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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Simaudio Moon. Усилитель 340i X + CD-транспорт 260D

Simaudio Moon 700i Stereo Integrated Amplifier; 700-i; Remote

Legacy link: This new site was launched in July Visit the older site to access previous articles by clicking above. I grew up in a family that adhered to self-discipline, hard work, and frugality -- in short, to the Protestant work ethic, a phrase first coined and a concept first formulated, in , by German sociologist and philosopher Max Weber, who attributed to this ethic the rise of capitalism.

So the idea of spending a lot of money on something for how it looks and feels, instead of for its main reason for being -- its utility -- gives me pause. Suddenly, I felt very out of my element.

Lifting the Moon i v2 out of its robust double box only reinforced this impression. At The Moon i v2 is exceptionally well built. Its volume knob is perfectly sized, while the eight buttons on its front panel have a pleasant, clicky feel when engaged.

The dot-matrix LED screen is a bit old-school, but its very large, dimmable red characters are super readable from across the room without being too bright. Philip described the latter thusly:. Because the i is a dual-mono design, the M-eVOL2 uses one multiplying digital-to-analog converter MDAC per channel to vary the amplitude of the musical signal as a function of the volume setting. Made by Texas Instruments, this volume circuit lets the user make precise adjustments of volume level: from 0 to 30dB in increments of 1dB, and from 30 to 80dB in increments of 0.

Simaudio claims that the M-eVOL2 circuit offers lower noise and better signal matching between channels, while closely matching the performance of the M-Ray volume circuit used in their Moon Evolution P preamplifier. The dial is big and perfectly weighted: Spin it a little, and the volume changes in increments of 0. The amplifier circuit also remains unchanged.

Six custom output transistors are used per channel -- a source of great pride for Simaudio, who claim that there are no capacitors in the signal path to color the signal. The Moon i v2 should provide enough power and current to drive all but the most inefficient and challenging loudspeakers out there.

Its dual-mono design features one Japanese-cored VA toroidal transformer per channel; the preamplifier section and logic control use their own dedicated transformer. In other specs, the Moon i v2 has an input impedance of First, the toroidal transformers in the original i were bare and unshielded. These are decoupled from their dedicated power supply using independent inductive DC filters. They also warrant the i v2 for ten years -- twice as long, if not longer, than the warranties given by many of their competitors.

Simaudio also includes their proprietary SimLink connection, which allows the i v2 to communicate with other Moon components. Navigating the menu system using the front-panel controls was as intuitive as it gets. The fully featured remote, made of metal, feels heavy in the hand.

Its backlighting is activated by an internal motion sensor -- clever, though it made a slightly annoying buzz whenever the backlighting went on. Luckily, the backlighting can be set to come on only when you actually press a button, or be turned off completely. Balance controls and a Display button, for dimming or darkening the dot-matrix display, are other useful inclusions.

After briefly using the Simaudio-Benchmark tandem together, I heard my system clip on really dynamic material, even at low volumes, and suspected a gain-matching issue. That fixed the problem. I heard an utterly balanced, wide-open sound that I found impossible to find fault with. It was ultra-resolving without sounding analytical, and extended and airy while in no way bright. It also let through, with unvarnished authenticity, whatever idiosyncrasies and foibles were committed by the components upstream or downstream of it.

I played this track a dozen times, and with every hearing appreciated different aspects of the performance and the recording, with no unnatural spotlighting. Equally impressive was the soundstaging: the Simaudio-Focal pairing cast a stage that was very wide and very, very deep.

His enunciation of the words was almost shocking in its clarity and attack. Yet I knew that what I was hearing were the contributions to the sound of this recording of the big Eggies, and not of the Moon i v2. Dre still sounded fantastic through them. Nonetheless, tonal purity was spot on through the British three-ways, with predictably high jump factor. The xylophone that punctuates the intro was re-created with a clarity so bell-like that I played it several times to fully appreciate the ease with which the Simaudio Moon i v2 reproduced each mallet stroke.

There was zero hash or overhang, just impact after impact of mallet head on bar, each resonating so precisely and naturally that I smiled just hearing it. The H offers similar connectivity, with three unbalanced and two balanced inputs, and line-level outputs. But the Hegel goes one further in including a high-quality DAC with seven inputs, one of which includes a network connection for streaming.

