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Cabinets with lowther speakers

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Lowther Horn Speakers

A common question from readers in other parts of the world is "What are Lowther speakers, and where can I hear them? Doppenberg, of the Lowther Club of Holland, to give us a quick tour of the Lowther story. For more extensive information, check the links at the end of this piece. There were no high-powered amplifiers in the early s when P. As a result, a speaker with very high sensitivitythe legendary Voigt Corner Hornwas born. Powered with the low-output tube amplifiers of the day, a horn speaker could push enough air to fill theaters with sound.

Voigt soon joined up with gramophone manufacturer Peter Lowther; since then, the basic concept of a Lowther speaker has not changed much.

The principles of horn loading are still the same, and the return of tubes especially single-ended designs completes the picture. Sometimes when I listen to my Lowther system, I am reminded that this design can compete with all kinds of modern, expensive stuff. Tell me, what did we gain in all those years? Reproducing live concerts in the home isn't really possible. With the help of electronics, one can only hope to get an impression. Though the differences between the acoustical environments of the listening room and the concert will remain, once in a while, depending on the equipment used and the reliability of the recording, we get an impression that gives us the idea or the feeling of being present at that concert.

Live recordings often take place with microphones in specific places to record a stereo "image" of the performance at a certain distance. This explains why symmetrical positioning of speakers is important for playback, and also why you have to sit centered in front of them to experience the acoustical environment of the recorded space correctly.

A microphone is a point source that records the whole sonic spectrum with only one diaphragm. However, conventional speakers are multiway systems with woofers, squawkers, and tweeters each producing a limited range of frequencies. To reproduce sound correctly, they also require a crossover filter that divides the signal into the ranges needed by each driver, which introduces phase shift. Because a multiway speaker uses more diaphragms than a microphone, it can't reproduce the music accurately.

Using a wideband loudspeaker gives the desired point source without the need of a crossover. Adding an amplifier with a simple wire diagram and just a few components, instead of the complicated high-powered designs of today, will gain even more detail, more music, more reality. Most simplified amplifiers single-ended, or SE suffer from a minor problem: their power is often limited to watts. If you like to hear the dynamics accurately, you'll need an efficient speaker such as a Lowther horn with a very high sensitivity greater than dB.

There are, however, some disadvantages. One is the lack of spherical dispersion above 12kHz. However, this is not really a problem if we are sitting between both speakersjust point them in the right direction! If you desire to have deep low frequencies, you'll need a rather large and expensive horn design like the TP1 or the Opus One.

Properly placed in the corner, they will give a nice response greater than 30Hz with only one speaker! If you do not have the money or space for these, then you have to live with less bass nothing below 50Hz. Luckily there are several great-sounding horn-loaded designs for free-standing use.

The bass will be slim, but more then enough for the most recorded music. Purists will remind you that there are not many instruments producing frequencies below 50Hz, however. Personally, I like bass that lifts the music, giving a real foundation to the sound.

Therefore I designed the Oris sub, a huge horn Hz that really kicks, and gives the music a realistic bottom end. I do like House or Rock now and then, especially after an argument with the boss. With this sub I do not need a back-loaded horn for the Lowthers, and so designed several front horns for the range above Hz. The latest design is described on my website. The advantage of using a front horn is the absence of the somewhat delayed lower mids that occurs in back-loaded designs.

Search form Search. Show Munich More Reports. Audio Nirvana. Are you tired of all the hype from advertising driven websites, magazines, and dealers just out for your money?

Tired of '4D' speakers? Dead, dull, dark, and distant. Ready to be amazed? At CommonSense Audio our goal is not to sell 'affordable' speakers and amplifiers, but to make the world's best sound affordable. We sell the highest quality high efficiency DIY full range speaker kits projects with no crossover from Audio Nirvana, Lowther, and Fostex. Available in 3, 4, 6. DIY Do it yourself with free plans, parts list, and setup tips.

Because of our 50 years experience building full range and coaxial speakers, and vacuum tube amplifiers. When you buy from us, you get free, unlimited lifetime technical support, on our speakers, and help with any cabinet design. W e'll do custom design work so you can build cabinets to your own specifications or modify your existing cabinets--free with any purchase. We're not just a business. We love music as much as you do. Our goal is to make the best possible sound affordable for everyone.

We honestly feel that the Audio Nirvana, Lowtherand Fostex speakers we sell are the best full range speakers in the world at any price. Audio Nirvana High Efficiency Subwoofer. Speakers are available in: 3" 76 mm4" mm6. Audio Nirvana is the only company that has ever made true full range speakers larger than 8 inches. We don't build larger full range speakers for more bass, but for astonishing midrange and treble.

A special proprietary design makes this possible. Any whizzer cone model is not truly a full range speaker, but a two-way speaker where the tweeter cone is glued to the woofer cone. Almost all Lowther and Fostex models use whizzer cones. Ferrite offers the best value.

Neodymium rare earth magnets offer the highest efficiency and most detail. Our new search experience requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please enable JavaScript on your browserthen try again. Save lowther speakers to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow lowther speakers to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. You'll receive email and Feed alerts when new items arrive. Turn off email alerts. Not finding what you're looking for?

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Fostex 1. Lowther 1. Speakers 1. Not Specified Condition see all Condition. New 5. Used 7. This very light hand made paper cone with an exceptionally strong magnet and a very light cone enables the driver to reproduce the full spectrum of audible sound and beyond. For example their strongest magnetic assembly, that of the Lowther PM4Ahas an enormous energy density and produces a gap flux of 2.

