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Miniwatt n3 integrated tube amplifier review

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WATCH RELATED VIDEO: Eastern Electric minimax # Miniwatt N3

Can a 3.5-watt amplifier rock your world?

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support. Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Discussion in ' General Audio Discussion ' started by lattiboy , Sep 13, Log in or Sign up. Alternative to the Monoprice hybrid tube amp?

Tags: chinese hybrid monoprice tube. Messages: Unfortunately, it has developed a buzzing sound and after reading a lot of other reviews I just don't trust the quality control on this guy anymore.

I thought about going the full-tube mini-amp route, but the only one in my price range is this guy from Amazon and it's only 3W. I do understand tube watts vs. Can you guys help me sort through the endless model numbers, revisions, and Chinese vendors to find my holy grail hybrid tube amp???

PS Bluetooth is not at all important to me. I have the Chomecast Audio and will never use BT again! Optical in would be great, but I think that's stretching Have you seen that new model at Tube Depot called the eclipse. It used to be called the miniwatt and it comes in 4 color choices. Personally, I would have no problems powering 89spl speakers with it. But I'm not a "shake the walls" type of listener.

It comes in three more colors than silver also. It takes el84 tubes so you could have some fun swapping tubes. Last edited: Sep 13, I never got past 12 o'clock with my Monoprice amp and the RTi6s, so I am not a "airplane taking off 10 ft overhead" listener either.

Messages: 1, Location: RIP Hi, Its quite simple, if the monoprice amplifier has gone wrong within a few weeks it is the retailers total responsibility to sort the problem out. A 1 year warranty is exactly that.

Monoprice has excellent customer service. Messages: 21, Location: Vancouver. Are you sure it's not just picking up some interference? Remove the tubes and lightly sand the pins fine emery paper or even a scotchbrite pad and reinsert them. Move your cables around and simplify the wiring path both in and out of it. It's dead silent now. Montycat , Sep 14, So, I pulled it apart and it appears it's coming from the "upper deck" unit which houses the power transformer.

I saw a Youtube video where a guy pulled out the transformer completely, but that is big on the "things I will never do" list. Seems crazy dangerous. I suppose I'll return it for a refund and keep an eye out for a good tube or hybrid-tube amp. Pissed I missed that one! Messages: 12, Location: New Jersey. We have covered this guy in another thread perhaps a variant. What the tubes actually do is up for debate buffer, ornamental? If you're happy with the sound great.

In the other thread the concensus is its a chip amp with tube ornaments. I have a couple of chip amps and they sound quite good. I do think the product is misleading. My 2c. It could well be placebo! I got a new set of speakers right as I got the amp and I don't know which made the difference. I'm fine with finding a vintage piece on ebay, but the selection is wildly confusing to me.

Messages: 3, Location: sss. Lots have simply replaced the tubes on it - and had good success - I have yet to read a report of it not helping and the tubes for it are cheap enough. And it has never been confirmed by anyone that the tubes are just for show - only speculation.

Messages: 13, Location: RIP You end up with a proven design with good iron and tons of information online of how to restore or modify it. You can even find them already done by someone else for that price, with some patience.

The SQ is very good, and the build quality, too. Top selling tube model in history. Getcha one - you won't regret it. Even if you do, you can sell it for what you paid, or even make a bit of profit. Messages: 6, Location: Blue Ridge Mountains! There's lots of tube amps available on ebay none mine , that aren't too expensive.

Just search for "single ended tube amps". You should get multiple matches. Also, while on the bay, look for Magnavox tube amps too.

Nice sounding amps, for not too much money. Most are console pulls, but are very nice sounding. Another possibility, is Massdrop. They list tube amps from time to time. Good prices. Not an instant gratification though.

You have to wait for the Drop to complete, and then wait on distribution and shipping. Usually worth it. Stereo amps and mono amps available. A fun way to experience tubes for cheap. StimpyWan , Sep 18, Two other possibilities; one hybrid, and one pure tubed. The Maverick Audio A1 hybrid amp. A very good amp, from a very good supplier. Awesome customer service as well. Slightly higher in price, but another good company, known for good sound and service. The Musical Paradise MP They also make a 24 watt single ended tube amp that I'd love to try.