First, the Hegel-Benchmark pairing had a lower combined noise floor than the Simaudio-Benchmark tandem, though this was likely due to a simple mismatch of gain in the latter case. This lent the xylophone intro a bit more weight and tonal density through the H In terms of detail retrieval, the Simaudio shaded the Hegel by a narrow margin. Bottom line, I consider both integrateds to be reference-level components, but with subtly different personalities.

But in terms of raw performance, the Gryphon Diablo gives up very little to the Moon i v2. Tonally it leans further away from strict neutrality, with a sweeter, almost golden sound that makes for a supremely holographic soundscape. If you value a lighter, airier sound, the Moon i v2 is the way to go. But if you favor a richer, more traditional class-A sound, the Gryphon should top your list.

Buyers are not short of options when it comes to various medleys of power ratings, inputs, outputs, options, and sound quality.

First and foremost, it offers terrific clarity and transparency throughout the audioband, shortchanging or spotlighting nothing at all. If you want an integrated amp that comes admirably close to the ideal of a straight wire with gain, this model should be at the top of your shortlist. The Moon i v2 also has significant if not bottomless reserves of power, even into 2 ohms. Hans Wetzel hansw soundstagenetwork.

Warranty: Ten years parts and labor. Simaudio Ltd. Ultra is part of. All contents available on this website are copyrighted by SoundStage! All rights reserved. To contact us, please e-mail info soundstagenetwork. Back UltraAudio. Our Sites. Back SoundStage! Network portal SoundStage! Access SoundStage! Australia SoundStage! Global SoundStage! Hi-Fi SoundStage!

Simplifi SoundStage! Solo SoundStage! TV SoundStage! Ultra here SoundStage! Simaudio Moon i v2 Integrated Amplifier. Philip described the latter thusly: Because the i is a dual-mono design, the M-eVOL2 uses one multiplying digital-to-analog converter MDAC per channel to vary the amplitude of the musical signal as a function of the volume setting.

Subtle, well-recorded music is one thing. Ultra is part of All contents available on this website are copyrighted by SoundStage! To Top.

Simaudio MOON 700i Product Manual

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This manual contains instructions to install the these installation instructions may result in possible fire (moon) while the time flashes.

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Sim Audio I3.3 Manual

simaudio 700i manual

What sounds like the title of a childrens bedtime-story looks more like a picture book for adults. The Moon i is a dream of an amplifier. This one looks great! Okay sure, such enthusiasm is certainly a matter of taste, but the design of this Moon integrated amplifier from the Canadian Simaudio company — recently sold by the Scandinavian Dynaudio — which promises top quality in terms of technology and materials also keeps its visual promise. It is anything but obtrusive or showy to look at; the silhouette is rather noble and flat than bulky and superficial.

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Simaudio Moon 700i Stereo Integrated Amplifier

Do you have a question about the Garmin Montana i or do you need help? Ask your question here. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the issue and your question. The more detail you provide for your issue and question, the easier it will be for other Garmin Montana i owners to properly answer your question. View the manual for the Garmin Montana i here, for free. This manual comes under the category Navigators and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.

Moon 240i review

Hegel h vs h Turned off. But looked at from another angle, it incorporates many of the same features and, according to the company, offers much of the same performance, as Hegel's , flagship H integrated amplifier—apparently so much so that its marketing refers to the H as The new H replaces the long standing H, which for us was the value for money model in the range. Singer was in both sides a bit before speakers and changing from side to side. Hegel has changed a lot in the intervening years between the H80 and H Included is a clearly written owner's manual, along with a very heavy, all-metal remote control that will also work with most of Hegel's other products. BUT the stage was dissapointing. At the heart of the H is Hegel's patented SoundEngine 2 amplifier section. About 0.

View and Download moon i Evolution Series owner's manual online. Evolution Series Reference Dual-Mono Integrated Amplifier. i Evolution Series.

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We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. This product hasn't received any reviews yet. Be the first to review this product! Moon by Simaudio. Minimum Purchase:. Maximum Purchase:.

Do not use this apparatus near water.

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