Guitar chassis end
Often too much weight i. In fact, dare I say that in many cases — for example a reissue amplifier — a change to a higher-quality output transformer will have a greater impact on improving the overall tone than playing with different brands of tubes. Most commonly, there are two large transformers in an amp — The other besides the output transformer is called the power transformer — that is the one that is responsible for taking the wall current and transforming it into the DC power used by your amplifier. In fact, output transformers used to be thought of as simply items to be replaced when they failed.
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- DIY Amp Chassis
- The “Overlooked Upgrade”: Guitar Amplifier Output Transformers
- Mojotone Amplifier Chassis Stand
- Amp FAQ: When should I replace the tubes in my amp?
- Chassis & Enclosures
- 2021年製 185/65R15インチ ヨコハマ アイスガード IG70 ララパーム カップ CUP PS 5.5JX15 4穴 100 新品スタッドレスタイヤホイール4本セット
- Going Low: The History of the Bassman
- Amp-Chassis + Faceplates
- Welcome To the Hoffman Amplifiers Forum
- How To Build A DIY Guitar Amp And Get Amazing Tone
DIY Amp Chassis
Lifting the mains earth like this could lead to serious injury. Years ago I touched a guitar that was plugged into an amp against a radiator, and it blew the amp and melted the guitar string. Afterwards someone told me that this was caused by a ground loop, but I've never actually understood what that means. Technical Editor Hugh Robjohns replies: That wasn't a ground loop — that was a faulty amp with a missing safety earth. There was no loop, because there was no earth at all until touching the radiator provided the missing link.
Had you sat on the radiator and then picked up the guitar, you might well have been playing Emaj7 on a harp on a fluffy white cloud by now! This is a distressingly common and life-threatening situation often caused by guitarists or their so called 'technicians' in a futile effort to stop audible hums. A ground loop is different — it occurs when there is more than one ground path between two items of equipment.
Usually, one path is the screen of an audio cable connecting the two pieces of equipment and the other path is via their chassis safety earths in the mains plugs. Inside the equipment, the audio screen earth is often linked directly to the chassis earth, hence the possibility of a loop.
If the two bits of equipment are plugged into the same mains socket, their chassis safety earths are effectively tied together at the same potential, and so there is unlikely to be any circulating ground current, despite the apparent ground loop.
However, if one item is plugged into a different mains socket, its chassis safety earth might be grounded some way away from the other equipment's earth, and there can be a small difference in potential voltage between them.
Silly as it sounds, earth is not the same everywhere. The potential voltage difference between their two chassis earths can cause a small current to flow, and since the earth provides a reference for the audio electronics, that flowing current causes the earth reference voltage point to vary slightly.
This can be heard, usually as a low-level hum or buzz. Ideally, the solution is to make sure that everything is earthed at one central point, so that everything shares the same common earth reference point. The easiest way to do that is to plug everything into a star arrangement of plug-boards fed from a single socket assuming suitable power capacity. If that can't be done, the safest solution is to break the loop by isolating the audio cable screens at one end. The cable is still screened, but there is no longer any possibility of a loop, so the hum currents can't flow around it.
Inserting transformers in the signal path can also break the loop, and this solution is common in outside broadcast and live sound rigs. DI boxes feature transformers for this purpose too.
Problems arise when uninformed people decide to break the loop by removing the safety earth in the mains plug instead. This does break the loop, obviously, so any related hum will disappear. But it also means that the equipment is no longer earthed, and thus any fault that occurs in the equipment is now life-threatening!
Sometimes you don't even need a fault to cause dangerous problems, though. Most equipment has filtering on the mains input to stop mains-borne noise getting in or out. If you disconnect the mains earth in the plug, the nature of that filtering is such that the previously earthed chassis — and everything connected to it — 'floats' up to half mains voltage making it about V in the UK.
This means everything that should be safely earthed — all the exposed metalwork, including guitar strings — now carries a life-threatening voltage. Going back to your guitar incident, the strings on the guitar are supposed to be earthed through the guitar lead to the socket on the amp.
That, in turn, is usually connected to the amp's chassis earth, and thus through the mains plug to the mains safety earth. Metal radiators are connected to the mains safety earth point too, as is all house plumbing.
So if you have a guitar amp with the safety earth disconnected in the plug, the chassis is likely to rise to V, and everything that should be at 0V earth is now cooking with gas!
Rest the guitar strings on anything that really is earthed the radiator in your example, but a mic stand holding a mic that is earthed through its cable to a mixer is another very common alternative , and you have mains power now flowing directly through the equipment to find a real ground.
This is almost certainly going to severely damage or destroy the amp, the guitar and — if you get yourself between the two — you as well! The classic way for budding pop stars to die is because of an amp with the mains safety earth disconnected.
