Brillouin amplifier ppt templates
Roadmap for next generation optical networks based on quasi-coherent receivers J. Altabas 1 , O. Gallardo 1 , G. Silva Valdecasa 1,2 , M.
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- Photonic radio frequency channelizers based on Kerr optical micro-combs
- 2D transition metal dichalcogenides
- 附表4 近五年实验中心教师代表性科研论文
- Vegetables
- Brillouin scattering
- The School of Engineering
- Chapter 8. Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) Part II: Amplifiers
- Fiber optics non linear effects Non linear medium
- OptiSystem Overview
Photonic radio frequency channelizers based on Kerr optical micro-combs
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Most of the predicted applications require intense electric field hotspots but spectrally narrow resonances, out of reach of standard plasmonic resonances. The Fano lineshapes resulting from the hybridization of dielectric—plasmonic resonators with a broad-band plasmon and narrow-band cavity mode allow reaching strong Raman enhancement with high- Q resonances, paving the way for sideband resolved molecular optomechanics. We extend the molecular optomechanics formalism to describe hybrid dielectric—plasmonic resonators with multiple optical resonances and with both free-space and waveguide addressing.
We demonstrate how the Raman enhancement depends on the complex response functions of the hybrid system, and we retrieve the expression of Raman enhancement as a product of pump enhancement and the local density of states. The model allows prediction of the Raman emission ratio into different output ports and enables demonstrating a fully integrated high- Q Raman resonator exploiting multiple cavity modes coupled to the same waveguide.
Figure 1. Raman scattering enhanced by a hybrid dielectric—plasmonic resonator. Top: sketch of a typical system: the spectrally narrow modes of a dielectric cavity hybridize with a plasmonic antenna resulting in high- Q small-mode-volume resonances, ideal for sideband resolved molecular optomechanics.
Light can couple in and out through different ports such as the free-space or waveguides. Figure 2. The cross-cuts at the dashed blue and green lines correspond to b and c. It is equal to the product of a pump enhancement term e and of a collected LDOS enhancement term f. The case of a hybrid antenna—cavity resonator is given in g — l , exhibiting narrow Fano resonances both in the Raman spectrum and in the pump and LDOS enhancements. See text for parameters. Figure 3. Stokes enhancement for the four different combinations of input—output as depicted on the sketches.
The bare antenna response is plotted in the dashed curve in panel a. The parameters are the same as in Figure 2. Figure 4. The maximum Stokes enhancement for each detuning is shown in b and d for the two collection cases, with the colored crosses corresponding to the respective colored plots in a and c. Figure 5. The horizontal dotted line corresponds to the free-space case with only the bare antenna. Figure 6. Anti-Stokes enhancement for different cavity—antenna detunings.
The input is in free space, and the collection is either in free space a or in the waveguide b. Figure 7. Stokes enhancement with a two-mode cavity and an antenna hybrid. We compare the cases with free-space-only a or waveguide-only b input and output.
Figure 8. Using multiple cavity modes, one can selectively enhance the up-converted anti-Stokes while suppressing unwanted back-action noise. Parameters are the same as in Figure 7 , with the laser now pumping the redder cavity. The red solid line corresponds to collection through the waveguide fully integrated system , while the dashed blue line is for a collection through free space.
Derivation of the Langevin equations, input—output parameters, influence of the antenna field confinement on SERS enhancement, and benchmark against full-wave simulations PDF. Such files may be downloaded by article for research use if there is a public use license linked to the relevant article, that license may permit other uses. The authors acknowledge support from the European Unions Horizon research and innovation program under Grant Agreements No. They also thank Javier del Pino and Philippe Lalanne for fruitful discussions and for their support.
More by Ilan Shlesinger. Bordeaux, Talence, France. More by Ewold Verhagen. More by A. Femius Koenderink. Published by American Chemical Society. Article Views Altmetric -. Abstract High Resolution Image. Very recent experimental works have already demonstrated mid-IR-to-visible transduction using this scheme. Conversely, conventional higher- Q dielectric resonators typically have poor mode confinement and hence poor SERS enhancement.
In the last few years, hybrid photonic—plasmonic resonators have emerged, in which hybrid resonances of dielectric microcavities coupled to plasmonic antennas are used. In this work, we report on a semiclassical molecular optomechanics model for waveguide WG -addressable multiresonant hybrid photonic—plasmonic resonators coupled to molecular mechanical oscillators.
This work has several important novelties. First, in evaluating the SERS enhancement, previous work on hybrid resonators has generally approximated the optical system as a single Lorentzian resonance. Our semianalytical model correctly describes these intricate response functions over the entire frequency range, requiring only parameters from the bare resonators extracted from full-wave numerical modeling.
Other approaches based on the Green tensor also allow us to derive Raman enhancements for complex photonic systems but rely on fully numerical calculations 6,11 or on a quasi-normal mode formalism. This allows further control of SERS, through the accurate engineering of the structured photonic reservoir for Stokes, pump, and anti-Stokes frequencies independently.
This scenario could be achieved with any whispering gallery mode WGM cavity system, with free spectral ranges that match vibrational frequencies. Indeed, in prospective molecular optomechanics experiments with hybrid dielectric photonic resonators, a waveguide can be specifically and efficiently interfaced with the cavity, to address hybrid resonances. This means that it is important to determine the ideal pumping and collection scheme.