The PM4A is weighted 10Kg each! When you get good amplitude, you must trade off in phase response, result in poor imaging. Lowther is truly a single, full range driver. The typical frequency range is 30 Hz to 20 KHz. No more crossovers are needed. Say goodbye to phase errors, the main cause of poor imaging. Lowther drivers are very revealing, very coherent, and very musical. Lowther puts you much closer to real music!

Only one Lowther driver is used per cabinet. Imaging is wonderful. Due to its high sensitivity characteristic nature, you can hear lots more details that are missing from other speakers. There is a recent trend in audiophiles to go with the combination of high sensitivity speakers and low power amplifiers.

They are much like a compression driver in this respect.


I'm really trying to expand my cranium about sampling rates and how little tricks can make CD's sound better, but those three just won't leave me alone. Keith keeps reaching inside his Steinway, plucking the strings and saying " Heypay attention pinhead, I'm doing something completely original here. How was I to ever know that a single pair of speakers could disrupt my musical life force like the Lowthers have. In all fairness, it's not just the Lowthers but really my system as a whole. That's what it is too, wholeness. It's that final, scary step into the abyss of audio hell. Or is this heaven.

Up for your consideration is this original vintage, Lowther speaker cabinet grill, that was removed from Lowther Acousta cabinet.

Lowther America Alerion Floorstanding Speaker

November 25, , PM Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Another Lowther Acousta thread. Well, I never did get around to building any cabinets for my battered Lowther PM6Cs , instead opting to buy some factory-built Acousta cabinets that Jolyon was offering for sale. I've had them in use for some weeks now, so I thought it was about time I aired my thoughts. First off, the cabinets are in very good condition and Jolyon was very helpful in getting them to me, so a big thank you to Jolyon Here's one of them, with the PM6C installed, but currently without its groovy 60s front grille fitted I'll explain that in a minute My first impressions were that they sounded Just awful Not wishing to give up on them too quickly, I persevered for a while and they started to sound much better. I think possibly because the drivers hadn't been used for a few months, so maybe needed to loosen up a bit again However, there was still a distinct lack of bass, at least in comparison to the Spendor BC1s that I was using before. Chatting with Malcolm about this, he suggested adding a subwoofer.

Category: Lowther speaker cabinets

cabinets with lowther speakers

It makes use of the same basic design concept of the Medallion, such as a back loaded horn for the bass and mid-bass, while remaining a direct radiator for the mid-range and highs. They feel traditional woofers require a much larger mass to perform the task and thus are not as fast. According to Jon Ver Halen of Lowther America, their initial design goal was for bass extension to reach 80 hertz, a point where most sub-woofers could cross-over. When the units were being built and tested, they were pleasantly surprised that they could get bass extended to about 45 hertz. At this level, most people would not require a subwoofer.

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news.

Lowther Minitowers Floorstanding Speakers

Results for "speaker cabinets vintage" in All Categories in Ottawa Showing 1 - 21 of 21 results. Notify me when new ads are posted. Sort by Posted: newest first Posted: oldest first Price: lowest first Price: highest first Best match. Cabinet size 20X18X12 inches; single baffle; rigid; strap handle; rubber feet; terminal post connectors; tweeter adjust pot. They feature REAL walnut veneered cabinets containing a single woofer with durable rubber surround, two mid range drivers, and a single tweeter.

Lowther 2.5 MK II/PM6C speakers.

Lowther Acousta - Twin When the Lowther Acousta - Twin was introduced in it was claimed to be "the only design of its kind in the world". It is a single cabinet comprising two separate horns, which can be used for monaural, monophonic and stereophonic reporoduction. PM2A drive units could be fitted with the use of a special mounting. The perspex top deflector and side wings can be adjusted to suit the placement of the speaker within the room. The cabinet was available in a variety of finishes including walnut, sapele, oak, tola, teak and natural.

Designed in , these Lowther Acousta designed folded horn enclosures are housing a set of PM6A The cabinets themselves are in very good condition.

Lowther speaker cabinets

Speakers for audiophiles since Looking for crystal clear sound, British-made speakers and a community of audiophiles that just gets it? Well, you can put down the binoculars.

Looking for cabinet design for Lowther PM6 speakers

Isolation solutions available for a variety of Home Audio applications. Allowing music enthusiasts to experience a higher level of clarity and openness. IsoAcoustics Home Audio products combine extraordinary acoustic performance with elegant visual designs. Designed to meet the specific needs of audio professionals and musicians. For amateurs and professionals. Patented isolation delivers consistency with greater sound clarity and openness.

What we sell at electric mania we sell new and graded items. I have Open baffle horn speakers.

Second-hand Lowther Speakers for sale on UK's largest auction and classifieds sites

This very light hand made paper cone with an exceptionally strong magnet and a very light cone enables the driver to reproduce the full spectrum of audible sound and beyond. For example their strongest magnetic assembly, that of the Lowther PM4Ahas an enormous energy density and produces a gap flux of 2. The PM4A is weighted 10Kg each! When you get good amplitude, you must trade off in phase response, result in poor imaging. Lowther is truly a single, full range driver.

lowther accolade cabinets, copied, ready for paint.

Home Audio Nirvana. Are you ready to try Lowthers --one of the world's best speakers? Where a single 8 inch full range speaker covers the entire musical spectrum 30 to 22, hz?

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