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Hafler pro 5000 amplifier

Great amp. I use both a 3B and 4B. We are buying some new amps right now my research has shown that the Hafler P or P is the right choice unless you have the cash and then the Perreaux stuff is incredible. Pure class A and very clean power amps.


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Hafler DH-500 Amplifiers

Moderators: drumsound , tomb. Post by Jeff White » Fri Sep 28, pm. Post by? Post by scott anthony » Fri Sep 28, pm. Post by crow » Fri Sep 28, pm. Post by joel hamilton » Fri Sep 28, pm. Post by Jeff White » Sat Sep 29, am. Post by Andy Peters » Sat Sep 29, am. Post by Jeff White » Sat Sep 29, pm. Post by dokushoka » Sun Sep 30, am. Post by Jeff White » Sun Sep 30, pm.

Message Board Skip to content. Quick links. I have about three yrs experience with NSm monitors, and say what you want, love 'em or hate 'em, I like to mix on them. I used them at school in the s, at friends' places now and then, etc. So, my question is, what power amp should I pair these with? Can I use a vintage s Pioneer Receiver for a while? Should I look at audiophile hi-fi power amps or pro audio types? Also, how difficult is it to put a fuse before the tweeters and how will this mess with the sounds?

I record, mix, and master in my Philly-based home studio, the Spacement. You will do your best on these. We had a Hafler Pro and a Studer A? Sounded great. Post by scott anthony » Fri Sep 28, pm If you've got a Bryston laying about You can use the Rat Shack in-line fuse holders never liked the sound, but good for visitors, or basics getting drum sounds on the red going into the speaker. That way you can change your mind easily.

Any higher is a waste of time Post by crow » Fri Sep 28, pm a friend recommended the yamaha p he said it was designed in conjunction with the ns10s or something to that effect to me, and i just got one off of ebay for cheap. Post by joel hamilton » Fri Sep 28, pm A company called "chord" makes some amazing amps. I dont use that. I have a big hafler thingy that I like. For some reason I think that my school's NSm power amp was a Symetrix, and those monitors went through like 12 dozen sets of tweeters while I was there.

I want to make sure that I don't duplicate that experience. Thanks, Jeff. Last edited by Jeff White on Fri Sep 28, pm, edited 1 time in total.

One of the advantages to using an integrated is that it has a volume control that you can set so that you will never exceed a preset maximum loudness. Compared to a receiver an integrated will be built to a higher standard, will be able to better handle difficult speaker loads, and will have more headroom.

Some people claim that they can hear dramatic differences in amplifiers but I'm skeptical. I've got a watt Krell in my main stereo system and I've compared it with an Adcom GFA and one of my Onkyo Integrated amps and I can tell you that it would be hard to describe the difference as dramatic.

Speaking of Adcom, if you want to go with a straight stereo amplifier Adcom is probably the best value. You can find Adcoms used on ebay frequently and they perform exceptionally well. I have powered monitors that I have been using for the past 5 yrs that have a volume control and I have them at half, which is plenty loud enough.

Ok, so, we're talking a hi-fi power amp integrated amp instead of a "pro audio" amp. It sounds great and has two sets of speaker connects. So right now I have two sets of monitors that I can switch through software in the Mac for monitoring in Digital Performer.

Is this power too colored for the NSs? Always have a backup plan I say. Need to get on this. Re: NSm monitors and the amps that power them Post by Andy Peters » Sat Sep 29, am ipressrecord wrote: So, my question is, what power amp should I pair these with? They sound fine to me. Let me mix your music! Post by Jeff White » Sun Sep 30, pm After seeing the NSm's tweeters fry out on more than one occasion, I want to make sure that I do not send too much power to them.

How much power can the NSs handle? Are they running at 8 ohm or 4 ohm? Right now I am leaning toward the power amp, though maybe the Out of the three what's the best amp for the NSs that won't kill them.

What should I watch out for regarding matching a power amp to these speakers? Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 31 guests. Tape Op Magazine.

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This auction if for aHafler PRO Amplifier. Watts per channel into 4Ω. Stereo. This amp is working perfectly and sounds great. Fantastic amps.

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Hafler Pro 5000 Manual Transmission

hafler pro 5000 amplifier

Order by:. Available to:. Free Shipping. Hafler Pro Power Amp. The amplifier has full subtractor balanced input circuits for good noise rejec- tion.

Are you a tube fan? This wonderful-sounding amplifier adds delicious depth and detail to either tube or solid state preamps.

Best amp for ns10m studio

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The NSM "Pro" was introduced in and is technically an identical speaker. you'd find the Crown D and Hafler power amps at the top of the list.

Hafler PRO5000 Installation And Operation Manual

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Rack Mount Hafler PRO 5000 Stereo Power Amplifier with road case

RELATED VIDEO: Hafler DH 220 Restoration - Part 2

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User Name Stay logged in? Hafler Pro Service Manuals?? Hey y'all, I bought a bunch of Hafler Pro amps and they're starting to die on me. Thanks -ZeeMac. I have 8 of these amps and 5 have problems thanks.

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