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Viva questions on instrumentation amplifier

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EDC Lab Viva Questions and Answers

Prerequisite: Know the theory about the experiment. Study the pin diagram and functioning of each pin of IC Objective: To study the working of op- amp as adder, subtractor and comparator. Result: Verified the functioning of adder, subtractor and comparator circuits using Op-Amp Outcome: After conducting this experiment, students are able to design the circuits using op-amps to perform addition, subtraction and comparison operations. Mention some of the linear applications of op—amps? Ans: Adder, subtractor, voltage —to- current converter, current —to- voltage converters, instrumentation amplifier, filter etc.

Mention some of the non — linear applications of op-amps? Ans: Rectifier, peak detector, clipper, clamper, sample and hold circuit, log amplifier, anti —log amplifier, multiplier etc. Ans: If the common point of the two supplies is not grounded, twice the supply voltage will get applied and it may damage the op-amp.

What are the ideal characteristics of an op-amp? Ans: A comparator is a circuit which compares a signal voltage applied at one input of an op-amp with a known reference voltage at the other input.

Why IC is not used for high frequency applications? Ans: IC has limited bandwidth because of the predominance of capacitance present in the circuit. As frequency increases, the output gets reduced. In the comparator circuit, if the reference voltage is zero, what is the duty cycle of the Vo. How the duty cycle is effected by varying the reference voltage in the positive direction and —ve direction.

Ans: It is the ratio of the time period of the positive cycle to that of the time period of the entire cycle in percentage. Ans: It is the rate of change of the output voltage when a step input voltage is given. Connect the ground to the ground point. Apply DC voltage from regulated power supply to inputs V 1 and V 2. Note down the Vo using Voltmeter. Compare theoretical and practical values.

Set the reference voltage as 1V DC. Apply sine wave of 10Vp-p with1KHz frequency from the function generator as V i. Check the output in CRO and calculate the amplitude of the output wave form. Plot the waveforms on graph sheets as shown in fig 4. Compare the output wave form amplitude with input signal amplitude. Change the reference voltage as -1V and repeat the experiment. C Voltage at input V 1 V D.

C Voltage at input V 2 V D. Viva Questions: 1. Ans: Ideal characteristics of an op-amp are Open loop gain infinite Input impedance : infinite Output impedance : zero Bandwidth : infinite 5. What is a comparator? Ans: Square wave. What is duty cycle? What is slew rate? What are its units? You May Like.

Waveform Generator using Op Amp

Electronics - Operational Amplifiers

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Operational Amplifier op amp Viva Interview Questions and Answers · Finite input impedance · Output impedance is not zero · Finite Bandwidth.

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Analog Circuits Interview Questions and Answers

viva questions on instrumentation amplifier

Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. Here you can find objective type Electronics Operational Amplifiers questions and answers for interview and entrance examination. Multiple choice and true or false type questions are also provided. You can easily solve all kind of Electronics questions based on Operational Amplifiers by practicing the objective type exercises given below, also get shortcut methods to solve Electronics Operational Amplifiers problems.

It was named after the British and Irish physicists John Douglas Cockcroft and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton , who in used this circuit design to power their particle accelerator , performing the first artificial nuclear disintegration in history. The circuit was discovered in , by Heinrich Greinacher , a Swiss physicist.

40 TOP MOST EDC VIVA Questions and Answers

Answer: An operational amplifier is a direct-coupled, high gain amplifier used for some mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, integration, differentiation, logarithmic operations, etc. Answer: infinite voltage gain Infinite input resistance Zero output resistance Zero output offset voltage Zero input offset voltage Infinite bandwidth Infinite CMRR Common mode rejection ratio infinite slew rate. Answer: No external frequency compensation required Short circuit protection offset null capability large common-mode and differential voltage range low power consumption No latch-up problem. Answer: Due to the non-linearity of the components in the circuits, there will be some output voltage available at op-amp even if the input voltage is not applied. So to null the output voltage at zero minimum input voltage is applied at the input of op-amp which is called input offset voltage.

Cockcroft–Walton generator

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explain different types of feedback? What are the main divisions of power system? What is Instrumentation Amplifier (IA) and what.

In this section of Electronic Devices and Circuits. This Section covers below lists of topics :. Differential amplifier 2. Infinite 4.

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Figure In this circuit a resistive transducer whose resistance changes as a function of some physical energy is connected to one arm of the bridge. The bridge is balanced at a desired reference condition, which depends on the specific value of the physical quantity to be measured. The value of the physical quantity normally depends on the transducers characteristics, the type of physical quantity to be measured, and the desired applications. Initially the bridge is balanced at a desired reference condition. The expression for the output voltage V 0 , in terms of the change in resistance of the transducer is calculated as follows.

Looking to crack the Amplifier Job interview? Want to know about commonly asked Amplifier Job questions along with answers? Then wisdom jobs is the best place to get started.

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  3. Howell

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