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Etimologia de chile nahuatl speaker

Spanish dialects and varieties are the regional variants of the Spanish language , some of which are quite divergent from one another, especially in pronunciation and vocabulary, and less so in grammar. While all Spanish dialects use the same written standard, all spoken varieties differ from the written variety, in different degrees. There are differences between European Spanish also called Peninsular Spanish and the Spanish of the Americas , as well as many different dialect areas both within Spain and within Spanish America. Among grammatical features, the most prominent variation among dialects is in the use of the second-person pronouns. In most of Spain, the informal second-person plural pronoun is vosotros , while in Spanish America the only second-person plural pronoun, for both formal and informal registers, is ustedes.

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Meaning of "pupusa" in the Spanish dictionary

It is a global language and the world's second-most spoken native language , after Mandarin Chinese. Spanish is a part of the Ibero-Romance group of languages , which evolved from several dialects of Vulgar Latin in Iberia after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century.

The oldest Latin texts with traces of Spanish come from mid-northern Iberia in the 9th century, [9] and the first systematic written use of the language happened in Toledo , then capital of the Kingdom of Castile , in the 13th century. Beginning in , the Spanish language was taken to the viceroyalties of the Spanish Empire , most notably to the newly-discovered the Americas , as well as territories in Africa , Oceania and the Philippines.

Ancient Greek has also contributed substantially to Spanish vocabulary, especially through Latin, where it had a great impact. Additionally, it has absorbed vocabulary from other languages, particularly the Romance languages— French , Italian , Portuguese , Galician , Catalan , Occitan , and Sardinian —as well as from Nahuatl , Quechua , and other indigenous languages of the Americas. Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

It is estimated that more than million people speak Spanish as a native language , which qualifies it as second on the lists of languages by number of native speakers. Spanish is the official or national language in Spain, Equatorial Guinea , and 19 countries in the Americas. Speakers in the Americas total some million. It is also an optional language in the Philippines as it was a Spanish colony from to According to a paper by U. Shin, the number of Spanish speakers is projected to rise through to anywhere between 39 million and 43 million, depending on the assumption one makes about immigration.

Most of these Spanish speakers will be Hispanic, with Ortman and Shin projecting between Article III reads as follows:. Castilian is the official Spanish language of the State.

The other Spanish languages shall also be official in their respective Autonomous Communities Previously, several pre-Roman languages also called Paleohispanic languages —unrelated to Latin, and some of them unrelated even to Indo-European—were spoken in the Iberian Peninsula.

These languages included Basque still spoken today , Iberian , Celtiberian and Gallaecian. The first documents to show traces of what is today regarded as the precursor of modern Spanish are from the 9th century. Spanish also borrowed a considerable number of words from Arabic , as well as a minor influence from the Germanic Gothic language through the migration of tribes and a period of Visigoth rule in Iberia.

In addition, many more words were borrowed from Latin through the influence of written language and the liturgical language of the Church. The loanwords were taken from both Classical Latin and Renaissance Latin , the form of Latin in use at that time. The diphthongization of Latin stressed short e and o —which occurred in open syllables in French and Italian, but not at all in Catalan or Portuguese—is found in both open and closed syllables in Spanish, as shown in the following table:.

In early Spanish but not in Catalan or Portuguese it merged with the consonant written b a bilabial with plosive and fricative allophones. In modern Spanish, there is no difference between the pronunciation of orthographic b and v , with some exceptions in Caribbean Spanish.

Peculiar to Spanish as well as to the neighboring Gascon dialect of Occitan , and attributed to a Basque substratum was the mutation of Latin initial f into h- whenever it was followed by a vowel that did not diphthongize.

The h- , still preserved in spelling, is now silent in most varieties of the language, although in some Andalusian and Caribbean dialects it is still aspirated in some words. Some consonant clusters of Latin also produced characteristically different results in these languages, as shown in the examples in the following table:.

From the sixteenth century onwards, the language was taken to the Spanish-discovered America and the Spanish East Indies via Spanish colonization of America. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra , author of Don Quixote , is such a well-known reference in the world that Spanish is often called la lengua de Cervantes "the language of Cervantes".

For details on borrowed words and other external influences upon Spanish, see Influences on the Spanish language. Most of the grammatical and typological features of Spanish are shared with the other Romance languages.

Spanish is a fusional language. The noun and adjective systems exhibit two genders and two numbers , in addition articles and some pronouns and determiners have a neuter gender in singular. There are about fifty conjugated forms per verb , with 3 tenses: past, present, future; 2 aspects for past: perfective, imperfective; 4 moods: indicative, subjunctive, conditional, imperative; 3 persons: first, second, third; 2 numbers: singular, plural; 3 verboid forms: infinitive, gerund, and past participle.

Verbs express T-V distinction by using different persons for formal and informal addresses. For a detailed overview of verbs, see Spanish verbs and Spanish irregular verbs. Spanish syntax is considered right-branching , meaning that subordinate or modifying constituents tend to be placed after their head words. The language uses prepositions rather than postpositions or inflection of nouns for case , and usually—though not always—places adjectives after nouns , as do most other Romance languages.