Our semianalytical model illustrates the potential and trade-offs for waveguide-addressable hybrid photonic—plasmonic resonators for physically relevant parameters for cavities and plasmon antennas taken from full-wave numerical modeling. We finally show how the hybrid resonators will be a key platform to reach lower noise THz to visible transduction using molecular optomechanics and how the transduced signal is shared between the different output ports.
High Resolution Image. Hybrid Molecular Optomechanics Formalism. We first consider a single-mode hybrid resonator composed of a plasmonic antenna coupled to a high- Q dielectric cavity Figure 1. The model is based on semiclassical Langevin equations 12,14 where a plasmonic antenna, described as a polarizable electrodynamic dipole scatterer, is coupled to a microcavity mode, quantified by a resonance frequency, mode volume, and intrinsic damping rate.
In short, this model can be reduced to a description in terms of coupled equations of motion for two harmonic oscillators. The excitation of the antenna is quantified by its induced dipole moment p , which derives from its polarizable nature. Similarly to the cavity mode, the antenna field will be described by the field amplitude.
We consider each of the two optical resonators to be coupled to a unique port: a waveguide for the cavity mode and free space for the antenna. This term describes the purely electromagnetic coupling between the two resonators: the antenna driving the cavity mode or the cavity polarizing the antenna. The hybrid coupling then appears as a dipolar coupling rate between the antenna dipole and the cavity field.
The overlapping optical fields of the antenna and the cavity at the position of the vibrating molecule result in a crossed optomechanical coupling whose coupling strength can be approximated as see the Supporting Information. The input amplitudes are normalized such that s in 2 is the optical power entering at a given port. F ext describes the input mechanical fields, which is here considered to be only thermal fluctuations.
We thus arrive to the same coupled equations as derived by Roelli et al. We note that while the equations and phenomena considered here are classical, they could readily be extended to include quantum fluctuations by introducing noise terms with appropriate correlators. In the present work, we are only interested in the low-cooperativity regime, which is the most experimentally relevant, 12 and we can thus neglect the back-action of the optical fields on the mechanical resonance, i.
The optical resonator amplitudes in the third equation of eq 1 will then be neglected, which discards the laser quantum back-action as well as dynamical back-action on the mechanical mode. These mechanical fluctuations will translate into optical Raman signal through the optomechanical coupling with the antenna and cavity modes as described by the two remaining Langevin equations for the optical fields. The right-hand side of the equations shows that the source terms for the optical fluctuations arise from a sum of direct and crossed optomechanical coupling with the mechanical vibration.
The first is given with a rate G a or G c , and the second through crossed optomechanical coupling G cross ; they are directly proportional to the steady-state solutions obtained previously. The antenna and cavity fluctuations a and c appear as a transduction of mechanical fluctuations x m with a modified response due to the hybrid coupling characterized by J. To obtain Raman enhancements factors, the spectra are normalized by the emission of the molecule in the homogeneous medium, in the absence of a resonator, given for the same excitation and collection conditions.
This reference situation is modeled as the scattering of the Raman dipole of the molecule, 6 in which 11 where E inc is the incident field at the position of the molecule see the Supporting Information. By replacing a and c by their expression of eq 8 and using eq 2 , one can write the Raman spectrum of the antenna and the cavity as the product of three terms 13 i.
The pump enhancement is given by 14 and corresponds to the field enhancement due to the optical hotspots compared to the incident field. The Raman emission is also enhanced by the collected LDOS, which, depending on the assumed collection channel, i. Both LDOSC expressions of eq 15 show a coherent coupling between antenna and cavity characterized by the effective susceptibilities 17 that describe the hybrid response of each resonator in the presence of two coherently summed driving terms.
They contain all of the spectral information governing the Raman spectra. Indeed, it can be shown that the pump enhancement of eq 14 can also be written as a function of the effective susceptibilities when pumping only through one port free space or waveguide. The final Raman spectrum will then be a product of the effective susceptibility squared magnitudes evaluated at the pump and Raman-shifted frequencies 18 Using the molecular optomechanics formalism, we retrieve the second-order perturbation theory result relating the surface-enhanced Raman enhancement to the product of enhancement factor at the pump and emission frequencies.
We have verified that the predictions of the model precisely match full-wave numerical simulation results, as shown in the Supporting Information. A vertical cut at the maximum intensity blue dashed line is shown in Figure 2 b, representing a Raman spectrum at laser frequency fixed to the value at which the Stokes signal is most enhanced.
The detected Stokes signal when scanning the laser frequency green diagonal dashed line, detection frequency shifting in concert with the laser frequency is shown in Figure 2 c. With the antenna and molecule position considered here, we obtain Raman enhancements on the order of 10 4 , limited only by the effective mode volume of the antenna.
2D transition metal dichalcogenides
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附表4 近五年实验中心教师代表性科研论文
Nguyen 3 , , Sai T. Chu 4 , , Brent E. Moss 1 , ,. Abstract: We review recent work on broadband RF channelizers based on integrated optical frequency Kerr micro-combs combined with passive micro-ring resonator filters, with microcombs having channel spacings of and 49 GHz. This approach to realizing RF channelizers offers reduced complexity, size, and potential cost for a wide range of applications to microwave signal detection. Key words: microwave photonic , signal channelization , integrated optical frequency comb. Nonlinear optics in communications: From crippling impairment to ultrafast tools. Oxford, UK: Academic Press, , Nonlinear silicon photonics.
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Brillouin scattering
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The School of Engineering
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Chapter 8. Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM) Part II: Amplifiers
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OptiSystem Overview
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