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Xa speakers sandy bridge

Bob D. Click here for part 5: kzhead. The Twelve Step Model has been utilized as a treatment for alcohol abuse and alcoholism since It is extremely important to know that help IS out there and addiction recovery is possible. If you are battling alcoholism, drug addiction, addiction or any other form of addictive behavior, there are people who know EXACTLY what it is like! You can find out more at: www.


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Biographies of the Authors of the Stories in the Big Book. Last names are included only of deceased members. As you can see, this project is "under construction" and will be modified until completed so check back from time to time. Bob was born in Houston, Texas, but raised in Kansas, the only child of loving parents.

His parents drank only socially, and his father gave him his first drink -- a tiny glass of sherry to celebrate the New York -- when he was thirteen. He immediately saw the effect it had on him and prayed he wouldn't drink any more.

But in college he began to drink at fraternity parties and beer busts. The family moved frequently and Bob found himself in a different school every year until high school, where he was always the new kid who had to prove himself. He retreated into a fantasy world. He became the classic over-achiever and sold his first article to a national magazine while still an undergraduate.

After graduation from college he moved to New York to pursue a writing career and landed a good job. He was soon regarded as a "boy wonder. He then had difficulty in every aspect of his life. His service in the Navy was marred when he was given a "Captain's Mast," i. His marriage suffered, his values became distorted, and by forty his health was severely damaged. When the doctor told him he would have to stop drinking he did, for ten months, with no apparent difficulty, but he did not enjoy life without drinking, and soon he was drinking again and his physical condition deteriorated further.

He developed cirrhosis of the liver, had frequent blackouts, severe nosebleeds, angry bruises which appeared mysteriously all over his body. Despite three episodes of losing large quantities of blood by vomiting and from his rectum, he drank again. His doctor finally gave up on him and referred him to a psychiatrist in the same suite of offices.

Harry Tiebout, the psychiatrist who probably knew more about alcoholism than any other in the world. Tiebout was serving as a nonalcoholic trustee on the General Service Board. Tiebout sent him to High Watch to dry out. There he read the Big Book and began his slow road back to health and sanity. When Bob had been in A. Not only did his health recover, so did his marriage, his relationship with his children, his performance on his job.

All these things A. He learned that "the name of the game is not so much to stop drinking as to stay sober. How do we do it? By learning -- through practicing the Twelve Steps and through sharing at meetings -- how to cope with the problems that we looked to booze to solve, back in our drinking days.

He worked for G. He was a director and trustee of the General Service Board for six years and office general manager for a decade. Upon retirement from G. Unfortunately, this manuscript was never published. At the General Service Conference, Bob gave what the Final Report called "a powerful and inspiring closing talk" titled "Our greatest danger: rigidity. And in this trend toward rigidity, we are drifting farther and farther away from our co-founders.

Bill, in particular, must be spinning in his grave, for he was perhaps the most permissive person I ever met. One of his favorite sayings was 'Every group has the right to be wrong.

At the International Convention in Minneapolis in , he appeared to be handling many jobs. He filled in to lead at least one of the small meetings, "Pioneers in A. He was probably filling in for someone else at the last minute. Return to the top of the page. Harry S.? Akron, Ohio. Original Manuscript, p. Harry found sobriety in March of , but he may have entered the fellowship as early a January He was born in , the youngest of five sons to a "fine Christian mother, and a hard working blacksmith father.

At the age of eight he began tasting his father's beer, and by fourteen, when he quit school, he was drinking wine and hard cider. He worked as a barber, and acquired several lucrative shops, some with poolrooms and restaurants attached. He married in , during the time he was running his own shops, and fathered ten children. But the time came when he could no longer finance his own business, so he began to float about the country, working at various jobs, but invariably getting fired in a short time because of his unreliability.

His children were usually desperately in need because he spent his money for drinking instead of providing for them.

He finally secured a job in a shop in a small town near Akron. His reputation for drinking soon became more or less generally known, and he was irritated by a deacon and the pastor of a church who when they were in the shop constantly invited him to church and Bible classes.

He earnestly wished they would mind their own business. But he became friendly with these men, and at last they persuaded him to go to Akron and talk with Dr.

He listened to Dr. Bob for two hours, and although his mind was quite foggy, he retained a good deal of what was said. He felt that the combined effort of these three Christian gentlemen made it possible for him to have a vital spiritual experience. That was in March At the time he wrote his story, he had not had a drink since.

He had regained the love of his family and the respect of the community, and said the past few years had been the happiest of my life, spent helping others who were afflicted with alcoholism.

