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D&A Phantom el509/519/6P45C conversion and more

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Post a Comment. The amplifier make use of television sweep tubes 6P45C Russian made and no plate transformer power supply. Plate voltage is about volts x3 x 1. The choice to use television sweep tubes is kind 'a poor one, but I had them already so not to throw them out, right? The amplifier features: 3 antenna switch, SWR meter, Soft start circuit, Cold tubes transmit protection, Two speed fan control with lower speed when receiving and higher when in transmit plus about 90 sec. It might be useful if amplifier is not located next to operators position.

The amplifier make use of television sweep tubes 6P45C (Russian made) and no plate transformer power supply. Plate voltage is about volts ( x3 x ).

Download El509 Vacuum Tube Data Manual: Print

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6P45C- 1.750 X 40MM


Any mistake will put you in big trouble. When working on Tube amplifier :. For years now , some guys keep telling me : do not use EL or 6P45C tube , they are not good , they are not performing well , this kind of tube is for citizen band. Most of the time they have never used this kind of tube and because it was used during the citizen band era , this kind of tube is definitly and obviously bad. As a amateur radio , the main challenge is sometimes to use something not design for one purpose and make it work for a design you are targetting.

If you get stuck in repairing a defective appliance download this repair information for help.

Low frequency amplifier at 6P36C. Ump on "television" lamps with transformers TN

By continuing to use the forum you conform your acceptance of these. If you are not happy to accept these you must stop using the forum and delete our cookies from your browser. Re: Rainy day with some TV valves. Originally Posted by Tubeglow. I expect that the directly-heated types with long, thin ribbon cathodes could suffer long-term from gravity's depredations if unsympathetically orientated- the 5Y3 being a prime example.


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TUBE 6P45C = EL photo 1. photo 2. NEA PARALABH. PROLABETE. NEW ARRIVAL. EURO TUBE RCA. Photo 1. Photo 2. a n t r e a s 5 5 5. TUBE RCA new.

Schemes of lamp amplifiers at 6P45C PRS. Powerful lamp amplifier. Power supply amplifier

What does "NOS" mean, anyway? Much like antiques, "NOS" tubes are currently not being manufactured and this means their supply is dwindling while the price continues to rise. For most NOS tubes we have a variety of brands available.

El509 datasheet

RELATED VIDEO: Как МИКРОСХЕМЫ измеряют ДАВЛЕНИЕ? НЕ вредный блок c APFC и как активировать предохранитель в лампе.

The lampovik has stabilized modes, in the stereo it gives the output of the power of W per channel. In mono mode, if four lamps 6P45C are installed in the terminal cascade - there will be W. Here is indicated maximum power - measured before the restriction on the sinusoidal sound signal appears. Picture clickable.

Performance Note: The torque capacity of keyless clamped hubs is governed by many factors, including shaft hub bore diameter, clamp size, and other.


Antique radios, Old Time Radios. Quantity of Models at Radiomuseum. Collection of Andreas Reuther D. Collection of Karl - Heinz Bossan D. Collection of Klemens Rhode D. Collection of Tomasz Szczesniak PL.

Zero-Max Composite Disc Couplings

Please note that these are OEM spec sheets,except for some of the Resistance Coupled Amplifier charts, you will not be downloading any pages of a regular tube manual that you already have. Can't find it here? Try searching the Tube Data Sheet Locatorthe world's biggest index of tube datasheets.

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  1. Moogujind

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  2. Iven

    Wonderful, this valuable information

  3. Fowler

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  4. Lynn

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