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- PeerJ articles published in August 2019
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- Animal Jam Music Videos Fireflies Music Video
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- ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Animal Communication
- Firefly lampyridae bing wallpaper
- Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Online English Turkish and Multilingual Dictionary 20+ million words and idioms.
PeerJ articles published in August 2019
Aquatic insects are well adapted to freshwater environments, but the molecular basis of these adaptations remains largely unknown. Most firefly species Coleoptera: Lampyridae are terrestrial, but the larvae of several species are aquatic.
Here, larval and adult transcriptomes from Aquatica leii freshwater and Lychnuris praetexta terrestrial were generated to test whether the genes associated with metabolic efficiency and morphology have undergone adaptive evolution to fresh water.
The aquatic fireflies had a significantly lower ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions than the terrestrial insects, indicating a genomewide evolutionary constraint in the aquatic fireflies.
We identified fast-evolving genes and positively selected genes in the aquatic fireflies. Of these, 76 genes exhibiting both fast evolution and positive selection were primarily involved in ATP production, energy metabolism and the hypoxia response. We identified 7, differentially expressed genes DEGs in A. Continue Reading. Coronaviruses encompass a large family of viruses that cause the common cold as well as more serious diseases, such as the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease COVID; formally known as nCoV.
Coronaviruses can spread from animals to humans; symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties; in more severe cases, infection can lead to death. Blastomycosis fungal infections spread through inhaling Blastomyces dermatitidis spores. Discover the latest research on blastomycosis fungal infections here. Alterations in nucleocytoplasmic transport, controlled by the nuclear pore complex, may be involved in the pathomechanism underlying multiple neurodegenerative diseases including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia.
The concept of molecular barcoding is that each original DNA or RNA molecule is attached to a unique sequence barcode. Sequence reads having different barcodes represent different original molecules, while sequence reads having the same barcode are results of PCR duplication from one original molecule.
Discover the latest research on molecular barcoding here. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease characterized by unexplained disabling fatigue; the pathology of which is incompletely understood. Discover the latest research on chronic fatigue syndrome here. Pluripotency refers to the ability of a cell to develop into three primary germ cell layers of the embryo. This feed focuses on the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of pluripotency.
Here is the latest research. Position Effect Variagation occurs when a gene is inactivated due to its positioning near heterochromatic regions within a chromosome. Discover the latest research on Position Effect Variagation here. Stimulator of IFN genes STING are a group of transmembrane proteins that are involved in the induction of type I interferon that is important in the innate immune response.
The stimulation of STING has been an active area of research in the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases. Microbicides are products that can be applied to vaginal or rectal mucosal surfaces with the goal of preventing, or at least significantly reducing, the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
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Regulation of chitin synthase activity in the dimorphic fungus Benjaminiella poitrasii by external osmotic pressure. A proton pump ATPase with testis-specific E1-subunit isoform required for acrosome acidification. Hypoxia signaling to genes: significance in Alzheimer's disease. Functional implications from an unexpected position of the kDa subunit of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase. Effect of hypoxia on cytochrome P activity and expression. Genomic sequencing of Pleistocene cave bears.
To what extent is the foraging behaviour of aquatic birds constrained by their physiology? Blast2GO: a universal tool for annotation, visualization and analysis in functional genomics research. Evaluation of an improved branch-site likelihood method for detecting positive selection at the molecular level. The effects of hypoxia and pH on phenoloxidase activity in the Atlantic blue crab, Callinectes sapidus.
PAML 4: phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood. Flash signal evolution, mate choice, and predation in fireflies. Cellular and developmental adaptations to hypoxia: a Drosophila perspective. Domain organization and phylogenetic analysis of proteins from the chitin deacetylase gene family of Tribolium castaneum and three other species of insects. An RNA interference screen identifies a novel regulator of target of rapamycin that mediates hypoxia suppression of translation in Drosophila S2 cells.
Mechanisms underlying hypoxia tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster: hairy as a metabolic switch. EnsemblCompara GeneTrees: Complete, duplication-aware phylogenetic trees in vertebrates.
Ultrafast and memory-efficient alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome. Nitric oxide, cytochrome C oxidase, and the cellular response to hypoxia. Biases in Illumina transcriptome sequencing caused by random hexamer priming.
Adaptive evolution of energy metabolism genes and the origin of flight in bats. Detecting signatures of balancing selection to identify targets of anti-parasite immunity. Hidden Markov model speed heuristic and iterative HMM search procedure. Quality control and preprocessing of metagenomic datasets. Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data without a reference genome. KOBAS 2. MrBayes 3. CD-HIT: accelerated for clustering the next-generation sequencing data. Toward understanding the genetic basis of adaptation to high-elevation life in poikilothermic species: a comparative transcriptomic analysis of two ranid frogs, Rana chensinensis and R.
OrthoDB: a hierarchical catalog of animal, fungal and bacterial orthologs. Efficient utilization of aerobic metabolism helps Tibetan locusts conquer hypoxia. Freshwater biodiversity and aquatic insect diversification.