His date of sobriety was probably June It is said that he sued to get the money he had loaned A. Harry was probably an accountant. He is believed to be "Fred, a partner in a well known accounting firm" whose story is told on pages 39 through 43 of the Big Book. He was happily married with fine children, sufficient income to indulge his whims and future financial security.

He was known as a conservative, sound businessman. To all appearances he was a stable, well-balanced individual, with an attractive personality who made friends easily. However, he missed going to his office several times because of drinking, and when he failed in efforts to stop on his own, had to be hospitalized -- a blow to his ego. At the hospital a doctor told him about a group of men staying sober, and he reluctantly consented to have one of them call on him, only to be polite to the doctor.

He refused help from the man who called on him, but within sixty days, after leaving the hospital the second time, he was pounding at his door, willing to do anything to conquer the vicious thing that had conquered him. He soon learned that not only had his drinking problem been relieved, but quite as important was the discovery that spiritual principles would solve all his problems. While his old way of living was by no means a bad one, he would not go back to it he would not go back to it even if he could.

His worst days in the fellowship were better than his best days when he was drinking. His story is the shortest in the 1st edition. He had only one point he wanted to make. Even a man with everything money can buy, a man with tremendous pride and will power to function in all ordinary circumstances, could become an alcoholic and find himself as hopeless and helpless as the man who has a multitude of worries and troubles.

Doctor Earl M. Harry served on the first board of trustees of the Alcoholic Foundation, replacing Bill Ruddell, who got drunk. Soon Harry was drunk, too. Akron or Kent, Ohio Original Manuscript, p. Bill's sobriety date is uncertain. He joined the Fellowship in , and slipped, but was known to be active in the program by September Just out of high school Bill landed a job with a local university as an office assistant.

He advanced in his work and took a year off to attend an engineering college. When back in the rest area he began drinking red wine and cognac. When he returned from the war he tried to hide his drinking from his mother and the girl he was to marry, but he got drunk the day their engagement was announced, and missed the party.

The engagement was off. He was again working in the President's office at the university, but he also was active in many civic activities. He tried to control his drinking and his sprees were only in private clubs or away from home. He lost his job at the University although probably not because of his drinking, then held a variety of jobs, and got married, but his marriage failed because of his drinking.

Soon he could not hold a job and began getting arrested for drunk driving and disorderly conduct. Eventually he became a ward of the Probate Court, and was admitted to a State hospital at least twice.

Finally, a friend he had known in his drinking days, who was now sober, sought him out and persuaded him to enter the hospital under the care of Dr. He was one of the five men Sister Ignatia remembered coming to the hospital after being in terrible accidents because of drinking, who had later come into A.

Bob made a favorable impression on him immediately by spending much time with him telling him of his own drinking experiences. At the meetings, however, he was not happy with some of the Oxford Group practices. He thought it was throwing the spiritual right at the new person. It was too hard for the alcoholics.

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An AA meeting in a Podcast. Sobercast is an unofficial Alcoholics Anonymous podcast featuring AA speaker meetings and workshops. This is not a discussion podcast, simply speaker meetings and workshops in a podcast format. Email: sobercast gmail. Jeff W. This is an excellent quality recording for 56 years ago. Multiple 15 min speakers share at this meeting from the South Africa National Convention held in Johannesburg South Africa in , all the speakers share on the topic of Helping Others. The West-side Womens Group in Cleveland Ohio celebrates their 20th Anniversary Meeting with this speak from Howard B sober just under 20 years himself at the time this was recorded in Excellent quality for a recording thats 61 years old.

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xa speakers sandy bridge

An unofficial Alcoholics Anonymous podcast featuring AA speaker meetings. This is not a discussion podcast, simply speaker meetings and workshops in a podcast format. We are not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous in any way. I have one of these and it is one of my favorite items, a really excellent and useful for book study meetings or as a gift to a newcomer who is going to be heading to one. The First pages of The Big Book with lined blank pages opposite each page of text for note taking.

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Bob D. - AA Speakers - "Forgiveness, Letting go, Resentment, Fear, and Love" (Part 4 of 5)

A Rant in Two Parts. By Bobby F. Part 1. Logic has nothing to do with it! Enterprise overheard on the bridge.

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Biographies of the Authors of the Stories in the Big Book. Last names are included only of deceased members. As you can see, this project is "under construction" and will be modified until completed so check back from time to time. Bob was born in Houston, Texas, but raised in Kansas, the only child of loving parents.

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