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Peavey classic 30 output transformer

Fender Stratocaster Guitar Forum. Messages: The fender is an 8 ohm speaker and the Peavey amp is 16 ohms. I know that ideally you'd match the values but I've read that underloading the amp is ok, it's over loading the amp that is bad. Any truth in this?


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Peavey Classic 30 + WGS ET-65 (Strat)

Stay away from Peavey Classic 30 & 50 amp

By greg , September 15, in Amps. I recently bought a peavey classic 30 amp that needs tubes and a speaker. When looking at the back of the cabinet it says 16 ohm minimum load. This wording is close to the extention speaker jack so I do not know if it refers to the extention speaker or the main speaker. I am not sure whether I am supposed to use a 16 or 8 ohm speaker as the main speaker. Also I would like some input on what type of speaker to use for a nice clean fender type sound and what tubes to use as it has none now.

Thanks to all who help me! Your amp has a 16ohm internal speaker, so if you replace the internal speaker, then get one that is 16ohms. Any Extension cab will need to be 16ohms as well. As for speakers I am trying to get my buddy who has a classic 30 to get a celestion G12H It my not bring out the fender tones you are looking for. I would check weber, and maybe get a 12F or something like that. Check them out at www. Thanks for the info.

How do you know that it is 16 ohm? The peavey web site says 8 or Thanks, Greg. This question or one very similar comes up every week or 2, so I know its 16ohms. Besides its in the manual. When peavey is saying 8ohms, they are just saying that the minimum load the amp can take is 8ohms. So if you hook up a 16ohm extension cab to the classic 30, the amp will see 8ohms, since the 2 16ohm speakers will be in parrallel.

Since it can take 8 ohms, is there a downside of using an 8 ohm speaker other than the fact I could not add an extention cabinet? I appreciate your help, I have absolutely no experience with working with amps. I think you have to use a 16ohm speaker. The internal speaker is hard wired. When you insert a jack into the external speaker jack it should switch the Output Transformer to the 8ohm tap. Just get a 16ohm speaker. They may be hard to find,but I highly recommend trying the Electro-Harmonix el84's in the C They really tighten up the distortion channel and give it a more Marshall-like character,if that's your cup of tea.

Speaker and tubes for Peavey Classic 30 Amp. Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted September 15, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Author Members. PGS Posted September 15, Originally posted by greg Posted September 16, Archived This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Go to topic listing. Sign In Sign Up. Originally posted by greg Hi. Originally posted by greg Since it can take 8 ohms, is there a downside of using an 8 ohm speaker other than the fact I could not add an extention cabinet?

Peavey Classic 30

In the world of amps there are two types: simple amps with few a controls and complex amp with a litany of switches, knobs and bells and whistles. What do these amps have in common? They are simple! No effects loops, line outs, or channel switching. Most do not have reverb or master volumes. So what is about simple amps that works so well?

My Classic 30 power transformer has the primary open. Does anyone have a source for hopefully an upgraded transformer? Thanks.

8 ohm speaker in 16 ohm cab?

Click Here to Send a Donation. Email SteelGuitarForum gmail. The Steel Guitar Forum Store. Our Online Store. Classic 30 main power fuse rating. Posted 17 Apr pm. Posted 18 Apr am. Posted 18 Apr pm. Please review our Forum Rules and Policies.

Peavey classic 50 head specs

peavey classic 30 output transformer

Peavey Electronics Corporation is an American company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets professional audio equipment. Hartley Peavey founded Peavey Electronics in , having built his first amplifier in Peavey Electronics is privately owned. In , Inc.

From my little internet research, it looks like it's not going to be a problem but I always like to hear other's opinion on this stuff in case I need to get a different output transformer or speaker.

How to download Peavey Classic 30 112 Manual Treadmill: 2021

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Tube DIY Asylum

Many of us have bought the Peavy Classic 30 because it is a nice-sounding, small-sized, vintage-looking. After playing it for. After a few months, I put it in the back of my closet, deciding. Many amp techs have mentioned that customers would. As a hobbyist with a Classic 30 sitting around just gathering dust I figured I might. After doing the.

Many of us have bought the Peavy Classic 30 because it is a nice-sounding, Generally any charge will be drained through the OT (output transformer).

Outputtransformer for: Peavey® Classic 30, 4x EL84

I just bought two of these power trafos used but Posts: Location: saginaw michigan Joined: January 30, They also have a 28v center tapped for the bias.. I got he pair for 49 dollars including shipping.

Peavey 30550000 Classic 30 Power Transformer

RELATED VIDEO: Peavey Classic 30 - Hand wired Part 1 guitar amp mod

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