Baiji genomes reveal low genetic variability and new insights into secondary aquatic adaptations. HypoxiaDB: a database of hypoxia-regulated proteins. Minke whale genome and aquatic adaptation in cetaceans. Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data. Population genomics reveal recent speciation and rapid evolutionary adaptation in polar bears.
Functional characterization of chitinase-3 reveals involvement of chitinases in early embryo immunity in zebrafish. Mitochondrial proteomic analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying reproductive toxicity of zearalenone in MLTC-1 cells. An investigation into environment dependent nanomechanical properties of shallow water shrimp Pandalus platyceros exoskeleton. Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution.
ATP synthase subunit alpha and LV mass in ischaemic human hearts. Related Concepts. Trending Feeds. Blastomycosis Blastomycosis fungal infections spread through inhaling Blastomyces dermatitidis spores. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease characterized by unexplained disabling fatigue; the pathology of which is incompletely understood. Evolution of Pluripotency Pluripotency refers to the ability of a cell to develop into three primary germ cell layers of the embryo.
Position Effect Variegation Position Effect Variagation occurs when a gene is inactivated due to its positioning near heterochromatic regions within a chromosome.
Microbicide Microbicides are products that can be applied to vaginal or rectal mucosal surfaces with the goal of preventing, or at least significantly reducing, the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
Related Papers. Fireflies opens in new tab. Indian Medical Gazette. H A C Gray. How and why do fireflies light up? Scientific American. G Rice. Synchronous fireflies opens in new tab. J B Buck , E Buck.
Fireflies of Thailand opens in new tab. S M Seidman. Comparative transcriptomic analysis provides insights into the response to the benzo a pyrene stress in aquatic firefly Luciola leii opens in new tab.
The Science of the Total Environment.

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Geographic Range. Gray-necked wood-rails Aramides cajanea are widely distributed throughout the Neotropical region. These birds are found in the Pacific arid slope, from southern Sonora, south to Guanacaste, as well as Costa Rica, on islands in the southern Caribbean, such as Trinidad and Tobago, west of the base of the Andes Mountains, as well as the eastern parts of Brazil, Bolivia and. HD Firefly Backgrounds wallpaper. A favorite childhood activity—catching fireflies—glows from the pages of this story, plus counting. Lilting rhymes chronicle a little girl's capture and release of fireflies, one by one, capped off by a collection of fascinating firefly The Kingfisher First Animal Encyclopedia Animals Alphabet The Firefly Encyclopedia of Birds. Firefly Books.
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De Vore. Knutson, and Tsegaye Tadesse. Romanelli, and Arjen Y. Schlake and Sandra Barrera. David Aiken. To browse Academia. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up.
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Metrics details. With the availability of advanced optical devices and improved cell culture protocols it has become a rapidly growing research methodology. The success of this technique relies mainly on the selection of suitable reporter proteins, construction of recombinant plasmids possessing cell type specific promoters as well as reliable methods of gene transfer. This review aims to provide an overview of the recent developments in the field of marker proteins bioluminescence and fluorescent and methodologies fluorescent resonance energy transfer, fluorescent recovery after photobleaching and proximity ligation assay employed as to achieve an improved imaging of biological processes in hepatoma cells. Moreover, different expression systems of marker proteins and the modes of gene transfer are discussed with emphasis on the study of lipid droplet formation in hepatocytes as an example.
ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Animal Communication
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Presents applications in a wide range of areas such as intelligent control and robotics, pattern recognition, time series prediction, and optimization of complex problems. Includes papers on diverse aspects of fuzzy logic, neural networks, and nature-inspired optimization meta-heuristics. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents. Advertisement Hide. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available. Presents applications in a wide range of areas such as intelligent control and robotics, pattern recognition, time series prediction, and optimization of complex problems Includes papers on diverse aspects of fuzzy logic, neural networks, and nature-inspired optimization meta-heuristics Describes the latest advances. Front Matter Pages i-xii. Front Matter Pages
Nature-Inspired Design of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Experimental results indicated that loureirin B had a strong ability to quench the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA through a dynamic quenching procedure. The fluorescence quenching data revealed that the quenching constants K SV 2. Furthermore, the effect of Lour B on the conformation of HSA was analyzed by synchronous fluorescence and three-dimensional fluorescence spectra.
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Sort by: title issue date submit date In order: Ascending Descending Items per Page 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Items per Author: All 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Yassin, Amir. Phylogeny and genetic diversity of Phrynocephalus przewalskii. A phylogeny of the Tylototriton asperrimus group Caudata: Salamandridae based on a mitochondrial study: suggestions for a taxonomic revision. Pilot study on binding of bovine salivary proteins to grit silicates and plant phytoliths. Polymorphism and Morphotype Transformations in the Rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus.
May Jun. Zootaxa , 68 pp 31 Oct. Article Zo otaxa : 31 Oct. Correspondence Zo otaxa : 68 31 Oct. Zootaxa , 68 pp 29 Oct. Article Zo otaxa : 29 Oct.
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