Guitar tubes values
I frequently run parallel triodes. A less than perfect match is very musical. I've noticed the noise floor is lower too. Input stage: Two Ohm will work as good as two Ohms similar operating point. But depending on how well the triodes match, connecting a resistor between the two cathodes may or may not change the sound versus a single triode.
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- Preamp tubes in guitar amplifiers
- Diy tube amp build
- Guitar Tube Amp
- 5 Reasons Why Guitar Tube Amplifiers Are So Expensive
- Adding an EF86 to any tube amplifier
- 12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7 Tube Shootout (Differences, Which To Buy)
- Why Should I Match My Tubes?
- 6L6GC Comparison of Current Made Tubes
- Best tube amps 2021: 16 of the finest tube-driven heads, combos and lunchbox amps on the market
Preamp tubes in guitar amplifiers
In the event you need a more in-depth answer, consider the following. I think most of us are aware that there are very few manufacturers of tubes left in the world none of the tubes made for our industry are currently manufactured in the United States. There are several different distributors for tubes and they all get their tubes from one or a few of the manufacturers. So, distributors are generally buying from the same sources. For the most part, the differences in the tubes you buy from different distributors come down to what model tubes they buy from manufacturers, how or if they test their tubes and what warranty they offer.
While distributors occasionally have a special feature built into the tube they want to market, on the whole, the tubes they get from the manufacturers are the same. We get our tubes from those same sources that are available to other distributors. But here is where similarities end. What sets our tubes apart is OUR testing, the warranty we back the tubes up with and the prices we offer. While we buy from the same manufacturers that other distributors have access to; we are selective about which tubes we will use in our amps.
If a tube is toneful, we might purchase a large quantity to test for reliability. If it proves reliable and great sounding, then we may consider using them. High performance machines require high performance parts. Testing is more than an educated guess or a trip to a hardware store tube tester.
It has the brains of a computer and the ears of a musician. After passing tests for noise and microphonics, then comes the MESA hammer test. Here, each tube is tested for reliability under severe shock and vibration Again, it comes down to testing. Each of our preamp tubes has been fired up and shock tested yeah… the hammer again at high voltages in an actual Boogie amplifier.
The preamp tubes that we sell are what we determine to be the best sounding and performing for our amps. Oftentimes, our stipulations for parts may benefit the entire industry.
There are many different types of 12AX7s that are currently available on the market but only a few that meet our strict specifications. This is why using non-Boogie preamp tubes can result in a lifeless sounding amp. The amp is only as good as its weakest link. Even one tube can make the difference. If you plug SPAX7s into sockets connected to gain stages, you should find less noise at higher gain settings and have less chance of microphonic occurrences.
The band we wrap around the tubes also helps to insure these qualities. If you fall in love with the tone you get from a Mark 5 loaded with our 6L6 STR tubes , when it is necessary to change these tubes, we want you to be able to achieve that same tone you fell in love with from your next set of STRs. Many people believe that you have to have your amp biased each time you change your tubes.
With Boogie tubes the tolerance is so tight that you can swap tubes easily. So, as long as you use Boogie tubes in Boogie amps you never have to worry about re-biasing your amp. Anyone can benefit from the performance expected by our stringent tube testing.
Can you put other distributors' tubes in Boogies? However, we only sell the tubes that meet our specifications. Many other distributors are interested in selling unloading their entire inventory of tubes. This requires a player to bias their amp each time they experiment with different tubes in order to get the optimum performance from their amp.
Rather than deal with this headache, players can use our amps and tubes to bypass the hassle. If you go Boogie all the way, great tone is assured. The reason for having these ratings is so that you can match up, as closely as possible, a pair of tubes for a push pull circuit. Now wait… You just said that Boogie tubes are consistent and now you are telling me that there can be seven different ratings or current draws for some tube types.
If you deal much with electronics, then you know that you are not always dealing with precise measurements. The tolerance that we will accept for our tubes is so tight that these different draws will deliver consistency in both performance and tone. We match pairs of certain types of power tubes, within our specifications, so that you can have as precise as possible a draw in current between two tubes working together in a push pull circuit.
For the optimum in performance from your amp, it is important to use matched pairs of power tubes in the amp. For example there are two pair of power tubes in a Mark V Head. The two tubes in the innermost tubes sockets work together in this amp as do the two tubes in the outermost tubes sockets from left to right, tubes 1 and 4 are working together and tubes 2 and 3 are working together.
When this amp shipped from the factory it may have shown up with four power tubes that were rated Gray in it. When I go to replace the tubes, I might load Red rated tubes in the middle two sockets and Blue Rated tubes in the outside sockets. Because of our tight tolerance, I can do this without having to worry about a change in performance or tone. Keep in mind that when replacing any of the color-coded power tubes; it is always best to swap tubes in pairs. If you own a tube amp for any length of time, you may need to or want to change your tubes.
Sometimes it is a necessity and sometimes it is an experiment as in the case of Boogie owners who want to take advantage of our 6L6 to EL bias select switch. Spare tubes are great items to have around. Should you wish to experiment with the various power tubes available for an amp like the Lone Star which will operate and sound differently with a variety of Boogie tubes 6L6 STR, STR , set to tweed plug in the 6V6 STR or flip the bias select switch to EL and load up our EL STR for a whole different vibe , having the alternate tubes handy will add to the tonal versatility that your amp can offer at a moments notice.
