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Pye tube amplifier

Location: Bournemouth Posts: 5, I'm Dan. That's a fabulous amp, Dan! All Pye stuff was superb quality. Goldring G with NOS stylus.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: PYE PF91 Valve/Tube Amplifier

Repairing a MKII Pye Black Box amplifier

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support. Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Log in or Sign up. Messages: 1, Location: Hong Kong. Anyone had any experience with them? EL34 single ended mono amps, selenium rectifier and likely leaking capacitors and out of spec carbon comp resistors.

Photo's will follow. Intention is to restore and use them. Images from the interwebs, not the ones I'm getting, will post more when I have them on the work desk.

No Money , Aug 18, Lavane and maxhifi like this. Messages: 2, Location: Texas Hill Country. Have no experience with them but, will be watching, they look very interesting VR Andy. No Money likes this. No personal experience here, but these are well-regarded in the UK. Dandy , Aug 18, Picked them up. Rushing out to do stuff, had a quick look in one, seems the selenium rectifier has been done on this one and a couple of caps.

Not as untouched as I thought. Might be more cosmetic refurbishment than heavy replacement required. Also grabbed something else from the same person. More next week.

Too much happening over the next few days. No Money , Aug 19, Messages: 54, Location: Southern NJ. Hate to have to find a replacement for that socket. Messages: 6, Location: Edmonton Alberta Canada. This falls into the category of the loch ness monster and other mythical things I have read about but thought I'd never see.

I first became aware of these because of hi-fi world 25 years ago, and have always been curious why PYE made a single ended amp in the days when push pull ruled. Please tell us all about how they sound and thank you for sharing photos of this rare classic! The increasing size of the knobs is a cool visual point. Well, I date to so Last edited: Aug 19, Dandy , Aug 19, Here is a lo res scan. I hope it's readable.

I suspect this is going to want some attenuators to play nicely with modern sources. Dandy likes this. OK, quick update. I have delved a bit further into them and decided that they need a lot of work, some of which looked tricky.

Very dirty, and a few marginal looking caps and some suspect looking other things. Terry I suspect can fix anything that has electricity flowing through it. A quick but very thorough inspection, an earth reconnected, then a gentle, slow, power up and they were playing.

We listened to a track by a local Jazz singer who is a mutual friend through some vintage Altec's and oh boy. Boy, oh boy. Sweet sound, even with no doubt any number of out of spec resistors. Looking forward to getting them back. No Money , Aug 31, A few tear-down images from Terry, my tech. He likes to keep people updated.

Well, me at least. And I thought some of you might be interested. Dandy and MiamiEd like this. Early PCB either way, delicate stuff. No Money , Sep 1, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password?

Pye (electronics company)

Yep, the clarifier unlock was a bit pointless and a bit of a bodge to be honest. About Maxon Mods Cb Radio. But if you cant afford the all the extras for the full blown mod, this may be. Frequenzimetro digitale a 5 cifre per l'esatta lettura della frequenza, sia in ricezione che in trasmissione. About Cb Radios Pll02a. You should read

Frequency response: 2Hz to kHz. Total harmonic distortion: %. Speaker load impedance: Ω to 60Ω. Valve complement: 1 x ECC33, 1 x ECC35, 2 x KT

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Vintage PYE PF91 Mono tube Amplifier complete with PF91A Preamp NO RESERVE

pye tube amplifier

Increased demand has affected levels of restored stock - We are working to rectify! Our freight costs are very reasonable, we combine shipping, and free pick up is available - select at checkout. Want to get a closer look? Click on a product and hover to zoom on any image.

Philip Knighton found a range of DC prefix valves in the Avo Valve tester handbook and, knowing the type numbers that had been produced, I was able to work out which of the near illegible markings had been which. I had to guess the valve type for the RF buffer stage … Video Diary of working on the Pye valve radio.


Fully functional, sounds incredible. This is incredibly rare item with a legendary status on par with other vintage compressors like Decca, Fairchild, Lang, RCA, Altec etc. You aren't likely to find another one of these anytime soon, they hardly ever show up for sale. Grab this while you can! This just got back from professional service check-up Pye expert and it is good to go. He noted this is an incredibly rare unit and he has never seen one of these before.

Building a Valve Amplifier Part 2: Single Channel Prototype and Loudspeakers Assembly

How about the other amps from Pye? I heard this a few years ago and was quite impressed by its sound. Whereas the PF91 is for hifi audio. This amp truly has "musical" bass - high and low in bass! PYE never made bad things! Anyone wants this? Sent via Deja.

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November 25, , PM Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Pye Mozart 10HF clean up. Bought a pretty mucky old valve amp. Re: cleaning up a old amp. Hi, Here is a photo of a monoblock that I cleaned up.

Pye valve radio 18a cambridge england. Bush valve radio in original condition but untested. We will be very appreciated if you can contact us first.

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