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These former employees have not been satisfied with the way their terminal benefits were affected and this has resulted in court cases from as way back as The Lusaka based former MSD employees, through a court ruling, were awarded K5,, each across the board that was paid in The Supreme Court judgement of states that the former employees were over paid by the payment of K5,, which included damages and breach of contract.
The former employees were adequately compensated as the employees were receiving wages ranging from K and K per month at the time their employment was terminated.
The delay in paying the former MSD workers their terminal benefits was as a result of the duration of these court cases. Mr Sikota, SC. Livingstone : Madam Speaker, arising from the answer given by the hon. Minister with regard to waiting of court cases to be finished, I would like to find out why the Government took this route and why after the first judgement, which went all the way to the Supreme Court, it simply did not resolve the other issues to save on legal costs.
The Minister of Works and Supply Mr Mulongoti : Madam Speaker, it is a complicated case because there has been no agreement on the part of the workers.
Then, some of the workers have come to say that there was a consent judgement which was given, but did not accept that they should have this consent judgement.
So, they disputed the consent judgement which was entered into on their behalf by their lawyers. Secondly, some of them have also said that they did not even see the cheques which were purported to have been received.
This week, we will meet them and have agreed that there are two issues. The first one is that they have disputed being part of the consent judgement. Secondly, that the payment was not given to them by the Treasury. So, we will go back to the same root.
We will go to the Ministry of Justice to establish whether what they are saying is that the consent judgement was entered into falsely by their lawyers. So, that can be looked into. We will establish the question of whether they received the cheques from the Treasury or not because some of them are likely to have received them. Others are saying that, indeed, they have seen the photocopies of the cheques in their names, but not the actual cheques.
So, the Treasury must know what happened. Therefore, we have said that in the light of this, we will go back to the Ministry of Justice and also to the Treasury to establish whether the false claim the employees are making on the consent judgement is true and also that they did not receive the payments from the Treasury. Minister how the fleet of Government vehicles is being maintained in the absence of the MSD and whether the maintenance of these vehicles is more satisfactory than was the case before.
However, as at 30th September, , all these housing units were sold out to sitting tenants. Madam Speaker, the NAH has put in place programmes for the increase of housing structures in Zambia from to and these are:. This is an initiative by NHA where would be house owners pay deposit for a house to be constructed.
This is intended to assist members of the communities to own houses at competitive prices. Madam Speaker, this is a public-private-partnership PPP arrangement in which the private sector will be invited to participate as partner to the NHA to construct houses for sale. The private sector will provide funds where as the NHA will provide land and consultancy services. This is a programme where the NHA will source funds from financing houses to build houses for sale to the public and institutions.
Madam Speaker, all these initiatives are aimed at easing the housing problems in Zambia and it is anticipated that houses will be constructed by country wide with twenty squatter compounds upgraded. Mr Mwango: Madam Speaker, may I know if there are any plans of extending the prepaid housing programme to rural areas. The Minister of Local Government and Housing Dr Kazonga : Madam Speaker, indeed, there are plans to extend to the rural districts because the NHA, in accordance with our national housing policy, is mandated not only to concentrate in urban areas, but also in rural areas.
So, definitely the plans to extend to the rural areas are there. Minister why the Government does not utilise the expertise of the NHA to construct institutional houses for hospitals and schools rather than giving the contracts to shoddy contractors. It must compete with other parties that are in the construction sector.
Where it is possible for it to construct houses, the NHA does so based on competitive conditions. Minister what has happened to the K61 billion that was realised from the sale of houses by the NHA and if future plans involve housing projects in Chingola.
Dr Kazonga: Madam Speaker, the proceeds from the sale of houses are reinvested into construction of more houses and the programme will even extend to other areas such as Chingola, which the hon. Member of Parliament mentioned. I would like to find out whether the institution is making profit and if it is, whether there are plans to sell it. This will enable the NHA partner with the private sector in order to provide adequate housing in the country.
In terms of profitability, we are quite sure that it is doing what it can within the limited resources and with the PPP policy in place, which I have just mentioned, the authority should be able to even do more than it has done before. Minister of Local Government and Housing for his appointment. Dr Machungwa: However, I would like to tell the hon. What guarantee can the hon. Minister give this House and the nation that hence forth, it deserves to be called the NHA rather than Lusaka housing authority?
Dr Kazonga: Madam Speaker, I wish to thank the hon. Member of Parliament for Luapula for that very important question. Indeed, since it is called the NHA, it means that it should not just construct houses in Lusaka. I understand the hon. However, I can assure the hon. Member that the NHA, using the concept of a national institution, will endeavour to extend to other areas and not just concentrate on Lusaka. Dr Machungwa: Madam Speaker, in line with their terms of reference, your Committee resolved to study the following topical issues for Madam, money laundering is one of the modern crimes affecting most countries in the world today.