The language is classified as a subject—verb—object language; however, as in most Romance languages, constituent order is highly variable and governed mainly by topicalization and focus rather than by syntax. It is a " pro-drop ", or " null-subject " language—that is, it allows the deletion of subject pronouns when they are pragmatically unnecessary.

Spanish is described as a " verb-framed " language, meaning that the direction of motion is expressed in the verb while the mode of locomotion is expressed adverbially e.

The Spanish phonemic system is originally descended from that of Vulgar Latin. Its development exhibits some traits in common with the neighboring dialects—especially Leonese and Aragonese —as well as other traits unique to Castilian.

Where Latin had -li- before a vowel e. Portuguese filho , orelha ; Catalan fill , orella. Spanish is classified by its rhythm as a syllable-timed language : each syllable has approximately the same duration regardless of stress. Spanish intonation varies significantly according to dialect but generally conforms to a pattern of falling tone for declarative sentences and wh-questions who, what, why, etc.

Stress most often occurs on any of the last three syllables of a word, with some rare exceptions at the fourth-last or earlier syllables. The tendencies of stress assignment are as follows: [46]. Exceptions to those rules are indicated by an acute accent mark over the vowel of the stressed syllable. See Spanish orthography. Spanish is the primary language of 20 countries worldwide. It is estimated that the combined total number of Spanish speakers is between and million, making it the second most widely spoken language in terms of native speakers.

Spanish is the third most spoken language by total number of speakers after Mandarin and English. Internet usage statistics for also show Spanish as the third most commonly used language on the Internet, after English and Mandarin.

In Europe , Spanish is an official language of Spain, the country after which it is named and from which it originated. It is widely spoken in Gibraltar , and also commonly spoken in Andorra , although Catalan is the official language there. Spanish is also spoken by small communities in other European countries, such as the United Kingdom , France , Italy , and Germany. In Switzerland , which had a massive influx of Spanish migrants in the 20th century, Spanish is the native language of 2.

Most Spanish speakers are in Hispanic America ; of all countries with a majority of Spanish speakers, only Spain and Equatorial Guinea are outside the Americas. Due to their proximity to Spanish-speaking countries, Trinidad and Tobago and Brazil have implemented Spanish language teaching into their education systems.

According to census data, Spanish is by far the most common second language in the US, with over 50 million total speakers if non-native or second-language speakers are included.

Spanish is also used in administration in the state of New Mexico. In Equatorial Guinea, Spanish is the predominant language when native and non-native speakers around , people are counted, while Fang is the most spoken language by number of native speakers.

In northern Morocco , a former Spanish protectorate that is also geographically close to Spain, approximately 20, people speak Spanish as a second language , while Arabic is the de jure official language.

Spanish is spoken by some small communities in Angola because of the Cuban influence from the Cold War and in South Sudan among South Sudanese natives that relocated to Cuba during the Sudanese wars and returned in time for their country's independence. In Western Sahara , formerly Spanish Sahara , Spanish was officially spoken during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Today, Spanish in this disputed territory is maintained by populations of Sahrawi nomads numbering about , people, and is de facto official alongside Arabic in the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic , although this entity receives limited international recognition.

Spanish was an official language of the Philippines from the beginning of Spanish administration in to a constitutional change in During Spanish colonization — , it was the language of government, trade and education, and spoken as a first language by Spaniards and educated Filipinos. In the mid-nineteenth century, the colonial government set up a free public education system with Spanish as the medium of instruction.

This increased use of Spanish throughout the islands led to the formation of a class of Spanish-speaking intellectuals called the Ilustrados. Despite American administration after the defeat of Spain in the Spanish—American War in , the usage of Spanish continued in Philippine literature and press during the early years of American administration. Gradually, however, the American government began increasingly promoting the use of English, and it characterized Spanish as a negative influence of the past.

Eventually, by the s, English became the primary language of administration and education. Spanish was removed from official status in under the administration of Ferdinand Marcos , but regained its status as an official language two months later under Presidential Decree No.

The number of Chavacano-speakers was estimated at 1. However, it is not mutually intelligible with Spanish. There are important variations phonological , grammatical , and lexical in the spoken Spanish of the various regions of Spain and throughout the Spanish-speaking areas of the Americas. The variety with the most speakers is Mexican Spanish.

It is spoken by more than twenty percent of the world's Spanish speakers more than million of the total of more than million, according to the table above. In Spain, northern dialects are popularly thought of as closer to the standard, although positive attitudes toward southern dialects have increased significantly in the last 50 years.

The main morphological variations between dialects of Spanish involve differing uses of pronouns, especially those of the second person and, to a lesser extent, the object pronouns of the third person. In Chile, for example, verbal voseo is much more common than the actual use of the pronoun vos , which is usually reserved for highly informal situations. And in Central American voseo , one can see even further distinction.

Although vos is not used in Spain, it occurs in many Spanish-speaking regions of the Americas as the primary spoken form of the second-person singular familiar pronoun, with wide differences in social consideration. Tuteo as a cultured form alternates with voseo as a popular or rural form in Bolivia , in the north and south of Peru, in Andean Ecuador, in small zones of the Venezuelan Andes and most notably in the Venezuelan state of Zulia , and in a large part of Colombia.

