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Larry belinsky resigns as speaker

Thomas Charles Lasorda September 22, — January 7, was an American professional baseball pitcher and manager. He was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame as a manager in He coached for the Dodgers from through before taking over as manager. His uniform number 2 was retired by the Dodgers. He served on active duty from October until spring On May 31, , he struck out 25 Amsterdam Rugmakers in a inning game, setting a professional record, and drove in the winning run with a single.


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Refik Anadol is a media artist and director born in Istanbul, Turkey in Currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California. He holds a master of fine arts degree from University of California, Los Angeles in Media Arts, master of fine arts degree from Istanbul Bilgi University in Visual Communication Design as well as bachelors of arts degree with summa cum laude in Photography and Video.

Co-founder and Creative director at Antilop. She has been working with the Christine Burgin Gallery on a number of artist projects that include books and prints. Zoe works with a wide range of media including film, projection performance, installation and drawing.

She considers herself a medium, an interface between the living and the dead, the real and the imaginary. Each project aims to connect the present to past so that it might illuminate the future in new ways. She has been awarded fellowships from. He currently works at SymbioticA, an artistic laboratory dedicated to the research, learning and hands-on engagement with the life sciences, which is located within the University of Western Australia.

Recognised internationally as a major artist and innovator working across science and media arts, Guy specialises in biotechnological artwork, which aims to enrich our understanding of what it means to be alive.

His Main research areas are cybernetics, robotics and the interface of biological material to robotics. She works as freelance from Paris, and as a consultant on innovative wearables for different companies. Aside from this, she is a young entrepreneur in the smart textiles field and an active member of the fashiontech ecosystem.

From a traditional textile and fashion background, She learned the basis of electronics in a Parisian hackerspace. She did herfirst wearable tech showpiece in and continued with other prices since then. Then she moved on to a masters degree in Interaction design where she had the pleasure to work on very various projects, collaborating with engineers, doctors, scientists, hackers….

She is the secretary of Lafashiontech, the first french association for innovative and responsible fashion. Biayna is a founding partner of Los Angeles based studio Somewhere Something that works at the intersection of art, architecture, computation, fabrication and education. The research sees human activity and behavior as an integrated part of the design process realized by advanced fabrication techniques.

She has also lead design workshops in Hungary, Armenia, Spain and China. As co-editor of the Project VJ Theory with Brendan Byrne she has contributed to the development of a growing comunity of theorists and practitioners who reflect and develop theoretical work related to the practices of audiovisual realtime interactive performance.

She has also conducted a few interviews published by VJ Theory, with Mark Amerika and Lance Blisters for example and wrote recently a text about communities related to this project, published by Vague Terrain. Brendan Ciecko is the founder and CEO of Cuseum, a technology startup that helps museums engage their visitors. Prior to Cuseum, Ciecko started Ten Minute Media, an agency that specializes in digital media and creative services for the music entertainment industry.

Since its official establishment in , Ten Minute Media has acquired a flourishing list of clients including some of the biggest names in entertainment. In October of , Ciecko appeared on the cover of Inc.

Magazine in the feature article, Cool, Determined, Under Meet the brains behind America's smartest new companies. He typically finds the sources for his work within the materials, advertising, and packaging produced by technology and media companies, and often deploys graphic interfaces borrowed from commercial display to highlight connections between the utopian goals of the new media economy and those of historical modernism.

In , represented New Zealand at the Venice Biennale. Laurie Frick is a data artist exploring the bumpy future of data captured about us. Rather than worry, Frick envisions a time when personal data is a unique glimpse into our hidden personality. Patterns of behavior will become patterned artworks and the mass of data will predict our lives. Will it backfire? Our movements, choices, health - even the food we ingest will be anticipated.

How will it feel when self-delusion and forgetting become impossible? She has exhibited widely, with solo shows in New York, California and Texas. In his short story, Burning Chrome , Gibson used for the first time and invented the term cyberspace and later used the concept as a base for his debut novel, Neuromancer Gibson served as an iconographer for the information age before the wide spread of the Internet in s. William Gibson is also associated with very accurately predicting the rise and upcoming popularity of reality television, video games and the World Wide Web.

In , The Guardian stated William Gibson as the most important novelist of the past two decades. His vast array of works includes authoring ten acclaimed novels, above twenty short stories in addition to making contributions to various major publications. Pressing a strong influence on the works of other science fiction authors, academics, technology and cyberculture, Gibson has also extensively collaborated in the fields of performing arts, music and film on different projects.

Her new cinematic practice addresses computation as a core language and technology of our time. Her research combines computational visualization and cinematic aesthetics to reveal, analyze and subvert media tactics. She has an interdisciplinary background having worked on both ecological schemes in architecture and engineering firms and film projects engaged with the landscape.

