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Js engineering infinite slope speakers

He chose his own program material and had no time limit. He used his own program material selected to show the differneces he expected. The different symbol means it is unlikely the percent correct score occurred by chance and thus the null hypothesis was disproven, which substantiates a real difference in sound quality. The same symbol means that it is likely the correct score occurred by chance, the null hypothesis is not rejected, which means no difference was found.


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Finding Home: Landmark Ambiguity in Human Navigation

David, aka Grumpy, needs our help. Great news. David is home! It was quite the ordeal to get him home and into the house, but it is done. Thank you to everyone for their support. Now a long road ahead to get him back on his feet and functioning normally. I have started a GoFundMe to help with the medical bills. Please help, if you can. Discussion in ' Speakers ' started by J.

Brownmoses , May 7, Log in or Sign up. Messages: Hello all. First post for me. I bought a pair of JS Engineering speakers today at a garage sale. The model on the back says infinite slope. After searching like crazy, I've found they are Model. Each enclosure houses Dual 8" Vifa woofers with rubber surrounds and a Vifa tweeter. No bass port. Unfortunately a tweeter is blown. It is model D26TG I'm not sure if I should replace the tweeters or source new diaphragms.

Should I be trying to find diaphragms instead? I have found the D26's are discontinued. I do know mine are rare, but that doesn't mean very good. Thanks for any help or insight anyone can share regarding my dilemma. Messages: 21, Location: El Lay. Nice pickup. I had the JSE 1. The crossover an amazing labyrinth of components and probably accounted for the speakers low sensitivity.

Properly powered were very good sounding. You can obtain a pair of those Vifa tweeters on Ebay. Have Fun. Messages: 1, Location: Maine. I'd go the easy route and buy the tweeters.

Farmhand , May 7, For 50 bux I'll take the shot with the new tweeters. Any idea what these cost new? It does 80 per ch. Hopefully it will work well enough. Brownmoses , May 8, JSE speakers are rather nice and fairly rare. Super find in my book. JarredCrowe , May 8, Finally got the replacement tweeters in.

I think these just changed my world a bit. They sound better than anything I've heard to date. Bass plays low, but with no peakiness and resonance. Soundstage is HUGE. I've never had speakers that make me close my eyes when I play them. It's practically involuntary. JPG File size: Brownmoses , May 18, Messages: 2, Location: Houston.

Nice score! I'm not at all famliar with them. Could you post some more pics including a wide shot of the whole speaker? I'd love to get a look. Thanks and welcome to AK!

Mitkraft , May 18, Messages: 1, Location: near Buffalo NY. Never knew of these speakers. Nice find!! Messages: 15, For reasons that elude me, the infinite slope crossover seems to remove the boxy sound that all other box speakers I've heard have, in one way or another.

And I know why, even if I thought the sales made sense at the time. Nat , May 19, Here's some more pics. The top woofer plays way up to the tweeter, but the bottom only plays about half the frequency range of the top woofer. Brownmoses , May 19, Mitkraft likes this. Messages: 13, Location: Olympia Washington. I think you got an awesome set of speakers there. The TV screen will create imaging issues for you, as its a early reflection point too close to the plane of the drivers.

But as far as a speaker, you have done really well. Talk to Madisound about a possible replacement tweeter, they have a good substitution list. If you can find the stock diaphragm that would be really cool. Otherwise those speakers look to be in great shape. Best of luck! Regards Mister Pig. Mister Pig , May 20, Brownmoses , May 20, You must log in or sign up to reply here. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page Tweet.

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media display designers, from recording engineers to aeronautic are heard over speakers or monaural headsets; auditory only when an "infinite".

Infinite Slope?

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Joseph Audio Pulsar2 Graphene Loudspeakers | REVIEW

js engineering infinite slope speakers

I'm not sure how Jeff was related to the original company. The best speakers I've ever heard in a home system were owned by my dentist who owned a large 50's style California Ranch and had his practice on his lower level A pair of "Infinite Slope" speakers that were as high and almost as wide as a refrigerator I quite well understand the value of high order crossover slopes.

We were both still in our twenties at the time, as I later learned that we were both born in the same year.

I think I scored big time - JS Engineering - Infinite Slope - want to fix

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Frame TV, however, appears as indistinguishable from a painting hanging on a wall. However, ordinary soundbars ruin the carefully created illusion and aesthetics of Frame TV. So Next Level Acoustics created Fusion Frame, an innovative line of soundbars with the same high-fidelity as their other soundbars in a design that with its picture frame bezel, 1. Fusion Frame delivers audio with a wide frequency range, full dynamics, voice intelligibility, and detail of a high-quality speaker system suitable for movies and music. When Frame TV is off and displaying art, owners can sync their favorite music to the Fusion Frame soundbar so the art is accompanied by beautiful music for a true lifestyle enhancement to any room.

head of engineering and manufacturing is also president of JS Speaker Technologies, known for the JSE Infinite Slope loudspeaker.

JSE infinite Slope 1.8A new additions!!

Jeff Joseph has been producing top tier audio for consumers for quite a few years now. One of his biggest sellers, the mini monitor Pulsar, impressed in many setups at audio shows over the years. Now in a new Graphene form along with the corresponding floorstander Perspective2, Joseph Audio is on a path to continue the legacy he has created starting way back to his early beginnings as a partner with the Infinite Slope speaker from JS Engineering. You can stream the episode direct from the page , or subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform: iTunes Android Google Spotify.

Speaker Asylum

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Wherever possible, there is a link to relevant info or the homepage of the topic. All offsite links open into a new window. The BAS Speaker Issue column contains the issue which has the write-up about the that particular month's meeting. Past issues are available. Nov T. BAS Spkr Issue.

There are various techniques for speech watermarking based on modifying the linear prediction coefficients LPCs ; however, the estimated and modified LPCs vary from each other even without attacks.

Emotion from Speakers to Listeners: Perception and Prosodic Characterization of Affective Speech

Memories of places often include landmark cues, i. To study how humans combine landmark information for navigation, we conducted two experiments: To this end, participants were either provided with auditory landmarks while walking in a large sports hall or with visual landmarks while walking on a virtual-reality treadmill setup. We found that participants cannot reliably locate their home position due to ambiguities in the spatial arrangement when only one or two uniform landmarks provide cues with respect to the target. With three visual landmarks that look alike, the task is solved without ambiguity, while audio landmarks need to play three unique sounds for a similar performance. This reduction in ambiguity through integration of landmark information from 1, 2, and 3 landmarks is well modeled using a probabilistic approach based on maximum likelihood estimation.

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A fter auditioning the last system at the Alexis Park Hotel, I stop by the press room for some silence and solitude. After chatting with Larry Archibald about his future plans, I grab my coffee and walk out the door. Back to the room for a refreshing nap and I'm ready for the evening activities.

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  1. Kaylene

    It was with me too.

  2. Cartere

    Just what you need. Together we can come to the right answer. I'm sure.