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Refoaming speakers video sam

Refoaming with the straight edge attach foam is much more difficult than using the flat or angle attach foams. This is what a successful Boston Refoam looks like. We reused the original dustcap because the customer requested it, but there are many other options. We have plain polyprop caps, Boston logo polyprop caps or the normal screen, felt or paper dustcaps. A loudspeaker , or simply speaker, is an electromechanical transducer which converts an electrical signal into sound. The term loudspeaker is used to refer to both the device itself, and a complete system consisting of one or more loudspeaker drivers as the individual units are often called in an enclosure.


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David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support. Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Discussion in ' Speakers ' started by Maestro , Oct 2, Log in or Sign up. Speaker Refoaming Over or Under the Cone?

Messages: Greetings to all those present. Have refoamed a lot of speakers. Its like, do you have an Innie or an Outie, both are belly buttons and both do the same job, but is it a matter of necessity or style? Finding original or exact replacement foams for some brands of speakers now are becoming harder to find too unavailable. Thus, a substitute must be found that is not always exact, aka Plan B.

It all comes down to a matter of "balance". It must be extremely important to match the foam perfectly under the cone in order not to distort the original "resting" position of the cone. Trying to fit a generic foam under the cone may prove to be too tight or loose in terms of fit so as to distort the cone from its original resting or neutral position. Thus, when the glue dries, the foams will be out of alignment with the cone no doubt affecting the sound quality ie less bass.

This leads me to Plan B. Custom Philips drivers but no original or after market kits available, Plan B generics. But they work and sound great foam over instead of as original, under the cone. I think you know where I am going with this. Time for all you AK afficianados to kick in with your words up.

Like my good old Scottish Granny used to say, "there are no dumb questions sunny boy, only answers will tell you what you need to know?

Maestro , Oct 2, Messages: Location: NY. IMHO I believe its just cosmetic. I'm sure it has a slight effect on sound, but nothing major. Jlord , Oct 2, Messages: Location: Casselman, Ontario, near Ottawa. I had the same question. I try to refoam the way the speakers originally "were". Sometimes I can tell from looking at the rotted foam, but not always.

I'll also try to find pictures of the particular models to see if I can figure it from there. But, it's not uncommon to find the same make of speakers foamed differently in different pics. To boot, one can't really tell if it actually makes a difference in the sound, unless you know what it sposed to sound like, and I dunno about other people, but me ears ain't good enough for that, not to mention, I don't know what they are supposed to sound like in the first place.

All the ones I've done were on the outside. I doubt if I could hear any difference either way. I don't think anything I ever did was too fussy. As long as the VC is straight and doesn't rub, I'm good. I refoamed a set of woofers in my son's JBL bookshelf speakers. They were very small woofers that were foamed under the cone. Couldn't figure out how to do it under the cone so I did it over the cone.

They don't look as good, but they sound fine. I understand wanting to do it under if that's how they were originally. But if you can't, I wouldn't worry about it.

Messages: 1, I don't think it would make much difference either, but prefer do it the way that puts the cone closer to its "neutral" position as determined by the spider. GP49 , Oct 2, Messages: 4, Location: Macedonia. Last edited: Oct 2, Pandovski , Oct 2, Messages: 5, Location: Northeast MS. I always refoam the same way they were done originally.

BmWr75 , Oct 2, Thanks for your input so far. My Granny would be pleased with you all. As to Jlord,"cosmetic" methinks not. Heil, and all the other design engineers would have to say, but alas, we cant call on them anymore to say. Its hard to think "cosmetic" when you have a pair of very valueable 12 in JBL A Alnico drivers looking at you.

May be OK to refoam over instead of under entry level Sony,Kenwood,Pioneer sets, makes no difference to folks who just want to hear them work. But the higher the quality and price, the higher the due diligence towards doing it "right". To Robback, you know what I mean!? If you dont know what they sounded like before, how are you going to know if they are right?

Only way to find out is refoam them to original, that gives you the best chance? But not always possible, eh? Even if they work, do they sound they way they are supposed too? That is a dilemma and excellent point for concern. What to do?? HBucker, understand your comments, no problem with that if it works, suppose that is the ultimate objective. Not such a concern with smaller drivers, but what about larger speakers that rely on the woofer for accurate bass response?

Lose that, and one has lost his speaker. GP49I agree, but how can one eyeball "the resting position" when you try the dry fit over the cone then under the cone? In this situation, when the driver is smaller, I defer to over the cone as the foam on top of the cone would not "lock" the cone into place whereas under the cone may draw it down or push it up, thus out of position. Good replies folks, ought to expand the thread.

I suppose the people who really have the answers to this question are at work in their Speaker Repair Shops. Ahh such is the DIY world. From what I've seen and read, it makes do difference at all which side you do it on. Flaminroids , Oct 2, Messages: 9, Location: Kansas City area. Messages: 30, Location: SW Missouri. Sam Cogley , Oct 2, Messages: Location: Western Canada.

I agree and always follow Obviously we all try to refoam as original, that is a given. But what do you do if you cant find original replacement foams for speakers that were foamed new under the cone at the factory?

Plan B involves finding a generic replacement that fits the original measurements of the speaker. That is not as easy as it sounds. That does apply in most cases, but not every time. The gist of my question, as accurately as I can restate it. Does it make a difference to the original sound quality and characteristics of the speaker if one refoams over instead of under when that is the only alternative?

However if you refoam enough speakers, exceptions will occur. Given that, can anyone say definitively whether or not over instead of under affects the sound quality? After all, I suppose the most important thing is that they "work" as in play with no rattle, vibration, popping etc as though normal.

But will they play just as well either over or under the cone. If one finds a good fit to replace under the cone, great.

Vintage acoustic speakers

Reopening for Autumn Season. We thank all our our artists, writers, colleagues, commissioning and program partners, collaborators, audiences, and friends who contributed to, the Samstag program and we congratulate all our UniSA graduating creative students. This year as part of our academic engagement programs we hosted a series of conversations featuring artists, collection curators and historians drawing out the issues around cultural agency, the politics of display, colonial legacies, and generative pathways to repair. We wish them well! Photo: Sia Duff. Photo: Sam Noonan.

Anybody know of a speaker repair place in the Chicago area? Audio/Video rca connections were always preferred over the rf connection of the coax cable.

Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of Audio Equipment and Other Miscellaneous Stuff

Read times. What was your first set of speakers? DCM Time Windows. Still use them in my second system. I had a set of these two way AR speakers. Bought in , when I was in Japan. It was sweet and sounded like a dream.

Speaker Refoaming Over or Under the Cone?

refoaming speakers video sam

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support.

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Infinity P-FR vintage tower speakers all drivers refoamed fully functional

I just wanted to thank you so much for your help and time with my order! Just received the kit yesterday Tuesday. The speaker is now back in service and not in the trash or landfill! Please keep up the good work you and your company provides! God bless you and everyone else on your team! You guys are a lifesaver!

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  1. Dael

    Earlier I thought differently, I thank for the help in this question.

  2. Cowan

    Happens ... Such accidental coincidence

  3. Temple

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