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Guitar valves 3rd

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Palmer DREI – Triple Single-ended Guitar Amplifier – Test Report by Sound on Sound

Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Default Google Bing. Home Help Login Register. Pages: [ 1 ] 2 Go Down. Anybody got this? None of the amp books I have delve deep enough into how the circuits actually work - looks like this book does and may even go too far into the math! Bloody hell, that's real propeller head stuff Watto Guest. Quote from: Fluddman on April 21, , PM. Thanks folks - you may have saved me some money. I am looking for a more in depth understanding of the circuits, the role each component plays and how it impacts on sound and tone.

Sounds like some maths is required to understand certain aspects but I think I'll check out the Radiotron Designers Handbook first. What a shame the Bassman book is a maths job - it sounded really interesting! Quote from: thinline on April 22, , AM. Hello Fluddman, Oh dear you still looking for the holy grail mate?

If you are anything like me ,,you are just a guitar player wishing to get a better tone from your gear. Heck you don't want to end up doing time in a uni assylum as after 4 years of hard labour maths you will have not only forgotten why you started but horror you may have forgotten how to play the god damn guitar as well. I'll probably pay dearly for opening my big mouth but suck-cess-seriously a lot of tube wankery goes on in this industry.

Most of what is worth knowing about valves is simple. You want dirty, use brit amps. You want really dirty amps use cathode bias amps with no FB. Most folks want distortion and they go buy a F Twin or a Hotrod Dumlux. Go figure? My simplified version from the writings of king tut: From all dirty to super clean All dirty,,then go with SE.

Go nuts run ultra linier output for super SS clean power stage. This can work but jezz mate you gotta know a lot about valves to make it happen right. Some sound ok but a lot of the big name multi valve stuff sounds crap to my ol R'n R ears, give me a simple amp any day. If you just want the dynamics then toss the Rev and Vib circuit, makes for a nice simple build Think I'm nuts?

I've built some of the Early 6V6 deluxe circuits and through old crappy speakers with no top end SPL to mess up the tone they sound very much like the oldentone era amps. Country pickers love em, Depends what you want in tone you see? Think I'm nut's???

Then consider this: Marshall where in serious finacial trouble and they had to cut cost. So they aquired the cheapest components to make do. Cheap Transfomers,, even cheap plastic front panels. So those cheap crappy Plexi panel Amps now fetch the highest prices for a Marshall Amp.

Regarded as a bench mark of Ultimate tone in Valve Amps from that era. A well known reason for good tone when shooting for Rock OD Guitar tone. Also don't forget the Brit verses American tone diff. Transconductance of common power valves used in guitar Amps. I've ended up resorting to really simple stuff. The difference is staggering, still plenty of top but oh so sweet.

Most focuss on ONE thing as being the mojo maker but it's ALL the differing shapes at the right places that maketh the end result. Heck I've only scratched the surface with my at times limited ability with complex things. There are plenty of folks on here with way more ability to explain things in depth. Having just re-read this,, oh dear a bit messy but I'm just thinking out loud,,dropping hints in certain areas that will hopefully lead you to ask the right questions to folks far more qualified.

I've learnt more on AGGH than in books. G'day Phil Thanks for taking the time to write this great post. I always enjoy reading 'em and I always learn something. My quest is not primarily for a great distorted tone - in fact these days I tend to play 'clean' a lot more than I used to. I still like to crank it up but I don't need to cover things up with a wall of fuzz. I was an auto elec by trade and I was good at my job because I really understood how electrical thing worked - so fixing them came easy to me.

Now that I've made a few amps I've got the burning desire to understand in depth how the bloody things work. I guess I am from the generation that turns to books for this purpose But your right about learning more from AGGH than from anywhere else - its a great site but it seems the amp tech talk has dropped off a bit Looks like I need to start my next build so we can trouble shoot my hums, farts and hisses.

The one thing that really caught my eye in your post was the mention of how the transformer effects the tone on the DRRI. You're right about DRRIs being very bright buggers - but they are a great amp but far too expensive. I think rather than mess with the printed circuit in the DRRI, I'll build myself another 6V6 amp so I can experiment a bit though I am tempted to convert it to point to point. I will make sure i read you post a few more times - there's some gems in there that i need to digest further.

Thanks again for the contribution. Hey Phil, That's got to be one of the best summaries of valve guitar design I've ever read - I'd have to agree with pretty much everything you've written there.

Great post Phatt, love ya work. Well after all the years of building circuits most of which ended up as landfill I did have a few arrh-huh moments when a couple of my ideas actually worked. Twas even better when All 3 remaining brain cells actually understood WHY they worked. Hey Fluddman, Glad to help. OK I see your point you don't want mass distortion. Let me guess, You want the ol Stones Rattle where the amp is cleanish but still compresses with some edge when hitting some harder notes?