Neil Harbisson is a Catalan-raised, British-born contemporary artist and cyborg activist best known for having an antenna implanted in his skull and for being officially recognised as a cyborg by a government. The antenna allows him to perceive visible and invisible colours such as infrareds and ultraviolets via sound waves. Harbisson identifies himself as a cyborg, he feels both his mind and body are united to cybernetics.

His artworks investigate the relationship between colour and sound, experiment the boundaries of human perception and explore the use of artistic expression via sensory extensions. Huyghe has been working with time-based situations and has explored the exhibition process from the '90s. His works imply such diverse forms as living systems, objects, films, photographs, drawings and music. In recent years, he has created self-generating systems, including living entities and artifacts, in which emergence and rhythm are indeterminate and exist beyond our presence.

Taking the exhibition and its ritual as an object in itself, Pierre Huyghe has worked to change the paradigm of this encounter, exploring the possibility of this dynamic experience. Android began his career as an Independent Artist in He now lives in his home town of Lyons, maintaining a large art studio in a re-purposed barn. He has become well known for his many layered, psychedelic works and live performances using a custom built digital set up.

A long time member of the Burning Man community, Android has traveled the world exhibiting his work and has contributed to events on 6 continents. Born in suburban New Jersey to Scandinavian immigrant parents, Mikael Jorgensen developed a fascination with music and its production while accompanying his father Joe, an accomplished New York recording engineer, to recording studios in NYC at age 7.

From this technology-rich childhood, Mikael went on to gain formal education ranging from fine arts and video to electronics and computer science, a combination that now forms the core of his creative endeavors as a master of modern-digital and retro-analog production. Quindar remix the NASA audio and film archive and present a sprawling, improvisational, electronic, multi-paned journey through the early days of the space age.

Her process involves synthesizing design, coding, and engineering skills. She thrives in interdisciplinary groups, working in collaboration with others to find delightful new interactions within a given time frame. She is focused on understanding beyond aesthetic and functional solutions, delving into what is success within an interaction system.

Through her work, Yeliz explores her passion for a future in which humans and machines can work together to perform collaborations that engage in creative design and fabrication processes, as well as exploring the social relationship people may have with machines.

Where is the line between a collaborator and a tool? How can machines augment the analog process, as opposed to replacing it? How to people understand the machines they work with, and how does it influence their perception of authorship? Her years of experience with 3D modeling tools, 2D and 3D design, and parametric and data-based computation design for architecture sparked her interest in computer science as well as robotics, digital fabrication, and interaction design. She considers herself a hybrid designer, thriving as a maker and prototyper, while equally as comfortable in conceptualizing and exploring her passion for human-machine interactions.

Kim was born deaf and has made it her project to explore the physicality of sound. The artist also makes paintings and drawings from her experiments with field recordings and breathing.

As sound is piped through the speakers, the brushes move and mark the canvas. Trained as an anthropologist, Kiwanga performs this role in her artistic practice, using historical information to construct narratives about groups of people. Kiwanga is not only invested in the past but also the future, telling Afrofuturist stories and creating speculative dossiers from future civilizations to reflect on the impact of historical events.

Joanie Lemercier is a French artist primarily focused on projections of light in space and its influence on our perception. Lemercier was introduced to creating art on a computer at age five by attending classes on pattern design for fabrics taught by his mother. The threads of his early education grounded his interest in physical structures: geometry, patterns, and minimalist forms.

In , Lemercier founded a creative studio in NYC, focused on research and development of artworks and experiments that use projected light in space. Her work explores the impacts of technology on humanity, blurring the boundary between the technological and corporeal. A key theme in Lucas' work is the blurring boundary between humanity and technology and the relationship between technology and disease. Her character often presents a diseased body to be diagnosed by technology.

When she went before the judge at the hearing, she poetically used words like "refresh" "empty my cache" and "reboot. Through technology and multimedia like 3D animation, painting, video, fashion and design, MYrvoLD builds new relationship between the art, the dissemination of ideas and the public.

Her art exhibitions and installations spearhead new roles for the future of the museum and the intrinsic role of art in building future societies.

Through her 3D worlds and VR installations, MYrvoLD shows us that art and language are virtual concepts rooted in historic procreation, cultural structure and fluid identities. The fractal instinct to build presents itself in this era of technologies and global connectedness with new media, through perception, imagination, and participation with individual and collective creativity. Key elements where a virtual reality space mirrored with exact detail the real space in real time allowed the public to make their personal animated sculpture visible in the virtual space.

Coming from a background in animation by way of collage, Miwa Matreyek creates live, staged performances where she interacts with her animations as a shadow silhouette, at the cross section of cinematic and theatrical, fantastical and tangible, illusionistic and physical.

