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Tc 300 amplifier schematic baldwin

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Login or Sign Up. Logging in Remember me. Log in. Forgot password or user name? Ebay Classic organs. Baldwin orgasonic 72P with long spring. This topic is closed. Posts Latest Activity Photos. Page of 1. Filtered by:. Previous template Next. Baldwin orgasonic 72P with long spring , PM. I know people find this particular model, well, possibly not the first choice for repairing. But I must. I just got the thing for very very cheap. It does have a problem.

The tube amp is solid but I recap all my stuff so I know I will end up dissecting it soon. I have built many instrument tube amps and preamps and plenty of IC soldering, so I feel slightly confident. So oscilators, hmm. I believe it has a problem with its C divider. The high C on top sounds fine but on the other C's on both manuals all I can hear is the harmonic from the high one and the sustain effect.

Honestly I could have gutted this thing for its amp It has quite a heavy iorn. BUT I tend to like its ptt reverb unit, I just like playing with reverbs, and this one sounds unique. I actually have a small panoramic tone unit I found inside a home brew amp that a buddy wanted swapped with a proper guitar circuit. I kept the unit and have schems and pin outs for it. It was unique cause the springs were 2" and it sounded great with one of my ss amps with acoustic guitar or synths, I even played sax through it once to record before I built my plate reverb, but thats a different box.

This organs reverb spring is about 2 feet and it hangs in a sling. It sounds very wet and mushy. So needless to say I started to really like the sound of the organ. I want to keep it now. So is it possible to rebuild the divider?

Do I even need to? A schematic would help. Tags: None. This sounds very old. Paper caps from that era creep off value, often lowering in value. Resistors of that era, particularly those over kohm, often increase in value. I would go through the divider with a soldering iron and check all the resistors and paper caps. Any crackling or popping or oscillating, just change the plate and high voltage grid caps on suspicion, because a 2 v test won't predict behavior at V.

But if it is "mushy" which can be low Q, sharpening up the components to the values that is listed on the outside could make a major improvement. I suppose you know about using only one hand at a time when measuring an HV amp with the power on, not using jewelry, not working alone with the power on, checking voltage before touching metal, discharging e-caps with a resistor, safety glasses when desoldering. After you have the component values under control, if the faulty divider is still bad, swap tubes with a working one to see if that is the problem.

You can also see leaky tubes with a plate voltage check, leaky ones draw too much current and the voltage will be low. If you have shorted electrolytic caps in the cathode circuit, the excess current will burn up the tube plates in a matter of weeks. This destroys the gain. Some old organs have divider circuits based on neon lamps. These can be replaced by stacks of zener diodes if you can't buy the proper voltage neon lamp.

They tend to corrode the wires off at the bulb, so buying old ones doesn't float my boat. Some of the ones I got out of surplus at the factory in the eighties are damaged already. As far as reverb, even the spring reverbs of the 's were better than the 's. If you use a modern reverb element from a guitar amp shop like tubesandmore.

The recovery amp in my Hammond H has a for drive and an EF86 for recovery, the schematic is available on archive. You could also use numerous guitar amp circuits to figure out a better reverb circuit.

Lots of guitar amp circuits on diyaudio. Good luck and have fun. Comment Post Cancel. Thanks for the reply, and its always good to list safety tube warnings for anyone else reading this and thinking of diving into tube circuits.

Since I was a kid I always used this logic when doing anything inside the chassis of an amp, hold a cup of coffee. That way I wont forget and try and touch anything with the other hand. I guess I could have chosen a different word to describe the reverb, mushy just came to mind but as springs go this one sounds great. I have honestly never seen a spring so long - the internet slinky reverb dosent count - Again with other panoramic tone reverb i have messed with, the spring was tiny, and loosly coiled, weird thing in a box, which I can post schematic for if anyone wants, that would be the small rectanglish reverb unit from a lot of baldwin stuff, including their guitar amps I think.

This one is big. Mushy, no more like well not springy - spring reverbs always sound like a spring, "chang chang chang" this one sounds like a acutal decay after a transient with a ring, like in a real room, but very wet.

Now that i listen I am going to go over the switch cause all three settings sound the same. Each of the holes go from C up to C at the end, and out of the holes a little pokey thing with a screw protrudes, I am guessing that this is for a probe to touch and go to a scope for fine tuning? Still haven't looked inside so I'm not sure what these points are.

As soon as I get a schematic I will feel a lot better. But isn't there a possibility that inside the case its IC based tone section with tube power? Again everything is alien at this point except the reverb and the amps, which I have opened and already looking at my big electrolytic drawer to find replacements.

The only problem I have at this point is the C's. I am going to take the big black cover off and look inside - will post later if i discover what the tone section is made of, But at least someone is trying to talk me through this, Anyone have a service manual? I remember a code word from the dark ages before IC's, it was "astable multivibrator".

That is what they called square wave oscillators back in the late fifties early sixties. The tube ones weren't that different from the transistor ones, at that boundary era. I am trying to build one this week out of 3 transistors, I think I'm going to end up with something else, but I read some stuff on the web about them this week. There were tube circuits on the wikipedia and other sites google found, that is what you will find in the box. Pierce something oscillators, or something.

You could buy the organ theory book, but it costs money. The hammond circuit diagrams we all have access to will be no use, they didn't use these because they were not temperature stable. One website full of old tube textbooks is tubebooks.

I can't help you on which book is good, I can't read any pdf file with this computer that is over 4 mb or it locks up. But have fun, the Baldwins were plain vanilla tube oscillator organs, no metallic reeds, nothing exotic. Maybe yours are transistor, I don't know, but the circuits didn't change radically in the first generations of organs, except for the neon bulb divider, and the thyratron oscillator, both of which require further discussion.

If you find some weird tube that google datasheet calls a thyratron, then you'll know to look in a different direction, but I think those were more welders and memory circuits. I had a second generation tube computer once that had about thyratrons for working memory, was stupider than a 4 function calculator, but that was and the competition was the Monroe calculator with 40 pounds of gears, cam switches, and an electric motor.

Jan Girardot. Omar, your 72P was first introduced in , part of the series. If your top C sounds clean, the first transistor divider stage is probably kaput. Contact me at jan theorgangrinder. Jan the OrganGrinder. Thanks Jan I emailed you. Wow, transistors were pretty iffy. Epitaxial hadn't been invented yet. Besides checking resistors and capacitors up there, I'd check the transistor with the double diode check also at the stage where the oscillations stopped. I use ohms x scale. Silicon transistors were very expensive in Simplest and guaranteed to oscillate.

Resistor from input to output of one of the sections and a capacitor to ground from the same input.

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Each major EECO family of circuit modules is color- Amplifiers build up weak signals, regenerate pulses, etc. Input is sine volts at ma.

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Always read the official Owners Manuals first! Depending on the firmware, some models may not yet be available on every device. Many of the amp models are featured in Factory presets. Yek's Guide to the Fractal Audio Amplifier Models provides in-depth information about most amp models. Yek's write-up. Cab: Fender 1x8. Cab: Fender 2x12 Oxford. Cab: Engl 4x12 V30, V

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tc 300 amplifier schematic baldwin

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