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Fisher ca 2320 amplifier reviews

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David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support.

Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Discussion in ' Fisher ' started by Billy Dio , Aug 14, Log in or Sign up. Messages: Been doing some research on these, and figured I'd share in case someone was interested at a quick glance as details are scarce.

The CA , CA , CA and are seemingly in the same category as these are physically identical, with minor differences between them inside an out.

Specs are hard to find as well, although flea-pay has bootleg manuals for all Fisher. The CA seems to borrow many similarities from the , and appears to be an actual successor with only bass and treble pots, as well as a few receivers with similar innards. This info is in NO way meant to be conclusive, but can be considered a general guideline and fairly close in case you stumble on one and decide to make an impulse buy. The Fisher CA integrated, is a completely different integrated amp.

There are also quite a few siblings to that amp as well, with some seemingly fitting into the numbering code as these 5-band EQ amps, like the CA , but are completely different and the ones I've seen don't use the Darlington packs, and have a MUCH higher THD.

So if it doesn't have the built in EQ, look at the and similar units for tips. Last edited: Aug 15, Billy Dio , Aug 14, Messages: 12, Location: San Jose Ca. Hey no prob there Billy. I like seeing what the folks are talking about, specially 4 different amps and fishers to boot. Mine is a lowly XB. BobGAL likes this. Messages: 25, Location: Jacksonville, Md.

You ain't a bottom feeder until all you've got are consoles and receivers. I guess I'm a bottom feeder, Huh!?! Last edited: Oct 19, Hey Larry, consols are classic and receivers are very nice all lit up but I have no use for a receiver any more.

Just amps and preamps. I'm working to find a problem with a X so I can put it in my stable. Some pics I just purchased a as a parts unit and used it for an innards shot. The appears to be identical inside as the , minus the extras as they both just have a single heat sink and the smaller transformer. The inside shot has a Nichion Dual C that's not original obviously. Last edited: Aug 19, Billy Dio , Aug 15, Here's the CA Sorry the quality isn't better, but you get the idea.

I used the CA as a parts unit for the CA and was able to successfully use it's meters, volume pot, some lights, and the entire EQ slider assembly. The EQ tone board appears identical between the 2, but I opted to use the CA 's as I didn't want to risk a possible difference.

Also, these are really great sounding amps for the money and under the radar's radar. The parts unit was only 35 watts but sounded great. The EQ does a great job. Stereo separation is good, and overall sound is really good as well. I'm digging this amp through headphones.

Surprised it sounds this decent with the factory caps still in it. Loudness feature isn't very loud. It adds a little lower end, but it's barely noticeable, which I think many would like. If looking for a clean sounding, low THD, budget amp to drive some bookshelves, headphones, etc. Will have to investigate more. Only real gripes are the rear speaker connectors are fragile and apparently junk, so be wary as you might have to replace them with something more modern.

The way they break apart, it's possible the A and B channels can touch. Also, the EQ sliders have plastic shafts, so don't bend them. I swapped the entire slider board over as I had 2 that needed replaced, but they can be easily unsoldered and replaced individually.

All 5 are exactly the same and interchangeable. The volume pot is bad. It's a 50k x 2, but has 2 top soldered points as well as the 6 lower ones. Only one channel will play with that volume pot unless you use the EQ in which ignores the volume pot.

Billy Dio , Aug 19, Also worth mentioning these apparently have add-on brackets that attach to either side, and allow rack handles to be installed. Billy Dio , Aug 22, Wow, that brought back memories.

Had a CA in high school. It was an excellent unit. DaveS , May 24, Messages: 1. These amps are sleepers, I bought one new also just out of High school and was stunned at the quality sound it put out. I found a nice one last year just revamped the speaker terminals cleaned the relay and controls have the CA running a set of Infinity RSIIIb and wow just wow If you have a chance to pick one up grab it if you like clean depth and smooth sounding and handle most speakers very well.

I have a Fisher CA Anyone out there know the specs on the little lamps on the left and right side that illuminate the VU meter area? Audiokingman , Sep 30, Good chance the bulb voltage and amps will be listed. Take voltage readings from both leads of the affected bulbs. That'll get you at least the voltage. Most likely an AC voltage around 8V. But it may be DC too. So check both ways. If they are grain of wheat bulbs, measure diameter of bulb.

Pictures would help. Messages: 7. Any chance you still have parts for this amp?? I have a ca Love this thing. Erock44 , Jan 25, I still have the knobs somewhere and the faceplate which was in good shape. Billy Dio , Jan 26, Erock44 , Jan 26, CA face won't be a fit for the I used the 's eq board on the I think I pitched the 's old eq board before moving last year.

I'll have to check though as it might have gotten tossed in with misc. If I still have it, each slider could be unsoldered. I think it had 3 or 4 good sliders. In lieu of that, the 5 band eq slider from each of these appears to have been identical as it was a straight swap between them.

Might get lucky and find something knockoff-ish like a generic slider ironically, probably more robust with metal tabs vs. So odd they ran Alps power button but used cheap slider materials.

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Fisher Ca Studio Standard Black Vintage Integrated Stereo Amplifier W Rare Vintage Fisher CA Stereo Integrated Amplifier STK Darlington.

Fisher CA 2120, CA 2220, and the CA 2420

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fisher ca 2320 amplifier reviews

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Fisher CA-2320

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FISHER AMPLIFIER - Amplifiers & Pre-Amps

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  1. Vugar

    Absurd situation resulted