Futterman amplifier 6 zone
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- 6C33C-B OTL Amplifier - Background and OTL Circuits
At the time of my initial visit, I commented to Mr. Belles that I thought the room sounded very well put together. I visited the room on several occasions throughout the weekend and as a result, Mr. Belles offered me an opportunity to review the Statement Series top-of-the-line VT vacuum tube linestage and the Reference Series A V2 power amplifier; both of which were running at the show.
Here now is the second of a two-part review of this pair of electronics. Much like the preamplifier VT sibling, the Reference Series A V2 is a fairly small but hefty and ruggedly built power amplifier. The chassis is flanked on either side with plenty of heat sinking, and the front panel contains a simple power switch.
The A V2 is a solid-state dual mono design with a single common VA toroidal transformer. The power rating is a generous watts per channel into an 8-ohm load and doubling into a 4-ohm load.
There is no 2-ohm rating. However, Mr. Having already completed much of my listening evaluation of the companion Statement Series VT linestage, I inserted the Power Modules Reference Series A V2 power amplifier into my system and played it for roughly 40 hours before conducting any critical listening.
During this period, I noted that the amplifier did indeed seem operationally fine providing power to my full-range electrostatics. That said, it was producing prodigious amounts of heat; perhaps even more than the gigantic space heater otherwise known as the Pass Labs X In fact, I felt it best to leave it powered up throughout the weekend since this is when I tend to do the most listening.
My Sunfire Signature Series II amplifier basically stayed powered up for nearly 10 years with no detriment. Reading back through my notes of the VT, I found that much of what I had written remained true. Spicing things up a bit with material containing considerable dynamics proved to be a challenge for the A V2. I noted that when playing dynamic rock recordings such as In a Glass House by Gentle Giant, the more demanding the passage, the smaller and narrower the soundstage would become.
This is an occurrence that is not new to me. The CLS IIz seems to react this way with many solid-state and vacuum tube amplifiers alike; undoubtedly due to their difficult sub-two-ohm impedance. Still, to its credit, at no time did the A v2 misbehave, blow fuses, or shut down as has been the case with other amplifiers.
As I was in the process of breaking in a pair of superb Eficion F speakers in a second system, I decided to continue the evaluation of the A V2 driving the Eficions, once I was familiarized with their sound in my room.
The highly efficient Eficion came alive with the Power Modules amplifier in a way different than that with the Pass Labs. More about that experience in the forthcoming Eficion review. In fact, the Power Modules A V2 became fast, linear, uncolored in sound, and handily reproduced the broader range that the Pass XP brought to the table. True to the overall Belles Power Modules mission, the A V2 power amplifier is a superb amplifier for its price point. In much the same way as the VT linestage, the A V2 delivers excellent performance when used within its operating parameters.
If in life one is fortunate, true passion will find its way in. I am an artist by trade, painting and drawing in particular. I am deeply in love with my wife of eighteen years and play a mediocre level of metal and blues guitar. So by any measure, I am very fortunate to relish in all these limitless endeavors. If all of that is not enough, I am an un-apologetic audiophile. I love all the gear and gizmos that fit into this odd poster puzzle that can only be viewed by the select few who can stare past all the craziness that comes with audiophilia, and form a clear vision for where their audio passion may lead them.
I have formally reviewed multiple amplifiers from Krell, Pass, and Jeff Rowland, individual amps from Vitus, Karan, Coda, not to mention the dozen or so I have lived with though never written about. And these are just the solid-state subjects. It became clear early on that I needed a great deal of power and control, along with finesse and delicacy in an amplifier in order to satiate my ever-growing appetite for the best this pursuit has to offer.
Fast, extremely powerful and possessing great air and texture, this combo had set me pointed directly out of the desert and aimed squarely at the palm trees and gentle breezes I imagine the shores of the finish line would look like as it relates to the ultimate destination in audio.
After a room correction was run and my Dynaudio Evidence Master speakers at the time, my reference were firmly in place, we queued up a cut. I remember the music being familiar but only relatively so. So exalted was the performance, I was nearly brought too tears. There was not one aspect of the sound that went untouched and improved. After striking a fair financial compromise, I had become the second person in the country to have the pleasure of owning the Behold system. This fateful Saturday encounter went further in shaping my perception around audio gear and reproduced music then collectively all that had come before.
Starting with the APU preamplifier, the uber-bold yet simple design boasts three knobs, and a beveled cut-out for the liquid crystal display. The action of rotation of these large flat rounded edged knobs is so smooth, they beg to be touched. The input selector and the function knob have a gentle rounded stop feature, kind of like going over a speed bump rather than a hard stop.
Putting the system in sleep mode is accomplished by pushing in the knob gently; hold it longer and the system shuts down. This push button feature is used to accomplish system diagnostics as well. The CDP transport is connected via a pole cable. The BPA comes, as does all Behold gear, in a metal flight case, and weighs a hundred pounds. Its round ring of LEDs that backlight a large round disc on the face of the amp is a matter of taste.
I like it, others might not; there are a couple of fascia options. The LEDs can be dimmed or turned off. The rear of the amp houses those pesky Euro plastic clad little binding posts-buggers! Not a fan. I cannot even pretend to understand all the technology and capacity the behold APU possesses. The APU is capable of incredibly powerful room correction technology via RoomTunes software from Ascendo Audio of Germany, via a laptop on which to install it.
