Monica biagioli speak through speakers
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Monica biagioli speak through speakers
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Predicting Customer Behavior to Drive Business Success with AI
Abstract - Janeiro a Julho de A cross-sectional analysis of the effects of everyday life situations on stuttering and associated physical features - MOTOR. J Pak Med Assoc. The subjects were categorised into two groups on the basis of severity of symptoms assessed using the fluency severity rating scale. Group A had subjects with mild to moderate stammer , while Group B had those with moderate to severe stammer.
An 8-point Likert scale was employed to evaluate responses towards 33 questions of which 30 were situation-based while 3 focussed on physical fitness, blinking and body jerks. SPSS 23 was used for data analysis.
Conclusion: Subjects with severe stammer had more body jerks and blinking compared to those with mild to moderate condition. S Afr J Commun Disord.
Karani TF, Mupawose A. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. This encompasses using assessment and intervention approaches that address the three multidimensional constructs of stuttering, namely core behaviours, secondary behaviours and negative feelings and attitudes.
The main theme of effectiveness of the comprehensive stuttering intervention to reduce aspects of disability emerged from the participant's responses.
Assessment and management of fluency disorders should promote a client-specific multidimensional approach that extends beyond the core behaviours and secondary behaviours, by addressing the underlying social and emotional facets of fluency disorders.
J Fluency Disord. Epub Feb 1. Also CWS with higher, compared to CWS with lower, BI presented with greater stuttering frequency , more severe stuttering, greater stuttering-related consequences, and more negative communication attitudes for CWS older than 4 years of age. Fluency Disord. Purpose: To examine the effectiveness of i face to face interventions ii models of service delivery and iii psychological treatments combined with speech-focused interventions for adults who stutter.
Methods: Five electronic databases and three clinical trial registries were searched. Systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials RCTs and studies that applied an intervention with adults who stutter were included. Pharmaceutical interventions were excluded. Primary outcomes included a measure of stuttering severity.
Risk of bias assessment was conducted on included studies and overall quality of the evidence was graded. Intervention approaches included speech restructuring programs e. Camperdown Program and transcranial direct current stimulation tDCS. One study investigated cognitive behaviour therapy CBT alongside speech restructuring. Overall, studies were classified low risk of bias and good quality. Speech restructuring was included in all but one study tDCS study and had the most evidence i.
No study reduced stuttering to the same level as community controls who don't stutter. Speech restructuring delivered via telehealth was non-inferior to face-to-face intervention. One study reported CBT was an effective adjunct to speech restructuring interventions. Conclusion: Speech restructuring interventions were found to reduce stuttering in adults, however degree and maintenance of fluency varied. The body of evidence surrounding tDCS and psychological interventions is limited.
Replication studies should be considered. An articulatory study of differences and similarities between stuttered disfluencies and non-pathological disfluencies. Clin Linguist Phon. While stuttering-like disfluencies have long interested researchers, little is known about their articulatory realisation. Yet, such a description seems crucial in order to better understand the differences between stuttering-like and other disfluencies, and their underlying motor mechanisms. Hence, we aimed to compare the articulatory supraglottic activity in stuttered disfluencies with non-pathological disfluencies by using Electromagnetic Articulography EMA data.
To achieve this comparison, two criteria were used for the description of articulatory activity during the disfluency. The first focused on the characterisation of the movements observable during the disfluency. This criterion gives an indication of the presence or absence of articulatory movement as well as interarticulator coupling.
The second criterion provided information on the retention and anticipation of the sound preceding and following the disfluency. In order to strengthen our analysis, both criteria were examined using two complementary methodologies. The first was an expert-based analysis, while the second used a set of metrics based on velocity and acceleration.
These analyses were conducted independently, and the final results of our study corresponded to the conclusions of the comparison of both methodology results. The results we obtained show that stuttered disfluencies and non-pathological disfluencies do have common characteristics. However, stuttered disfluencies and non-pathological disfluencies produced by Persons Who Stutter PWS present some particularities, mainly in terms of retention and anticipation, and the presence of spasmodic movements.
Results are discussed in the light of different models of stuttering. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. Alqhazo M, Rashaid AB. Purpose: This study scrutinises the abundances of 9 neurological-related amino acids of the scalp hair of 35 5 females, 30 males children who stutter and 30 normally fluent children age and sex matched. The control subjects were selected from the same families of children who stutter to exclude the effect of nutritional, environmental, and biological factors.
Amino Acid Analyser was used to measure the concentrations of amino acids in acid hydrolysed hair samples. Conclusion: The findings of this study could introduce a new treatment protocol including the supplementation of reduced nutritional elements. KEY POINTS: Concentrations of amino acids threonine, isoleucine, and tyrosine in the hair samples of people who stutter were significantly lower than the concentrations in the hair samples of control group.
Concentrations of amino acids histidine and glutamate in hair samples of people who stutter were lower than control group with low significant values. The concentrations of amino acids phenylalanine, serine, glycine, aspartate, glutamate were not significantly different between hair samples of stuttering group and control group. The findings of the current study will be helpful in designing a new treatment method based on the supplementation of deficient amino acids. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol.
Scientific theories mentioned the role of auditory processing disorder in stuttering. Investigating the auditory processing in stuttering would provide insights into the mechanisms of stuttering. The details of basic auditory processing in children with stuttering CWS continue to remain uncertain. This study aimed to investigate the auditory temporal processing ATP in CWS and also its relationship with the stuttering severity.
All children were between 7 and 12 years old. Then, the groups were compared in terms of ATP results. The correlation between the scores of these tests and stuttering severity was assessed.