Last edited: Sep 18, If you listen at low to moderate levels it should work for you. I'd put the Polks on stands and listen in near field. Nice thing about the A is you don't have to upgrade the tubes. Poultrygeist , Sep 18, Messages: 21, Location: Oregon IL. Did you check out the Musical Paradise site that I, in your other thread, and now Stimpy has suggested? I didn't mention their all tube amps as an option because of the price point but either the unit that Stimpy referenced or the hybrid I mentioned are attractive at their respective prices.

I may need to take a closer look at that one myself. Lastly if you can find a Maggie console pull, free or for next to nothing, that would be an alternative as well. Pair it with a cheap pre and your set for around three bills. But, that's still double what the MP Class D unit costs.

Miniwatt N3 Manual

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support.

for such quality products as the MiniWatt N3 integrated amplifier, While the generalization that all tube amplifiers sound better.

Miniwatt N3 Tube Amplifier - Black

Headphone Amp Power Amp 2. Tube Amp DAC Vacuum Tubes External Sound Card 6. PCI Sound Card 2. Power Distributor 3. Guitar Effect Pedal 7.

Tube amplifier with subwoofer output

miniwatt n3 integrated tube amplifier review

My first amp, a NAD, was an integrated. So was my second, an Ars-Sonum. And third. I dunno why. What can you do?

Unlike most of the amplifiers reviewed in our publication, the Miniwatt N3 is a speaker amplifier. Not only is it a speaker amplifier, but it is a damn cute one.

Mini Review: Electra Fidelity 45 CU stereo integrated amplifier

How wrong I was. My mind and body are held captive at my computer to write this report while my soul is tugging me towards my listening room to explore some of the tweaks I learned in the seminar presented by Roy Gregory , one of the handful of top reviewers in this industry. I heard from more than a few people that the seminar was quite good and I was fortunate to get a ticket from Simon for the last presentation. Consequently, you will have to read through my endless babble about countless rooms and products until I get to the seminar in an installation of this report that may be weeks away. Stay tuned.

Good quality tube integrated amplifier that doesn't break the bank.

Usually, but not always. Here's some great gear that won't break the bank. For those of you with older receivers lacking HDMI connectivity, or perhaps for audiophiles with stereo home theater systems, the Oppo BD Special Edition player is for you. Known for its exceptional audio and video performance, the BDP Special Edition is upgraded with an all-new analog audio stage and improved power supply. The new Oppo player handles the digital-to-analog conversion at a higher standard than the original - and still available - BD player. Don't worry if your receiver is limited to 5. The Special Edition would be the go-to player for HT 2. The N3 delivers a healthy 3.

It was powered by a sleek Norma integrated amplifier ($) with wpc (that Also eye-catching was a Miniwatt N3 integrated tube amp sporting Class A.

FS: Miniwatt N3 Integrated Tube Amplifier

Discussion in ' Audio Hardware ' started by whaiyun , Feb 22, Log in or Sign up. Steve Hoffman Music Forums.

Great-sounding gear that won't break the bank

RELATED VIDEO: Beginner's tips for buying your next or first tube amp.

Miniwatt is based in HongKong and for the past 5 years have been creating miniature high quality products such as the S1 tube amplifier and n3 headphone amp. The inbuilt Dac reaches resolution levels of 32bit khz. Overview of the Presentation. The treble on the n4 appears to be slightly rolled off or damped a little but it is still very detailed, with a smooth nature to its presentation — attractive nevertheless and very easy to listen to.

Three and half watts may not sound like much, but you'd be surprised just how good this mini vacuum tube amplifier can sound. Audiophiles never gave up on tube electronics.

The Audiophile System Builder: Part II – Monitors, Tubes, and the Integrated Amplifier

The good : Impressive sound for the money; stylish design; very strong bass; good connectivity options; desktop controller for power, volume, bass and treble. The bad : The speaker cables - which can't be extended because they use proprietary connections - are a little on the short side, so you lose some flexibility on where to place the speakers. The bottom line : The Altec Lansing Expressionist Ultra MX PC speaker system is a superior combination of design and performance available at a fairly affordable price. Known for its exceptional audio and video performance, the device is upgraded with an all-new analog audio stage and improved power supply. The new Oppo player handles the digital-to-analog conversion at a higher standard than the original - and still available - BDP player. So rather than use its HDMI connector, you hook up the eight analog 7. Don't worry if your receiver is limited to 5.

We think so. We think the four systems we suggest this week are not just audio appetizers, but full-on sonic buffets. This week, our builds are all centered around integrated amplifiers paired with a great set of loudspeakers.

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