They rest one hand on their guitar strings and reach up with the other to hold a properly earthed mic. That leaves them with V effectively straight across their heart. Sweaty hands make very good conductors and it only takes a few milliamps of current flow to stop the heart.
Musicians are electrocuted in this way every year, and while I'm all in favour of Darwinian evolution, sometimes the good guys get caught out too. The lesson is that you should never remove the earth from a mains plug. If you have hum problems, break the screens on the audio cables or use isolating transformers in DI boxes.
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The “Overlooked Upgrade”: Guitar Amplifier Output Transformers
Will play 6V6 and 6L6 and is Cathode Biased, so no biasing hassle. More Info. ST-6V6se Head. The circuit remains uber simple for the best touch sensitivity, tone, and responsiveness. Features volume, tone, and "Space" control. It will have a 4ohm output transformer and come stock with the Weber Signature 8 Ceramic. The tweed covered pine cab will resemble a baby AST with light tweed and dark side panels.
Mojotone Amplifier Chassis Stand
When Joe Walsh approached Dr. Never one to be satisfied with rehashing old designs, Dr. The Z-PLUS is a parallel, single-end amplifier in true Class A configuration, which yields a rich clean tone that smoothly overdrives into gritty, harmonic-laden distortion. The result is sparkling and satisfying tone with the full range of 2nd and 4th order harmonics with clarity akin to an full bodied, acoustic guitar. For the best of both worlds, the inclusion of a half-power switch drops the second 6V6 out of operation, rewarding you with touch responsive drive, dynamic compression, and lowered headroom. All of the typical Dr. Z features are included: full EQ with master volume and cut, hi and lo sensitivity inputs, an effects loop, a rich reverb circuit, and our variable boost footswitch. The output transformer is a special design for this amp, constructed with the highest grade M-6 stacked laminates, coupled with our custom all-aluminum chassis, and built like a tank to UL specifications. Z founder Mike Zaite to design a new amp for him.
Amp FAQ: When should I replace the tubes in my amp?

Set of 4 washers. Set of 8 washers. Set of 17 washers. Some of the larger Marshall 4x12 cabinets, such as certain model cabinets, have 17 screws and washers in the back panel. Set of 28 washers.
Chassis & Enclosures
Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Home Help Search Login Register. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Down. One more! I'm doing the building and he's doing the finishing.
2021年製 185/65R15インチ ヨコハマ アイスガード IG70 ララパーム カップ CUP PS 5.5JX15 4穴 100 新品スタッドレスタイヤホイール4本セット
A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below the microwaves were largely replaced by solid state amplifiers in the s and s. Valve amplifiers can be used for applications such as guitar amplifiers , satellite transponders such as DirecTV and GPS , high quality stereo amplifiers, military applications such as radar and very high power radio and UHF television transmitters. Until the invention of the transistor in , most practical high-frequency electronic amplifiers were made using thermionic valves. The diode conducted electricity in one direction only and was used as a radio detector and a rectifier. In Lee De Forest added a third electrode and invented the first electronic amplifying device, the triode , which he named the Audion.
Going Low: The History of the Bassman
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Amp-Chassis + Faceplates
Our first amplifier, and our flagship model. EL34s, KT77s, 6L6s, s, KT66s or s - your power tube choice ultimately decides where you wish the sound to take you. Complex harmonics, bold and clean focused clarity, with plenty of aggression when pushed. Play Komet 60 demo video Part 1. A high cut control operates within the power section of the amplifier to allow players to darken and shape the overall tone of the amplifier without affecting the equalization of the preamp section.
Welcome To the Hoffman Amplifiers Forum
The problem is, not many of us have the luxury to a tube tester, leaving us in the dark with our amps diagnosis and treatment. Even if we did, a tube tester is not capable of painting a clear picture with the problem with our delicate tube amps. Essentially, pre and power tubes are a cluster of fragile components concealed in a vacuum sealed glass chassis. Their length of service hinges on many factors. These range from how consistently the volume is cranked, road travel, level of maintenance, vibrations from the speaker, wear and tear etc.
How To Build A DIY Guitar Amp And Get Amazing Tone
They can even be used for gigging in small venues, or larger ones with the right mic setup. If you need more volume in a live setting, you can always mic up these amps, and some even have outputs for hooking up to bigger cabinets. Tube amps provide the most warmth and are excellent for classic guitar tones that are impossible to achieve otherwise. Here are the best watt tube amps available today, perfect for rock, blues, jazz, country, and pop.
cool thought
There is something in this. I agree with you, thanks for the explanation. As always, all ingenious is simple.
Listen, let's not spend more time for it.