Then play with the screen grid voltage drop on the deluxe circuits. My 6V6 is now losely based on the 6G3 deluxe circuit you can start there? If you have been around auto electrics then you will probably have little trouble grasping most of it.

I think this has been touched on before but worth mentioning again. Grab yourself a simulation program off the net as It will speed up the process no end.

I use Circuitmaker student edition which is Free up to 50 components,,Just enough to sim a simple tube amp. Put me years ahead in a very short time. They don't tell all but with the aid of good advice and a good book and a few sim curves it won't take you long to catch on. Apparently he was recieving a lot of questions regarding the rather lowish 2k6 OT issue. As you can probably tell by the servere lack of mathamatical gymnastics my grey matter is missing the extra rows of marbels on the abacus so I can't give you exacts on the tecky stuff.

But if I was a betting man I'd say the lower primary mismatch of OT's is a definite tone trick. Thanks again Phil - you are on a roll I enjoyed you article in Ozvalveamps and appreciated the lack of mathematics.

Not sure I understand all the abreviations but I am getting there. It's one thing to understand this stuff its something else again to be able to explain it to others in a way that can help them understand it too.

Few people can do this well. You have really progressed my understanding. So thanks a lot for you time and the very generous sharing of your knowledge and time. I am going to start a new post to direct people here so that more people can benefit from the great information here its got a bit off topic Cheers.

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Field Guide to Guitar Amplifier Tubes – Everything You Need To Know

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What Guitar Amp Should I Get!?

guitar valves 3rd

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Heart murmurs in children are very common.

7 Best 15-Watt Tube Amps (For Rock, Blues, Jazz)

Tubes can be a little confusing when you first start looking into them. If you want to learn more about them, to gain a basic knowledge of the subject, this guide is for you. Most of what is written will be in the musical context of amplification. If you're looking to buy tubes we do sell them here. A vacuum tube is a device which is currently used in audio devices, and used to be used in a range of electronic equipment.

Buying a guitar amp? Here’s everything you need to know!

Guitar Amps. Few experiences are as enjoyable for guitarists as hearing that beautiful roar that only tube amplifiers can deliver. If you love that kind of sound, you are in the right place. Click here to skip the quick overview and jump right to the in-depth reviews. It is a durable grab-and-go amplifier that delivers stunning clean and overdriven sounds. The micro terror is the Best Budget Tube Tiny Amp with an enormous tone that causes a global commotion.

A stringed instrument in the guitar family with a long neck, five strings and a round body Three valves can be pressed to change the length of the tube.

Marshall Origin ORI5C 5 All Valve Combo – 3rd Draw

What is a vacuum tube? Edison produced an incandescent light bulb in the late s by feeding an electric current to a filament until it burned bright red. He then sheathed the filament in a glass bulb and extracted the oxygen, thus creating a vacuum to prevent the filament from burning up. During further experiments in , Edison detected electrons flowing from the filament, through the vacuum and over to a metal plate he had placed inside the bulb.

Top 10 Blues Guitar Amps For Home Use

We design and manufacture our tubes for high fidelity, reliability and warmth. Our tubes have always been known for their reliability and great tone due to our strong committment to quality engineering and manufacturing. For a tube to be labeled with our brand, it must endure and pass the toughest testing in the industry. Electro-Harmonix vacuum tubes are the leading choice for many legendary amplifier manufacturers and if you want great sounding tubes at an affordable price, then EHX tubes should be on the top of your list. A vacuum tube is an electronic device consisting of a minimum of four active elements: a heater filament , a cathode, a grid and a plate, all sealed in a vacuum glass enclosure to prevent parts from burning. Once heated, the cathode begins to emit electrons, which flow from the cathode which is negatively charged toward the plate which is positively charged.

Few things beat the sound of a guitar pushed through a tube amplifier; every nuance of the guitarists performance audible in a silky smooth, natural tone. Thanks to Line 6's expertise in valve amp design, the single DT25 Amp Head gives you a choice of four different sought-after tube tones, all tweakable and all superb.

How to Bias a Tube Amplifier

These days, valves have fallen out of use completely in most types of electronic equipment, except in the audio industry and a handful of military applications. As these markets are very small, valves themselves are now several hundred times more expensive than transistors or chips. The result of this is that valve amps are relatively expensive, often coming in at around double the price of a transistor model with the same basic specifications. Typically, a hybrid will combine a valve preamp with a transistor-based power amp, on the premise that the valves will impart their unique characteristics at the preamp stage, leaving the transistor power amp stage to amplify this as neutrally as possible. Many hybrid amps in fact incorporate only one valve, and this has led to accusations of gimmickry, which are not always fair. As a rule, transistor amps dominate the cheaper end of the market and represent better value for money in overall terms.

Answer: Engineers and musicians have long debated the question of tube sound versus transistor sound. Conventional methods of frequency response, distortion, and noise measurement have always assumed linear clean operation of the test amplifier and have shown that no significant difference exists. In actual operation most amplifiers are often severely overloaded with signal transients.

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