Home > References > Roksan caspian m1 monoblock power amplifier

Roksan caspian m1 monoblock power amplifier

Up for sale is my Roksan caspian power amplifier roksan caspian m series-2 integrated amplifier silver fronted. Roksan caspian amplifier m series 2 with remote. Packing: it will be very well wrapped, it will not get d. Roksan caspian m series-2 balanced cd player. In full working order in good condition, please study photos no remote, original box. Original owner.


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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Roksan Caspian M-1 ⚫️ Arcam Solo Music MKII ⚫️ Sugden A21SE

Musical fidelity m5si vs naim

M bolkini. Jan Vigne. Michael Wodek. Frank Abela. Dennis Michael Wiley. Stu Pitt. Posted on Friday, July 06, - GMT Hello people I am new to this forum, and i would like get the opinion of you guys perhaps you can advise me of what to do, recently i purchased a brand new, Roksan Caspian pre amp and 2x monoblocks, together with monitor audio RS6, the system has never functioned peoperly despite all the great reviews and awards in the audio magazines, shortly after i purchased the system i noticed that monoblocks keeps on tripping meaning it goes to protection mode, it won't work again untill the power is swtiched off and then back on.

It took about 6 weeks to replace the pcb's but when i got them back they were still tripping i. The next day i sat down and played the overture and all of a sudden i smell something burning, so i jumped and turned everything off. I thought the amps are gone again, but the smell was coming of the speaker, after a while i turned it on and the whole thing sounded different but for sure there is no terebel in the affected speaker.

At this moment I am not sure what is going on, I would like to invite those who are interested or those who are knowledgable to participate and give me some advise of what to do I look forward to your participation.

Let them figure it out. Defective speaker s? Burned x-over and driver? Defective amp s? This will possibly cure the shutdown, but not the smoke. You have my sympaties, audio friend. Good luck! Posted on Friday, July 06, - GMT Thanx for your reply, when the speaker burnt I contacted the "authorised distributer" whome i bought the system of, he immediately said that you played the system too loud and this is what busted the tweeter, he actually said that without even looking or listening to the system.

So I phoned up Roksan and spoke to the tech director who said he cant tell what is wrong witht the system unless he physically checks it i think it is a fair comment and he also said that he has nothing to do with it and I must go through the dealer and if I am not satisfied I can pursue him through the court. So i phoned up the dealer who said he will order a new tweeter to replacce the defective one.

My question is the Tech Director of Roksan said he cant tell what is wrong with the system unless he physically checks it but how can his "authorized distributer" can remotly and over the phone affirms that it is just the tweeter, shall i call this a double standard of roksan audio or what?? I am quite confused here. Your last post is rather confusing to me. The dealer cannot tell whether the amplifier is defective without further examination of the amplifier and neither can Roksan.

Unless this is a recurring problem with the Roksan product. I assume it is not. What you can do is disconnect the speakers and speaker cables from the amplifiers and let them sit without a load or an incoming signal.

If the amplifiers shut down in this situation, it is either defective or you need to provide better set up for the amplifier in the way of ventilation. Any further testing should be done by Roksan or their authorized servicer in order to not void the warranty.

The next day i sat down and played the overture and all of a sudden i smell something burning The idea of playing the is often to test whether the system "can take it".

If you controlled the volume during your audition at the dealer's showroom, possibly he can guess how loudly you were playing the system when things went awry. How loudly were you playing the Overture? The point is not what the dealer guesses.

The point is how you used the system. If you broke it, it's your fault. And the tech director at Roksan gave you this advice on his own? Replacing a tweeter when the crossover has been damaged will only complicate the matter.

Call the dealer to tell them you are bringing the speakers in so they can examine the damage. Be nice. Pissingoff the dealer at this point is counterproductive. The dealer is merely in the middle of this whole affair. Your beef should be with Roksan and the dealer should be your advocate who works on your side and for your benefit. If you've made the dealer mad, you've lost the battle. They will spit in your eggs. Bottom line; don't threaten the dealer with court action.

I suspect this is how you've dealt with the dealer so far, as a victim, and you'll loose more if you continue on this path. You've not provided enough information for us to know the situation in full. If the dealer started out on your side, you should try to win them back to act on your behalf.

The dealer didn't design or build the amplifier. They bought it from who they thought was a reputable company, just as you did. These sorts of problems are just as disturbing to the dealer as they are to the client. If you bought brand new in the box amplifiers, the dealer had no way of knowing the units were defective?

Your complaint is with Roksan. Legal action is seldom as effective in these cases as writing letters to the major magazines to inform them of the service, good or bad, your receive from a manufacturer. No one cares whether a single dealer is not living up to their promise of customer satisfaction. Major manufacturers do not want bad press in major magazines. Back off the dealer and get them to work for you. From where I sit, you've PO'd the dealer to the point they are no longer doing anything other than trying to get you out of their hair.

Give Roksan one more chance to fix the amplifiers it is very unusual for two amplifiers to have the same problem - twice - realize this and get the dealer to work with you not against you. Get authorization to send the amplifiers back to Roksan and get a reasonably specific time period for their return to the dealer's showroom. The dealer should have the amplifiers hooked up and running when you come to pick them up. If Roksan cannot repair the amplifiers within a reasonable time frame, they should provide you with new amplifiers assuming this was a recent purchase and not something that happened a year after the purchase.

Work with the dealer and you'll all come out for the better. Laugh at the situation, for god's sake, it's just hifi.