Once set up and a correction has been performed, you may make adjustment to either the resultant curve storing each adjustment under user-determinable names, or you may access the Parametric EQ feature that allows for very effective individual frequency curve files to be set up, as well as on the fly adjustments to the signal.
For my use, a 2 dB downward adjustment at 3. I could not detect, at any time, the slightest loss of information or tonal deviations whatsoever as these adjustments were made. What a huge gift it is to be able to enjoy so much of my collection as a result of this powerful tool.
While the temptation to massage the sound was often raging at first, I have settled on a curve that just works across the board, and I only visit the laptop on occasion. A digital crossover board is available that from what I have heard is revelatory. What does this combo achieve that leaves so many others wanting? What I mean by that is that there is a level of neutrality, in the best sense of the word, which is as source-dependent as I can currently imagine.
You may think the bass is soft and reticent while listening to X, then you find track Y has totally transformed the sound to fast tight, textured and forward pounding bass. This dynamic plays out from the bottom to the top. The treble is as alive with varying tonal shades and dynamics — forget splashy whitening, forget grainy edginess.
With the inclusion of the new version of the ionic plasma tweeter on my Lansche 4. The treble performance or character again is shaped by what it is being fed. It can sound wrong when called upon; cymbals in particular are revealed to have many differing tones and textures on those good-to-great discs. Small soundstages will remain small, large spaces will positively bloom and light up with delicate lilting reverb be it acoustic or electric. Again, these dimensions are totally source-dependent.
If I had to peg a coloration using the old clock analogy, I would say the Behold could be two minuets past twelve on the side of the cool temp.
This is a compulsory observation as a reviewer. No component is dead neutral if off by even a minute or two past dead midnight. The mid band is capable of astonishing organic beauty that makes the conclusion of the previous paragraph so very hard to assert. A Lack of grain? You know the effect a great power conditioner can have? The lack of noise reflects that though to a far greater degree. As a result, the sound is sublimely relaxed and liquid while exhibiting steadfast control and grip throughout.
The Behold places the sax three feet behind and just to the inside of the speaker. The image is so solid and locked in space regardless of the dynamic demands placed on the BPA. The clean organic horn just sings out with no edge or artificial bite. Even at the dynamic peaks, the pure tone remains true.
Vocals in particular through the Behold combination are the best I have heard. Are there better? Perhaps, I just have not heard them. Macro dynamic swings are huge when called upon. Power and control just seem to have no limit. Impact, extension, brute force, you name it, the BPA has it, in spades. This headroom leaves the impression that if needed, the BPA could go even lower and louder without losing a step.
The elusive micro dynamic shadings of which the BPA is capable, will satisfy to the same extent as the bass, if only in a gentler, less chaotic way. Lifelike is so generic a term, and means many things to many people. But that is what just keeps coming to mind. Lifelike in so many ways, the BPA sounds so alive, especially when pushed a bit. This is no knock on modest level of volume performance, it is just my large room 33x60x13 has a way of sucking the volume out of the room.
Giving a nudge to the large volume knob and hold on, the music really swings.

Anechoic and Bass …
Not just an replacement, but an improvement! Best is to read the guarantee conditions first, you find that at the EML website, here. If you feel your case is not covered in an appropriate way, please let us know. Some background: These tubes are burned-in initially, because factory testing can only be done after the tube data has become stabile, and after a tube has developed strong emission. However emission of the cathode is still not homogenous at this moment. After full burn in, emission is build by many small islands, overlapping each other.
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Full List: Audio Amplifier Brands/Manufacturers (+ Examples)

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People Who Care v. Rockford Bd. of Educ., 851 F. Supp. 905 (N.D. Ill. 1994)
The great audio hobby is not like any other. Yes, it can very easily deplete your lifelong savings and drive you mad in finding the best that you can afford, but it is also the only hobby I know of that can induce a state of nirvana via beautiful sound and heavy use of electronics. Many people are not as attuned as we audiophiles are toward music via high-end audio systems, and inspired we surely are. If you are not a tube audio equipment fan, you will not find these equipment relevant.
Wide Bandwidth Preamp
RELATED VIDEO: Monoprice 6 Zone Home Audio Multizone Controller \u0026 Amplifier Kit \u0026 Mantle Mount ReviewReturn to OTL Asylum. Thinking about running my non-OTL Circlotron again Posts: Location: So. Joined: February 9, Edit, I can't post but I can edit my posts. Ralph, when did I say you were lying?
6C33C-B OTL Amplifier - Background and OTL Circuits
Basically, you don't want to absorb frequencies that don't have anything to do with improving corner-horn imaging. I use Auralex Sonofiber tiles; they do the job well but more discussion on that, below. If you look at this material's absorption properties v. I think that PWK was saying the same thing that I've tried to say earlier - you need smooth and obstruction-free side walls and front wall around the corner horns i. If you don't have that condition then you need to use absorption material to control any early reflections. In fact, reflections of less than 0. I'd use absorbent material in these areas no matter what kind of wall is in proximity since these very early reflections actually distort the stereo image instead of merely changing the overall timbre and muddy percussive sounds.
Anything and everything related to Venom and other recent media not released by Marvel Studios is under the Editing Moratorium Policy until further notice. A genius engineer, he is one of the youngest and most prominent members of S. Sci-Tech division, and inseparable from his research partner and friend and later wife , Jemma Simmons.
I think they are wrong. I am able to prove it.
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This has amazed me.