Anyone who plays out has no business taking a tube amp be it Boogie or not on stage without spare tubes. You might go years without a failure but you never know when a spare will come in handy. However, as with your car, routine maintenance changing out tubes every so often — depending on use is recommended and the use of spares is occasionally necessary.
We make it easy. If you can change a light bulb, you are qualified to swap tubes in a Boogie. So, if you own a tube amp, keep spare tubes and fuses handy. If you own a Boogie, you might even want to stock up on alternate tubes when applicable. Our tube warranty is six months which is about three months longer than most of the other distributors who even offer a warranty. We realize that despite all of our testing that we are still dealing with tubes and tubes are occasionally quirky.
Tubes fail for various reasons. If for no other reason, the fact that we offer what may be the best warranty in our industry would be reason enough to invest in tubes with our Hallmark on them.
Most all of us want high performance and low prices. Boogie tubes offer both. Many players may accept the quick and simple answer when asking about using Boogie tubes in their amps.
If you need to get more in depth on the subject, you now have the scoop. Blueridge Guitars Blueridge Acoustic-Electric. Maury's Blog. Wednesday, July 15 Why Buy Mesa Tubes? Post comment. Your comment will not appear until it has been approved.

Diy tube amp build
By visiting our site, you agree to our privacy policy regarding cookies, tracking statistics, etc. Read more. Accept X. Our individual Valves and complete Amp Kits are competitively priced to ensure you get great value. You'll hear the difference. A new set of tubes will get your amp sounding and performing like new.
Guitar Tube Amp
November 12, 5 min read. In this article, we will take a closer look at exactly what is behind the classic tube tone that has inspired guitarists for generations. Iconic Tube Amps from our Friends at Reverb Tube amps are loved for their warm, rich, and organic tone, which is detectable whether they are played clean or overdriven. It is from these original amp companies, originating in either the US or the UK, that amps have come to be classified as either British or American in their tonal characteristics. Generally speaking, the British tone features aggressive and gritty mids, making the tone meaty and raw, with a lot of sustain. This aggressive and gritty tone has been featured in a lot of musical styles, from Clapton and The Who to Queen, U2 and Radiohead. The American sound is generally fuller, with a looser bottom end, creating a dense and well-rounded sound. The power tubes used in American amps deliver a brighter tone, with lots of high end sparkle and has been an important ingredient in the history of American music, especially for blues, country and rock guitarists like Neil Young. Over the decades guitarists have learned how to use their amps to get the sounds that they hear in their heads, reinventing modern music in the process. Image Courtesy of Wikipedia.
5 Reasons Why Guitar Tube Amplifiers Are So Expensive

Guitarists who habitually use tube amps tend to be aware that the tubes themselves play a significant part in shaping the sonic personalities of those amps. In some cases it can be pretty easy to change up an amp's fundamental characteristics, too, just by changing tubes in some crucial positions—and the tube that affects the biggest sonic change in most amps is the one we call "V1" for "valve number one" , the first preamp tube that your guitar's signal hits after entering the amp's input. The following discussion of preamp tube swaps, therefore, will focus on the effect of changing out the tube in that position, but be aware that you will want to refer to your amp manufacturer's user's manual, schematic, or other technical information for the amp in question to ensure you are correctly locating the first preamp tube in the channel to which you want to apply these tone tweaks. If you have a two-channel amp, for example, and want to alter the characteristics of the second channel, the preamp tube you need to change might actually be the second in line generally referred to as "V2" , even though it's the first tube in that channel.
Adding an EF86 to any tube amplifier
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12AX7 vs 12AT7 vs 12AU7 Tube Shootout (Differences, Which To Buy)
If you have not been trained to work with high voltage then have an amp technician adjust the amp's bias. Never touch the grounded chassis with one hand while probing with the other because a lethal shock can run between your arms through your heart. Use just one hand when working on a powered amp. See more amplifier safety info here. Bias voltage is the voltage difference between a tube's cathode and control grid.
Why Should I Match My Tubes?
A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below the microwaves were largely replaced by solid state amplifiers in the s and s. Valve amplifiers can be used for applications such as guitar amplifiers , satellite transponders such as DirecTV and GPS , high quality stereo amplifiers, military applications such as radar and very high power radio and UHF television transmitters. Until the invention of the transistor in , most practical high-frequency electronic amplifiers were made using thermionic valves.
6L6GC Comparison of Current Made Tubes
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Best tube amps 2021: 16 of the finest tube-driven heads, combos and lunchbox amps on the market
Question: What is a vacuum tube? Answer: A vacuum tube is an electronic device consisting of a minimum of four active elements: a heater filament , a cathode, a grid and a plate, all sealed in a vacuum glass enclosure to prevent parts from burning. Once heated, the cathode begins to emit electrons, which flow from the cathode which is negatively charged toward the plate which is positively charged. Question: What is a JAN tube? These are tubes that have been manufactured to a military specification or have been specifically selected for a military application. These tubes were either ruggedized during manufacture or selected from a very tight specification for highest performance and reliability.
The VT20X features a brand new modeling engine and sounds even better than ever! By using VET Virtual Element Technology , which is based on an analysis of the components and amp circuits themselves, VTX amplifiers produce the most accurate and realistic amplifier sounds to date. These new amplifiers also feature a multi-stage Valvetronix tube preamp. This preamp design incorporates authentic analog circuitry to achieve the subtle tonal adjustments and capture the nuances that are distinctive of vacuum tube amps.
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