Try Jan's suggestion, disconnect the speaker wires from the amps and see if they shut down. If they don't move back up the post to Nuck's suggestion and get HD or Wal-Mart extension cord and splice it into speaker wires. More on that if you require. M, welcome to real hi-fi. And Mercedes. More flies to be had with honey than pissandvinegar. You are dealing with proffesionals, yes? If not, then you bought from the wrong people. Roksan do not pump out amps like Chevy does Cobalts.

You are part of a rather different group, one that expects and pays for quality, both in the product, and the support that such an investment deserves. Like Levinson, Classe and so on. OK not Classe, but I get in there, Now don't start being a prik, cause the replacement that you want is still being built. Welcome to the high-end, brother. Other than that, replace the speaker leads with cheap rip cord.

Your speaker runs Kimber twisted pairs? Or inductance. Or scotch. Replace the speaker runs, man. I happen to like mine very much! It was an example, nothing more. Marc, you gotta be shecking out the BBQ championship there in Barrie this weekend.

My sis and her hub are on a team cooking up there this weekend. They were on the Canadian Champ team last 2 years, and went to the Jack Daniels worlds at the estate in Lynchberg twice. Pork, man, pork. But it IS ribs and puled pork. World class stuff. Gawd I am hungry. Pulled pork?! I thought you said it was Bar-B-Q. Where's the dead cattle? Tell them that Jamie sent you.

Sounds familiar. Man, I think there must of been over different groups BBQ'ewin somethin or other.


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Roksan Caspian M2 Power Amplifier Adding the renowned Caspian Power jitter RCA and XLR balanced outputs O Roksan Caspian M1 Integrated Amplifier.

The Agony of Roksan Caspian

By Oog , September 3, in Sold Items. I have owned the equipment from new. It is in immaculate condition, coming from a pet and smoke free home and installed in a custom made rack. The rack is not part of the auction. I have the original Roksan boxes and packaging, instructions and Remote Control. It's a dual-mono design with complimentary, symmetrical layout, and a lot of attention paid to power supplies; there are separate power supply provisions for the left and right amplification, the buffer section, the control and logic system and even the optional phono stage. In fact, everything possible is done to maximise performance. The result is staggeringly transparent. You get clean, crisp and insightful presentation that captures every vocal nuance with class leading skill. There are no weaknesses.

Roksan M1 vs M2

roksan caspian m1 monoblock power amplifier

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Roksan is a British manufacturer of high fidelity audio products for domestic use, based in Rayleigh, Essex.

Roksan Caspian M2 Amplifier Manuals

The Roksan Caspian Power Amplifier is a superb addition to a Caspian Integrated Amplifier to bi-amp suitable loudspeakers with its powerful and solid sound. It is also compatible with most pre-amplifiers to form a high-quality dedication pre and power amplifier combination. The Caspian Power Amplifier is a powerful and highly musical sounding design that is ideal for matching with the Caspian Integrated Amplifier to form a bi-amp or tri-amp system, or as a standalone power amplifier with a separate pre-amplifier. This gripping sounding amplifier delivers a powerful, smooth and musical sound that is consummately enjoyable, this power amplifier is a superb addition to any system. Caspian Caspian Power Amplifier. Find a dealer.

Roksan Caspian M-Series 1 Amplifier upgrade

Roksan is a British manufacturer of high fidelity audio products for domestic use, based in Rayleigh , Essex. It is best known for its influential and innovative design for hi-fi equipment, and in particular its Xerxes platform for playing LP records. The company's first product was launched at a hi-fi show in London in This closely reflects the Persian heritage and roots of both Hashemi and Moghaddam. Not surprisingly many of Roksan's product names have references to names of cities, places and famous people of Persia now Iran. He deduced that where the existing turntable design failed was that the cartridge must be held still wherever the groove goes, and thus the mean line traced by the groove relative to the body of the cartridge needed to be constant. Moghaddam built a prototype using a fire door. Hashemi, a friend who had heard the new prototype turntable and wanted one, teamed up to start the company.

Analogue Productions, Decca LPs, EMI LPs, AcousTech PH-1 phono Pre-amp, LAMM ML1, M and ML2 amplifiers; Purist Audio Design Dominus speaker cables.

Company:Roksan Audio

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Roksan Caspian M-series-1 pre review

RELATED VIDEO: Roksan Caspian M series-1 repair adj measurement

I wanted to hear if the musical magic I once enjoyed with the first Caspian was still apparent years on. Along with the XLRs are a plethora of RCA inputs and outputs — no less than 5 pairs of inputs and two pairs of pre outs for running upto a quad set of monos for bi-amping, or two separate power amplifiers and due to the Caspian having a separate 60VA high quality stage for the preamp section a good clean signal can be utilised from the integrated. The power amplifier stage of the M2 dishes out 85wpc into 8 ohms and wpc into 4 ohm loads. Coupled with a low noise high quality va transformer the M2 is on paper ready to be able to competently kick out some tunes! Looking at the specifications after admiring the industrial-chicesqe main chassis of the M2 with its generous amounts of ventilation slots, I saw that the heatsinks in the unit were fan assisted.

It comes with original box and packaging, remote, manual and power cord. Musical Fidelity had its glory days.

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Discussion in ' trade sales ' started by Audio Emotion , Aug 20, Log in or Sign up. Advertisement pink fish media. I get them, not the intended recipient. I get a lot of them and I do not want them! It is just a notification, log into the site and reply from there.

Search Products:. Musical fidelity m5si vs naim. We say yes, because for the last two years, MF has moved from London to Vienna. I heard the Musical Fidelity at a dealer recently and loved the sound it reproduced.

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