It is basically the process through which criminals attempt to hide the source of the wealth they get from their illicit activities. This way, they avoid prosecution and confiscation of criminal funds. Some of these illicit activities include: illegal arms sales, smuggling, drug trafficking, operating of prostitution rings and human trafficking, to mention, but a few.
These illicit activities which precede money laundering are referred to as predicate offences. If left unchecked, money laundering can erode the social fabric of a country and increase corruption and crime in general. It can distort the national currency and interest rates, cause capital flight and bring about political instability. The vice of money laundering is not confined to one country because of the globalised nature of the world economic order today.
In this regard, most governments in the world, today, have been pooling resources to fight the vice. Madam Speaker, your Committee were gratified to note that Zambia has been actively involved in the global fight against money laundering as evidenced by its participation in a number of international activities and the enactment of relevant laws to combat money laundering.
This is commendable indeed. Madam Speaker, having said so, your Committee are of the view that more can be done to improve the fight against money laundering. For example, they observe that co-operation among the various security wings could be scaled up and enhanced. They, therefore, urge the Government to improve co-operation among security wings. This is a kind of investigative unit which is mainly involved in collecting information and providing detailed analysis for onward transmission to relevant security wings.
The absence of such a unit has led to low reporting of cases involving money laundering, particularly by the banks. In this regard, your Committee urge the Government to establish an FIU to investigate cases related to money laundering. In this regard, money launderers have tended to route and process their proceeds through these institutions. Your Committee urge the Government to ensure that all regulatory authorities issue appropriate anti-money laundering directives to the regulatory institutions.
Madam Speaker, your Committee are concerned that there is limited capacity among law enforcement agencies and regulators in dealing with and curbing money laundering. They, therefore, recommend that the Government comes up with training programmes for law enforcement agencies and regulators. This should be a continuous process because people involved in this vice of money laundering are sophisticated and are always coming up with new ideas and strategies. Your Committee also observed that although Parliament passed the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act PPMLA , this piece of legislation has not been amended to bring on board and keep pace with international best practices and standards to curb money laundering.
They, therefore, urge the Government to bring this piece of legislation to Parliament for amendment to address the current limitations in that law. Madam Speaker, regarding the participation of women in the defence and security wings, your Committee received submission from the heads of defence and security institutions …. Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! It seems the House has another agenda totally. The House is not paying attention to the hon. Member on the Floor. The rest can be done during recess.
Can we listen to the debate. Your Committee also observed that there is inadequate accommodation for the soldiers and that, in some cases, our men and women in uniform rent accommodation in townships with civilians.
This situation is neither right nor correct. Your Committee, therefore, urge the Government to improve the accommodation situation for the military. Madam Speaker, your Committee are aware that because of proximity to the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC border and the historical difficulties along the entire stretch of the border in the Luapula and Northern Provinces, plans to build an army barracks at Kawambwa had long been mooted.
In this regard, a suitable piece of land in Kawambwa had been earmarked and surveyed for that purpose. However, to date, no funds have been allocated. Your Committee urge the Government to quickly provide funding for the construction of the barracks. This is because the establishment of a military base at Kawambwa will increase the patrols and improve maintenance of security and generally improve our military readiness along that border which has proved to be very problematic in the past.
Regarding the proposed United States of Africa, your Committee appreciate the importance of the proposed union Government and, therefore, support its eventual establishment. However, they urge the Government to resist the push for immediate establishment of the proposed United States of Africa because the Zambian people have not been thoroughly consulted and only limited studies have been conducted on the matter.
This will give Zambia and other countries adequate time to undertake the necessary reforms and harmonisation in all the sectors to enable the country and people derive maximum benefits. In conclusion, I wish to thank all the witnesses who appeared before your Committee for their valuable input to the findings of your Committee.
I also wish to thank the Clerk and her staff for the support rendered to your Committee during their deliberations. Finally, I wish to record my indebtedness and gratitude to you, Madam, for affording your Members the opportunity to serve on this very important Committee.

V. Translation Of Texts
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Utilising Lazar's understanding of unionism as kinship, we explore how Zambians of various tribes attempt to utilise unions to achieve what they see as human flourishing and social justice. In the s, 70, permanent miners were employed on the Copperbelt; however, by , their numbers had dwindled to under 20, Kumwenda Footnote 1. Both unions are headquartered in Kitwe, where national executives and professional staff are housed. They commonly identified North Western Zambian kinship structures as a key impediment to unionisation.
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