Some researchers maintain that voseo can be heard in some parts of eastern Cuba, and others assert that it is absent from the island. Tuteo exists as the second-person usage with an intermediate degree of formality alongside the more familiar voseo in Chile , in the Venezuelan state of Zulia , on the Caribbean coast of Colombia , in the Azuero Peninsula in Panama, in the Mexican state of Chiapas , and in parts of Guatemala.

In Seville , Huelva , Cadiz , and other parts of western Andalusia , the familiar form is constructed as ustedes vais , using the traditional second-person plural form of the verb. Usted is the usual second-person singular pronoun in a formal context, but it is used jointly with the third-person singular voice of the verb.

This usage is sometimes called ustedeo in Spanish. In Central America, especially in Honduras, usted is often used as a formal pronoun to convey respect between the members of a romantic couple. Usted is also used that way as well as between parents and children in the Andean regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.

The usage is sometimes called "etymological", as these direct and indirect object pronouns are a continuation, respectively, of the accusative and dative pronouns of Latin, the ancestor language of Spanish. Some words can be significantly different in different Hispanophone countries.

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cedi6 con el nahuatl en Mexi- co o el quechua en Peru. miento, chile; barbacoaa', pa- do es la etimologia de los vocablos que se han.

Spanish language

Valdez is a valuable contribution to the search for a better understanding of Dominican identity. Valdez brings a perspective informed by Gramscian cultural analysis and the linguistic anthropology of language ideologies to the task of linguistic historiography in the traditions of Koerner and Guitarte. The result is a fascinating account and sympathetic critique of linguistic theories in political, professional, and intellectual context, with an eye to the significance of the politics of national identity and race in specific linguistic debates. Hispanism has been well documented. However, the philological and linguistic assumptions of his cultural discourse did not receive significant critical attention until now. Valdez approaches the subject of linguistics with bold insight in this fascinating book that is bound to become an important point of reference for both scholars and teachers concerned with the profound impact of cultural wars and linguistic purging on the education of citizens and the marginalization of others. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents. Advertisement Hide. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Authors Juan R.


etimologia de chile nahuatl speaker

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Spanish was brought to Mexico in the 16th century by Spanish Conquistadors.

Appendix:Spanish words of Indigenous American Indian origin

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etimologia latina medievale e scienti:fica, germanismi, slavismi, tre sistemi di linguistic insecurity4 is often observed with speakers whose native.

Spanish was brought to Mexico in the 16th century by Spanish Conquistadors. As in all other Spanish-speaking countries including Spain , different accents and varieties of the language exist in different parts of the country, for both historical and sociological reasons. For this reason, most of the film dubbing identified abroad with the label "Mexican Spanish" or "Latin American Spanish" actually corresponds to the central Mexican variety. Mexico City was built on the site of Tenochtitlan , the capital of the Aztec Empire.

The terms Savage and Civilized, as applied to races of men, are relative and not absolute terms. At best these words mark only broad shifting stages in human progress; the one near the point of departure, the other farther on toward the unattainable end. This progress is one and universal, though of varying rapidity and extent; there are degrees in savagism and there are degrees in civilization; indeed, though placed in opposition, the one is but a degree of the other. The Haidah, whom we call savage, is as much superior to the Shoshone, the lowest of Americans, as the Aztec is superior to the Haidah, or the European to the Aztec. Nor is it, in the absence of fixed conditions, and amidst the many shades of difference presented by the nations along our western seaboard, an easy matter to tell where even comparative savagism ends and civilization begins. We know what savages are; how, like wild animals, they depend for food and raiment upon the spontaneous products of nature, migrating with the beasts and birds and fishes, burrowing beneath the ground, hiding in caves, or throwing over themselves a shelter of bark or skins or branches or boards, eating or starving as food is abundant or scarce; nevertheless, all of them have made some advancement from their original naked, helpless condition, and have acquired some aids in the procurement of their poor necessities.

Ne konfuzu kun Centra Ameriko kiu estas la nomo de la geografia zono inter Nordameriko kaj Sudameriko. About: Mesoamerica.

In this article, three different aspects of the Spanish-speaking community are analyzed: 1 The idiosyncratic characteristics of the Spanish language, 2 the social dimension of the Spanish speakers, and finally, 3 their cultural manifestations. Two major Hispanic subcultures are distinguished: Iberian Spanish culture and Hispano American culture. Initially, the distribution of Spanish speakers in the world and the major oral and written characteristics of Spanish language are presented. The social characteristics of the Spanish-speaking countries, including economic development, literacy, life expectancy, and Human Development Index, are later discussed. It is emphasized that they represent a group of countries with a significant degree of heterogeneity.

You are here Home » Collections. The audio files in this collection were recorded during the summers of , primarily for the purpose of the study of antipassives, syntactic ergativity, and movement constructions. Note that not all responses or all interviews were used for the production of associated publications, and not all of the data collected are found here as audio files. The transcriptions of those classes were created and analyzed by Juan Ajsivinac Sian.

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  1. Trace

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