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Mr speakers alpha prime

I think I need to go planar, rather than dynamic, and the HP will need to be slightly dark, non-fatiguing treble. Happy to consider new or preowned. I listen to all sorts of music, but mainly electronic, ambient, EDM, trance etc. What is it that you enjoy from your current setup? As that may give a better picture as to what your preferences are with the gear you have and what stands out to you in terms of the music you enjoy on them.


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MrSpeakers Alpha Prime

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Yep, I would love some Funkadelics in high def. Speaking of headphones, which are your faves. Inexpensive cans too! I got in on that drop, as did vova. Looking forward to them so I can have a pair at the office — supposedly they will arrive before Christmas! Another great thing about them is that every part on them seems replaceable. If you break anything, or if the pads wear out, or if you tear the cable, then you can easily replace just that piece.

Master Silver MrSpeakers DCA Dan Clark Audio Stealth Ether Flow Aeon Alpha Dog Alpha Prime upgrade cable True Hi-End masterpiece made out of.

Mr. Speakers Alpha Prime Closed-Back Headphones

MrSpeakers' new Alpha Prime boasts 3D-printed earcups, radical driver technology and gorgeous sound quality. MrSpeakers' Dan Clark started out as a speaker designer, but he switched over to headphones a few years ago. Clark loves his work; every time I see him demonstrating his headphones he's always smiling, happy to answer any and all questions. MrSpeakers will celebrate its third year as a headphone manufacturer in April, Clark personally checks out each pair of his new, top-of-the-line Alpha Prime headphones before it leaves the factory, that's one key difference between mass-market and high-end manufacturers. The designer takes real pride in his products, and every Alpha Prime has to pass muster with the owner of the company. I've written about Clark's headphones before, but this new model is clearly his best.

MrSpeakers Alpha Prime Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphones (SOLD)

mr speakers alpha prime

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Hack Your Mr.Speakers Headphones

Speakers is one of the top brands Moon Audio hacks. Learn how to hack your Mr. Speakers headphones below and take your cans to the next level. Choose to upgrade your cans with our Dragon Cables hardwired specifically for MrSpeakers headphones and send us your headphones. When we receive your cans, our team will evaluate and email you a "Hack Estimate" detailing work to improve sound from your beloved high-end headphones. Payment is required before hacking begins.

The Alpha Prime by MrSpeakers

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ER 1/4" RhodiumHeadphone Termination: MrSpeakers 4-pin connectorsSplitter: Eidolic E-SXR Silver Carbon FiberSleeving: black/charcoal grey/burgundy.

16-жильный посеребренный кабель OCC для наушников Mr speaker Ether Alpha Dog Prime LN006258

Disclaimer: The Headfonia Store is a Mr. Speaker dealer and we sell the Alpha Dogs. I wish we were not a dealer, since this review came up to be so positive, but I want you guys to know the fact. Some background first.

MrSpeakers Alpha Prime: The Alpha Evolves

RELATED VIDEO: Z Review - Alpha Dogs

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True Hi-End masterpiece made out of 12 cores of 5N purity silver! Available now in latest awg22 multistrand litz version! Will dramatically improve full potential of your setup by revealing pleasant transparency, wider soundstage and crystal clarity! More about Product lines. We advice at least h of burn in time before any critical listening sessions.

Read times. Pages: [ 1 ] Go Down. I have for sale an excellent condition MrSpeakers Alpha Prime headphones. The headphones come with the original box, stand, and Alpha prime cable with 3.

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