Her work exists in a dreamlike visual space that makes invisible worlds visible, often weaving surreal and poetic narratives of conflict between man and nature. Her work exists both at the realm of the hand-made and tech. She travel as a one woman show, often incorporating artist talks and workshops. She has made commissioned performance work Pop-up magazine , as well as worked as a video designer for the Austin based theater company Rude Mechs, and the Vancouver based Dance company Collective.

It encompasses his own touring company of dancers, Company Wayne McGregor; creative collaborations across dance, film, music, visual art, technology and science; and highly specialised Learning and Engagement and Research programmes. This state of the art building will form the pulsing hub of all our creative work, the home of Company Wayne McGregor, and an inspiring new resource for the arts and the communities of east London.

During a week, 8 hours per day in an open space, the artist factory worker draws a series of electronic components, transforming the real, three-dimensional and functional object, to a simple representation, without dimension and function, as a metaphor of the exponential obsolescence of objects today.

But the former street performer, then Dresden Dolls frontwoman, now solo artist hit a bump the week her world tour kicked off. She revealed plans to crowdsource additional local backup musicians in each tour stop, offering to pay them in hugs, merchandise and beer per her custom.

Bitter and angry criticism ensued she eventually promised to pay her local collaborators in cash.

Sherbrooke daily record

In this second portion of day 9 of the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, senators asked questions of the House impeachment managers and the… read more. Click the play button and tap the screen to see the at the bottom of the player. Tap the to see a complete list of all Points of Interest - click on any moment in the list and the video will play. Click the play button and move your cursor over the video to see the.

- District Governor Joe Belinsky- speaker - Larry Hackenberg - Sports Time Machine - speaker.

In The News

This came after both of these great Hall of Fame players were caught up in a game-fixing and gambling scandal and forced to resign. Speaker resigned from his job as player-manager at Cleveland, and Cobb did likewise in Detroit. This was after American League President Ban Johnson saw indisputable proof of their guilt in the form of a letter written by Cobb. He did so believing it was in the best interests of baseball. He did so despite proof that both men not only fixed at least one game, but also that both men bet on that game as well. Connie Mack of the Athletics stepped in and signed both as free agents, and the Athletics fielded a team filled with more Hall of Fame players than any team in history. Pete admittedly gambled, but he has never been accused of fixing a game. Cards That Never Were.

Article Index for Family Historians

larry belinsky resigns as speaker

As a service to genealogists, our editor Donald H. Harrison is making available an index of articles that he has written since he began his journalism career in A typical index entry has the name of the author, name of the publication, the people whose names appear within the article, the date, and the page numbers on which the article was printed. By using the keyword-search feature of your computer control-f on a pc , you may search the list below, which is constantly being updated as more stories are indexed.

Refik Anadol is a media artist and director born in Istanbul, Turkey in

MC Hammer, Mitch Kapor kick off Oakland tech entrepreneurs event

He is responsible for the digital engagement and sales channels for Gap Inc. His team's charter is to deliver a world class online and digitally enabled in-store shopping experience. Prior to Gap Inc. He leads the team that creates an elevated and innovative digital shopping experience across six websites serving customers in more than 90 countries. John learned the retail business from the ground-up, beginning his career as a Gap Store Manager in He graduated from Gap Inc.

2018 Speakers (Past Event)

Our goal is to make your team current, compliant and competent across a broad spectrum of topics. We help keep our members current, compliant and competent. Because of our personal service, expert advice, latest HR resources and discounted fees, we are trusted by over organizations. Learn More. She is passionate about what she does and committed to excellence with experience leading large organizational-wide high-profile projects.

House speaker sees Hope for Prisoners as a poverty- fighting approach that restores Larry, 39, has worked for Trotter Industries for about two years.

He was a two-sport athlete who plied his craft as a player and official for more than 40 years. He was a National Football League end, a major-league baseball catcher, a college football coach, a minor-league baseball manager, an NFL head linesman, and a major-league baseball umpire. These dual sports put Berry in contact with the greatest sportsmen of his time and he earned the respect of everyone he met. Thomas married and emigrated to the United States sometime before , working as a laborer, teamster, and lineman.

Baader, Andreas — and Meinhoff, Ulrike — German terrorists. They led the Baader-Meinhoff gang of West German left-wing terrorists, politically most active in the s. Meinhoff was murdered in prison and Baader killed himself.

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But those were nearly the only positive numbers in the survey. The drop in women TV news directors was small, and the percentage of women TV news directors stands at the second-highest level ever. In the last 20 years, the minority population in the U. Still, TV news diversity remains far ahead of newspaper.

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