Moreover, the stuttering severity had a significant negative correlation with the DP scores and percentage of correct identification scores in GIN ; whereas it had a significant positive correlation with the BM thresholds. These findings highlighted the role of ATP disorder in stuttering. Pediatr Int. Online ahead of print. Background: Boey et al. There have been no replications studies using Boey et al. The aim of study was to test whether using Boey et al.
Methods: Participants were 54 children who stutter CWS aged years. Each parent answered seven questions about awareness according to the questions in Boey et al. Conclusions: We found that even at age 3 years, many CWS were already aware of their stuttering. The similarity of the data with the seminal study by Boey et al.
The seven questions in Boey et al. J Commun Disord. Purpose: Prior studies have documented an adverse impact of stuttering on young children's lives. These studies have relied primarily on parent reports, though different caregivers may have unique experiences with children. To date, no study has examined teachers' perceptions of the impact in children below six years of age.
Moreover, the agreement between mothers, fathers, and teachers in proxy ratings of impact has not been examined. Caregiver agreement is important to investigate because results from varying assessments of adverse impact can influence treatment recommendations. This study sought to gain an integrated insight into 1 teachers' perceptions and descriptions of the impact of stuttering on young children and 2 agreement in mothers', fathers', and teachers' perceptions of how stuttering affects young children.
Method: The mothers, fathers, and teachers of 35 young children who stutter aged 2. Teachers also responded to open-ended questions about their perceptions of the impact of stuttering on children's lives. Results: Overall, teachers perceived stuttering to affect children's lives to a mild-to-moderate degree.
The teachers described communication difficulty and reactions and how these changed across settings in kindergarten. Agreement on the four OASES-C sections and on the total score were calculated for 29 mother-teacher pairs, 29 father-teacher pairs, and 33 mother-father pairs. Results indicate good agreement between mothers and fathers and fair agreement between parents and teachers. Across caregiver pairs, agreement was high good or excellent when reporting on observable impact, while agreement was low fair or poor on ratings of internal impact.
Conclusion: The finding that teachers also perceive stuttering to have an adverse effect on young children adds to the literature of impact, particularly because the teachers reported observing impact in situations that are unique to the kindergarten setting.
In line with previous literature on proxy reporting, our results indicate good agreement between caregivers observing the children in the same arena mothers and fathers and fair agreement between caregivers observing the children in different arenas parents and teachers.
The results indicate that information from more than one caregiver can contribute to an integrated assessment of impact across arenas. Case Reports World Neurosurg.
Scott C Robertson, Karina Diaz.

Service Design Pedagogy and Effective Student Engagement: Generative Tools and Methods
PART I. Barbara Barbieri University of Cagliari. Monica Fedeli University of Padua. Daniela Frison University of Padua. Claudio Melacarne University of Siena.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society
Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Science policymakers have been active in recognising these challenges and the attendant need to develop new multidisciplinary ways of working. But embracing multidisciplinarity is not a straightforward choice for scientists, who individually are strongly steered by norms and values inculcated through their past scientific experiences. We conclude that the sandpit approach appeared to shift research perceptions of individual scientists, particularly around long-term belief structures. This implies that, when well managed, the sandpit model can indeed be useful to generate multidisciplinary research as part of a multifaceted approach to funding scientific research. Science policymakers have been active in recognising the need for new multidisciplinary ways of working, orienting research funding specifically to solving Grand Challenges Amanatidou et al. This science policy community response envisages that changing science funding will change scientific behaviours, specifically encouraging multidisciplinary approaches.
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Valletta, Malta. The Valletta Foundation has launched a series of annual international conferences addressing different aspects related to cultural relations in Europe and the Mediterranean. Proceedings from this conference will be published in due course. The conference will include two plenary sessions, one speed networking session, to further increase networking opportunities, and a number of parallel sessions.
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Feel free to pass on to those interested. We have several Ph. The list below contains some of our available assistantships. Please note that this is not a complete list of opportunities. Prospective students are welcome to reach out to any individual faculty member or the graduate program director to learn more.
Monica Biagioli
This login space is for Content Editors only. There is currently no member login for the site. The EBMT will alert all members when member login is established. For me, these two views of acute leukemia cannot be separated. Rather, it is important that the approach and the goal is the same for both groups of patients. Patients receive high-dose chemotherapy to treat the leukemia.
Currently, several artificial intelligence technologies are growing increasingly mature, including computational modeling of reasoning, natural language processing, information retrieval, information extraction, machine learning, electronic agents, and reasoning with uncertainty. Their integration in and adaptation to legal knowledge and information systems needs to be studied. Parallel to this development, e-government applications are gradually gaining ground among local, national, European and international institutions.
Nowadays, understanding your customers is crucial for your business to succeed. With the rise of mobile, social media platforms, instant chats and new digital marketing initiatives, the Customer Journey has become a truly online, omnichannel experience. With such a vast amount of customer-related data available to you, business growth will come from collecting and understanding this data to its full potential to understand your customers' behavior. In this webinar, Matteo Casadei, Head of Data Science, will explain how predictive analytics and machine learning are effective to provide companies with new customer insights. With this increased knowledge, the right optimization and personalization initiatives can be developed to increase the performance of marketing campaigns significantly. Matteo will talk through a range of AI approaches that are enabling businesses to succeed including customer segmentation, propensity and churn analyses, customer lifetime value modeling, as well as sentiment analysis via natural language processing.
The biennial ISHPSSB summer meetings are known for innovative, transdisciplinary sessions, and for fostering informal, co-operative exchanges and on-going collaborations. Well, I did it. I managed to miss a whole cycle on the newsletter. I had hoped to squeeze in further information about registration for Brisbane, and then one thing led to another and here it is: December! So, all the information is in the Fall newsletter Volume 20, number 1, issue The newsletter has been long in coming this time around.
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