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Pl84 amplifier schematic diy

Having started at about the age of 9 and I am now Before continuing to read on with this text please note the following:. You will be working with potentially lethal voltages! What follows may also not be a suitable undertaking for some people. Most companies that used the EL output tube the Belgian company Faylon and the German Dynacord being just two examples most probably chose this tube for its short, stubby, fairly beefy, relatively low voltage specifications enabling a smaller overall height of their amplifiers?


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Simple vacuum tube audion

A long time ago, I posted the design for an amp on an Australian forum that used valves that were developed for black and white TV service. It has surprised me that there have been nearly 12, views of the TV Special thread. Perhaps the interest in this amp has been fueled by large collections of old TV valves that have little use beyond their original application in TV service.

The fact is that by far and away the largest consumption of valves vacuum tubes in history has been in consumer electronics — TV, Radio and record players. This has resulted in many valves used and NOS still being available very cheaply on Ebay and other online sellers. My Gilly amplifiers took advantage of another cheap TV valve — the 6GV8, which was used in the vertical deflection section of a TV set.

The reality is that a valve is a valve, and beyond application in TV or Radio service, any valve can be used for other applications as long as their characteristics are suitable. It might surprise some to discover that the well regarded 6V6 power valve was used also as a vertical amplifier in TV sets. My own collection of TV valves continues to grow due to bargain purchases on Ebay, Amateur Radio Hamfest bargain buys and shed clearances. Having made this choice, the design then became a simple 5W single ended amp.

As the output transformer reflects a 3. This is a similar valve to the EL84 and was developed to deliver more power with a lower HT supply.

It was used in sound output and vertical output application in TV sets. The PL84 is the series heater version of the EL Here is a page from the PL84 datasheet. You can see that this valve is ideal for the planned amp to drive a 3. In addition, I wanted to use series heater valves for this build as they simplify a power supply build. Instead of the more familiar arrangement of 6. The two heaters in series could be supplied from a 24V transformer winding.

The PCF was developed for low hum and microphony for TV line oscillators and so is ideal for the preamp in a guitar amp. One power transformer does double duty to generate the HT for the amp and also provides power for the valve heaters.

The PCF preamp valve heater is connected to the cold side of the multiplier input to minimise hum induction. A bonus of the valve heaters being elevated at a higher voltage than the cathodes is that hum is also minimised. There is certainly not much to it — a couple of valves and transformers and one volume control. I have been pleased with the result — approximately 5W of output from the PL The one thing that stands out is how quiet the amp is — the amp is dead quiet until the volume is fully advanced and only then a small amount of hiss.

This has probably been the quietest amp I have developed. I think this is due to the largish uf caps in the power supply but mostly due to the elevated valve heaters. Certainly not bad for a single ended amp as they lack the inherent hum rejection of a push pull amp. As far as tone goes it sounds quite authoritative for its 5W of power with a strong mid range and rather nice overdrive when fully driven. The PL84 in the output stage can be seen driving the halogen output transformer.

Both the pentode stage and the output valve have no cathode bypass capacitors and it is suggested that this helps shape the overdriven tone. Having said all that, it is certainly a very simple amp with quite an amount of output power and great tone — a good outcome from some old TV valves. Here is the amp underside — again, not much to it. The quadrupler voltage multiplier and components clustered around the two valve sockets.

Here is the finished amp: There is certainly not much to it — a couple of valves and transformers and one volume control. Here is the schematic for the amp: The PL84 in the output stage can be seen driving the halogen output transformer.

Having said all that, it is certainly a very simple amp with quite an amount of output power and great tone — a good outcome from some old TV valves Here is the amp underside — again, not much to it. Previous Post What common issues come up when building a valve guitar amp? Valve guitar amplifier kits and training in valve amplifier technology.

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This is a list of vacuum tubes or thermionic valvesand low-pressure gas-filled tubesor discharge tubes. Before the advent of semiconductor devices, thousands of tube types were used in consumer electronics. Many industrial, military or otherwise professional tubes were also produced. Only a few types are still used today, mainly in high-power, high-frequency applications. Receiving tubes have heaters or filaments intended for direct battery operation, parallel operation off a dedicated winding on a supply transformer, or series string operation on transformer-less sets. High-power RF power tubes are directly heated; the heater voltage must be much smaller than the signal voltage on the grid and is therefore in the In some valve part number series, the voltage class of the heater is given in the part number, and a similar valve might be available with several different heater voltage ratings.

here is another sleeper: EL86 aka 6CW5 and PL84 (no typo!) Its not really suitable for use in linear audio circuits unless you like.


Or are not being collected nowadays in proportion to their significance or prevalence in their heyday, this is bad and the main part of the death land. The heavy, ugly sarcophagus ; models with few endearing qualities, devices that have some over-riding disadvantage to ownership such as heavy weight,toxicity or inflated value when dismantled, tend to be under-represented by all but the most comprehensive collections and museums. They get relegated to the bottom of the wants list, derided as 'more trouble than they are worth', or just forgotten entirely. As a result, I started to notice gaps in the current representation of the history of electronic and electrical technology to the interested member of the public. Following this idea around a bit, convinced me that a collection of the peculiar alone could not hope to survive on its own merits, but a museum that gave equal display space to the popular and the unpopular, would bring things to the attention of the average person that he has previously passed by or been shielded from. It's a matter of culture. It's an open platform for all electrical Electronic TV technology to have its few, but NOT last, moments of fame in a working, hand-on environment. We'll never own Colossus or Faraday's first transformer, but I can show things that you can't see at the Science Museum, and let you play with things that the Smithsonian can't allow people to touch, because my remit is different. There was a society once that was the polar opposite of our disposable, junk society.

Robot or human?

pl84 amplifier schematic diy

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Loftin White Thread First one I would like to offer for your consideration is this cute little 71a pse.

PL84 triode

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Tube DIY Asylum

These pages represents an ongoing process. Comments are always welcome and if you have a favorite amplifier you would like to share with us, please write to me at: amplifiers at gmail. If you happen to have some pictures of the amplifiers in this compendia, please do not hesitate to contact me. The pictures will be accredited in your name. It is impossible to get around Mr.

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100 Amplifiers – Part 3 , 1955 – 59

They seem very similar according to my Philips Pocketbook, and they also look very similar. The reason for asking is that here in Norway the P-type tubes are very much cheaper than E-type tubes. Why is constant-current series heater tubes almost? It seems to me to be very easy to make mA cc filament power using LM regulators.

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A valve amplifier or tube amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that uses vacuum tubes to increase the amplitude or power of a signal. Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below the microwaves were largely replaced by solid state amplifiers in the s and s. Valve amplifiers can be used for applications such as guitar amplifiers , satellite transponders such as DirecTV and GPS , high quality stereo amplifiers, military applications such as radar and very high power radio and UHF television transmitters. Until the invention of the transistor in , most practical high-frequency electronic amplifiers were made using thermionic valves. The diode conducted electricity in one direction only and was used as a radio detector and a rectifier.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, am. I would like to give them some service, perhaps for another tube radio project. I cannot find a suitable tube for them.

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  1. Radley

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  2. Brennus

    Rather valuable message

  3. Walbridge

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  4. Gawyn