter, but I prefer the correct tube. Hide full thread outline! Show full thread outline! RE: Tubes for Miniwattposted on November 3, at I ran across the following when I was trying to source less expensive tubes for my Sophia: OK, as of now I believe that the only tubes that directly substitute in are the 6P1 itself and its russian version 6P1P.

It seems that you can get the 6P1 and 6P1P tubes for peanuts off ebay, but you must be sure that they are 9pin bases - ideally the seller should be able to give you a tube data sheet that you can compare. EL84 is 14W and V max. They have a different pinout too. Hope something in here helps If you don't become the ocean, you'll be seasick everydayDavid, aka Grumpy, needs our help.

Messages: 1, My 6P1 to 6AQ5 adapters are finally here. Messages: Location: South Jersey, near Philly. Now I can at least think about it, with adapters. Let me get this straight. Which is it? Ok, so you are using the 6AQ5 now.

How's it sound? Tom Bombadil likes this. Messages: 2, Location: N. Central Fla.

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For those of you who want to have the warm sound of a vacuum tube amplifier, when playing guitar or just listening to music, but cannot afford to buy an expensive tube amplifier, this instructable is for you. This instructable will show you how to build a vacuum tube amplifier using parts salvaged out of old electronics and 2 purchased vacuum tubes. The tube amp sounds really nice and it amplifies music and guitar really loud. I estimate the output wattage to be about watts. For an explanation and a demonstration of the tube amp, watch the video below.

Most Popular 1PC N78 Tube TO 6V6 7Pins TO 8Pins Tube DIY Audio Vacuum Tube Adapter Socket Converter Free Shipping - Amplifier.

Nov - American Radio History

Lie, J. Mayeda, Y. Li, J. The broadband modulation bandwidth for 5G RF transmitters i. Our review will focus on the available options of device technologies, novel circuit and system architectures, and efficiency enhancement techniques at power back-off for 5G PA design. It will be extremely challenging to achieve those aggressive 5G performance metrics all at once, and thus the 5G revolution is expected to be happening in stages. On the other hand, in March , 3GPP published its first study item reports on the 5G New Radio NR , the next generation 5G cellular network standard, and the likely global 5G standard for a new OFDM-based air interface designed to support the wide variation of 5G device-types, services, deployments, and spectrum. It is well-known the performance of a radio-frequency power amplifier RF PA can often dominate the overall transmitter TX performance, as its power-added efficiency PAE dictates the power and heat dissipation for the entire TX. To any successful commercial 5G application, the output power , linearity, reliability, cost, and form factors of a PA are all very important. In some cases the antennas may be directly packaged on top of the FEM IC on the wafer-scale to achieve even higher integration with reasonable performance [ 3 , 4 ].

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n78 valve amplifier transformers

Whilst not pretending that valve sets are superior Robert A. Wilson recalls the fun in valve receivers. With the great advances in technology over the last few years, the use of the valve in radio receivers has been dropped in favour of the transistor. For a lot of people, including myself, these advances have unfortunately taken away a lot of the pleasure of former times when dealing with radio sets. Recently I have obtained and resurrected two ancient sets.

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Brain surgery went well, but complications with blood pressure, blood clot in his leg and a bowel obstruction.

Narrow-Bandwidth Television Association

Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone. Howdy, Stranger! It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Sign In Register.

The N.Z. Vintage Radio Project

For full document please download. Full operational data for each application. Simple valve selection table for quick reference. Mullard Valve and C. Typical circuit diagrams for the various applications. Pro copy pock. And it saves time, money and hours of wasted effort puzzling over complicated wiring circuits.

NULLARD 2 VALVE PRE-AMPLIFIERLatest Mulard circuit for use with the Kitcomprising the following:Mains Transformer 22/65 -amp.

A Review of 5G Power Amplifier Design at cm-Wave and mm-Wave Frequencies

Standard temp. Also most Millard Logics in stock. We don't. That's why they're so popular.


RELATED VIDEO: Vacuum Tube Output Transformer Measurements Determining Turns \u0026 Impedance Ratio \u0026 Matching To Tubes

Read times. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Go Down. My newest super-cheap Chinese tube amp. Archguy Jr. Member Posts: » Gallery. Newest tube amp just arrived from Douk Mall in Shenzhen.

Quotations given on any type not listed.

Crystal Diodes - American Radio History

By continuing to use the forum you conform your acceptance of these. If you are not happy to accept these you must stop using the forum and delete our cookies from your browser. HMV radiogram. I am new to radios, my background is in wind up gramophones I'm wondering whether there are folks here that are kind enough to help me to find out whether this unit is something I can bring back to life. I'm conscious that there must be lots of 'newbies' asking for help, so if people could perhaps recommend some reading I could do to get familiar with the basics, that would be a good start. What I can tell you about the gram is very limited

6x4 tube data

EC is right, just put the resistor with a cap across it between the cathode and the transformer. Many pentodes are terribly non linear in the region near positive grid bias, so PowerDrive may not be a serious advantage here. I am using it in the current prototype because I wired 6AV5's into my B amp. I will do a lot more testing when I return from an upcomming trip mid April.

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