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Had I not already chosen my , they would have certainly made it into the book. What he is doing is substituting beer in place of water for his dough, and while he does offer standards like pepperoni and sausage, he also makes one helluva pickle pizza. The base is garlic cream, covered by wide circles of mortadella; then thinly-sliced strips of pickles, laced with fresh dill. Like all of his pizzas, he finished it with freshly-cracked black pepper and sea salt. Whatever you want to call it, the crust has a great crunch and chew, and his topping combos really do work, despite their odd-sounding names.
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We invite members to submit news and announcements about themselves or other members — professional promotions, awards, job changes, involvement in a notable project or event, recognition for outstanding work, etc. Interested in historical NCFR news and stories? Taylor, Ph. This year's virtual setting allows for even more time to view posters and interact with presenters!
In light of recent discourse regarding the teaching of Critical Race Theory, the NCFR Board of Directors affirms the importance of preparing students to support the well-being and healthy functioning of all families, and re-affirms its guiding principles regarding diversity and inclusion.
Allen, Ph. NCFR awarded honors to 6 college students who completed their academic programs in summer Thank you to all the NCFR members who reviewed applications! NCFR is looking for more mentors to accommodate this high level of interest in professional development. Nichols, Jr. These ties can cultivate a sense of belonging, provide bursts of positive energy, motivate us to engage in activities, and expose us to new information and opportunities — all without the emotional challenges that often attend close relationships with family and friends.
The Award is given as recognition of any distinguished contribution to path-breaking new research or innovative theory development in the discipline of Family Science. Henryk J. Sokalski, the United Nations coordinator for the International Year of the Family, passed away at age Ranking improved considerably across all 3 scholarly journals published by NCRR.
The tables below include the updated 2- and 5-year impact factors and subject category rankings. Congress on how Congress can become depolarized. NCFR is pleased to share that the University of Nevada, Reno has received approval to change its degree program name from human development and family studies to human development and Family Science.
The current cultural debate over CRT is an opportunity for Family Scientists to share their knowledge and expertise with each other and the general public. The award celebrates those teaching in higher education who go above and beyond to introduce cutting-edge teaching practices to their courses to better engage students and advance scholarship in the discipline.
We are building this special recognition to further the legacy of outstanding members of NCFR. This year's focus is Families and New Technologies. Walker, Ph. NCFR awarded honors to 40 college and university students who completed their academic programs in spring Thank you to our members who reviewed applications! The NCFR Board of Directors unequivocally condemns legislation that limits the rights, opportunities, and care of transgender youth, and that criminalizes the affirming actions of their health care providers and educators.
Family Science research has revealed the critical benefits of familial and community support and affirmation for transgender children and adolescents. Family acceptance in general is associated with better well-being among transgender youth, while family support for gender identity, in particular, has been linked to fewer depressive symptoms and reduced suicidal ideation. On April 20, , former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted for the murder of George Floyd, an incident that sparked protests and calls for racial justice worldwide.
NCFR is pleased to share that Indiana State University has received approval to change its degree program name from human development and family studies to human development and Family Science.
The membership of the National Council on Family Relations voted in February and elected the following officers to take office beginning in November , following the annual conference. Thank you to everyone who voted, and congratulations to these members! Khaw is associate professor and department chair of Family Science and human development at Montclair State University. The National Council on Family Relations NCFR condemns the perpetration of violence and hate crimes against the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community and mourns the murders of individuals of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, most recently the deaths of six women of Asian descent in the Atlanta area.
We are asking NCFR members to contribute to this effort by submitting resources relevant to promoting racial justice in Family Science for possible inclusion in a new Racial Justice Resource webpage. Rozas is putting her business skills to work during her internship at Camp Fire National Headquarters, where she is working to promote the upcoming Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, a national initiative held on March 18, NCFR is pleased to share that Indiana University of Pennsylvania has changed its degree program name from child development and family relations to human development and Family Science.
NCFR members are sought to serve as conference proposal reviewers. A high number of proposals is expected, and to ensure a high-quality program, all proposals will be blind-reviewed. Serving as a proposal reviewer is a benefit of NCFR membership. Think about who would serve NCFR well, please give serious consideration to nominating yourself as well as others. The Washington state legislature is trying to pass a bill, HB which will provide a common definition for family resource centers across Washington in an effort to establish a core set of principles for existing and newly forming family resource centers.
National Council on Family Relations NCFR supports this bill but also wants to encourage the recognition and inclusion of Family Life Educators and those trained in Family Science as potential staff in family resource centers and as family advocates. Futris, Ph. Save the dates of Nov. At this time, NCFR is moving ahead with plans to have a virtual format again for Please make sure to check your junk mail, spam, or clutter folders.
New issues are available for all three of NCFR's scholarly journals. This theorization is particularly needed to understand how these families navigate such oppressions and identify ways to best promote their thriving.
Research projects from two NCFR members recently made headlines in their respective communities and have far-reaching implications.
