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Esoteric audio knigi

Clarissa Pinkola Estes is a renowned Jungian psychoanalyst who has researched the archetypes of the human personality. Before you is one of the results of the author's research in understanding the true feminine essence. Clarissa Estes rightly believes that the modern woman is cut off from the cultural tradition of transmitting some secret knowledge that does not allow one to get lost in strangers and friends But it really is. The author is considered the legendary commander Sun Tzu, and what is most interesting, his ideas were both in the past and to this day A Brief History of Time is a book by Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of our time and a well-known popularizer of science for a wide range of readers.


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Book: Lobsang Rampa "The Third Eye

The man who left Tongzhen on the little black ferry in with a view to studying abroad was the youngest member of the seventh generation of that famous family of salt merchants: the Rongs of Jiangnan. When he left, he was called Rong Zilai, but by the time he returned he was called John Lillie. Going by what people said later on, he was the first person in the Rong family to break from their mercantile heritage and become an academic, not to mention a great patriot. Of course, this development was inextricably linked with the many years that he spent abroad.

As a young woman, Grandmother Rong had proved an excellent mother, giving birth to nine sons and seven daughters over the course of two decades; what is more, all of them lived to be adults. It was these children who laid the foundations of the Rong family fortune, making her position at the very top of the clan hierarchy unassailable.

Thanks to the assiduous attentions of her children and grandchildren she lived much longer than she might otherwise have done, but she was not a happy woman. She was afflicted by all sorts of distressing and complex dreams, to the point where she often woke up screaming; even in broad daylight she would still be suffering from the lingering terrors of the night.

When these nightmares tormented her, her numerous progeny, not to mention the vast wealth of the family, came to seem a crushing burden. The flames licking the incense in the brazier often flickered uncertainly with the force of her high-pitched shrieks. Of all the many people called in to interpret her dreams, Grandmother Rong was the most impressed by a young man who had recently washed up in Tongzhen from somewhere overseas.

He was very good at explaining dreams but his divination skills were much poorer. It seemed that if he started off on the wrong foot, he simply could not right himself again. By his own account, he had never formally studied this kind of divination technique, but had managed to learn a little simply by following his grandfather around and listening in. Having only dabbled in this kind of thing before, he could hardly be classed as an expert.

Grandmother Rong moved aside a sliding panel in the wall and showed him the silver ingots stacked within, begging him to bring his grandfather to China. The only answer that she received was that it was impossible. There were two reasons for this. First, his grandfather was already very wealthy and had lost all interest in making more money a long time ago. Furthermore, his grandfather was a very old man and the thought of having to travel across the ocean at his time of life might very well scare him to death.

On the other hand the young man did come up with one practical suggestion for the old lady: send someone overseas to study. There were two crucial criteria for selection. It would have to be someone with an unusual sense of filial duty to Grandmother Rong, who would be prepared to suffer for her sake. What is more, it would have to be someone intelligent and interested in study, who could learn the complicated techniques of dream interpretation and divination in the shortest possible time and to a very high level.

After a careful process of triage, a twenty-yearold grandson named Rong Zilai was selected for the task. Caught up in her dream, the old lady was so horrified that she ceased breathing.

The trauma of her dream resulted in cardiac arrest; the old lady died in her sleep. Information always travels much faster than people do. As we know from personal experience, it is the fastest runner that gets to the tape first.

The old man looked at this young man who had come from so far away with a sharp glance, so keen that it could have been used to shoot down a flying bird. It seemed as though he was genuinely interested in taking on this foreign student, who had come to him in his twilight years. However, while he was waiting for his passage, he got to know another Chinese man at the college.

This man took him to attend a couple of classes, after which he had no intention of leaving because he had discovered that there was a lot here that he needed to know. He stayed with the other Chinese man — during the day, the two of them attended classes in mathematics and geometry with students from Bosnia and Turkey.

At night, he would attend concerts with a senior student from Prague. He enjoyed himself so much that he did not realize how quickly time was passing; when he finally decided that it was time to return, seven years had gone by. In the autumn of , Rong Zilai got on a boat together with a couple of dozen barrels of new wine and began retracing his steps on the long journey home.

By the time he arrived back, in the depths of winter, the wine was already perfectly drinkable. To quote the inhabitants of Tongzhen on the subject: the Rong family had not changed at all during these seven years — the Rong clan was still the Rong clan, the salt merchants were still salt merchants, a flourishing family continued to flourish and the money came rolling in just like before.

John Lillie. The strangest thing of all was that he simply could not stand the smell of salt — when he went down to the harbour or to the shop and the stinging scent of the salt assaulted his nostrils, he would begin to retch or sometimes even to vomit bile.

It seemed particularly dreadful that the son of a salt merchant would be unable to tolerate the smell of salt; people treated him almost as if he had contracted an unmentionable disease. Later on, Rong Zilai explained what had happened. Mai Jia.

Rong Jinzhwen, perhaps one of the great code-breakers in the world is a semi-autistic mathematical genius recruited to the cryptography department of China's secret services, Unit , and assigned to break the elusive 'Code Purple'. He rises to be China's greatest and most celebrated code-breaker, until he makes a mistake and descends into madness.

The author, pseudonym of Jiang Benhu, worked for decades in Chinese secret security. Mai Jia Decoded. Barney Stinson The Bro Code. William Johnstone Code of the Mountain Man. Palov Templar's Code.

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Shah wrote over three dozen books on topics ranging from psychology and spirituality to travelogues and culture studies. Born in India , the descendant of a family of Afghan nobles, Shah grew up mainly in England. His early writings centred on magic and witchcraft. In he established a publishing house, Octagon Press, producing translations of Sufi classics as well as titles of his own. His seminal work was The Sufis , which appeared in and was well received internationally. In , Shah founded the Institute for Cultural Research , a London-based educational charity devoted to the study of human behaviour and culture.

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Chapter Eight. The Bible In The Making: Slavonic Creation Stories

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The book will teach you how to program your dreams. With the help of a special technique, described in detail in this book, you will learn to integrate any positive programs into the structure of your personality. You will work at the neural level, directly with the nerve cells in the brain. In this case, you do not need any special knowledge and skills. This is a very simple yet very effective technique.

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Lobsang Rampa, Third Eye. The need to make a new translation of The Third Eye, one of the most famous books in the world, presented us with an absolutely unexpected gift. Before you is a new complete translation of the book, obviously impossible in Soviet times for censorship reasons. Very small, but frequent bills in the previous edition made the book incomparably poorer.

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