An Advancing Family Science initiative will continue through and beyond, thanks to the contributions, energy, and expertise of so many NCFR members. The NCFR Board of Directors challenged its members to actively listen, reflect, and take action in a pair of statements that bookended the summer of Family Scientists and Family Life Educators shared their expertise in on subjects including helping families cope with COVID; balancing work and family; race and racism; meeting the needs of military and veteran families; and juggling child protection and the opioid epidemic.
NCFR has appointed M. Elise Radina, Ph. NCFR awarded honors to three university students who completed their academic programs in fall Email your application materials by Sept.
More details are below. Henderson, Ph. Lorenzo-Blanco, and 14 coauthors as the recipients of the Reuben Hill Award, which is given to the author s of an outstanding article or book that combines theory and methodology to analyze and interpret a significant family issue.
Bradbury, Ph. Burgess Award, which recognizes an NCFR member's outstanding scholarly achievement in the study of families. The recipient is chosen in recognition of continuous and meritorious contributions to theory and research in the family field.
McAdoo Dissertation Award, which provides support for the recipient to complete an approved doctoral dissertation with a focus on issues impacting ethnic minority families.
Olsavsky, Ph. The National Council on Family Relations NCFR is proud to recognize Lauren Smithee as the recipient of the Jessie Bernard Outstanding Research Proposal from a Feminist Perspective Award, which is given to a graduate student or new professional who has demonstrated excellence in research and potential contribution to feminist scholarship. Farin Bakhtiari, M. Walsh, Ph. Olson, Ph. NCFR is pleased to report on several of its members' recent promotions within their universities.
Congratulations to the following members. Kimberly Allen, Ph. The emerging disparities reflect the entrenched structural inequalities that persist in the United States, placing an unequal and unjust disease burden on racial and ethnic minoritized communities.
Chalandra M. Bryant, Ph. Julie Leventhal, Ph. Scholar Program award to Romania. Anthony G. James, Jr. His three-year term begins in Jan Staples, Ph. He was a member for 55 years. Staples leaves behind a towering legacy in the family field as a leading authority of Black family life and prolific author. Deborah Gentry, Ed. A new story from The Atlantic suggests that the effects of the pandemic may widen the class divide in marriage, making it less likely for lower income and marginalized couples to marry.
NCFR awarded honors to three university students who completed their academic programs in summer Registration is now open to attend the conference virtually. This year's registration rates include a special "COVID year discount" designed to make it easier to participate in this year's academic sessions and other events, despite many extenuating circumstances.
Fingerman, Ph. Tragically, once again, we as a nation are confronted with the unprovoked killing of Black Americans. The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are recent reminders of the unequal lives we live based on race and gender. NCFR grieves for this unnecessary loss of life and is committed to sharing the resources we can bring to bear that may help you, and the families you serve, in addressing these traumatic events and persisting to build a more just and anti-racist society.
Currently, there is a dearth of empirical research in Family Science that truly uses theory to inform its hypotheses, methods, analyses, and interpretation of findings. Humble, and M. Elise Radina. Floyd is yet another Black life tragically lost at the hands of law enforcement or vigilante violence, following the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, and many others.
This direction is based on feedback from NCFR members, those who submitted conference proposals, and past conference participants; on evaluation by NCFR leadership and staff to ensure the health and well-being of conference participants; and on the need to continue conference program planning. New early-view articles are available from all three of NCFR's scholarly journals, including one currently free and open to the public.
May 15 is recognized annually as the International Day of Families.

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After the one-year anniversary of the mysterious crash, which claimed the lives of the 8-member Hart family, California authorities presented the results of their investigation to a jury in an inquest. Here's how the tragic case unfolded. On March 26, , in Northern California, a motorist on the Pacific Coast Highway spotted a horrific sight amidst the otherwise resplendent scenery: the twisted remains of an SUV that took a deadly, foot plunge off a cliff to the craggy shoreline below, landing upside down. In the wreckage, authorities would recover the bodies of two women and three children , later identified as married couple Jennifer and Sarah Hart, both 38, and three of their children: year-old Markis and Abigail and Jeremiah, both According to police, the Harts had six adopted children: Markis, 19; Hannah, 16; Jeremiah, 14; Abigail, 14; Ciera, 12; and Devonte, Police have said they believe all six children were inside the vehicle when it went over the cliff.
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Peterson in San Diego , California, where it is headquartered. The chain has over 2, locations, primarily serving the West Coast of the United States. Louis , Indianapolis , and Cincinnati as well as one in Guam. Food items include a variety of chicken tenders [5] and French fries [6] along with hamburger and cheeseburger sandwiches [7] and selections of internationally themed foods such as tacos [6] and egg rolls. Several more Topsy's were opened. In , Peterson obtained rights for the intercom ordering concept from George Manos who owned one location named Chatterbox in Anchorage, Alaska, the first known location to use the intercom concept for drive-up windows. In , Peterson converted the El Cajon Boulevard location into Jack in the Box, a hamburger stand focused on drive-through service. A giant clown projected from the roof, and a smaller clown head sat atop the intercom, where a sign said, "Pull forward, Jack will speak to you.
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